Научная статья на тему 'Topical issues of bachelor-translator''s basic linguistic training in higher school: the introduction of communicative-functional approach to translation teaching'

Topical issues of bachelor-translator''s basic linguistic training in higher school: the introduction of communicative-functional approach to translation teaching Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ivleva Alina Yu., Lapteva Irina V., Sonyem Alain В.

Introduction. The paper is focused on translators training system reconsideration in connection with new approaches to translation. The central question is linguist-translator's language training specificity through the new communicative-functional approach. The purpose of the work is to reveal translators' training in higher school within the frameworks of communicative-functional approach to translation. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted with the basic scientific methods: supervision, comparative analysis within which the interrelation and differences in the language training of students-interpreters in various aspects were revealed. Pedagogical experience of teachers of Speech theory and Translation Chair of the Foreign Languages Faculty at Ogarev National Research Mordovia State University and results of translators' training problem analysis in scientific articles were the basic materials for our study. Results. The research hypothesis was confirmed through a comparative analysis of classes on the discipline "Practical course of a foreign language" for two training courses: "Translation and Interpretation" and "Methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures". Their peculiarities, general points and drawbacks were identified; the preferences about the most important aspects of language training by different students' profiles, at Mordovia State University and University of Yaounde I were found out. The method of translators' language training improvement was offered. Discussion and the Conclusions. Training of students' professional translation involves the formation of special translational thinking for future translators. The theoretical value of the work is the revision of priorities, the systematisation and construction of a holistic interdisciplinary content of language education. The practical relevance consists in using the results in system of education of any country to provide quality translation training. The results achieved reveal the situation of global instability in politics, contributing to its improvement.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Topical issues of bachelor-translator''s basic linguistic training in higher school: the introduction of communicative-functional approach to translation teaching»

ИНТЕГРАЦИЯ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ. Т. 22, №2. 2018 ЙШШЙЙ ISSN 1991-9468 (Print), 2308-1058 (Online) http://edumag.mrsu.ru


УДК 378:81'25

DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.091.022.201802.324-338

Topical I ssues of Bachelor-Translator's Basic Linguistic Training in Higher School: The Introduction of Communicative-Functional Approach to Translation Teaching

А. Yu. Ivlevaa*, I. V. Lapteva", А. В. Sonyemb

a National Research Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia, * [email protected] b The University of Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon

Introduction. The paper is focused on translators training system reconsideration in connection with new approaches to translation. The central question is linguist-translator's language training specificity through the new communicative-functional approach. The purpose of the work is to reveal translators' training in higher school within the frameworks of communicative-functional approach to translation. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted with the basic scientific methods: supervision, comparative analysis within which the interrelation and differences in the language training of students-interpreters in various aspects were revealed. Pedagogical experience of teachers of Speech theory and Translation Chair of the Foreign Languages Faculty at Ogarev National Research Mordovia State University and results of translators' training problem analysis in scientific articles were the basic materials for our study. Results. The research hypothesis was confirmed through a comparative analysis of classes on the discipline "Practical course of a foreign language" for two training courses: "Translation and Interpretation" and "Methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures". Their peculiarities, general points and drawbacks were identified; the preferences about the most important aspects of language training by different students' profiles, at Mordovia State University and University of Yaounde I were found out. The method of translators' language training improvement was offered.

Discussion and the Conclusions. Training of students' professional translation involves the formation of special translational thinking for future translators. The theoretical value of the work is the revision of priorities, the systematisation and construction of a holistic interdisciplinary content of language education. The practical relevance consists in using the results in system of education of any country to provide quality translation training. The results achieved reveal the situation of global instability in politics, contributing to its improvement.

Keywords: linguistic training, foreign language, bachelor-translator, methods of translators' training, communicative-functional approach, higher school education

Acknowledgements: We would like to thank students of Mordovia State University for the opportunity to approve the main conclusions of this scientific works and the colleagues from the University of Yaounde I for their active discussion about the educational programmes for bachelors conducted for this research.

For citation: Ivleva A.Yu., Lapteva I.V., Sonyem A.B. Topical Issues of Bachelor-Translator's Basic Linguistic Training in Higher School: The Introduction of Communicative-Functional Approach to Translation Teaching. Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education. 2018; 22(2):324-338. DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.091.022.201802.324-338

© Ivleva A. Yu., Lapteva I. V., Sonyem A. B., 2018

Актуальные вопросы базовой лингвистической подготовки бакалавра-переводчика в вузе: внедрение коммуникативно-функционального подхода к обучению переводу

А. Ю. Ивлева1*, И. В. Лаптева1, А. Б. Соньем2

1 ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва», г. Саранск, Россия, * [email protected] 2 Университет Яунде I, г. Яунде, Камерун

Введение. В настоящее время возникла необходимость переосмысления языковой подготовки переводчиков в связи с появлением новых подходов к переводу. Центральным вопросом статьи является использование нового коммуникативно-функционального подхода к переводу в языковой подготовке лингвистов-переводчиков. Цель - выявление специфических особенностей лингвистической подготовки, которые формируют языковую компетенцию будущего специалиста по переводу в рамках коммуникативно-функционального подхода.

