Kodirov Barhayotjon Sobirjonovich, Teacher of the department of teaching history Kokand state pedagogical institute E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The rapid development of all spheres of society requires the implementation of reforms based on modern innovative ideas, developments and technologies that will ensure rapid and quality progress of our country on the path to becoming a leader of world civilization. This article highlights the theoretical and practical foundations of the innovative development of the country through the analysis of the ongoing reforms, the ongoing work on the "Action Strategy".
Keywords: Action strategy, development, reform, communication, education, science, innovation, digital economy, innovative technologies.
It is known that the basis ofthe development ofour Republic is the idea of building a democratic and legal state, civil society. In the first years of independence, the path of development is reflected in the «Uzbek model», a system ofprinciples that is now reflected in the Strategy ofAction. Indeed, taking into account the socio-economic changes taking place in our country and the rapid changes in the world, a strategy of action has been developed for the future development of our republic.
The tasks set on the basis of the idea of development are being gradually introduced today. They are interdependent and interdependent. Reforms are being carried out on the basis of social orientation. In general, the large-scale democratic reforms implemented in our country during the years of independence based on the Uzbek model are an important basis for strengthening national statehood and sovereignty, security and law and order, inviolability of borders, rule of law, human rights and freedoms, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance.
bek model "of development and building a modern state" [4, P. 5].
The President ofthe Republic of Uzbekistan signed the Decree "On approval of the Strategy of innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 20192021" [2]. According to the decree, the Strategy of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019-2021 and the target indicators of innovative development ofUzbekistan until 2030 were approved.
The theoretical and methodological basis of the consistent innovative development of Uzbekistan is reflected in the "Strategy ofAction". Social, economic and political reforms have expanded the scope of human activity, i.e. the area of opportunities, the areas of human activity associated with it have increased. In particular, democratic reforms continue to adapt to changing conditions, changes in human and social thinking. Therefore, "the idea that the reform of thinking is urgent is in turn a vital necessity for humanity to carry out deep, serious reforms in our education system" [9, P. 28]. Of course, changing the way a per-created the necessary conditions for a decent life of son thinks, providing him with new ideas is a problem our people, the realization of the creative potential of that everyone faces throughout life. Especially today, our citizens. Therefore, "in our work we always rely when new ideas enter all spheres of human activity on the strategic principles of implementing the" Uz- (politics, government, business, economy, education),
the socio-economic changes taking place in our country are trying to improve the quality of life and take a worthy place in the world community.
The reforms being carried out in our country are being carried out in the context of an innovative growth model. At the same time, the reforms being carried out in the field of education, modernization, active entrepreneurship, active investment, tourism development, innovative ideas and technologies, roadmaps in the digital economy are comprehensive, and the tasks are set in accordance with the period. At the same time, today the implementation of the "Action strategy" for 2017-2021 also includes five priorities for the development of the country. That is, improving the construction of the state and society; ensuring the rule of law and further reform of the judicial system; further development and liberalization of the economy; development of the social sphere; ensuring security, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance, pursuing a foreign policy in a well-thought-out, mutually beneficial and practical spirit [1].
We are witnessing the ongoing socio-economic changes in our country and the changing position of our country in the international arena on the basis of action plans. The strategy of action is based on the "Uzbek model" of development, the implementation of key ideas, as well as the introduction of new tasks and new opportunities. The algorithm of the strategy of action is aimed at communicating with the people, with other countries in the process of protecting human interests. Therefore, the interaction between man, the state, society, further strengthens the existing connections and influences between these elements. Of course, "dialogue, discourse, various forms of communication between leaders and the people are the most important aspects of the implementation of the Concept" [6, P. 87]. For this reason, the dialogue between the state and the people opens up new prospects for development, as well as allows to solve development problems based on laws and decrees.
The direction of the action strategy plans is multi-vector and each is multifunctional. Today, the inno-
vative development carried out in our country within the framework of the Action Strategy is reflected in a number of qualitative changes. That is, "structural and functional renewal has become a priority process in all spheres of society" [7, P. 5]. It is well known that "structure reflects the interrelationships and interactions between the elements of a system. Therefore, a change in the structure leads to a change in society" [8, P. 25]. Indeed, in a society that has entered such a period of change, the introduction of innovative technologies, unconventional thinking and foresight, the use of the latest production methods and tools are seen at the level of social need. That is, "if we start building our great future today, we must start it on the basis of innovative ideas, innovative approach" [5, P. 20].
