Научная статья на тему 'Trace elements in blood of adult population living in Aral region'

Trace elements in blood of adult population living in Aral region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
Aral region crisis zone / trace elements / adult population / imbalance / Приаралье / микроэлементы / дисбаланс / взрослое население

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Z. I. Namazbayeva, A. A. Yelchibekova, R. S. Berzhanova

It was investigated the trace element status in blood of adult population living in Aral region crisis zone. An imbalance of trace elements in body is manifested by rising of copper and reduction of zinc, selenium, iodine concentration. Violation of blood microelement composition is an objective criterion for occurrence of various pathologies caused by ecology.

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Микроэлементный сос-тав крови взрослого населения Приаралья

Проведен микроэлементный анализ крови взрослого населения, проживаю-щего в кризисной зоне Приаралья. Выявлен дисбаланс МЭ в организме, что про-является повышением меди и снижением цинка, селена, йода. Нарушение микро-элементного состава крови является объективным критерием возникновения раз-личной экологообусловленной патологии.

Текст научной работы на тему «Trace elements in blood of adult population living in Aral region»


From results of own research in Ridder town was nearly 9.6 and in Glubokoe village was 9.7, that is the low level of pollution. It revealed that in all the pollution index of the bottom sediment of Bistruha river is 0.7, in Hareuzovka river it is 0.09 , so it is unpolluted. In Ertis river the bottom sediment's pollution index is 2.05, of Glubochanka river the pollution index is about 1.7, that is the low level of pollution.

Key words: heavy metals, the index of pollution of soil, botton sediments

UDC 612.015:616.074.2(574.54)



Z.I. Namazbayeva, A.A. Yelchibekova, R.S. Berzhanova

«National Centre of Labour Hygiene and Occupational Diseases» RSGE of Ministry of

Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda

It was investigated the trace element status in blood of adult population living in Aral region crisis zone. An imbalance of trace elements in body is manifested by rising of copper and reduction of zinc, selenium, iodine concentration. Violation of blood microelement composition is an objective criterion for occurrence of various pathologies caused by ecology.

Key words: Aral region crisis zone, trace elements, adult population, imbalance

Actuality. Currently, environmental pollution has become a global, stable and permanent factor, andseparate regions have strong set of pollutants determining therea "toxic" situation.

The most significant problem of the South Kazakhstan region is a zone of ecological disaster - Kazakhstan part of Aral Sea with a population of 1,342,190 people. Shallowing of the Aral Sea has led to an increase salt in waterin several times, increase precipitation salinity, climate change, the spread of fine salt silt mixed with chemicals through the air.

Atmospheric air pollution of Aral region crisis zone with fine silt comprised of toxic compounds has effect on various organs [1]. Changing of chemical composition of air and water can lead to the so-called technogenic biogeochemical provinces, violation of protective and adaptive reactions of the body and the appearance of new pathological conditions.Moreover, the pathogenic effect of their impact can be delayed in time.Long-term effects can manifest themselves in the form of selective damage to any organ,

ISSN 1727-9712

Гигиена труда и медицинская экология. №1 (50), 2016

system or function, and as a general dysfunction of various systems, organs and body as a whole, in the form of a "disintegration of functions" [2]. The trace element status of population occupies a special place.

It is known that deficiency of some essential trace elements, in particular zinc, selenium, iodineplays role in the genesis of many diseases [3]. Absorption of microelements in gastrointestinal tract (GIT) exposed through various mechanisms of passive diffusion, active and paracellular transport. For most trace elements the major homeos-tasis regulatory mechanisms are the processes of absorption, mainly from the gastrointestinal tract. Any violations of the digestive system accompanied by malabsorption syndrome, lead to an imbalance of bio elemental composition of an organism.

Research objective: To carry out investigations for determination the microelement composition in blood of people living in conditions of the Aral region zone.

Materials and methods. It was examined 882 adults between the ages of 18 to 69 years, living in ecologically unfavorable region - crisis zone of Aral Sea region. Biomedical research carried out with the written consent of the surveyed persons in accordance with the decision of the Local Ethics Committee (LEC) at the National Center of Labour Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, session protocol №4 of March 26, 2014.

Blood sampling was carried out from the cubital vein in Vacutainers within sodium citrate, all steps were performed according to WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations. The volume of the collected blood was not less than 3 ml. The blood samples were stored in a conventional refrigerator for 3-5 days at a temperature from 0 to 40 C.