Материалы и методы. Основу исследования составили общенаучные методы: наблюдение и сравнительный анализ, посредством которых были выявлены взаимосвязь и различия языковой подготовки студентов-переводчиков по разным аспектам речевой деятельности. Основным материалом для предлагаемой статьи был педагогический опыт преподавателей кафедры теории речи и перевода факультета иностранных языков в МГУ им. Н. П. Огарева и результаты исследования проблем подготовки переводчиков. Результаты исследования. Подтверждена гипотеза исследования через сравнительный анализ занятий по дисциплине «Практический курс иностранного языка» у двух профилей подготовки «Перевод и пере-водоведение» и «Методика преподавания ино странных языков и культур». Выявлены их специфические черты, общие моменты и недостатки c целью дифференцированного подхода к обучению иностранным языкам. Определены предпочтения видов речевой деятельности у студентов-лингвистов в МГУ им. Н. П. Огарева и Университете Яунде I. Предложен метод совершенствования процесса языковой подготовки переводчиков, основанный на коммуникативно-функциональном подходе к обучению переводу. Обсуждение и заключения. Обучение студентов профессиональному переводу предполагает формирование у будущих переводчиков особого переводческого мышления. Теоретическая значимость работы состоит в пересмотре приоритетов, систематизации и построении целостного междисциплинарного содержания языкового образования. Практическая значимость заключается в использовании полученных результатов в системе образования любой страны для обеспечения качественного обучения переводу. Специфику языковой подготовки специалиста-переводчика следует учитывать в условиях межязыкового посредничества применительно к ситуации глобальной нестабильности в мировой политике.

Ключевые слова: лингвистическая подготовка, иностранный язык, бакалавр-переводчик, методы обучения переводу, коммуникативно-функциональный подход, образование в вузе

Благодарности: авторы статьи выражают благодарность студентам-бакалаврам направления «Лингвистика» за апробацию основных положений научной работы и коллегам из Университета г. Яунда за активное участие в обсуждении результатов исследования.

Для цитирования: Ивлева А. Ю., Лаптева И. В., Соньем А. Б. Актуальные вопросы базовой лингвистической подготовки бакалавра-переводчика в вузе: внедрение коммуникативно-функционального подхода к обучению переводу // Интеграция образования. 2018. Т. 22, № 2. С. 324-338. DOI: 10.15507/19919468.091.022.201802.324-338


Translation is a special kind of speech creating activity. Social development features in our society led to qualified training of translators. In this connection translation departments in linguistic higher schools of Russia are being open. As this process has begun rather recently, there are some problems and contradictions in system of translators' training. One of the biggest problems

is misunderstanding of linguist-translator's language training specificity. Moreover, as educational systems have been constantly developed and improved, we should work out new approaches to translators' training corresponding to new requirements put forward by employers on a labor market. There is an opinion that language training of translators should not differ from language training of other linguists. We do

not sharer this opinion of view as it leads to lacks of professional translator's training. It is impossible to deny special importance of translators' language training as high level of language possession provides with language norms those requirements which are applied to translation. Problems of development of foreign languages teaching training methods in a comparative cultural paradigm take a special place in modern science. These problems are inseparably linked both with the general anthropological turn of sciences, and with practical problems of intercultural mutual understanding and development of world contacts where foreign languages play a conspicuous role [1].

In this connection it is desirable toapply new approaches to translation andmethods of its teaching. Besides, there has appeared communicative-functional approach to translation which is new to Russia. Bases of the communicative-functional approach to translation were developed as more or less completed theory variant in the second half of 20th century. Unlike the linguistic approach where the text is regarded as paramount importance, in frameworks of communicative-functional translation the text is a means to achieve the purpose of communicative act.

As V. V. Sdobnikov truly notices "Communicative-functional approach to translation is based on the fact that translational act is included into a wide context of inter language and intercultural communication, into a dialogue between the author of the original text and the addressees of translation. Thus, the subjects of communicative activity, i.e. the author of the initial message, the addressee of translation, and the translator as well should be added to the components of communicative act" [2]. In other words, translation is always done in certain communicative situation from which we make a start in translation process. Representatives of this approach consider inexpedient to translate the text as a ready made thing. Keeping this in mind we should work out a system of future experts language training.

There is a necessity to overestimate critically existing and prior system of

translators' training. Thus, process of translators' training within the frameworks of "Practical course of the first foreign language" should be focused on development of the skills of that communicative situation analysis in which the translation is going on, and translation strategy development proceeding from the results of carried out analysis. Computational approach has become a leading trend.

We hope that our article is of practical value, both for translation theory, and for methods of translation teaching.

So, in this article, we would like to focus our attention on the specificity of future translator's linguistic training and to regard the problem of translators' training at the present stage in a more profound way. We consider obligatory introduction of professional linguistic disciplines from early grade levels. The problem can be solved with the construction of methodical complexes taking into account specificity of a translator's profession. Actually, we will discuss the language competence of bachelor-translator.

