TOURISM DEVELOPMENT THROUGH MODERN VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGIES (THE EXAMPLE OF UFA) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Khamadeeva Zulfiya A., Ibragimova Zilya F., Frolova Ksynia S.

The article considers one of the directions of development of the tourism industry - virtual tourism. Currently, there is a trend towards rapid development and introduction of virtual technologies in all areas of people’s lives. The tourism business is no exception. it most actively uses virtual technologies in the organization of its activities, which help to flexibly and completely segment the development of a competitive tourist offer. Modern tourists prefer non-standard tours with an innovative component. This can be the use of innovative resources, the development of tourist products with innovations, and the use of new forms of service on the route. In the modern period, full of crises, virtual tourism is becoming more and more popular, promising means of promoting any destination, tour. Potential tourists can get acquainted with the sights, cultural, historical and recreational potential of the territory they intend to visit. Then make a choice, stop at the most interesting objects, in the most suitable, exciting places on the planet, while completely free and safe. The authors described the features of tourism development with the help of modern virtual technologies, defined the role and significance of using a virtual tour for modern society and modern business, and offered the author’s virtual tour of old Ufa “Through the times”. Only a virtual tour can reveal the full depth of the proposed route, connect two epochs, and look into the past. Ufa today, and Ufa historical, preserved only in photos, allows you to draw many conclusions about the development of the city, the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, pay attention to the fact that there is a destruction of historical monuments.

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UDC 338.48

DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10410


Ufa State University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)

PhD in Geography, Associate Professor; e-mail: [email protected]


Ufa State University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)

PhD in Geography, Associate Professor; e-mail: [email protected]


Ufa State University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia) Undergraduate; e-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. The article considers one of the directions of development of the tourism industry - virtual tourism. Currently, there is a trend towards rapid development and introduction of virtual technologies in all areas of people's lives. The tourism business is no exception. it most actively uses virtual technologies in the organization of its activities, which help to flexibly and completely segment the development of a competitive tourist offer. Modern tourists prefer non-standard tours with an innovative component. This can be the use of innovative resources, the development of tourist products with innovations, and the use of new forms of service on the route. In the modern period, full of crises, virtual tourism is becoming more and more popular, promising means of promoting any destination, tour. Potential tourists can get acquainted with the sights, cultural, historical and recreational potential of the territory they intend to visit. Then make a choice, stop at the most interesting objects, in the most suitable, exciting places on the planet, while completely free and safe. The authors described the features of tourism development with the help of modern virtual technologies, defined the role and significance of using a virtual tour for modern society and modern business, and offered the author's virtual tour of old Ufa "Through the times" Only a virtual tour can reveal the full depth of the proposed route, connect two epochs, and look into the past. Ufa today, and Ufa historical, preserved only in photos, allows you to draw many conclusions about the development of the city, the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, pay attention to the fact that there is a destruction of historical monuments.

Keywords: virtual tourism, innovative resources, innovative component, interactive panoramas, virtual technologies.

Citation: Khamadeeva, Z. A., Ibragimova, Z. F., & Frolova, K. S. (2020). Tourism development through modern virtual technologies (the example of Ufa). Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 14(4), 115121. doi: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10410.

Article History Disclosure statement

Received 29 October 2020 No potential conflict of interest was reported by

Accepted 23 November 2020 the author(s).

© 2020 the Author(s)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

UDC 338.48

DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10410

ХАМАДЕЕВА Зульфия Анваровна

Башкирский государственный университет (Уфа, Респ. Башкортостан, РФ) кандидат географических наук, доцент; [email protected]

ИБРАГИМОВА Зиля Фахргалеевна

Башкирский государственный университет (Уфа, Респ. Башкортостан, РФ) кандидат географических наук, доцент; [email protected]

ФРОЛОВА Ксения Сергеевна

Башкирский государственный университет (Уфа, Респ. Башкортостан, РФ) магистрант; [email protected]