Blood analyses were performed on the MGA-915 atomic absorption spectrometer with electro thermal atomization (production of "Lumex", Russian Federation, released in 2004). Advantages of this method are that the material remains in a closed volume, and in contrast to the devices with plasma atomization is not carried away by the gas flow.The intensity of the spectral line of the element in a certain way related to concentration in the sample, which allows obtaining reliable calibration characteristics, directly proportional to the range of five - six orders of magnitude.The guaranteed value of the detection limits, calculated by the least squares method based on the background correction, if necessary, are mutually compensated the effect of the measured elements. Result of determination on the display corresponds to the arithmetic mean of several parallel measurements of the analyte. Processing of measurement results was carried out in accordance with approved procedures [4].

Results and discussion. The obtained data were processed using Statistica 10 program, and the results are shown in the tables 1 and 2. For each parameter are shown the average, 95% confidence interval (CI) for the mean, standard deviation (SD), median (M) and standard error (m).

The number of trace elements distribution in blood ofpopulation living in the Aral Sea region shown in table 1.

ISSN 1727-9712

Гигиена труда и медицинская экология. №1 (50), 2016

According to the results of quantitative statistical analysis it was revealed that the average copper content in the blood of men was 134.8 mcg/dL (3.7% above normal). The mean values zinc and selenium concentration in blood were 381,1 mcg/dL (4.7% below normal) and 5.3 mcg/dL (8.6% below normal). The average iodine value in the blood was 4.9 mcg/dL as the lower boundary of the average value was observed decrease in iodine content in the blood to 4.6 mcg/dL (8% below normal).

For women the average values of copper, zinc, and selenium concentration totaled 130.6 mcg/dL (0.5% above the norm), 416.8 mcg/dL, 6.5 mcg/dL, respectively. Average value of iodine was 4.8 mcg/dL, which is 4% lower than the physiological norms.

Table 1 - Trace elements concentrations in blood of adult population living in the Aral Sea region

Micro element The physiological normmcg / dL Number of examinees Confidence interval M+m Standard deviation


Men 80-130 n=400 131.7-137.9 134.8±1.5 31.1

Women 80-130 n=482 128.2-133.1 130.6±1.2 27.4


Men 400-800 n=400 369.0-393.1 381.1±6.1 122.4

Women 400-800 n=482 402.0-431.7 416.8±7.5 165.6


Men 5,8-23,4 n=400 5.3-5.1 5.3±0.07 1.4

Women 5,8-23,4 n=482 6.1-6.9 6.5±0.01 4.0


Men 5-12 n=400 4.6-4.9 4.9±0.08 0.1

Women 5-12 n=482 4.9-5.0 4.8±0.09 0.1

It's revealed in frequency analysis that in adults from 20 to 69 years old have elevated copper levels in blood: 50.1% of women and 50.7% of men. It is also noted a reduced zinc content (68.7% of women and 70.7% of men), selenium (66.6% of women and 76.2%of men), iodine (19.1% of women and 23.5% of men) (table 2).

Trace elements are part of many enzyme systems, including those that involved in the implementation of anti-inflammatory and inflammatory reactions. An example of such participation can be antioxidants system. A key element of this system is superoxide dismutase enzyme that catalyzes the dismutation reaction - neutralization of superoxide radicals. There are 3 variants of superoxide dismutase, Mn-dependent, detected in the mitochondrial matrix, Cu / Zn-dependent - in the cytoplasm [5].

ISSN 1727-9712

Гигиена труда и медицинская экология. №1 (50), 2016

Table 2 - Frequency analysis of trace elements in the blood of the adult population living in the Aral Sea region

Microelement Percent of people, % Confidence interval Root-mean-square error

Copper (increase)

Men 50.7±2.4 45.7-55.7 6.2

Women 50.1±2.2 45.5-54.6 5.1

Zinc (reduction)

Men 70.7±2.2 66.2-75.3 5.1

Women 68.7±2.1 64.5-72.9 4.4

Selenium (reduction)

Men 76.2±2.1 76.0-76.4 4.5

Women 66.6±2.1 62.3-70.9 4.6

Iodine (reduction)

Men 23.5±2.1 19.2-27.7 2.2

Women 19.1±1.7 18.9-19.2 3.2

During the inflammatory reaction active radical generating processes are amplified and played an important role in the pathogens elimination. This raises the risk of damage to the body's own structures that prevents by antioxidant system enzymes. The balance between the activity of prooxidant and antioxidant enzymes are essential for optimal condition and integrity of cell membranes. At the same time, micronutrient deficiencies can lead to insufficient capacity of natural antioxidants.