Theoretical significance of our research lies in generalization of the information on the process of translators' linguistic trainig and development of improving recommendations. Practical value of the given work is in working out practical recommendations for improvement of bachelor-translator linguistic training within the course "Practical course of the first foreign language".

Consideration of translators' linguistic training within the frameworks of communicative-functional approach is recognized as an actual scientific problem. At present there is no uniform methodical basis for translator's linguistic training program construction within the limits of the given approach.

It is necessary to notice that there was a tradition to teach students of the first and the second courses trained on the specialty "Translation and study of translation and interpretation", and the students of speciality "Theory and foreign languages and cultures teaching methods" in the same way1. So, we consider such misunderstanding to

1 Комиссаров В. Н. Современное переводоведение. М. : ЭТС, 2001. 424 с.

be one of the main problems in training of future translators.

While considering the works of other authors on this theme we have found... ...just a few methodical papers aimed on working out the program of bachelortranslator linguistic disciplines training; as for new communicative-functional approach has not yet resulted in researches of methodological and pedagogical aspects.

Literature review

General problems of translators training are investigated by many authors. Foreignscientists discuss many issues that are associated with translation studies: for example, the factors that affect language learning, researched by J. Arnold2, the problems of simultaneous translation into a foreign language and practical ways of its training by P. Ur3, innovative technologies for a second language learning and translation studies, described by M. L. Carrio Pastor [3] etc. Dr. K. M. Na-veen [4], A. Jafari [5], M. C. Mallol4 and J. Nolan5 stop the focus on a practical approach for English teaching through translation method. The scientists I. C. Richards and T. S. Rogers engaged approaches and methods in language training for translators [6], functionalist approaches to translation as a purposeful activity are considered in works of C. Nord6, F. Pochhacker7. D. Li handles the training of translators and interpreters that meet social needs [7]. D. Robinson and L. Visson give methodological view how to become a real translator8 [8].

While writing this article, we used the both foreign and Russian scientific works as theoretical base: works by D. M. Bu-

zadzhi [9; 10], L. K. Latyshev9, O. V. Pet-rova [11; 12], V. V. Sdobnikov [13], S. Bassnett10, D. Li [7]. We have met some difficulties and contradictions during our research. The first is the contradiction between traditional and modern techniques of teaching.

S. A. Korolkova (Philologist. Teacher, Translator) notices that:"Understanding of the language (native or foreign) is as necessary as the working tool, allowing to carry out professional work. Therefore the main objective of language disciplines is improvement of speech competence, namely studying and mastering of textproducing conventions in professionally significant communicative situations" [14]. It plays especially important role in training of future translator. Besides, it is necessary to integrate the block of language subjects with disciplines of the professional trans-lational block, by means of constant cooperation of those who teach translation and interpretation study and those who teach linguistic disciplines.

At the initial stage of training the program and content of foreign language teaching for such specialties as "Translation and interpretation", "Theory and teaching methods of foreign languages and cultures", "Theory and practice of intercultural communication" and "Theoretical and applied linguistics", are not differentiated and are not focused professionally" [14].

In E. R. Porshneva's work it is stated: "teaching languages does not correspond to the requirements of future profession", i.e. teaching of linguistic disciplines is universal for various profiles, without taking into the account future professional activity [15].

2 Arnold J. Affect in language learning. Cambridge, Cambridge : University Press, 1999.

3 Ur P. Grammar practice activities: A practical guide for teachers text. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993. 288 p.

4 Mallol M. C. Teaching foreign languages through translation: Considering multiple intelligences 1998-2003 : PhD thesis. 2003. 141 p.

5 Nolan J. Interpretation. Techniques and exercises. Bristol : Multilingual Matters LTD., 2005. 320 p.

6 Nord C. Translating as a purposeful activity: Functionalist approaches explained. Manchester : St. Jerome Press, 1997. 154 p.

7 Pochhacker F. Introducing interpreter studies. London ; New York, Routledge, 2004. 252 p.

8 Robinson D. Becoming a translator: An accelerated course. Routledge, 1997. 344 p.

9 Латышев Л. К. Перевод проблемы теории, практики и методики преподавания. М. : Просвещение, 1988. 160 с.

10 Bassnett S. Translation studies, 3d edition. London ; New York, 2011. 190 p.

Also, according to the author, in the structure of translators' linguistic training special position should be given to linguistic study, though at present time basic linguistic cycle is much less developed than the cycle of special translational disciplines [15].

New conditions of the higher vocational education caused by Russia joining general European educational space, transition to two-level system, refusal of training "experts" according to five years educational cycle programs - all these make teachers of translation and interpretation face new problems in educational process [16].

In the work "About green juice and a salty electricity" V. V. Sdobnikov and remark "... somehow the majority of our higher institutes used to keep such an approach to translation when it is treated as a pure linguistic activity of target text transformation into the text in a different language" [17]. Problems of teaching translation are considered in the scientific works of other Russian scientists [18-21].

