Tulegenova M., Khassenova M., Mansurova B.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty,Kazakhstan
The process of technological transformation takes place continuously, embodying the new knowledge in new technologies and products. Every stage creates a new model of economy and economic behavior. During the active life man transforms the environment to meet their needs. But showing excessive egoism, he passed the critical threshold of intervention in wildlife, inflicting irreparable damage. Industrial technologies have accelerated this process.
There is a need to change the model of economic and environmental human behavior as the basis for sustainable development. Formation of a new environmental culture begins in education.
Key words: noosphere, natural capital, renewable natural energy, sustainable development, education and environmental culture.
Problem formulation. Man is part of nature and its products. The material basis of human development is the process of assigning and processing of natural resources. Once a person has learned to make fire, the relationship between man and nature began to be built on the domination of man over nature. Since then, exhausting, polluting and destroying the wealth of nature, a man condemns himself to intensifying natural disasters, frequent economic crises.
The task of humanity - to reduce the use of limited natural resources, replacing them with renewable natural sources of energy.
The structure of the natural capital determines the degree of diverse and competitive capabilities of the national economy. Until recently it was believed that the richer the natural resources of the state, the higher its level of competitiveness. However, the commercial interests of economic operators deplete reproducible parts, undermining the stability of the economy, both individual countries and the world economy.
Reproducing the model of economic growth due to excess revenues received from the sale of natural resources, increasing productivity and efficiency in agriculture, using toxic chemicals and pesticides, many states have reached overproduction of consumer goods. In the emerging market countries the quality of life deteriorates, which manifests itself in reducing the life expectancy of the younger generation, and deterioration of health.
Scientific heritage and the modern theory of sustainable development
The negative consequences of aggressive behavior towards nature in the scientific world have been the subject of active research in the middle of the last century. Impetus to this process the implications of the atomic bomb in Japan, where people were killed, radiation disease kills hundreds of thousands of lives, natural surroundings for many years was destroyed. During these years, similar phenomena were observed in the Kazakh and Russian nuclear sites. Changes in the nature and humanity, became an object of study not only of industrial science, and in the interdisciplinary research.
The origins of scientific thought about the unity and contradictions of Humanity and Nature, researchers found in the teaching of Russian Academician Vernadsky - the founder of the concept of the noosphere, and the natural habitat of humanity, in which the forces of nature and man are
accumulated. According to the theory of Vernadsky, a natural source of human life is solar energy, which is transformed into biochemical energy of living matter, concentrated in natural resources.
According to his definition, the biosphere - is the environment, pristine environment of the Earth, transforming solar energy into earth energy: electrical, chemical, mechanical, thermal [1]. During his active economic activities, man transforms the biosphere into the noosphere, is a shell of the globe, soaked in the energy of man, his thoughts and actions.
According to the theory of Vernadsky, in the noosphere is forming and accumulating information and social energy. The consciousness of man and society form of information and energy flows that will materialize in the abilities of people, culture, behavior. In addition, the noosphere provide feedback on the nature of the society. The reaction of the medium depends on the behavior of the person, on how he is considerate towards nature.
With a positive energy field is created useful labor and the human mind in the form of industry, infrastructure, science and high culture, bio-energy is directed to the construction of the future. When aggressive behavior noosphere society directs energy flows on the destruction of the present and the future.
Prior to the teachings of Vernadsky fragmentary interpretations of norms of human behavior in nature and in economy, his interests can be found in the ancient thinkers, philosophers and early economists. For example, in the book of Milton Myers' «The soul of the modern economic man» is a statement of the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes: people's interest is «... the most powerful and the most destructive of human passion» [2].
The founder of classical economics, Adam Smith wrote of human nature determines the self-interest and selfishness, «the same in all people, non-vanishing desire to improve their situation». [3]
The economic interest of the individual, society and the followers of the classical school and the representatives of other emerging scientific schools of economists studied in the framework of theology, from the standpoint of human deification of natural forces. The level of human development has not allowed him to exploit the natural factors. The balance
between society and nature in pre-industrial times persisted.
In the industrial age, the research related to the search for solutions to the problems caused by increase of imbalances that threaten the sustainability of human development: the growth rates of production and consumption in the distribution of resources and income, the number of older and younger generations of the world's population. The greatest risks associated with the sustainability of the increase in consumption in the post-industrial period of human development and the depletion of limited natural resources, the deterioration of the biosphere. The global impact of the growing environmental crisis began to demand the intervention of the authorities and international organizations.
