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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Muratova Shohista Nimatullayevna

The article examines the problems of formation of sustainable development of the national economy related to the state and prospects of ensuring economic and environmental security, since the global interpretation of sustainable development is based on the co-evolution of man and the biosphere, economy and ecology in order to develop a society acceptable for preserving the ecological recess of man. Threats to ensure economic and environmental security in the modern national economy leads to the emergence of a number of factors that hinder the achievement of a green economy and formation of economy of knowledge, allowing to effectively realizing the human potential, on both personal and public levels.

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Muratova Shohista Nimatullayevna, PhD, in Economics, associate professor, Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. The article examines the problems of formation of sustainable development of the national economy related to the state and prospects of ensuring economic and environmental security, since the global interpretation of sustainable development is based on the co-evolution of man and the biosphere, economy and ecology in order to develop a society acceptable for preserving the ecological recess of man. Threats to ensure economic and environmental security in the modern national economy leads to the emergence of a number of factors that hinder the achievement of a green economy and formation of economy of knowledge, allowing to effectively realizing the human potential, on both personal and public levels.

Keywords: economy and ecology, "green economy", economic and environmental security, sustainable development, national economy, monitoring of economic and environmental security.

I. Introduction actively developing. "Green economy" is a direction

Traditionally, not enough attention is paid to the in economic science, in which it is considered that

the economy is a dependent component of the natural environment within which it exists and is part of it, aimed at preserving the well-being of society through the efficient use of natural resources, as well as the return of end-use products to the production cycle [2, 1262-1266].

Experts of the United Nations environmental protection organization (UNEP) consider the "green economy" as an economic activity that "increases the well-being of people and ensures social justice, while significantly reducing the risks to the environment and its impoverishment" [3]. II. Literature review

The definitions of economic and environmental security given in international sources are directly related to the concept of "green economy" and sustainable development, while constant attempts to

problems of interaction between the economy and the environment. However, it is difficult to argue that economic growth is linked to increased pollution and environmental degradation. This is reflected in the depletion of natural resources, the imbalance of the biosphere and climate change, which limits the possibility of further development.

According to the forecasts of the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD), with the current method of production and consumption, by 2050, in comparison with 2000, the world will lose from 61 to 72% of flora and fauna, and the preservation of natural territories will be irreversibly disrupted by 7.5 million square kilometers [1].

Environmental problems are now integrated into economic science as a limited good, and a new trend - "green economy" - has been formed and is

deepen or expand these terms should be noted. In particular, the materials of world conferences on environmental issues (Stockholm, Rio de Janeiro), the UN concept of sustainable development of society and economy, which determines that the current state of the world economy leads to an increase in the global environmental crisis and requires a radical structural restructuring of the entire economic system in accordance with the objective requirements of the environmental imperative, are of great interest and key importance for the development of scientific thought. This is explained by the fact that, according to world experts, humanity reacts to global changes in the quality of the environment not as an integral system, but as a set of states that are heterogeneous in their interests and protect their national interests.

In our opinion, it is difficult to overcome this problem, and it is almost impossible for developed and developing countries to carry out economic activities in the current conditions. In the XX century, the Western world actively developed and continues to develop consumer lifestyle culture, which further aggravates the relationship between society and the environment, stimulating economic development, increasing needs, because a normal market economy cannot develop without an increase in consumption.

We systematize the main variants of definitions of key terms related to the study of the content and features of economic and environmental security in modern scientific theory and practice.

The term "green economy" in official international interpretations has the following interpretations -

- it is "an economy that improves the well-being of people and ensures social justice, while significantly reducing the risks to the environment and its impoverishment" (UNEP);

- this is a policy focus that relies on environmentally sustainable economic progress to promote low-carbon and inclusive development (UN Economic and social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)).

The term "sustainable development" is also defined in two ways - officially recognized at the international level and scientific in the practice of research by scientists:

- a process that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland Commission 1987);

- a dynamic process in which resource exploitation, investment activities, scientific and technological progress and institutional changes are coordinated and strengthen the existing potential to meet human needs [4, 125-129].

The term "economic and environmental security" presented by us to the following interpretations:

- the state of protection of vital interests of individuals, society, natural environment from threats caused by exposure to human activity and industry on the natural environment and, in turn, the natural environment on people and businesses [5, 87-90];

- this is a set of states, processes and actions of security entities that can ensure a balance of interests and co-evolution of the national (regional, local) economy and the environment that do not lead to violations (or threats of such violations) for the natural environment and society beyond the limits established by law.

The last UN conference on the environment, held on June 20-22, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, defined the main goal of further development of the world community - the creation of a sustainable "green economy" that ensures environmental protection. Relating to the main obstacles to achieving a sustainable green economy in the world, the problems of water, energy, food problem, the problems of ecosystems and the urbanization of mankind, the global community poses a solution to the problems of sustainable development, the most relevant of which for our economy is the following:

1. Expanding the use of renewable sources of energy, it should contribute to economic growth;

2. Transition to a greener economy with a focus on poverty eradication;

3. Improving living conditions in cities and improving the efficiency of urban infrastructure.

III. Methodology& results

The modern national economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is in a dual state - on the one hand, the objective need to meet the needs of modern economic and environmental systems of the world, which is expressed in the adoption and active application of the basic principles of the "green economy", on the other hand - the consequences of recent de-

cades, the raw material structure of the economy and at the same time:

- it is necessary to realize and implement at the national level a clear orientation of the economy in terms of its GDP structure to post-industrial production, including in agriculture;

- it is important to focus the national economy on "green growth", as can be seen from the example of a number of developed countries, since only this will help ensure sustainable development in the interpretation we have given, including in the social, economic and environmental systems;

Ecological safety:

demographic security, - social security;

spiritual and moral security.