A. O. Ilner writes that upon the whole Russian education aspires to correspond to modern lines, and translator training is carried out in a certain sphere, but it is necessary to notice that this training is insufficiently qualitative [22]. This point of view is backed up by I. Yu. Ivleva, N. A. Kursheva and I. V. Lapteva, who study this problem in their papers and underline the importance of translations communicative direction11 [23; 24].

We share the opinion that only such translation has the right to existence which is carried out within the frames of a certain communicative situation and is aimed at the decision of specific targets of the concrete consumer. Translation for the sake of translation in which the original text is treated as a certain sacred inviolability can hardly be claimed today. Such translational product will not be demanded, and its manufacturer cannot earn decent money. The students should be aware of all this both at the stage of translation and language training. Only realizing requirements of modern market

of translational services, a student will be able to construct true model of professional work in which it is necessary to be guided not only by the original text, but, first of all, by the addressee.

Having studied the literature of different researchers, we face the question why with similar progressive views of different authors on this problem, linguistic training of translators has not yet obtained a professional orientation?

Materials and Methods

The comparative method of cognition, involving a comparative historical study of culture reveals the background of the phenomenon studied. If artifacts and cultural universals are compared within the same culture in their temporal development, then such a study can be defined as temporal-comparative, and the information obtained makes it possible to reveal the evolution of culture and translation within society in a particular period of time. If we investigate the relationship and the difference of this translation culture with a number of other items, then the comparative analysis helps to understand the mutual influence of each other's cultures on the basic of translation, their unity and difference due to a variety of factors observed.

While working on this article we carried out analytical research of training classes on two Profiles at the Mordovia State University and one profile at the University of Yaounde I.The purpose was to reveal common features and distinctions in teaching a foreign language to future teachers of foreign languages and to translators.

The research had two stages:

1) The development of a questionnaire for preferences of language training aspects and statistical analysis among the Foreign languages department students to identify their preferences of the language studying aspects, to present the results in the Figure 1 and use them on the next research stage.

2) The comparative analysis of skills and abilities of different Profiles students in dif-

11 Куршева Н. А., Лаптева И. В. Поэтический дискурс Т. С. Элиота в русских переводах. Saarbrücken, 2016. 175 с.

INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION. Vol. 22, no. 2. 2018

ferent aspects of language training to show that the process of foreign languages teaching must vary according to the learning purpose.

The questionnaire for the Foreign languages department students was worked out by the teachers of the faculty in Mordovia State University and University ofYaoundé I. The questionnaire has been held in the end of the sixth semester among the students of the Profiles: "Theory and teaching methods of foreign languages and culture", "Translation and Interpretation Study" (Mordovia State University) and "Translation Study and foreign language teaching" (University of Yaoundé I). Ten students of each profile took part in the research. The task was to show the preferences ("More important"/"Not so important") of the language aspects studying. The pattern of the filled questionnaire is given (table 1).

The results of the questionnaire held among the students of the different profiles from two Universities are given in the diagram-relation to the language learning aspects (grammar, audio work, written speech, oral speech, reading, work with vocabulary, out-of-class and home reading).

The comparative analysis of the students' preferences studying within three profiles directions showed that: at the Ogarev Mordovia State University the most important are grammar, written speech and oral speech for the "Theory and teaching methods of foreign languages and culture" Profile; written speech, oral speech and home reading - for the "Translation and Interpretation Study" Profile. At the Uni-

versity of Yaounde I for the "Translation Study and foreign languages teaching" Profile, oral speech, work with vocabulary and home reading are more important (fig. 1).

The authors decided to deepen the analytical vocabulary part of the research with the help of comparison of two profiles at the Mordovia State University (the second research stage), which appeared to the most interesting for the colleague from Cameroon.

Comparative analysis applied in the article revealed the differences between various approaches towards language studying. Moreover, analysis applied gives a full picture of foreign language adoption by students training to be teachers and translators. Being a fundamental means of analysis comparison sharpens the features described. In our opinion, such comparative analysis allows to study in detail specificity of language training of translators, and to state the necessity of specialization of basic linguistic training at early grade levels. The following criteria were used as a basis of the analysis: specific features of oral speech skills training, grammar, written speech, listening ability of oral speech perception (audition), home/out-of-class reading.

The material analysed was chosen according to the purposeful criteria. We took some items connected with grammar, audio, reading, writing to show the way of teaching these aspects taking into consideration the peculiarities of students-translators.

Thus, the object of our research was the analysis of linguist - translator's language training features.