В статье рассматривается одно из направлений развития туристической отрасли - виртуальный туризм. В настоящее время наблюдается тенденция к бурному развитию и внедрению виртуальных технологий во все сферы жизни людей. Туристический бизнес не является исключением, он наиболее активно использует виртуальные технологии в организации своей деятельности, которые помогают гибко и полностью сегментировать развитие туристического конкурентоспособного предложения. Современные туристы предпочитают нестандартные туры с инновационной составляющей. Это может быть и использование инновационных ресурсов, и разработка туристских продуктов с инновациями, и использование новых форм обслуживания на маршруте. В современный период, полный кризисов, виртуальный туризм становится все более популярным, перспективным средством продвижения любого направления, тура. Потенциальные туристы могут ознакомиться с достопримечательностями, культурным, историческим и рекреационным потенциалом территории, которую они намерены посетить. Затем сделать выбор, остановиться на самых интересных объектах, в самых подходящих, захватывающих местах планеты, при этом совершенно бесплатно и безопасно. Авторы описали особенности развития туризма с помощью современных виртуальных технологий, определили роль и значение применения виртуального тура для современного общества, современного бизнеса, предложили авторскую виртуальную экскурсию по старой Уфе «Сквозь времена». Только виртуальный тур может открыть всю глубину предлагаемого маршрута, соединить две эпохи, заглянуть в прошлое. Уфа сегодняшняя, и Уфа историческая, сохранившаяся только на фотографиях, позволяет сделать много выводов о развитии города, о сохранении историко-культурного наследия, обратит внимание на то, что происходит разрушение исторических памятников.

Ключевые понятия: виртуальный туризм, инновационные ресурсы, инновационная составляющая, интерактивные панорамы, виртуальные технологии.

Для цитирования: Хамадеева З.А., Ибрагимова З.Ф., Фролова К.С. Развитие туризма посредством современных виртуальных технологий (на примере г. Уфы) // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2020. Т.14. №4. С. 115-121. DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10410.

Дата поступления в редакцию: 29 октября 2020 г. Дата утверждения в печать: 23 ноября 2020 г.

Introduction. Tourism is a highly competitive and diverse industry. In such conditions, travel agencies are forced to look for new ways to fight. Innovative technologies have become an important element in the competitiveness of organizations. They form a favorable image of the company and lead to the development and capture of new markets. Contemporary forms of travel have undergone many transformations, and virtual tourism is gaining more and more popularity among Web users all around the earth.

The aim of the study is to study the peculiarities of tourism development using modern technologies and to develop an author's virtual tour of the old Ufa "Through the Times".

The article uses statistical, reference, literary materials and market research on virtual technologies in the field of tourism.

Today, the topic of virtual tourism is undoubtedly relevant, but it is not yet sufficiently covered in the scientific literature. Virtual tourism has not yet been sufficiently considered in the scientific literature, and there are few articles that deal with virtual tourism, mainly of a journalistic and advertising nature. This is due to the relative novelty of this type of tourism. It is at the stage of formation and development. The concept of virtual tourism also does not have a clear formulation and requires clarification. In many definitions is the description of technology of virtual travel. For example, virtual tourism is considered as a way to realistically display a three-dimensional multi-element space. A real trip, trip, hike, or excursion can be replaced with virtual tourism, if necessary. This approach to travel is more comfortable and convenient, safe, as it is carried out within the house.

I We note the positive aspects of tourism, which were particularly pronounced both in 2020 and in General, being attractive for both the seller, the service manufacturer, and the buyer. We will highlight the most significant aspects that are attractive to the consumer [8]:

1) first of all, this is a minimum expenditure of energy, time, effort, there is no need for long travel preparation, the point of tourist formalities, registration of passports, visas, currency exchange, and so on is completely excluded. In addition, the trip can be interrupted at any time and continued at any convenient time.

2) secondly, there was an opportunity to visit those regions where it was not possible to travel for any reason: environmental violations, the size of the territory, the danger of movement, poor infrastructure, the country's closeness, and so on. Virtual tourism allows you to travel to those categories of people for whom such trips were previously unavailable, for example, single tourists who could not find a couple, teenagers without parents, large families who do not have the opportunity to travel far, people burdened with family responsibilities, which do not allow them to move freely around the world.

