Научная статья на тему 'The role of interactive teaching methods in modern education'

The role of interactive teaching methods in modern education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Orekhov V.I., Orekhova T.R

This article discusses interactive teaching methods, emphasizing their important role in improving the quality of education. Will are the kinds of active learning methods. Marked modern teaching methods and gives a summary of their content.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The role of interactive teaching methods in modern education»



УДК 372

Orekhov V.I.

doctor of economic Sciences, Professor head of the Department of Economics and management (basic)

MISAO Moscow

E-mail:[email protected] Orekhova T.R.

candidate of economic Sciences Professor of Economics and management (basic), MISAO

Moscow E-mail :[email protected]



This article discusses interactive teaching methods, emphasizing their important role in improving the quality of education. Will are the kinds of active learning methods. Marked modern teaching methods and gives a summary of their content.


technique, training, interactive, practice, innovation The role of education at the present stage of the development of higher obrazovaniya is determined by the objectives and requirements of a dynamic modern society. In education today recognizes the principle of variability, which allows educational institutions to choose and design the pedagogical process on any model. Ensuring high quality training is largely dependent on the effectiveness of the educational process. Future specialist must not only have a deep and flexible professional knowledge and skills, but also developed professional and social qualities and characteristics. In other words, the existing level of development of production of modern specialist orients to the need of mastering professional skills at the level of professional competence. Professional competence allow professionals to be adaptive to changing conditions on the labour market, provides the opportunity of self-realization in various spheres of professional activity [7 pp 56-61].

And so the main task today is not to transfer students with a certain knowledge, and influencing the way of thinking and approach to the phenomena. The educational institution should navigate in a wide range of modern innovative technological models. Based on innovative technology purposefully organized training contributes to the development of cognitive activity, self-reliance, creativity, productive thinking in students, which is extremely popular in the developed industrial society. Today modern educational technology focus teacher's ability to design not only a lesson, but also to create special pedagogical environment in which a possible implementation of active learning methods. [3 pp-127-130] .Active learning methods call these methods that encourage active thinking and practical activity in the process of mastering of educational material. They suggest to immerse students in controlled communication, to engage in real events. This creates conditions in which students are forced to think in terms of a different scale, included in the solution to the problem of information at various levels. Active methods help to create a supportive learning environment in which it is possible to achieve understanding of the problem.[2 pp-45-51] Competent use of teacher a variety of active teaching methods helps to make the learning process learning is not only interesting for students but also effective. Increases the level of cognitive activity, assimilate knowledge are flexible, develops critical thinking and develops the ability to make creative custom solutions. [1 pp 30-106].

Characteristics of active learning are: forced activation of thinking, when the learner is forced to be active irrespective of his wishes, when the activity of the learners coincides with the activity of the teacher, and also the



high degree of motivation, emotion, creativity. A distinctive feature is the fact that the teacher constantly interacts with the learners through backward and forward linkages, purposefully influencing the preferential development of professional, intellectual and behavioral skills in a short time [4 pp31-37]. Identify today there are active groups of methods.

M. Novak highlights not imitation and simulation of an active group learning [5,6].

It is not a simulation groups include: problem lectures; topical seminars; thematic discussions; brainstorming; round tables; 's pedagogical exercise; training.Simulation are divided into fiction and non-fiction. For non-fiction include: case studies; simulation exercises; training;

To gaming include: role-playing; business games; educational game is a blitz game, mini-games, individual games on the PC; the production game is a problem-the business game; game research is a problem-the business game; organizational activity games these include: innovation and orgylittle games; game design. Today there are many developed methods of active learning, so, for example, in practical teaching activities in class you can use the following methods, is a method of brainstorming, fundamentalist method, case study method, "grapes", method, decision tree method "Socratic dialogue" project method, the method "take a position", "chain", etc.

Each of these methods has its own specific features. Consider the features of some of them. Fundamentalist method. This method develops the ability to Express, to put forward ideas or to justify the answer. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the Foundation is created by reason of ideas. Therefore, the fundamentalist approach is to search for scientific or other powerful reasons researched ideas. This strengthens confidence in the substance, binds with stronger, more established ideas, mobilizes known knowledge, strengthens students ' understanding of the perfection of ideas. [10 pp21-26]

The method of brainstorming. The purpose of this method is to organize collective thinking activity towards finding innovative ways to solve problems. This method develops the ability to concentrate attention, mental effort on specific tasks, as well as the formation of the experience of collective thinking activity and the ability to work in a small group. [9 pp 63-77]

The method of "Socratic dialogue". Goal - formulate a management issue and analyze alternative approaches. This method generates the ability to defend their point of view, to speak publicly, as well as the ability to listen and develop thinking. The method of "bunches". The main goal is determine the problem and objectives of the study. The presence of Central ideas (concepts) creates a pivot around which are held thoughts and branched structure allows them to freely spread and develop. Such structural-logical method contributes to the careful wording of the task. This method produces the ability to build tables, charts, and illustrations to highlight the main thing is the ability to see whole and in parts.

Project method. The method of projects is the development of cognitive skills of students, of their own abilities to construct their knowledge, to navigate in the information space, the development of critical thinking. Project method always offers the solution of any problem involving, on the one hand, the use of a variety of methods, means of instruction, and the integration of knowledge, skills from various fields of science. The result of the theoretical work on the project - presentation of the solutions to the studied problem, and practical - specific project, ready for implementation. This method allows to develop research skills and to develop educational projects. [8 pp 89-91] Method "515". The main purpose of this method is the ability to find a way out of the situation. The teacher offers students the problem. Need for 5 minutes in writing to nominate 15 ideas. The method of "Case studies". Training using your specific situations. The peculiarity of this method is that the teacher does not provide a quality assessment and any statement perceived as valid. The Method Of "Chaining". Students are given tasks to solve the problem in the following questions, answering in the chain: "Who?", "What?" "Where?", "When?", etc. depending on the topics the teacher varies, adds the questions yourself. This method allows to form the ability to describe the situation, the ability to mobilize and ability to allocate the main thing is to speak it.d. All the above methods involve a lot of independent cognitive activity of students aimed at solving problems, learning tasks, etc. They help to shape the experience of finding solutions to non-standard, diverse situations. Allow students to truly "live" the learning process, to teach students to think, evaluate, make a decision and take responsibility, and work in a constantly changing


environment. The result of applying active learning methods is to increase the experience of creative activity, readiness to practical activities, the ability to model and to make professional decisions References:

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9. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education: a Training manual. - Rostov-on-don: Phoenix, 2012 - P. 63 - 77.

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© Orekhov V. I, Orekhova T.R.,2015

УДК 378

Orekhov V.I.

doctor of economic Sciences, Professor head of the Department of Economics and management (basic)

MISAO Moscow

E-mail:[email protected] Orekhova T.R.

candidate of economic Sciences Professor of Economics and management (basic), MISAO

Moscow E-mail :[email protected]



This article discusses the essence of the process of evaluation. Defines the role of evaluation, the purpose of the education system. Given the modern concept of evaluation. All components of the process of evaluation in the education system


evaluation, quality, education, process project At the moment the Russian system of higher education is going through probably the most intense period of modernization in the entire history of its existence, associated with the development of new Federal state educational standards (GEF) and implementation level of training. Habitual patterns of functioning of educational institutions, their structure, priorities, and legal basis for the work undergo significant changes, conditions of implementation and

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