T a b l e 1. The pattern of the filled questionnaire "The preferences of the language aspects studying among the linguist students, "more important"/"not so important" Т а б л и ц а 1. Образец заполненной анкеты «Предпочтения видов речевой деятельности в языковом обучении студентов-лингвистов, «очень важно»/«менее важно»

Aspects of language training / The preferences / Предпочтения

More important / Not so important /

Виды речевой деятельности

Очень важно Менее важно

Grammar / Грамматика Audio work / Аудирование Written speech / Письменная речь Oral speech / Устная речь Reading / Чтение Work with vocabulary / Лексика Out-of-class/home reading / Вне аудиторное чтение/домашнее чтение

х х х х





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Grammar / Грамматика

Audio work - / Аудирование

Written speech / Oral speech / Письменная речь Устная речь

Reading / Чтение

Lexicon / Лексика

Home reading / Домашнее чтение

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

□ Profile "Theory and teaching methods of foreign languages and culture", Mordovia State University / Профиль «Методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур», МГУ им. Н. П. Огарева

□ Profile "Translation and interpretation study", Mordovia State University / Профиль «Перевод и переводоведение», МГУ им. Н.П. Огарева

□ Profile "Translation study and foreigh language teaching", the University of Yaounde I / Профиль «Перевод и преподавание иностранных языков», Университет Яунде I

F i g. 1. The preferences about the most important aspects of language training by different students'

profiles, the number of students answering "very important" Р и с. 1. Иерархия видов речевой деятельности глазами студентов-лингвистов разных профилей, количество студентов c оценкой «очень важно»


During the conducted research essential distinctions in teaching of language disciplines at all levels of training have been revealed. Academic classes for translators are aimed at mastering of translational skills and abilities, and formation of translational competence. As for future teacher training, the main aim is to develop basic skills in all kinds of speech activity and mastering daily English language.

Academic class is a basic form of educational process. Qualification of future specialists corresponds to its quality. The analysis should be directed on improvement of educational process, performance of actions for improvement of expects' training quality, rendering of support in creative searches by more skilled teachers, revealing, generalization and promotion of the advanced pedagogical experience. Academic classes on students' language training are carried out within the course "Practical course of first foreign language" and "Practical course of second foreign language". The comparison is reflected in the table 2.

Class is a basic form of educational process organisation. Future experts' professional competence depends on the edu-

cational quality of classes. Class analysis should be directed on improvement of educational process, performance of quality improving actions experts training, the analysis should render creative searches support to more skilled teachers. It should reveal, generalize and promote advanced pedagogical experience. Language classes for students are carried out in the frame of the courses "Practical course of first foreign language" and "Practical course of second foreign language".

Identical comparative analysis had not been carried out yet, though it seems to be indicative, as it reveals essential distinctions in conducted classes within the frames of bachelors-linguists language training according to different educational profiles. Distinctions are observed in all aspects of foreign language teaching (phonetics, grammar, and lexicology). Hence, the statement that language teachers and translators' training goes through one and the same scheme is not only precipitate, but dangerous, as it can lead the teacher to consideration himself/herself as a translator, equal to the student who is trained on a profile "Translation and interpretation study", while the translator will have the

illusion of having the right to train youth in a foreign language for subsequent teaching.

The result is pitiable: the bachelor of linguistics seems to himself as a universal

capable of turning his/her hand to anything, though becoming Jack-of-all-trades in business he/she can hardly become a perfect master of his/her profession.

T a b l e 2. Aspects of language training with comparative analysis of students' skills and abilities for different Profiles: "Theory and teaching methods of foreign languages and culture"and "Translation and Interpretation Study" (Ogarev Mordovia State University) Т а б л и ц а 2. Сравнительный анализ видов речевой деятельности при обучении иностранному языку студентов профилей «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур» и «Перевод и переводоведение» (МГУ им. Н. П. Огарева)

Profile "Theory and teaching methods of foreign languages and culture" / Про- Profile "Translation and Interpretation Study" /

филь «Теория и методика преподава- Профиль «Перевод и переводоведение»

ния иностранных языков и культур»

1 2

Grammar / Грамматика

Mastering practical grammar, basic rules and constructions; intercultural aspect is not considered, speech pattern is given (through analysis and synthesis of grammar structure), speech training and communication, exact reproduction of studied pattern in typical functional situations, automatic usage / Владение практической грамматикой, основными правилами и конструкциями; не учитывается межкультурный аспект, предъявление речевого образца (через анализ и синтез грамматического явления), тренировка и применение в речи, точное воспроизведение изученного явления в типичных для его функционирования речевых ситуациях, доведение до автоматизма

Examples of grammar constructions usage are taken out of original texts (not out of exercises) which helps translational thinking formation; students are not given a ready made rule, they make it themselves Taking into consideration a degree of competitive skills formation a teacher suggests a unique complex of grammar exercises built on the demands of communicative-functional approach with cultural peculiarities of the studied language country, formation of social cultural and linguistic background studying competence; grammar material should be presented in concrete communicative situation [1] / Примеры с использованием определенной грамматической конструкции выбраны не из упражнений, а из конкретных текстов, так или иначе способствующих формированию переводческого мышления; студенты сами выводят правило, а не получают готовое; в зависимости от сформированности тех или иных компетенций преподаватель предлагает свой уникальный комплекс грамматически направленных упражнений, построенный на основе требований коммуникативно-функционального подхода и учета культурных особенностей страны изучаемого языка, формирование социокультурной и лингвострановедческой компетенции; предъявление грамматического материала осуществляется в конкретной коммуникативной ситуации