In 1970, under the initiative and financial support of the Club of Rome, a group of scientists from around the world under the guidance of MIT professor Jay Forrester and his student Dennis Meadows conducted a study and prepared a research project «Limits to Growth. The report of the Club of Rome. « The report concluded that if the current trends of population growth, industrialization, environmental pollution, food production and resource depletion will continue, over the next century, the world will come to the limits of growth, there will be a sudden and uncontrollable decline in population and sharply decrease the volume production. However, they believed they could change the growth trend and come to a sustainable long-term economic and environmental sustainability. And this state of global imbalances should be set at a level that would meet the basic material needs of each person and give everyone equal opportunities for realization of personal potential [4].
The results showed that if the pattern of growth from the exploitation of natural resources of the new generation of the near future will reach the demographic and economic collapse, causing the system to a global catastrophe. Scientists have proved the need to build a new model of human development, which is called the paradigm of «sustainable development.» The peculiarity of this model is that economic growth is not accompanied every step of shrinking resources, each generation makes its contribution to improving the well-being of mankind.
The purpose of this study reveal the author's vision of evolutionary changes in the economic and environmental human behavior due to technological progress and the characteristics of their impact on the environment in the developing market and justify the need for a new paradigm of reproduction, which will be the basis of renewable energy and energy saving technologies.
Technological progress, environmental damage and sustainability of emerging markets
Industrial revolution of the XIX century, putting top new round of technological progress, the initial factor was the exhaustion of natural resources, environmental pollution and the cyclical economic development. With the expansion of production in pursuit of profits, society grew perception of nature and its resources as the main factor of production. However, this economic approach violates the world economic balance.This is evidenced by the energy crises: the first time the global economy plunged into a financial collapse in 1973-1974 years, when created by a consortium of oil-producing Arab countries OPEC, cut oil sales by 10%. As a result, the world
market price of a barrel of oil rose from Brend $ 3 to $ 12.
In addition to the violation of the stability of the economy, as a result of its dependence on the use of limited natural resources, low level of environmental awareness person creates other problems. Expansion of production for the immense saturation of the market has led to the fact that the pollution of waste production, saturation of the soil with pesticides have led to violations of the biological processes in animals, in the structure of plants.Accordingly, changed the content of the products of animal husbandry and agriculture, which has a negative impact on public health.
Green Revolution in '60s of the last century, which allowed to use the achievements of the chemical industry in improving productivity and efficiency in the agricultural sector, led to saturation of the market of essential goods, but not solve the problem of hunger in some developing countries. People have to eat food with unacceptable levels of various chemical additives that promote soil fertility and preservation products. Use of chemicals and pesticides in agriculture has been taking alarming proportions for the health and life of mankind. A negative consequence has been the emergence of new diseases in the population, such as grocery allergies, heart disease, etc.
The most severe consequences of past stages of industrialization observed in developing countries, where the purpose of the current benefit of certain social groups depleted the Earth's interior, Parks cut down in large cities and their suburbs in the woods settled disposal of radioactive waste from developed countries close to settlements for the sake of dubious investments.
The low social standards in these countries are considered and used by foreign investors as a competitive advantage for such material capital investments.
Meanwhile, the undeniable fact that physical capital can play in the short term, and to revive the natural capital required decades and centuries. In addition, material capital personified, i.e. It is individual or group interests, and natural capital refers to a range of human values, and its use requires planetary thinking. A man by his actions affect the quality of the structure and nature of the consumer on the basis of their own interests: to create a custom fit and comfort at the same time, it causes irreparable damage.
The need for a new social and economic human behavior
With regard to the scientific support to actively promote technological progress, at the initial stage of development become relevant in the search for forms and methods of a more complete mastery of natural resources and their use in order to create wealth. In the first place considered more resources available that do not require significant costs for processing and conversion into energy - is natural hydrocarbons and minerals.
This article is an attempt to reveal the author's vision of the conditions and prerequisites for the creation of a new paradigm of reproduction, which will be the basis of renewable energy and energy saving technologies: a model of a green economy.
Economic science at all times remains ideological, her apologetic attitude is explained by its desire to find a scientific justification for the current model of economic growth. But there comes a historical time when this model is outdated, it does not provide a dynamic macroeconomic balance. Accordingly, in science there is a need for new methodological
approaches, objectives and tasks of the research.
