Научная статья на тему 'The role of psycholinguistic segment in the organization of the educational process of future translators'

The role of psycholinguistic segment in the organization of the educational process of future translators Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Morska Liliya, Sabat Natalia

The article reveals the essence of the psycholinguistic segment which systematizes the psychological mechanisms of translation, including general psychological mechanisms (perception, memory, comprehension), specific-activity mechanisms (level regulation of activity, attention, a proactive reflection of reality (probable forecasting), and specific mechanisms of translation activity (mechanisms of transcoding of external language codes into internal speech codes, mechanism of switching from one language to another, mechanisms of compression and decompression). The process of formation of modern translation theory in socio-historical and psycholinguistic aspects has been observed. It has been concluded that there is a distinct interrelation between language, speech and thinking. The leading parameters that are used as differentiation factors of categories expressed in the language form, are interpreted as universals of human thinking, that is, psycholinguistic universals. The peculiarities of the educational process of future translators have been analyzed. The main aspects of successful preparation of future translators have been substantiated. With respect to psycholinguistic segment in professional education of translators, there have been defined two types of components of preparation of a future translator: the psychological components include the components of the creative potential of the translator's personality, the psycholinguistic ones presuppose the characteristics of the target text and its adequacy as a result of translation activity. The role of the psycholinguistic segment in the organization of the educational process of future translators in higher educational institutions has been shown and the model of creative potential realization of a translator has been projected and developed.

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Роль психолингвистического сегмента в организации учебного процесса будущих переводчиков

Раскрыта сущность психолингвистического сегмента, который систематизирует психологические механизмы процесса перевода, к которым в исследовании отнесены общие психологические (восприятие, память, понимание), специфические деятельностные психологические (уровень регуляции деятельности, внимание, опережающее отражение действительности (вероятностное прогнозирование) и специфические (механизмы перекодировок внешних кодов во внутренние коды речи, механизм переключения с одного языка на другой, механизмы компрессии и декомпрессии) механизмы деятельности переводчика. Отслежено формирование современной переводческой теории с точки зрения социо-исторического и психолингвистического подходов. Сделан вывод о четкой взаимозависимости в процессе перевода между языком, речью и мышлением. Психолингвистический аспект исследования перевода позволяет трактовать межъязыковую коммуникацию как речевую умственную деятельность будущего переводчика, с уникальной возможностью проследить и проанализировать специфику мозговых процессов во время этой деятельности. Ведущие параметры, по которым различаются выражены в языковой форме категории, можно толковать как универсалии человеческого мышления, то есть психолингвистические универсалии. Перевод понимается как сложный процесс, требующий многоуровневого анализа семантических полей, синтаксических структур, культурных различий носителей двух языков, задействованных в речевой интеракции.Проанализированы особенности процесса подготовки будущих переводчиков к профессиональной деятельности. Обосновано ключевые аспекты успешной профессиональной подготовки. С учетом психолингвистического сегмента в профессиональной подготовке будущих переводчиков определены два типа составляющих в этом процессе: к психологическим относятся составляющие творческого потенциала личности переводчика, а к психолингвистическим характеристики текста перевода и его адекватности как результата переводческой деятельности. Определена роль психолингвистического сегмента в организации учебного процесса, направленного на подготовку будущих переводчиков к профессиональной деятельности, спроектировано и разработано модель реализации творческого потенциала будущего переводчика. Доказано, что для реализации творческого потенциала переводчика его творческие задатки играют важную роль, то есть способности переводчика являются определенным исключительным способом адаптации к миру предметов, к социальному миру. Отмечено,что творческие способности как способ адаптации к физическому миру обогащают фонд энциклопедических знаний переводчика.

Текст научной работы на тему «The role of psycholinguistic segment in the organization of the educational process of future translators»


1. Загальноевропейсью Рекомендацп з мовно! освгти: вивчення, викладання, оцшювання / пер. з англ. О. М. Шерстюк; наук. ред. укр. вид-ня С. Ю. Школаева. - К.: Летит, 2003. - 273 с.

