УДК 378.001
Kazantseva Yu. V., Kornienko A.N., Orlov A. V., Yazykova I.N. TRAINING A BACHELOR AT A HIGHER TECHICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION ON THE BASIS OF A MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH. The article reviews some modern trends in training a bachelor on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach. The authors focus on the process of teaching bachelors a foreign language. Special attention is paid to interactive teaching methods: problem-oriented teaching, different types of projects and mind mapping. The article reveals advantages of modern interactive teaching technologies and peculiarities of their application at higher technical educational institutions.
Key words: bachelor, multidisciplinary approach, learning process, interactive teaching methods, problem-oriented teaching, project teaching, mind mapping.
Ю.В. Казанцева, канд. пед. наук, доц. каф. иностранного языка и филологии Рубцовского индустриального института (филиала) ФГБОУ ВПО «Алтайский гос. технический университет им. И.И. Ползунова», г. Рубцовск, E-mail: [email protected]; А.Н. Корниенко ст. преп. каф. иностранного языка и филологии Рубцовского индустриального института (филиала) ФГБОУ ВПО «Алтайский гос. технический университет им. И.И. Ползунова», г. Рубцовск, E-mail: [email protected]; А.В. Орлов, канд. пед. наук, ст. преп. каф. иностранного языка и филологии Рубцовского индустриального института (филиала) ФГБОУ ВПО «Алтайский гос. технический университет им. И.И. Ползунова», г. Рубцовск, E-mail: [email protected]; И.Н. Языкова, канд. пед. наук, доц., зав. каф. иностранного языка и филологии Рубцовского индустриального института (филиала) ФГБОУ ВПО «Алтайский гос. технический университет им. И.И. Ползунова», г. Рубцовск, E-mail: [email protected]
Статья рассматривает некоторые современные направления в подготовке бакалавра на основе междисциплинарного подхода. Особое внимание уделяется интерактивным обучающим технологиям: проблемное обучение, различные виды проектов, метод интеллект-карт. В статье отражены преимущества интерактивных обучающих технологий и особенности их применения в условиях технического вуза в процессе обучения иностранному языку
Ключевые слова: бакалавр, междисциплинарный подход, процесс обучения, интерактивные обучающие технологии, проблемное обучение, метод проектов, метод интеллект-карт.
Vocational training of modern engineer includes not only training of a qualified specialist, but also a person capable of self-development, self-education, creative thinking , with a system of values, taking an active role in a changing society , mobile and successful in his professional carrier. Higher educational institutions aim at creating conditions for realization of this complex task. This is dictated by real needs of society and the individual in the context of changing international, state, regional conditions and socioeconomic trends [1]. That is why new concepts of school and higher education, new models and training system to meet modern trends of updating the content of education are being developed both at national and regional levels.
They assume constant search for best practices and training facilities in accordance with the required objectives of teaching, and the use of modern educational technologies and new forms of educational process organization on the basis of multidisciplinary approach. Federal state educational standard (FSES) envisages widespread use of active and interactive forms of training in the educational process combined with extracurricular work to create and develop the professional skills of a technical university graduate.
Learning process, based on the use of interactive teaching methods requires involvement of all students into cognitive process. Joint activities means that each individual brings his own special contribution by exchanging knowledge, ideas and opinions. Interactive methods are based on the principles of cooperation, learners' activity relying on group experience and obligatory feedback. Thus environment of educational communication characterized by openness, interaction of all the participants, equality of their arguments, accumulation of shared knowledge, possibility of mutual evaluation and control is created.
In the practice of Rubtsovsk Industrial Institute we use such innovative method as problem-oriented teaching. The content of this method is represented by a system of problem tasks of different complexity levels. While solving these tasks students acquire new knowledge and modes of action resulting in formation of creative abilities, productive thinking, imagination, cognitive motivation and intellectual emotions [2].
Problem-oriented teaching scheme is presented as a sequence of procedures, including: setting a problem by a teacher, creating a problematic situation for students, awareness, acceptance and solution of the problem by students. For higher school students the major psychological conditions for the successful use of problem-oriented teaching are the conditions that contribute to the objectives of interdisciplinary knowledge formation; activate their cognitive function and activity, the desire to solve the existing problem and analyze the ways of solving this problem.
Application of problem-oriented multidisciplinary approach in the educational process requires coordinated efforts of students and teachers of different departments, time-consuming work to prepare and solve the problem of intellectual activity optimization. The advantages of problem-oriented teaching are: high degree of students' autonomy in the process of solving a problem; formation of cognitive interest or personal motivation; development of thinking abilities.