3) Third, Security. A virtual tour guarantees your health safety. A real trip can be associated with various force majeure circumstances, which may well arise, and they are difficult to foresee and anticipate. There is insurance for this. Virtual tourism can provide no less impressions, while you are not afraid for your wallet, for the fact that you can get infected with a virus, not get to the Museum, because there is a long queue, and so on. Although the Internet, of course, presents a number of dangers. Computer viruses, online robberies, and so on. But in any case, the virtual tour does not endanger the life and health of the traveler.

4) Fourth, a group virtual tour will allow people to communicate in different languages, because the Internet allows you to make online translation, which is facilitated by globalization. You can also learn a language while traveling.

Experience in using innovations in tourism.

Foreign and Russian experience

By and large, tourism shows high growth rates in almost all countries of the world where there are no external constraints on growth. The world's population is traveling further and more, and is ready to spend more money on the sphere of impressions. However, there is a high level of competition in tourism, in which travel companies must look for new forms of competition in the market. One of these tools is innovative technologies that show how progressive and developed the company is, thereby arousing more and more confidence among consumers. In this regard, companies increase profits, conquer new markets, make their products more unique,

develop new, previously inaccessible territories, add additional services, thereby increasing the company's profit.

Visualization gives a lot of advantages to any company in any industry, and virtual tours, along with a clear business organization, give a number of advantages to the company, allowing it to stand out in the competition and create a positive image. The application areas of virtual tours can be very different, but the most modern visualization tool was created in tourism.

Countries are creating large-scale virtual projects that can increase the attractiveness of specific tourist destinations, promote the national tourist product, and thus attract tourists to the region. The most popular, famous, modern, and visited Museum in the world is the Louvre. In order to support the flow of visitors, to reveal the depth and diversity of the exhibition, a virtual tour of the Louvre was created. The opportunity to view more clearly, in detail, near-interesting objects has become popular with visitors of this tour. A person who actually visits the Louvre after such an excursion feels more confident. This added to the attractiveness of the Museum, Paris and France as a whole, because it speaks about customer orientation, about caring for tourists.

The second successful example is from Italy, where the Italian Ministry of tourism commissioned a project by the famous photographer Hans von Weissenfluh dedicated to the country's historical and cultural heritage. Special attention was paid to Venice, St. Mark's square, a favorite tourist destination. A lot of painstaking work was done on color correction and editing (edited: 294 people, 65 pigeons, 9 gulls).

The model of the virtual tour of the Imperial Palace in Beijing (China) is implemented in the form of the game Second Life, which allows you to choose one of the nine characters (eunuchs, soldiers, officials and Imperial concubines) of the Qing dynasty and explore the Royal Palace in detail.

Similar virtual models are implemented in many countries, including Japan, Mexico, England, France, India, etc. Successfully implemented virtual projects of foreign countries show that this direction can be successfully used, especially in the tourism industry.

Virtual tours were also created in the regions of the Russian Federation. For example,

the decree of the President of the Russian Federation created a virtual tour of the presidential residence called "Opening of the Kremlin". The tour's slogan is " the Kremlin is open! Welcome!". A virtual tour of the Moscow Kremlin gives you the opportunity to explore inaccessible objects, objects that are located in the presidential residence. The advantage of this tour is that the observer is offered a large amount of explanatory information in the form of audio, video, and archival data.

Virtual tour of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve. This virtual tour introduces tourists to cultural attractions, architectural heritage, numerous museum collections and exhibits, and the amazing nature of the Kizhi Pogost.

St. Petersburg became the leader in the number of such sites. The most successful programs of the northern capital were the projects "Virtual St. Petersburg", "Aerophotopanora-ma", the municipal project "VisitPetersburg".