Audio work / Аудирование

Audio training begins with sound patterns remembering and recognizing language units in speech, differentiation of resembling sounds, recognizing the elements of prosody, listening ability development; the focus is on the main text message, details are less important / Обучение аудированию начинается с запечатления в памяти звуковых образов языковых единиц и их узнавания в потоке речи, дифференциации похожих по звучанию звуков, узнавания просодических элементов, развития речевого слуха; основное внимание уделяется главной идее текста, детали не столь важны

Training of foreign speech perception with phonetic peculiarities (for instance, phonetic deviation in politician's speech), differentiation of dialects, ability to keep in memory big bulk of information, training of translator's ability in fast writing, ability to work under distraction of attention, skill of communicative prediction / Обучение восприятию иностранной речи с индивидуальными особенностями произношения (например, речь политического деятеля), умению различать диалекты, способность удерживать в памяти большой объем информации, обучение переводческой скорописи; умение работать при наличии отвлекающих факторов, prediction (вероятностное прогнозирование)


Окончание табл. 2 / End of table 2




Exercises for working out skills and abilities of forming written text, transformation, compression or widening sentences, grouping on different features, equivalent changes (lexical and grammatical ones) auxiliary abilities; attention focus on written text content including different difficulties typical for a certain form of communication / Упражнения, нацеленные на формирование умений и навыков, лежащих в основе письменного высказывания: трансформации, сжатие или расширение предложений, группировка по различным признакам, эквивалентным заменам (лексическим или грамматическим), вопросоответным умениям; направленность внимания на содержание письменного высказывания, включающего в себя комплекс различных трудностей, характерных для данной формы общения


Practice in the form of dialogues and live situations, ability to speak about oneself, one's family, friends, interests and plans for future / Практика в виде диалогов и жизненных ситуаций (бытовых), умение рассказывать о себе, семье, друзьях, своих интересах и планах на будущее

speech / Письменная речь Much attention is given to words writing (spelling), precision lexicon, appealing to additional information sources (background knowledge), written translation, annotation writing, text thesis writing. Students are offered to write not only essays, compositions, transpositions, but also political public speeches, instructions, recopies and other kinds of texts, which are later translated by students in their professional field / Акцент на написание слов, прецизионную лексику; необходимость к обращению к дополнительным источникам информации (фоновые знания), выполнение письменного перевода, аннотирование, реферирование текста; написание не только эссе, сочинений, изложений, но и текстов политических выступлений, инструкций по применению, рецепта и т. п., подготавливающих к профессиональной деятельности

speech / Устная речь

Forming translator's way of thinking, ability to use language means precisely and laconically, express the idea as a result of text delimitation; skill of switching over from one language code to another / Формирование переводческого мышления, способность кратко и четко, используя адекватные языковые средства, формулировать мысль, расчленяя текст на смысловые компоненты; навык быстрого переключения с одного языкового кода на другой

Teaching the language during academic class; ability to extract the main message and retell it; literary (sign) translation / Обучение языку во время занятия, умение извлекать главную мысль и пересказать ее; дословный (знаковый) перевод

Reading / Чтение Text analysis. Text structure is in the focus, possession of vast background knowledge (extra linguistic information), focus on learning precision lexicon, teaching linguistic prediction, choosing of the texts (theme texts corresponding to a certain type of discourse), much attention is given to details, the text structure is preserved in retelling, retelling plan and terminology are obligatory / Анализ текста. Структура текста на первом месте, обладание большим объемом фоновых знаний (экстралингвистическая информация), упор на изучение прецизионной лексики, обучение вероятностному прогнозированию, подбор текста (тематические тексты, принадлежащие к определенному типу дискурса), большое внимание к деталям, при пересказе сохраняется структура текста, необходим план пересказа, знание терминологии

Work with vocabulary / Лексика

Necessity of memorizing maximum quantity of words / Необходимость в запоминании как можно большего количества

Paraphrasing, usage of synonymic and antonymic means, getting and keeping in mind key information, ability to explain and comment on notions, facts, reproduction on memory figures, dates, geographical names, proper names in the given order, learning lexical units with "nest' (semantic field) method / Перефразирование смысла; оперирование синонимическими и антонимическими средствами; извлечение и удержание в памяти ключевой информации полученного сообщения; умение пояснять и комментировать понятие, факт; воспроизведение по памяти ряда цифр, дат, географических названий, имен собственных в установленном порядке, заучивание лексики «гнездовым методом»

INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION. Vol. 22, no. 2. 2018

Окончание табл. 2 / End of table 2



Out-of-class/home reading / Внеаудиторное чтение/домашнее чтение

Students read books for home reading by their own choice. They write out new words without context into their dictionaries. Home reading is not obligatory either for a student or for a teacher / Студенты читают книги по внеаудиторному чтению по своему выбору. Слова выписываются в словарик без контекста. Домашнее чтение не является обязательным компонентом для студента-преподавателя