While training a bachelor on the basis of multidisciplinary approach we also use project method of teaching team work to solve practical problems. Project teaching is intended to develop cognitive skills, to obtain knowledge in different fields of science independently, to find necessary information on the topic, to define the problem, to think critically.
Project method is focused on independent individual or team work to be done within fixed period of time. Project method is intended to solve a problem and requires on the one hand using different forms, methods and means of education and on the other to integrate knowledge, skills from various areas of science, engineering, technology or arts. The results of the projects must be real: if it is a theoretical problem, it is necessary to submit its concrete solution, if a problem is practical - it is necessary to obtain a result, ready for implementation. The above mentioned characteristics make this method popular [3].
Project method of teaching a foreign language in higher school ensures better formation of communicative competence, which includes not only practical knowledge of a foreign language, essential for a specialist in innovative society, but also the ability to work with
different kinds of information in a foreign language. In this case we are talking about a specific organization of training content and students' cognitive activity, which facilitates and accelerates the acquisition of knowledge, activates the process of assimilation, teaches students to work independently, promotes the formation of their informational and communicative competence.
Project method of teaching a foreign language allows students to use a foreign language as a means of knowledge, a way of expressing their own thoughts, and understand other people. This is the most effective way to shift a focus from a form of statement to the content and to get involved in cognition of the surrounding world by means of a foreign language, thereby to expand the scope of social competence. This method improves communicative competence, motivation and development of cognitive interests, forms the abilities of d self-and mutual estimation; develops intellectual skills of critical and creative thinking; takes into account psycho physiological characteristics of students.
Modern interactive teaching technologies based on multidisciplinary approach teach a bachelor to plan his learning activities, raise his self-control and his ability to work with educational literature, to apply the obtained knowledge in his future professional carrier, form a positive attitude to his future profession.
Educational projects at the Department of Foreign Languages of the Rubtsovsk Industrial Institute cover a wide range of professional, social and cultural topics: Electricity - the Fuel of the Future; Application of New Constructive Materials: advantages and disadvantages; User Manual; Modern Trends in Machine Building; Altai Regional Agricultural Machinery; How to Get a Good Job; Britain in Russia; Exhibitions and Fairs; Youth Organizations; A Small Business Project; Family Values, Outstanding Political Leaders, Customs and Traditions, Altai Region, A World of Students, Future Speciality, etc. All these projects are based on multidisciplinary approach [2].
One of the types of projects used in the classroom is a role -play project. Role - play project is a simulation game representing a particular language situation, close to reality. For example: Getting a Loan; Interviewing a Candidate; At the Construction Site; Purchasing New Equipment, etc.
A role - play project consists of the following stages: preparation, a game, a final stage.
At the preparatory stage the teacher presents the object of the simulation and the game situation, assigns the functions to the participants, explains the rules of the game, as well as evaluation system. Students are divided into playgroups. Then they distribute roles and prepare the appropriate language material.
A game stage covers the situation based on previously studied material. This stage is organized in such a way that almost all students are involved into the game, they are able to understand and evaluate what they know and think. Joint activity means that each student makes a special contribution and exchanges knowledge, ideas, opinions, modes of activity. A game is held in the atmosphere of friendliness and mutual support. It gives the opportunity not only to obtain new knowledge, but also to develop the cognitive activity, transforming it to more effective form of cooperation.
At a final stage the results are analyzed and summed up. The teacher finds out the drawbacks in theoretical and practical training, thinks them over and suggests the ways to eliminate them.
Successful implementation of the project method largely depends on well-organized work and collaborative efforts of the project participants at all stages, the development of abilities and skills required for project activity. The analysis of the project method use showed that to make their joint or individual activities productive the students must possess intellectual, creative, communicative, social and educational skills: to operate information, to generate ideas, to find different ways of solving a problem, to anticipate consequences of decision making, to communicate, to cooperate with other people, to be responsible for the results of their work, etc.
It should be noted that project method is not considered as the main one defining the strategy of teaching foreign languages. The training system is determined by the overall concept of teaching and includes a set of components - goals, contents, methods, organizational forms and teaching means. All components of the system are interconnected. Project method is just one of its components used effectively in the process of teaching a foreign language. It complements other methods of teaching and optimizes the process of teaching a foreign language on the basis of interdisciplinary approach at Rubtsovsk Industrial Institute [4].
Another innovation we have started to use recently in the educational process is a method of mind maps, revealing the potential of the human brain. Research findings by English psychologist constitute the basis of this method. Mind maps are a practical application and the form of graphic expression of radiant thinking concept. According to this concept every bit of information coming into the brain can be represented as a central spherical object, emitting tens, hundreds, thousands and millions of "triggers". Each trigger is an association having an infinite number of relationships with other associations. This is what we call a memory, i.e. database or archive. By using this complex multi-channel system the brain obtains sophisticated "information maps" [5].