It can be seen that in the development of mankind, innovative ideas have the power to change the scientific, social direction. They (innovative ideas) are formed in such areas of human science as scientific, social, political, economic. Innovative ideas in the field of science allow to organize new scientific directions, simplify production processes and create opportunities for the opening of new fields. In this regard, 2019 has been named the "Year of active entrepreneurship, support of innovative ideas and technologies" in our country. We can see this in the innovative changes in the field of education in our country. In particular, the strategy of action and the decisions taken in recent years on education form the basis of the ongoing reforms in the field of education in our country.
In today's extremely complex world, innovative activity must also be flexible, adaptable, so that man can adequately adapt to a rapidly changing situation. Innovative activity is carried out on the basis of human thinking, his creativity, which is constantly updated and constantly increasing its effectiveness. The realization of a creative idea is an innovation. Of course, "innovation is the creation of previously non-existent objects, structures, values and methods (technologies) of activity, the expression of emerg-
ing innovations in signs, images and symbols. At the same time, it is a process of application to all spheres
of society and human life through social assimilation and dissemination " [7, P. 4]. So, innovation means that the mechanism of self-development is understood and the scope of knowing the world is expanded and enriched.
Our country has chosen the path of innovative development. The innovative development of the country is associated with overcoming the resistance of antiquity. This process is a reflection of the evolution of society, the evolution of human cognitive capabilities, the evolution of human intellect.
It should be noted that today the development of the digital economy is a multifaceted process and forms the basis of innovative development. The digital economy has a great impact on all spheres of social life, including human interaction, scientific research, science, education, knowledge generation, human cognitive processes. Therefore, the digital economy is a global trend that sets a new paradigm for the development of Uzbekistan. One of the main tasks is to provide people with scientific, practical and civic views on the digitalization process in the country, to look for opportunities for economic growth, to improve living standards and quality of life through integration and a huge synergistic effect. Also, in the digital economy, the use of modern computer and information systems by organizations, and especially by enterprises in the real sector of the economy, is an important condition for their effective operation.
It should be noted that digitalization and digital transformation of the economy in social development are also having an impact on the education system. This requires the formation and use of digital skills in education, the adaptation and development of new forms of mastering digital reality. Also, one of the modern sources of social development is the need to establish a system of continuous vocational education, actively update the knowledge of the population and the formation of the required competencies [10].
It is emphasized that in today's pandemic, entre-preneurship makes an important contribution to the development of our country. Because the development of small business and private entrepreneurship is one of the ways to solve the problem of employment. Indeed, the small business entrepreneurship sector is able to adapt quickly to rapid changes in the social situation and to receive innovations quickly, changing its activities in a short period of time. This makes it easier for them to change their products from one form to another, depending on the situation. That is why they are an active part of society.
At the same time, the most important tasks are to support and encourage small business and entrepreneurship in the country, to strengthen the economic power of our country, peace and stability, social harmony, to create favorable conditions for further increasing the share of this sector. That is, "an entrepreneur feeds not only himself and his family, but also the people and the state. I never tire of saying, even if it is repeated, that the richer the people, the richer and more powerful the state" [3, P. 15]. Of course, small business and private entrepreneur-ship today are becoming a guarantee and pillar of social and political stability in our society, a force that actively moves our country on the path of development. Opportunities are being created to take advantage of these factors in the action strategy. At the same time, new tasks are being set.
In short, the implementation of the "Action strategy" is aimed at reforming and modernizing the country, building a democratic state based on a developed market economy, a strong civil society, the rule of law, security and law and order, inviolability of state borders, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance. gives new strength to the zealous efforts of the path. Therefore, new perspectives and approaches to the implementation of the ideas of the "Action strategy" are being formed in the socioeconomic environment. So, as we move on the path of innovative development of our republic, we need to develop human capital.
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