Such projects were also created In Barnaul, Suzdal, Astrakhan, Anapa, Yekaterinburg, Orenburg, Voronezh and other Russian cities.

the possibility of the emergence of virtual tourism is based on the emergence and widespread use of information and telecommunications and internet technologies. This led to the development of virtual tourism. A new generation of travelers, whose childhood was spent in Internet games, in virtual reality, were the root cause of the emergence of virtual tourism. After all, here virtuality becomes reality, and reality becomes virtuality. Virtual tourism is an individual's activity that allows him to get the most realistic and tangible information about a real tourist destination using modern computer technologies and communication networks, without actually moving into virtual space [4].

Development of a virtual tour in Ufa "Through the times"

Virtual tourism is an individual's activity that allows using modern computer technology and communication networks to create and get the most realistic sensational information about the desired destination from among the real ones without actually moving to it [8].

Interactive panoramas are a sequence of images taken one after another with a wide-angle lens and stitched together. They

are more informative than static photos. They also give the visitor the complete illusion of being in the room. a ready-made virtual panorama can be easily embedded on a website or installed on any web server, as well as recorded on a presentation CD.

Virtual tours around the Republic of Bashkortostan have been created in such places as Mount Iremel and Toratau, Krasnaya Gorka, Krasny Klyuch,Askinskaya Ice Cave, Lake Talgas, Shulcan-Kas h and Agidel, Pav-lovsky Park, Krasnou solsk sanatorium,etc.

In the ciyy of Ufa, ioats Cave baen created to ansh plnces ns tCeeiympic ParksTaleceutre, Plaaietaeium, tCa Council oatdc UeUau DIstrice of the city ra Ufa the Gaveram enlt House of the na ;^l^|^oaruatkn, hhk Bes;h^ik AcAdsmik ^lima heater named alter Mazhrt GafuB, a hns-era1 toua ar of Ufa rtsciï, ete.

Moht cy sdc toarc aru on tff Vir^Uc^l Bashkcrtoatian website1 ftateo 0oss" v^ua1 touts oy ftjesta.

ConcidsrtUe deslga ohrhBauthcDs vir-a al toioa ck Uks "Thr^e^uga ahe timaUtDi^riaath^^ viewing,a rhoct description of the city will be announsedf

Yoc can expand the map and follow the route by nllskikg ok the ynd dots. An Bnpand-ed fsrefs showa in a^ifPu^^ oca.

A total of 16 panoramas: Mountain - 1 point; Bridge - 1 point; Embankment - 1 point; Railway bridge - 1 point; Karl Marx Street - 8 points; Lenin Street - 2 points; Pushkin Street - 2 points (Fig. 1).

To create a virtual tour, a room was proposed for the implementation of the show. It will contain equipment for a sense of real presence on thespot, which will be shown in VR (virCtalrtt lity) glass es. Tte proposed room, where the virtual tour will be shown, is a separate, spacious and bright room with nptciol enu ipment thatwill allow rou tnfully immynso yourself in a vihtual trip.

Necesaary equipment: - 4DX chair;

- nirtnal rehilty glersec (VP glssses); -computer; - internal storage; - system un it;

- monitor; - keyboaed; - someter mous e;

- tabic; - a^ coullitioner; -mfrared heater;

- Ron. Urnquhraom des^n w||r help you g et tne most: out: oc ^^itn viryuaiqyur.

Exoaemic justification of0 hs tost Csluulati'onof the virtual tour. List: of yremises,dieide- Sy f-Ucj^c-i 1. Mountain - 1 point P, Br^t^^^^ 1 point

3. Embankment - 1 point

4. Railway bridne n l potnt

5. Karl Marx Street - 8 points


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Fig. 1 - Map of the virtual tour of old Ufa "Through the times"

6. Lenin Street - 2 points

7. Pushkin Street - 2 points

A total of 16 panoramas (picture one). The cost of creating a virtual tour business package - 25,000 thousand. What is included in the business package:

- processing with retouch;

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

- viewing angle 360°x180°;

- unlimited view;

- up to 10 shooting points;

- additional panoramas RUB 2,500 / piece;

- 3D tour assembly;

- standard design;

- control menu;

- transition buttons;

- insert your logo;

- structured menu.