2. Методика навчання шоземних мов i культур: теор1я i практика: подручник для студ. класичних, пед. i лiнгвiст. ун-тiв / О. Б. Бмч, Н. Ф. Бориско, Г. Е. Борецька та ш.; за заг. ред. С. Ю. Нколаево!. - К.: Ленвiт, 2013. - 590 с.

3. Когут О. Особливоси професшно! спрямованосп та свiтоглядних орiентацiй майбутнiх програмютав / О. Когут. [Електронний ресурс] - Режим доступу: http://www.social-science.com.ua/article/507.

4. Тарнопольский О. Б. Методика обучения английскому языку для делового общения: учеб. пособие / О. Б. Тарнопольский, С. П. Кожушко. - К.: Ленвит, 2004. - 192 с.


1. Zahalnoevropejski recomendatsii z movnoi osvity: vyvchennia, vykladannia, otsinuvannia / nauk. redactor ukr. vydannya S. Yu. Nikolaieva. - Kyiv: Lenvit, 2003. - 273 p.

2. Metodyka navchannia inozemnykh mov i kultur: teoriia i praktyka / za zahaln. red. S. Yu. Nikolaievoi.

[Methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures: theory and practice]. Kyiv: Lenvit, 2013. — 590 p.

3. Kogut О. Osoblyvosti profesijnoi spryamovanosti ta svitoglyadnyh orientatsij majbutnih programistiv. [Elektronnij resurs] - Available at: http://www.social-science.com.ua/article/507.

4. Tarnopolskij О. B. Metodyka obuchenia anglijskomu jazyku dlia delovogo obshchenija: uchebnoje posobije / O. B. Tarnopolskiy, S. P. Kozhushko. - Kyiv: Lenvit, 2004. - 192 p.

Стаття надшшла в редакцию 27.10.2018 p.

УДК 378.14.015.62

DOI 10:25128/2415-3605.18.3.18

LILIYA MORSKA ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4916-383 [email protected], Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor The University of Bielsko Biala (Poland) Ivan Franko Lviv National University 1 Universytetska Str., Lviv

NATALIA SABAT ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3613-330X [email protected] Teacher

Ivan Franko Lviv National University 1 Universytetska Str., Lviv


The article reveals the essence of the psycholinguistic segment which systematizes the psychological mechanisms of translation, including general psychological mechanisms (perception, memory, comprehension), specific-activity mechanisms (level regulation of activity, attention, a proactive reflection of reality (probable forecasting), and specific mechanisms of translation activity (mechanisms of transcoding of external language codes into internal speech codes, mechanism of switching from one language to another, mechanisms of compression and decompression). The process of formation of modern translation theory in socio-historical and psycholinguistic aspects has been observed. It has been concluded that there is a distinct interrelation between language, speech and thinking. The leading parameters that are used as differentiation factors of categories expressed in the language form, are interpreted as universals of human thinking, that is, psycholinguistic universals. The peculiarities of the educational process of future translators have been analyzed. The main aspects of successful preparation offuture translators have been substantiated. With respect to psycholinguistic segment in professional education of translators, there have been defined two types of components of preparation of a future translator: the psychological components include the components of the creative potential of the translator's personality, the psycholinguistic ones presuppose the characteristics of the target


text and its adequacy as a result of translation activity. The role of the psycholinguistic segment in the organization of the educational process of future translators in higher educational institutions has been shown and the model of creative potential realization of a translator has been projected and developed.

Keywords: psycholinguistic segment, future translators, educational process, translation, abilities.


доктор педагопчних наук, професор Техшчно-гумашстична акаде)шя (Польща) Льв!вський нацюнальний ушверситет ¡меш 1вана Франка м. Льв!в, вул. Ушверситетська, 1


викладач кафедри англшсько! фшологп Льв!вський нацюнальний ушверситет ¡мен! 1вана Франка м. Льв!в, вул. Ушверситетська, 1