Rendering of text sense. Home reading classes help to develop students' skills to structuralize the text and find connections between the parts of it, which is quite necessary for a translator/interpreter. Home reading is treated as a means of teaching oral speech and mastering language material, i.e. home reading is practiced for developing students' language knowledge. Students are offered the list of books for choosing; each book is chosen so that to form translator's competences, usually the content of the book is connected with the events, a translator should know. New words are written out in their functional context, foreign definitions of the words are obligatory for memorizing; students must give synonyms to each unknown word. Home reading is based on one and the same book for the whole group of students. Exercises worked out by teacher are supplied as an appendix to the book. The exercises are aimed at forming of students' memorizing vast fields of lexicon, at students' comprehension of the fact that not the words (signs) but the notions are supposed to be translated. In class the read up fragments are always translated, the translation is discussed by the whole group; the teacher creates such a situation in which all the mistakes, drawbacks and strong points of a concrete translation are put forward by the students themselves. Discussion favors the translation quality improvement. The discussion is carried out only in a foreign language, which keeps the students in the authentic language field, moreover professional terms are used / Передача смысла текста. Занятия по домашнему чтению помогают развить у студентов навыки структурирования текста и выявления связей между этими частями, что совершенно необходимо переводчику / Внеаудиторное чтение рассматривается как средство овладения языковым материалом и обучения устной речи, т. е. оно используется для закрепления и развития языковых знаний студентов. Студентам предлагается для чтения список книг на выбор, каждая из книг призвана формировать переводческие компетенции и бывает связана с определенными событиями, фоновые знания о которых обязаны присутствовать у переводчика. Слова выписываются в словарик не изолированно, а в том контексте, в котором они функционируют, обязательны к заучиванию дефиниции слов на иностранном языке, непременным условием является запись синонимов к незнакомому слову. Домашнее чтение предполагает прочтение одной и той же книги всей подгруппой студентов, к этой книге обязательны упражнения, разработанные преподавателем. Они нацелены на запоминание обширных пластов лексики в контексте, на формирование понимания студентами того факта, что слова переводить нельзя, следует переводить не знаки, а понятия. На занятии обязательно переводятся фрагменты прочитанного, перевод обсуждается всей группой, преподаватель создает такую ситуацию, при которой все ошибки, недочеты и успешные решения конкретного перевода выявляются самими студентами. Дискуссия позволяет улучшать качество перевода. Обсуждение ведется обязательно на иностранном языке, тем самым студенты всегда находятся в поле иноязычной речи, и, более того, профессионально ориентированной речи

Discussion and Conclusions

Cooperative statements of the theoretical problem, practical realization of research stages and results discussion have brought the authors to the following output.

The analysis held showed that our theoretical supposition connected with the idea that the process of foreign languages teaching vary, when we mean future teachers and translators (interpreters), it was proved. The students themselves understand that language learning differs according to the learning purpose. To speak a foreign language and to translate from one language to another one are two different, even opposite things. This very important conclusion shows that the faculty authorities responsible for language teaching must fully understand the peculiarities of a future translator education.

If universities want to produce authentic specialists, good professionals useful in the modern conditions they must take into account that profiles (discussed in the article) are absolutely different. The students learned on different profiles should be educated differently according to the purpose of their future activity. Otherwise, ignorant faculties will not be able to survive.

Students' language training on the profile "Translation and interpretation" essentially differs from language training of future teachers of the foreign languages. Language competence of the translator includes into itself all aspects of language mastery. Language competence of the translator is characterised by special flexibility and plasticity, ability to change and pass from speech perception to speech producing, from one language to another, from one style and communicative register to another that assumes adequate mastery of the original language and target language. Professional-focused approach to training of foreign languages of the students-bachelors taught on the profile "Translation and interpretation study" assumes specialisation of language disciplines at early grade levels, since together with the formation of translational skills, formation of a special kind of translational thinking comes on the foreground. Translator as an expert in the field of intercultural communications

should not only know a foreign language, but be aware of national-cultural specificity of communication, cultural distinctions and social cultural norms of native speakers' behavior, should know a foreign culture [1]. On the basis of the conducted research we came to the conclusion that didactic material of practical language classes for future translators should contain cultural component beginning with the initial stage of studying, that will allow to be focused not only on language learning but on cultural features of native speakers, as well as the formation of students' intercultural competence [1].

The beginning of foreign language teaching always faces methodological system of sorting out professionally valuable qualities (in our case, translator's qualities) to be initially developed in classes of "Practical course of foreign language".

An exit from the set up contradictions should be searched in studying the language in the field of professional context. The professional-focused approach to students-bachelors' training of foreign languages is an obvious exit from the current situation in which the subjective interests of separate chairs directed on obligatory attraction to this or that profile of training, often lead to a disorientation of the entrant. It is very important, that from the first course of a bachelor degree training program future translators, understanding the importance of dictionary definitions, have been aimed by teachers at search of semantic conformity taking into account a context and a communicative situation, instead of becoming slaves of the word meaning fixed by dictionaries. It Is the comprehension of the fact that translation it not a mere substitution, replacement of one language code signs by another one, but a complicated form of interaction, whose participants belong to different cultures, which will help to approach translation training on a rational basis. We are firmly assured that translation teaching should be started from the very beginning of training-in classes of "Practical course of first foreign language". Students should "dive" into the depth of real situation for the translation, instead of swimming badly

in shallow waters of artificially made situations for foreign language learning. Gradual introduction of special translation training elements into a foreign language teaching methods promotes accumulation of those skills, background knowledge, notions of the world that benefit to student's translational thinking development.