Économie security:

information security,

- defense security,

- political security.

Economic and environmental balance


Economic mid environmental seen r ¡1y

A set of states, processes and actions I hat can ensure a balance between the interests of the national economy and the environment. without causing viola: ions to the natural environment and society beyond the limits of the norms established bv law.

Economic and environmental su st a inability


Levels of economic jmd environmental security

- overall global;

- interstate,

- national,

- territorial;

- economic entities and individuals.

Evaluation criterion:

- public health:

- level of tcchnogenic impact on objects of the natural environment;

- national policy on environmental protection and nature management,

- quality of the natural environment.

Figure 1. Content of economic and environmental security and criteria for its assessment

- it is important to supplement the theoretical and practical perception of the content and directions of national economy research with a new theory [6, 57] focused on identifying and studying national pathologies and territorial features of crisis socio-economic processes, and in our case, environmental processes;

- the presence of the mutual influence of the traditional in scientific and practical research of the national economy and its "reverse" side-national pathology, allows us to conclude that it is necessary to monitor the country's security in its various components, but, first of all, to monitor economic and environmental security in order to timely identify threats to economic and environmental security and determine measures to prevent them;

- the interdependence between the country's economic and environmental security and the high level of overcoming threats to this security, on the one hand, and sustainable development, on the other hand, is confirmed by international expert assessments and follows logically from the interpretation and content of these concepts.

In our opinion, it is the ability of the national economy in a timely and cost-effective to respond to threats of economic and environmental security is directly correlated with sustainable development, ensuring its full and harmonious achievement of the country should appear in such economic traits as stable individual well-being, continuing the stock of natural capital, as well as the stability and recover-ability of territorial ecosystems.

In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the 2000's were a period ofactive state participation in the development of the foundations and principles of sustainable development, taking into account the environmental factor. With the adoption of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.DP-4477 dated October 4, 2019 "On approval of the Strategy for the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a "green economy" for the period 2019-2030", the impulses to environmental modernization have objectively increased.

The primacy of ensuring environmental security is obvious, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve environmental and economic security at any level, since the created economic system of the Republic of Uzbekistan in no way meets the criteria and principles of the "green economy", or the conditions for achieving sustainable development in the international concept of the United Nations. Figure 1 shows the content of economic and environmental security itself and the generally accepted criteria for its assessment.

IV. Analysis and results

We present the result of systematization of threats to economic and environmental security that are characteristic of the subjects of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is relevant from the point ofview of building methods for assessing factors that not only positively but also negatively affect the security and ability of the national economic system to sustainable growth (Fig.2).

As a result of active globalization of the world economy in the twenty-first century emphasis on the importance and possibilities of implementing programs of development and economic growth has shifted, primarily, to external threats and factors because of the high dependence of the national system of government, administration, defense against the requirements and standards of international institutions (World Bank, IMF and its management, defining contents and rules of monetary and fiscal policies of member countries, WTO, etc.). In our country, the development of production based on energy, raw materials, semi-finished products and mass production of serial products continues, although for most developed countries this technological structure was typical in the 1960's-1970's. If we compare the commodity structure of exports of the Republic of Uzbekistan and developed countries such as Canada and Norway, which share a large share of raw materials in commodity exports, developed countries have foreign markets for finished products, including high-tech goods.


Threats to the economic and environmental security of the national economy




1 .Subjects of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

- slate of the territorial cco system of most regions;

- low profitability of the real sector of the economy;

low investment attractiveness and demand for innovations;

- low financial independence in the implementation of territorial development programs;

- differences in natural and climatic conditions and the lack of preparation of agriculture for environmentally friendly farming.

.LJ^rrcncy and financial:

- capital outflow from llie country;

- growth of external public debt;

- state of budget relations.

2. Macroeconomic:

- displacement of goods and services from the market, including international ones;

- state of the means of production;

- shadow economy

2 Economic entii i e s :

- conflict of environmental and economic interests;

- underdeveloped industrial stinclure.

3 .Political and ¡egal

- compliance of national law-making with international environmental law;

- low-level regulation of slate social standards.

3. Personal. - lew level and quality of life compared to developed countries; - low level of education and culture of environmental education, 4. The activities and standards of

international organizations- for developing countries, including the Republic of Uzbekistan-are very dangerous

Figure 2. Characteristics of types of threats to economic and environmental security

There are objective reasons that do not allow us to fully realize all the opportunities of the market economy, to ensure the uniformity and completeness of the implementation of any transformations. This is the presence of different natural and climatic conditions, a sharp difference in the density of the population and the density of industrial and economic objects.

V. Conclusion and discussions Thus, until a stable understanding is formed at the national level by citizens, Executive bodies,

representative authorities, and enterprise management of the need to switch to the principles of a "green economy", and only under this condition -achieving sustainable growth through renewable energy sources, creating conditions for improving the quality of life of the population, "planting" such technologies and such an ideology for the national economy can result in losses for enterprises, the state in the absence of effective demand and free, fair competition with foreign producers of "green technologies".


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