Розкрито cymuicmb ncuxonimeicmuuHozo сегмента, який систематизуе ncuxonoziuui механ1зми процесу перекладу, do яких у дocлiдженнi eidHeceHo загальнi ncuхoлoгiчнi (cnрuймання, пам'ять, рoзyмiння), cneцuфiчнi дiяльнicнi ncuхoлoгiчнi (piвень регуляци дiяльнocmi, увага, випереджаюче вiдoбpажeння дiйcнocmi (ймoвipнicнe npoгнoзyвання)) та cneцuфiчнi (мехашзми третдувань зoвнiшнiх кoдiв мoвu у внутршт тди мoвлeння, мехашзм треключення з oднiеiмoвu на тшу, мeханiзмu ^мщет i де^м^ет) мeханiзмu дiяльнocmi трекладача. Пpocmeжeнo фopмyвання cyчаcнol nepeкладацькol meopil з moчкu зopy coцio-icmopuчнoгo та ncuхoлiнгвicmuчнoгo niдхoдiв. Зpoблeнo вucнoвoк npo чтку взаемoзалeжнicmь у npo^ci трекладу мiж мoвoю, мoвлeнням i мжленням. Пcuхoлiнгвicmuчнuй атект дocлiджeння трекладу дае змoгy трактувати мiжмoвнy тмушкацт як мoвлeнневy мжленневу дiяльнicmь майбymньoгo трекладача, iз yнiкальнoю мoжлuвicmю npocmeжumu й npoаналiзyваmu тецифжу мoзкoвuх npoцеав тд чаc щеН дiяльнocmi. Ocнoвнi nаpамempu, за якими piзняmьcя вupажeнi в мoвнiй фopмi каmeгopil, мoжна трактувати як yнiвepcалil людcькoгo мжлення, mo6mo ncuхoлiнгвicmuчнi yнiвepcалil. Переклад вuзначeнo як cкладнuй npo^c, щo ттребуе багаmopiвнeвoгo аналiзy ceманmuчнuх noлiв, cuнтажичних cmpyкmyp, культурних вiдмiннocmeй нocilв двoх мoв, задiянuх у мoвлeнневiй ттеракци. Пpoаналiзoванo ocoблuвocmi npoцecy niдгomoвкu майбуттх nepeкладачiв дo npoфeciйнol дiяльнocmi. Oбtpyнmoванo ключoвi атекти ycniшнol npoфeciйнol niдгomoвкu. З урахуванням ncuхoлiнгвicmuчнoгo ceгмeнmа у npoфeciйнiй niдгomoвцi майбутшх nepeкладачiв вuзначeнo два munu cкладoвuх у цьoмy npoцeci: дo ncuхoлoгiчнuх належать cкладoвi mвopчoгo ттенщалу ocoбucmocmi трекладача, а дo ncuхoлiнгвicmuчнuх - характержтики тежту трекладу та йoгo адeкваmнocmi як результату nepeкладацькol дiяльнocmi. Buзначeнo poль ncuхoлiнгвicmuчнoгo ceгмeнmа в opганiзацil навчальнoгo npo^cy, cnpямoванoгo на niдгomoвкy майбymнiх nepeкладачiв дo npoфeciйнol дiяльнocmi, cnpoeкmoванo та poзpoблeнo мoдeль peалiзацil mвopчoгo ттенщалу майбymньoгo трекладача. Дoвeдeнo, щo для peалiзацil mвopчoгo ттенщалу трекладача йoгo mвopчi задатки вiдiгpаюmь важливу poль, moбmo здiбнocmi трекладача е твним виняттвим cnocoбoм адаnmацil дo cвimy npeдмemiв, coцiальнoгo cвimy. Bказанo, щo mвopчi здiбнocmi як cnociб адаnmацil дo фiзuчнoгo cвimy yмoжлuвлююmь збагачення фoндy eнцuклoneдuчнuх знань трекладача.

Ключовг слова: ncuхoлiнгвicmuчнuй ceгмeнm, майбутт nepeкладачi, навчальний npo^c, треклад, здiбнocmi.