T. Buzan drew a parallel between the brain structure and the organization of thinking by means of "mind maps", which differ from typical note-taking by presenting information graphically and operating multidimensional objects. The Mind Mapping process is a combination of imagery, colour and visual-spatial arrangement - the elements important for the effective functioning of the brain.
Mind maps have four essential features [6]:
- The object of study is concentrated in the central image;
- The main topics and ideas related to the object of study radiate from the central image in the form of ideas;
- Branches in the form of smooth lines are explained and marked key images and words. Ideas of the next level are also represented in the form of branches, etc.;
- All branches form a connected structure (a system). Modern students face a flow of diverse information, and mind maps help them select the most important, structure, memorize and reproduce the material [5; 6; 7].
Mind mapping is used in various spheres of life: professional (planning, writing reports, preparing for negotiations, etc.); personal (self-organization, learning and problem-solving), educational (record keeping, analyzing and summing up the material, preparing the exams, etc.). At Rubtsovsk Industrial Institute mind mapping is used for:
1) brushing grammar material: English Tenses, Voice System, Modal verbs in the form of mind maps help to understand the grammatical structure of the language and improve the level of knowledge;
2) working on the text:
Students determine the main idea and conclusions of the text, analyze, summarize, make a plan of the text. Mind Mapping technique in this case helps not only to muster the language but also understand the matters of special disciplines;
3) memorizing new vocabulary:
Students make up associative chains with new words, representing lexical material in a visual form. Our practice has shown that this way of learning words gives better results;
4) oral practice: in this case mind maps serve as a visual aid for the students statements. Topical mind maps are used to prepare for the exam in a foreign language. Making a topical mind map promotes free talking and involves creative component: some students use bright colors and keywords, while the others prefer pictures and images;
5) project activity:
Mind Mapping significantly simplifies the process of setting a goal, helps to build a hierarchy of project goals and objectives, to identify the main problems and outline their solutions. Mind maps can also be used to present the results of project activity;
6) debates, round table discussions:
Opposite sides opinions are represented as mind maps which can be revised and modified during discussion to clear up the opponents points of view and achieve a compromise solution.
Besides the above mentioned characteristics a good mind map attracts students' attention and makes the learning process visual and entertaining.
Orientation of the training content towards the best domestic and foreign educational programs improves and enriches the process of teaching a bachelor at the Rubtsovsk industrial Institute. Studying positive examples of teaching different disciplines at higher educational institutions both in Russia and abroad, taking professional development courses, oriented to practical application of newly acquired experience, using innovative technologies on the basis of multidisciplinary approach in the educational process help to train highly qualified and competitive specialist at the Rubtsovsk industrial Institute .
Библиографический список
1. Казанцева, Ю.В. Личностное и профессиональное развитие будущего специалиста в процессе обучения в вузе (на материале иностранного языка) / Ю.В. Казанцева, И.Н. Языкова // Мир науки, культуры, образования. - 2009. - № 2.
2. Языкова, И.Н. Использование инновационных образовательных проектов при подготовке специалиста в РИИ // Материалы всероссийской научной конф. с международным участием 15-16 декабря 2011 г - Рубцовск, 2011.
3. Пахомова, Н.Ю. Метод учебного проекта в образовательном учреждении. - М., 2005.
4. Корниенко, А.Н. Реализация проектного метода при обучении студентов иностранному языку в техническом вузе в условиях развивающей образовательной среды / А.Н. Корниенко, А.В. Орлов, И.Н. Языкова // Мир науки, культуры, образования. - 2011. - № 4-1.
5. [Э/р]. - Р/д: www.mindmap.ru
6. Бьюзен, Тони и Барри. Супер-мышление (The Mind Map Book). - М., 2007.
7. Советова, Е.В. Эффективные образовательные технологии. - Ростов-на-Дону, 2007.
1. Kazanceva, Yu.V. Lichnostnoe i professionaljnoe razvitie buduthego specialista v processe obucheniya v vuze (na materiale inostrannogo yazihka) / Yu.V. Kazanceva, I.N. Yazihkova // Mir nauki, kuljturih, obrazovaniya. - 2009. - № 2.
2. Yazihkova, I.N. Ispoljzovanie innovacionnihkh obrazovateljnihkh proektov pri podgotovke specialista v RII // Materialih vserossiyjskoyj nauchnoyj konf. s mezhdunarodnihm uchastiem 15-16 dekabrya 2011 g. - Rubcovsk, 2011.
