Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
Shahnoza Rustamovna Shukhratova
student of 110 group, 2nd treatment faculty Tashkent Medical Academy
Supervisor: Guzal Akbarjonovna Dadaboyeva
the teacher of the department of Pedagogy, psychology and languages [email protected]
This article deals with the notion of terminologies and their theoretical and mythological aspects in teaching language. Especially, in terms of medical students, medical terminologies are considered one of main part of medicine. Thus, this piece of work represents different ways of implementing terminologies in communicative competence.
Keywords: terminology, language, medicine, ESP, teaching, communicative competence.
Ushbu maqola, atamalar kelib chiqishi, ularning nazariy va metodik funksiyalari haqida bo'lib bu ayniqsa tibbiyot talabalari uchun juda keng ahamiyat kasb etadi. Masalan, tibbiyot talabalarining professional nutqini oshirish, kommunikativ kompetentligigni shakllantirishda tibbiyot atamalari asosiy rol o'ynaydi.
Kalit so'zlar: atamalar, til o'qitish, tibbiyot, ESP, kommunikativ kompetensiya.
The study of terms has been of interest to linguists for quite a long time. Attempts have been made repeatedly to understand their theoretical essence, unfortunately, which did not lead to an unambiguous answer. For example, there are different points of view on the process of analyzing terms: it is an inseparable connection between the term and the text in the process of studying, when the terms are not extracted from the text, but are considered in interaction with it, and, on the contrary, the independence of the term from the text, due to unambiguity, non-expressiveness and ability to be used
isolation (for example, in registries).
Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
The general characteristic of the term depends directly on the state of the language of science and technology, on the trends of its (language) development. Accordingly, changes in science lead to a change in scientific views and to the creation of new terms and methods of their study. Analyzing the current state of the term, it is important to note its great semantic flexibility, the ability of new terms to appear on the basis of existing ones.
The study of the "term" has been conducted for more than a decade. And, nevertheless, there is no unambiguous definition of this concept. Sometimes linguists give several definitions in one article at once, so V.P.Danilenko in one of his works notes 19 definitions, indicating that this is not a finite number of them, and B.N.Golovin gives seven examples of the definition of the term. First of all, it should be noted that the term is the object of study of a number of sciences, and each of them tries to formulate its own definition, taking into account the characteristics of this field of knowledge. At the same time, it is not possible to create a single definition of such a multidimensional concept for many sciences.
In terms of the content of medical terminology, the following are presented: morphological formations and processes characteristic of the human body in normal and pathological conditions at various stages of its development; diseases and pathological conditions of a person, forms of their treatment and signs (symptoms, syndromes), pathogens and carriers of diseases; environmental factors that have a beneficial or negative effect on the human body; indicators of their hygienic regulation and evaluation; methods of diagnostics, prevention and therapeutic treatment of diseases; operational accesses and surgical operations; organizational forms of providing medical and preventive care to the population and sanitary-epidemiological service; devices, tools and other technical devices, equipment, medical furniture; medicinal products grouped according to the principle of their pharmacological action or therapeutic effect; individual medicinal products, medicinal plants, etc. According to N.M. Shansky, terminology, like dialectisms, constitutes such a layer of words in the vocabulary of a national language, the scope of which is limited. But terminology seriously differs from dialectisms in that the scope of terminology is limited not territorially, but socially, and in that the terminology is included in the dictionary term (lat. terminus "border, limit, end") is a special word or phrase adopted in a certain professional field and used in special conditions. The term is a verbal designation of a concept tha part of the system of concepts of a certain area of professic
Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023
Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
knowledge. Terminology (as a set of terms) constitutes an autonomous sector of any national language, closely related to professional activity. The terms of each branch of science, technology, production form their own systems, determined, first of all, by the conceptual connections of professional knowledge in an effort to express these connections of language your means [12, P. 229].
The terms of any of the scientific fields are divided into monolex and polylex. Monolex or one-word terms are formed according to one of three structural types, namely: a simple or root term, the basis of which corresponds to the root (nape, pull, chin, cast, back, cancer); an affixal type term that includes both the root and affixes (resorption, resuscitation, marantic, wetting, rubber); a complex term whose composition is represented by two or more root morphemes (cardiography, bloodstream, hysterocolposcopeagar-tube, fiberscope, bedfast) (Bolotina, 2006).
The most common methods of term formation proposed by S.V. Grinev-Grinevich are morphological, syntactic and the method of word composition (Grinev-Grinevich, 2008). The first and most popular method of morphological term formation in the English language is conversion. Examples of terms formed with the help of conversion are words such as transplant, bandage, healing, hurt, etc. (Mokina, 2010).
Suffixation is characterized as the most common method of morphological formation. Some of the most productive term-forming models have the suffixes -ing, -tion (-sion), -er (-or), -ist, -ic. With the help of such suffixes, the terms acquire the meanings of processes (peeling, maceration, sweating, liquefaction), "figures" (adviser, proctologist, hematologist, neurologist, oncologist, urologist, trichologist, psychiatrist, pulmonologist), and belonging to any subject area (cholecystis, immunogenic, icteric, lipotropic, nontoxic, dactylis) (Bolotina, 2006).
What can not be said about the prefix, with which a smaller number of terms can be formed. In addition, borrowed prefixes (poly-, re-, de-, etc.) are increasingly used, most of which are of Latin origin (Danilenko, 1979). An example is such terms as polymyalgia polydactyly regeneration revascularization readmission, recuperation, nutrition reamputation, regression, etc. (Bolotina, 2006). The syntactic method, which implies the transformation of ordinary phrases into complex "word equivalents", represents terms formed by means of a two-component attributive phrase. Such a phrase usually consists of the main element the noun in the nominative case and the defining component, that is, the attributive (Grinev-Grinev
Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
In the medical vocabulary of the English language, there are three types of two-component terms: attributive phrases with an adjective that stands before the noun being defined (infrared rays, nasal septum, open reduction); attributive phrases with a noun that performs a prepositive function of definition (hepatitis virus, elbow joint, biliary peritonitis, drug poisoning); phrases, one of the components of which denotes the proper name, often the creator of the term (Robson's point, Friedman's reaction, Kocher's forceps (Bolotina, 2006).
The word composition refers to the combination of two or more root morphemes in one term, in the following examples: gastrointestinal, lipochondrodystrophy, macroglobulinemia, microspherocytosis (Bolotina, 2006). The analysis of examples of terms formed using the morphological and syntactic method, as well as the method of word composition, proves their high frequency of use and prevalence in the process of term production.
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