доктор педагогических наук, профессор Техническо-гуманистическая академия (Польща) Львовский национальний университет имени Ивана Франко

г. Львов, ул. Университетская, 1

НАТАЛИЯ САБАТ преподаватель кафедры английской филологии Львовский национальный университет имени Ивана Франко

г. Львов, ул. Университетская, 1


Раскрыта сущность психолингвистического сегмента, который систематизирует психологические механизмы процесса перевода, к которым в исследовании отнесены общие психологические (восприятие, память, понимание), специфические деятельностные психологические (уровень регуляции деятельности, внимание, опережающее отражение действительности (вероятностное прогнозирование) и специфические (механизмы перекодировок внешних кодов во внутренние коды речи, механизм переключения с одного языка на другой, механизмы компрессии и декомпрессии) механизмы деятельности переводчика. Отслежено формирование современной переводческой теории с точки зрения социо-исторического и психолингвистического подходов. Сделан вывод о четкой взаимозависимости в процессе перевода между языком, речью и мышлением. Психолингвистический аспект исследования перевода позволяет трактовать межъязыковую коммуникацию как речевую умственную деятельность будущего переводчика, с уникальной возможностью проследить и проанализировать специфику мозговых процессов во время этой деятельности. Ведущие параметры, по которым различаются выражены в языковой форме категории, можно толковать как универсалии человеческого мышления, то есть психолингвистические универсалии. Перевод понимается как сложный процесс, требующий многоуровневого анализа семантических полей, синтаксических структур, культурных различий носителей двух языков, задействованных в речевой интеракции.Проанализированы особенности процесса подготовки будущих переводчиков к профессиональной деятельности. Обосновано ключевые аспекты успешной профессиональной подготовки. С учетом психолингвистического сегмента в профессиональной подготовке будущих переводчиков определены два типа составляющих в этом процессе: к психологическим относятся составляющие творческого потенциала личности переводчика, а к психолингвистическим - характеристики текста перевода и его адекватности как результата переводческой деятельности. Определена роль психолингвистического сегмента в организации учебного процесса, направленного на подготовку будущих переводчиков к профессиональной деятельности, спроектировано и разработано модель реализации творческого потенциала будущего переводчика. Доказано, что для реализации творческого потенциала переводчика его творческие задатки играют важную роль, то есть способности переводчика являются определенным исключительным способом адаптации к миру предметов, к социальному миру. Отмечено, что творческие способности как способ адаптации к физическому миру обогащают фонд энциклопедических знаний переводчика.

Ключевые слова: психолингвистический сегмент, будущие переводчики, учебный процесс, перевод, способности.

As a result of political, economic and social changes of the end of the XX century - the beginning of the XXI century, there has been an intensive increase in the tendency towards the integration of Ukrainian education system into European educational world. This can be related to the awareness of home-based experience and the search for effective ways of reformation. The role of translation today is significant in terms of reorientation, that means that every foreign word created in our dialogue and spurred by a great many generations of Ukrainian translators, is achieving the value through the discovery of yet another psycho-energy communication channel and psycho-semiotic rapprochement between cultures. Thus, the organization of the educational process of future translators can not be investigated without a psycholinguistic segment. The psycho-linguistic approach to translation is getting to be shaped by anthropocentric character, since the principles of translation laid down at its foundation are based on the search for similarities, and not on the differences between the source and the target languages, common translation strategies that are typical of all or most translators. In the global sense, psycholinguistics of translation is a reliable outpost of the idea of translationability, actively spreading it.

Formation of translation competence in socio-political and economic life was the subject of scientific research studied by many scholars. These include: Alekseeva I. S., Barhudarova L. S., Brandes M. V, Vinogradova V. S., Ganicheva T. V., Kade V. N. Komissarova V. N., Latysheva L. K., Minjar-Beloruchiev R. K., Miram G. E., Korunets I. V, Svednikova V. V., Fedorova A. V, Khaleeva I. I., Cherednichenko O. I., Chernovaty L. M, Chuzhakina A. P. and others. The questions of the role of the psycholinguistic approach were of interest to such scholars as: Kliukanov I. E., Lotman Yu. M., Rosen V. M, Stepanov Yu. S. The topic of adequate reproduction in translation of the function or linguistic-ethical reaction of the native speakers of the original text was investigated in the studies by Karaban V. I., Latysheva L. K., Radchuk V. D, to name but a few. According to the authors,


translation studies at the present stage of development can not be based solely on the linguistic paradigm, the priority objects being now text and discourse in cognitive and pragmatic aspects. The systematization of the mechanisms of translation activity, proposed by V. I. Ermolovich [2, p. 49], is extremely important for understanding the psycholinguistic nature of translation. He identified three levels of translation activity mechanisms, namely:

• general psychological mechanisms - perception, memory, comprehension;

• specific-activity mechanisms - level regulation of activity, attention, a proactive reflection of reality (probable forecasting);

• specific mechanisms of translation activity - mechanisms of transcoding of external language codes into internal speech codes, mechanism of switching from one language to another, mechanisms of compression and decompression.

A thorough analysis of the psycholinguistic model of translation activity has been presented in the works by O. O. Leontiev. The scientist is convinced that the psycholinguistic model reflects the phenomena of speech-thinking activity in a somewhat simplified form so that to facilitate the study of this activity in the theoretical and experimental terms [4, p. 200]. It should be emphasized that these linguistic trends, considered as the most popular on the domestic scientific arena of today, initially repelled from psycholinguistics, obtaining their own design on its methodological basis.

The goal of the article is to investigate the role of the psycholinguistic segment in the organization of the learning process of future translators.

The methods of teaching a foreign language in the framework of the professional training of future translators is interconnectedly based on the general-didactic principles that reflect the specifics of educational activity focused on the formation of speech activity; psycho-linguistic principles, that is, initial statements that encourage the intra-disciplinary integration of students' knowledge and skills in lexicology and grammar, grammar and speech skills, lexicology and stylistics, oral and written speech, speech activity and the culture of speech. The psycholinguistic dimension of translation makes it possible to understand interlanguage communication as the speech activity of a future translator, with unique opportunity to look into his/her mind, to analyze the brain processes during this activity. According to psycholinguistics, it is now time to come to an understanding of the common idea, uniting all people: the research emphasis is gradually shifted, since nowadays scientists are increasingly interested in the question of language and cultural universals rather than the issue of linguistic and cultural relativity [2 p. 280].

Not less importance today is given to the psycholinguistic phenomenon of interrelation between language, speech and thinking. The leading parameters that are used as differentiation factors of categories expressed in the language form, can be interpreted as universals of human thinking, that is, psycholinguistic universals. Scientists focus on the values of psycholinguistic study of universals. Translation serves a complex process and requires multilevel analysis of semantic fields, syntactic structures, and cultural differences. Similar to any activity where the language participates, in translation there is always a creative novelty. In terms of psycholinguistics, the basic unit of language is an expression that has semantic completeness. Transmission of content is possible only with consideration of some of the factors discussed below. These include:

• genre-stylistic features of the text;

• the period of being written, which is due to socio-political and cultural peculiarities of a certain historical period;

• cultural and linguistic peculiarities of the nation, people.

All translators, even those of such formalized texts as weather forecasts, are constantly faced with new situations and are forced to solve unexpected problems. Psycho-linguistic skills acquired over the years and coming with experience must be formed at the beginning of education and preparation process. Taking into account the psycholinguistic peculiarities of translation of semantic units and the development of psycholinguistic abilities in students improves the level of understanding and translation of foreign scientific text. Translation earns the priority in psycholinguistic research, since the elements of bilingualism and brain, foreign language teaching, and translation activities are under specificly watchful eye of this science during its half-century history.

Translation as the process of cognitive processing of discourse has a more complicated structure, since it involves two languages, with activation of both at one and the same time. The

psycho-linguistic aspects of the study of translation process are related to a number of factors. On the one hand, translation is the process involving linguistic phenomena and linguistic facts. On the other hand, it is understood as an integrated cognitive process, which consists of psychological operations of perception, interpretation, understanding, and generation. The linguistic image of this process is necessarily accompanied by its psycho-linguistic description from the position of the translator himself. Specific features of the future translator's work - stylistic techniques, viewpoint settings, language skills. These features make it possible to organize such a complex and multi-faceted translation process [4, p. 91].