Zinc is a part of the greatest number of enzymes, including alcohol dehydroge-nase, alkaline phosphatase, carbonic anhydrase, carboxypeptidase, pancreatic nucleoti-dyltransferase. Zinc is essential for normal protein and nucleic acids synthesis process, gene expression, etc. Zinc deficiency adversely affects the function of almost all organs and systems of human body.

Significance of selenium is studied because of its participation in the structure of one of the key enzymes in organism antioxidant system - the glutathione peroxidase that providesoxidation of a sulfhydryl group of glutathione in the reaction with peroxides. In this connection selenium deficiency is important in many pathological processes in an organism, particularly in inflammatory and destructive processes.

Deficiency of iodine inhibits the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and according to the mechanism of negative feedback thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) production is increased. Under its influence enhanced the adsorption of iodine in the gastrointestinal tract, T3 products areincreases that allows to "save" iodine in the body. Simultaneously there is an accumulation colloid in the follicles and formed goiter. There is a decrease in fertility; increased birth rates of stillbirth and congenital malformations, perinatal mortality, cretinism, mental and physical development aredelayed.

According to the authors of [6] were revealed violations trace elements exchange in inflammatory diseases of the colon, ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease. ISSN 1727-9712 Гигиена труда и медицинская экология. №1 (50), 2016

According to Sembertegui F., Diaz M., Mejia R. et.al micronutrient deficiency was observed in 85% of patients with Crohn's disease and 68% of patients with ulcerative colitis, and patients with these diseases often have the zinc deficiency. At the same time it was shown that patients with UC have average copper levels in the blood significantly higher both in active stage of the disease and the stage of remission compared with healthy individuals.

In inflammatory process conditions major consumers of zinc ions, copper and selenium are the enzymes of the antioxidant system in the lesion, thus reducing these trace elements in the blood [8]. The formation of deficiency also promotes by malnutrition, impaired intestinal absorption and increased lossof trace elements through the gastrointestinal tract.

Conclusion. It was revealed trace element imbalance in the body that is shown by rising copper concentrations and decreased content of essential elements - zinc, selenium, iodine. Reduction of vital micronutrient concentrations is the basis of environment-related violations of metabolic processes of population living in the Aral Sea region. A reduction of antioxidant system capacity is one of the manifestations of environment-related disorders; activity is dependent on the availability of trace elements of the body, so for maintaining of normal metabolism it is necessary to ensure their balanced entry into the body.


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ISSN 1727-9712 Гигиена труда и медицинская экология. №1 (50), 2016


Арал мацы каушт аймагында туратын ересек тургындардыц канына мик-роэлементтiк сараптама жасалынды. Зерттеулер бойынша агзаларынан тецгерiм-сiздiк аныкталды, ягни мыстыц шамадан тыс кеп болуы жэне мырыш, селен, йод-тыц шамадан тыс темен болгандыгы аньщталган. ^анныц микроэлементтiк к¥ра-мыныц бузылуы эр тYрлi экологиялы; шарттылыгы бар аурулардыц пайда болуы мYмкiн екендшн айтады.

ТYйiндi свздер: Арал мацы, микроэлементтер, тецгер1мс1зд1к, ересектер


Проведен микроэлементный анализ крови взрослого населения, проживающего в кризисной зоне Приаралья. Выявлен дисбаланс МЭ в организме, что проявляется повышением меди и снижением цинка, селена, йода. Нарушение микроэлементного состава крови является объективным критерием возникновения различной экологообусловленной патологии.

Ключевые слова: Приаралье, микроэлементы, дисбаланс, взрослое население

УДК 613.164(574.4)


М.С. Рахимбеков

РГКП «Национальный центр гигиены труда и профессиональных заболеваний»

МЗСР РК, г. Караганда

В статье освещены параметры городского шума в г. Риддер Восточно-Казахстанской области Республики Казахстан в зависимости от интенсивности и скорости транспортного потока.

Ключевые слова: шум, параметры, распространенность, транспорт

Актуальность. Акустическая характеристика городского шума определяется в основном от транспортного потока и показателями шумности автомобилей. Шум, производимый отдельными транспортными средствами, зависит от многих факторов: мощности и режима работы двигателя, технического состояния транспортного средства, качества дорожного покрытия, скорости движения. Также,

ISSN 1727-9712

Гигиена труда и медицинская экология. №1 (50), 2016

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