Total: 25,000 + 16 * 2,500 = 65,000 rubles. for a ready-made 3D tour on a turnkey basis. The average time for receiving a finished round of spherical panoramas with detailed processing is 5-7 days.

Costs for additional (recommended) equipment for the virtual tour.

Let's calculate the total amount of total costs.

Equipment costs + finished 3D tour = total costs.

772 590 + 65 000 = 837 590 rubles.

Such a high price was obtained because expensive equipment was offered. As mentioned above, its purchase is optional and is advisory in nature. Buying expensive chairs is just a deepening into a real presence elsewhere, for more spectacular sensations. You can refuse such a purchase, but then you get a simple virtual tour.

Based on the results of the survey on the social network Instagram, it can be concluded that the virtual tour of Ufa "Through the Times" will be in demand (82% percent of respondents want to visit such a tour).

The virtual tour of Ufa "Through the Times" can be implemented in three ways:

1. Free. As a personal contribution to the development of tourism in the region;

2. At the cost of the product RUB 68,580;

3. Cost + margin (for your work) 68,580 + 15,000 = 83,580 rubles.

If we consider the implementation of the tour in the second or third way, then the pay-

back of the virtual tour in Ufa "Through the times" will be immediately. Financing the project with personal funds.

The tour can be offered to tour operators, the State Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for Tourism, as a social project and for the school program. Research materials can be used to create similar tours. As part of the program for celebrating the 450th anniversary of the capital of the republic in 2024, this project will be the most relevant and in demand, as it introduces guests to Ufa.

This will certainly become the main reason for attracting tourists to the region. This, of course, will be an important reason for attracting tourists. Thus, virtual tourism increases the desire to visit attractive places and see everything with your own eyes, getting more information and stimulating real travel.

Conclusion. The travel business is actively implementing and applying virtual technologies for business, they are becoming more popular, as they allow you to present various information in more attractive ways.

Virtual tourism is considered as a type of activity of individuals and legal entities that organize or make virtual tours. The concept of virtual tourism subculture turns out to be a constructor that expresses the formation of network communities of those people of different nationalities and educational levels who are interested in the realized and potential opportunities of virtual tourism and its prospects.

Individual tours in virtual reality are currently characterized by the disunity of various individual subjects of the corresponding network communities, which are nevertheless United by an interest in virtual tourism [4].

One of the objects of 3D technology is a 3D panorama-a special photo that covers the entire space around one selected point: 180 degrees vertically and 360 degrees horizontally. A virtual panorama consists of several photos taken using special programs that give the impression that a person is in the center of a virtual 3D panorama.

note the positive aspects of the introduction of virtual technologies [3]:

- easy to view all the small details of interest;

- visibility of the route, as once the path was already passed almost;

- representation of the atmosphere of the destination (arrival);

- riot, saving time for tour operators.

The main disadvantage of implementing

modern virtual technologies is an insufficiently qualified workforce with a minimum level of knowledge in the field of information technology. This problem can be solved by following these steps:

- first, it is necessary to attract qualified specialists in the field of information technology;

- second, we need constant monitoring of innovative achievements, which will allow us to be in the trend;

- third, the use of 3D technologies in tourist information centers as advertising for a region or city will create the best tourist brand. The use of information technologies contributes to the development of excursion tourism, as 3D technologies help tourists visually analyze the object. 3D graphics are a set of tools and techniques that you can use to create three-dimensional objects. They can

be used when working with individual simple or complex sightseeing objects that can't be shown in a single panorama.

The training program for tour guides should be supplemented with virtual tours that are as close to reality as possible. This will allow new employees to learn and gain experience.

The introduction of virtual systems by a travel company will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the company's image, and this also causes consumer confidence.

Using virtual technologies in business, the travel company acquires the reputation of an enterprise that applies modern innovative technologies, improves service, improves the development of the company, thereby attracting more and more new customers. Thus, virtual technologies in the tourism business have great prospects that will have a positive impact on the development of activities in the tourism industry.

Thus, virtual tourism allows you to visit interesting places and see everything with your own eyes, thereby informing and stimulating real travel.


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