Such an advanced approach to the analysis of theoretical problems of translation has advantages in terms of practice, the development of universal methods of both oral and written translation, since it is the psycho-linguistic translation function that takes into account the way in which the original text (source text) is perceived and the text of the translation (target text) is created, and divides translation activity into written and oral translation. In addition, in most works devoted to translation, it is viewed in a static and narrow perspective - as a product (translation text).

Limitations of separately viewed linguistic and psychological approaches applied to the study of translation turned out to be their mutual critique and the inability to explain their own linguistic subjective peculiarities of translation, although each of them has significant contributions, of both theoretical and practical character. Students - future translators - use psycholinguistic means (phonetic, lexical-grammatical, stylistic) in accordance with the peculiarities of the communicative situation and the sphere (science, technology, politics, business, education, etc.). In addition, they exchange information in a foreign language together with the use of adequate kinetics (facial expressions, gestures, symbols, etc.). In the course of communication students identify the individual "portrait" of the interlocutors, which reflects national aesthetic, social, cultural, spiritual, age and other parameters, in order to prevent conflicts, as well as perceive information and respond adequately to it in terms of expressing emotions, feelings, intentions, dreams, etc. By means of the study of a foreign language through communication, future translators will know the world around from different perspectives, taking into account individual, social experience and knowledge of the country whose language is being studied [2, p. 281].

A large number of psycholinguistic studies emphasize the complexity and versatility of processes of perception and understanding of the text. Scientists focus on the interconnection of such processes. Because of this, perception and understanding are considered to be two sides of one phenomenon - the procedural side and the resultant side.

When interpreting the text, a future translator may make certain permissible transformations of text information. First of all, a person tries to distinguish the most significant elements of the text and separate them from the secondary ones by re-structuring a separate part of the text or combining text elements into larger semantic formations that adequately reflect the content of certain parts of the message. In addition, synonymous paraphrasing is possible during reading, which leads to the reconstruction of the entire structure of the text or its certain parts. The psycholinguistic model contains psychological and psycho-linguistic components [4, p. 85].

The psychological components include the components of the creative potential of the translator's personality, the psycholinguistic ones presuppose the characteristics of the target text and its adequacy as a result of translation activity. Figure 1 shows the psycholinguistic model for realization of the creative potential of a translator.

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Picture. 1. Psycholinguistic model of the realization of the creative potential of a translator [4].

Thus, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that to realize the creative potential of a translator, his creative abilities play an important role. That is, the translator's ability is a peculiar, unique way of adapting to the world of subjects, to the social world. Creative abilities as a way of adapting to the physical world make it possible to enrich the stock of encyclopedic knowledge of the translator.

Creative abilities are an important prerequisite for the professional growth of a translator. They are based on the transformation of the need for dominance into the need for recognition. Such a predominance is an important stimulus for professional growth, the realization of oneself in target texts that can be realized only on the basis of creative abilities.

Consequently, the creative abilities as components of the psycholinguistic model represent a peculiar way of adapting the translator to the subject and social world, which is a guarantee of professional skills development.

That is why it is important for students, future translators, to deeply understand the content of the text and analyze it. In this context, the process of preparing future translators is aimed at shaping the students' ability to implement technologies, combining classical and innovative approaches to learning in the spectrum of personal vision. Analyzing the content of the source text, discussing stylistic features and semantic subtleties, the relevance of the use of linguistic means in certain situations of communication, the teacher uses the methods and terminology of lexicology, semasiology, grammar and other components of psycholinguistic disciplines.

Consequently, the psycholinguistic aspect convinces that the translator is an active person and collaborator of the text creation rather than its passive repeater. The understanding of translation, in which the translators and psycholinguists are unanimous, is that of a special kind of creative activity, communicative interaction of the individuality of the translator and the author's personality through the text. Theoretical and empirical knowledge of the general and specific patterns of translation process will contribute to a better understanding of the psycholinguistic aspects of communication in the text-translator format. Researchers are increasingly focusing on the values of the psycholinguistic study of universals, which now represent an interest in the phenomenon that occurs in different languages with a frequency that goes beyond the limits of randomness [1, p. 49].


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