3. Pakhomova, N.Yu. Metod uchebnogo proekta v obrazovateljnom uchrezhdenii. - M., 2005.
4. Kornienko, A.N. Realizaciya proektnogo metoda pri obuchenii studentov inostrannomu yazihku v tekhnicheskom vuze v usloviyakh razvivayutheyj obrazovateljnoyj sredih / A.N. Kornienko, A.V. Orlov, I.N. Yazihkova // Mir nauki, kuljturih, obrazovaniya. - 2011. - № 4-1.
5. [Eh/r]. - R/d: www.mindmap.ru
6. Bjyuzen, Toni i Barri. Super-mihshlenie (The Mind Map Book). - M., 2007.
7. Sovetova, E.V. Ehffektivnihe obrazovateljnihe tekhnologii. - Rostov-na-Donu, 2007.
Статья поступила в редакцию 02.06.14
УДК 378
Kocherova L.A. THEORETICAL ISSUES OF A TASK-BASED APPROACH IN ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY. In the work some theoretical aspects of a task-based approach are considered. These aspects include defining a concept of "task", describing its all-didactic understanding, connection with educational activity, singling out bases for a classification, types, studying the structure of a decision, the role of motivation.
Key words: task, educational task, educational activity.
Л.А. Кочерова, преп. Ставропольского филиала ГБОУ ВПО «Краснодарский университет МВД России»,
г. Ставрополь, E-mail: [email protected]
В настоящей работе рассмотрены некоторые теоретические аспекты задачного подхода - определение понятия «задача», его общедидактическое понимание, связь с учебной деятельностью, классификационные основания, виды, структура решения, роль мотивации. Выявлено, что решение учебной задачи связано с определенной последовательностью действий: понимание задачи, принятие к решению, решение задачи, самоконтроль и самооценка.
Ключевые слова: задача, учебная задача, учебная деятельность.
В теории обучения идея задачного подхода заключается в том, что задача выступает как детерминанта действия - основного структурного элемента деятельности. В работах В.В. Давыдова, И.И. Ильясова, А.К. Марковой, Д.Б. Эльконина и других исследователей категория учебной деятельности распространяется на все возрасты и определяется как деятельность субъекта по овладению обобщенными способами действий, побуждаемая адекватными мотивами. Основными характеристиками учебной деятельности являются: 1) овладение учебным материалом и решение учебных задач; 2) освоение общих способов действий и научных понятий; 3) саморазвитие обучающихся посредством учебных действий.
В структуре учебной деятельности особое место занимает задача. Теоретический анализ показывает, что к проблеме уточнения сущностных особенностей задачи как самостоятельной категории обращались многие исследователи (Л.Л. Гурова, Л.Ф. Спирин, А.Ф. Эсаулов и др.). В научных источниках приводятся разные определения понятия «задача». Одни авторы (С.Л. Рубинштейн) считают, что задача - это цель, данная в определенных условиях и направленная на мыслительную деятельность. Другие (Я.А. Пономарев) рассматривают задачу как ситуацию, которая определяет действие субъекта. Общедидактическое содержание понятия «задача» приводит В.И. Гинецин-ский, который определяет ее как «...стандартизированную (схематизированную) форму описания некоторого фрагмента (отрезка) уже осуществленной (достигшей требуемого результата) по-
знавательной деятельности, ориентированную на создание условий для воспроизведения этой деятельности в условиях обучения» [1, с. 173].
Как нам представляется, наиболее полное определение понятия «задача» содержится в работах Г.А. Балла: «Задача в самом общем виде - это система, обязательными компонентами которой являются: а) цель деятельности, б) ситуация, требующая от субъекта некоторого действия, направленного на нахождение неизвестного на основе его связей с известными, в) ситуация, требующая от субъекта некоторого действия, направленного на нахождение неизвестного на основе его связей с известным в условиях, когда субъект не обладает способом этого действия» [2, с. 41].
По словам Г.А. Балла, учебная задача, как и любая другая, должна рассматриваться в качестве системного образования, в котором обязательно присутствие двух компонентов: 1) предмет задачи в исходном состоянии и 2) модель требуемого состояния предмета задачи. Состав задачи как «данное и искомое», «известное и неизвестное», «условие и требование» представлен одновременно в форме исходного состояния и «модели потребного будущего» (П.К. Анохин) как результата разрешения отношения между компонентами этого состава. В данное толкование задачи включаются прогнозирование результата и его модельное представление.
Обращаясь к особенностям учебной задачи, И.А. Зимняя пишет: «Задача - сложная система информации о каком-либо