We believe that translation and interpretation didactics should add to its arsenal the most advanced achievements of translation and interpretation theory and that will effect on translators' training quality, as a result, quality of translation and interpretation in the market of translational services will be improved [14].


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Submitted 21.11.2017; revised 11.01.2018; published online 29.06.2018.

About the authors:

Alina Yu. Ivleva, Head of Chair of Speech Theory and Translation, National Research Mordovia State University (68/1 Bolshevistskaya St., Saransk 430005, Russia), Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), ORCID: http://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-6571-7083, [email protected]

Irina V. Lapteva, Professor of German Philology Chair, National Research Mordovia State University (68/1 Bolshevistskaya St., Saransk 430005, Russia), Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), ORCID: http://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-0444-4237, Researcher ID: 0-3676-2015, [email protected]

Alain В. Sonyem, Associate Professor of Chair of Germanistics, The University of Yaounde I (755 Rue Joseph Tchoungui Akoa, Yaounde, Cameroon), Ph.D. (Philosophy), ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8045-1877, [email protected]

Contribution of the authors:

Alina Yu. Ivleva - statement of the research problem; choice of research methods; practical realization of research stages; identification of the linguist-translator's language training specificity; the discussion of the results of the study; the approbation of the research main conclusions in the "Foreign language practical course"; comparative analysis of the language training within the framework of the communicative-functional approach to translation; the development of improving methods for training.

Irina V. Lapteva - statement of the research problem; choice of research methods; the study of translation theory literature; practical realization of research stages; comparative analysis of total and problems of the linguist-translator's language training; discussion of the research results; development of improving methods for training.

Alain B. Sonyem - practical realisation of research stages; discussion of the results of the study; a comparative analysis of the linguist-translator's language training characteristics within the framework of the

communicative-functional approach to translation at the University of Yaounde I; development of methods of improving language training.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.



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2. Sdobnikov V. V. In defense of communicative-functional approach to translation // Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2016. Vol. 231. Pp. 92-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.09.076

3. Carrio-Pastor M. L. Technology implementation in second language teaching and translation studies: New tools, new approaches. Berlin : Springer, 2016. 256 p. URL: https://www.springer.com/gp/ book/9789811005718 (дата обращения: 17.11.2017).

4. Naveen K. M. English language teaching through the translation method: A practical approach to teaching Mongolian CPAs // Translation journal. 2010. Vol. 14, no. 1. URL: http://translationjournal.net/ journal/51mongolian (дата обращения: 13.11.2017).

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

5. Jafari O. How approaches to teaching English can be used for teaching translation // Translation journal. 2013. Vol. 17, no. 2. URL: http://translationjournal.net/journal/64teaching.htm (дата обращения: 13.11.2017).

6. Richards J. S., Rodgers T. S. Approaches and methods in language: Teaching 2-nd edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. 278 p. URL: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=580402 (дата обращения: 13.11.2017).

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Поступила 21.11.2017; принята к публикации 11.01.2018; опубликована онлайн 29.06.2018.

Об авторах:

Ивлева Алина Юрьевна, заведующий кафедры теории речи и практики перевода, ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва» (430005, Россия, г. Саранск, ул. Большевистская, д. 68/1), доктор философских наук, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6571-7083, [email protected]

Лаптева Ирина Валерьевна, профессор кафедры немецкой филологии, ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва» (430005, Россия, г. Саранск, ул. Большевистская, д. 68/1), доктор философских наук, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0444-4237, Researcher ID: 0-3676-2015, [email protected]

Соньем Алан Бельмонд, старший преподаватель Отделения германистики, Университет Яунде I (755, Камерун, г. Яунде, ул. Джозефа Чунгуи Акоа), кандидат философских наук, ORCID: http:// orcid.org/0000-0002-8045-1877, [email protected]

Заявленный вклад авторов:

Ивлева Алина Юрьевна - постановка проблемы исследования; выбор методов исследования; проведение анкетирования; выявление специфики языковой подготовки лингвиста-переводчика; обсуждение результатов исследования; апробация основных положений исследования на занятиях по «Практическому курсу иностранного языка»; сравнительный анализ особенностей проведения занятий в рамках коммуникативно-функционального подхода к переводу; разработка приемов совершенствования процесса языковой подготовки.

Лаптева Ирина Валерьевна - постановка проблемы исследования; выбор методов исследования; изучение работ по теории перевода; проведение анкетирования; сравнительный анализ общих моментов и недостатков языковой подготовки лингвиста-переводчика; обсуждение результатов исследования; разработка приемов совершенствования процесса языковой подготовки

Соньем Алан Бельмонд - проведение анкетирования; обсуждение результатов исследования; сравнительный анализ особенностей проведения занятий в рамках коммуникативно-функционального подхода к переводу в Университете г. Яунде; разработка приемов совершенствования процесса языковой подготовки.

Все авторы прочитали и одобрили окончательный вариант рукописи.

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