Modern economic theory is based on the need to find effective actions of humanity and of the world in the resolution of acute contradictions between man and nature. In this regard it should be noted that the rise in oil prices in the 70s of the last century gave the impetus for the development of new resource-saving technologies. This succeeded Japan, where the postwar economy was formed on the new technologies acquired (licenses, patents, the «brains») in Western countries to the funds received from the United States for permission to deploy military bases on its territory.
After the economic downturn 70s of the last century came the phase of revival and recovery of the global economy, thanks to the achievements of scientific and technological revolution and the emerging information revolution. However, by virtue of the law of the spiral of history repeating itself: at a new stage in the years 2010-2014 includes a new world economic crisis, which is generated by the next stage of overproduction in developed countries, consumer goods, and in the oil-rich
- overproduction (extraction) of oil. Rising prices per barrel mark Brend $ 150 was «a blow» for the developed countries, and when fallen in 2015 to $ 47, fell into a crisis of the country, whose economy is built on the model of economic growth due to oil revenues
Rocking the world economy leads to a tendency of more developed countries to join the fight (war) for new resources and markets for finished products. Under these conditions, increasing social and political tensions in the region and the world at large. Out of the crisis and for developed and emerging markets in developing and using new technologies.
Methodological promise to develop a new model of reproduction is the realization that the Earth and its wealth of mineral resources are the property of mankind, including its future generations.Wasteful consumption of the society in the period of industrial development has led to the depletion of the biosphere, the noosphere formation, unfavorable for human life. This is manifested in the growing dependence of the economies of all countries of the fluctuations in energy prices, the deterioration of the ecology of air emissions of hazardous waste production and processing, the appearance of new biological viruses and diseases.In other words, nature takes revenge on the man behind the «unpardonable intrusion» into her life.
An organic part of the green economy and new energy is ecological culture of consumption, which is based - saving mode of limited natural resources, resource. In this regard, it should be noted, and the economic policies of the last century, fueled by the apologists of science, aimed at the development of the consumer society for the sake of expanding market demand and encourage manufacturers.Excesses in the consumption of steel in society regarded as an indicator of success. Production and consumption of comparing with no damage to natural capital, has become the principal contradiction of postindustrial society.
In the countries of the former Soviet Union have not got accustomed principles such as saving the consumption of water, electricity and heat. In many ways, the reason for that
- the cost of supply, does not provide for registration and the ability to control consumption. Lack of meters and accounting
controls heat entering the rooms in the winter do not allow the switch to saving mode. Modern society has come to a critical threshold of extravagance. But the nature of «not tolerate» the emptiness and the imbalance in its content. Many natural disasters, disease, and mutations of the human body - the result of a rough, illiterate human intervention.
Green economy: foreign experience and opportunities of Kazakhstan
There is a need to create a new model of production and consumption culture, which will expand the reproduction while reducing the cost of natural capital. It became apparent that the only prospect of further development is the transition to environmentally sound technologies based on renewable sources of energy and natural resource conservation.
The new model of sustainable development called «green economy». In contrast to the «brown economy», it is based, firstly, on the use of natural renewable resources: solar, wind, water, and secondly - in the resource-saving technologies.
Purposeful feature a green economy - reinvesting in the natural resources for the welfare of not individual social groups, dominant in modern society and in the public interest. It is also important to it - the recognition of the international community's responsibility for the transfer of all generations a healthy, functioning and fertile planet to future generations.
Green economy in the sense as defined in the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - is the economy, «which increases the welfare of the people and ensure social justice and at the same time significantly reduces the risks to the environment and its depletion.» And the Economic and Social Commission of the United Nations for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), define «green» economic growth as a political focus, which is based «on environmentally sustainable socioeconomic progress in order to promote a low-carbon and is open to all social strata of [5 ].
We know that energy - conservative and most expensive industry. First of all, because of its material and production base characterized by great power, scale, and accordingly requires high financial costs. The technological updating of industrial base requires gradual, incremental steps to build new production facilities , equipping completely new equipment and training a new generation of new knowledge and high culture of labor.
Opportunities of Kazakhstan in the transition to a green economy are self-contradictory. On the one hand, the domestic processing industry as such, and no, the country imports 80% of personal consumption goods, goods in Department I: industries producing means of production, and even more, because they in no country.
Therefore, the creation of a new green economy requires a long and painful process of eliminating outdated material production base «brown» technologies.On the other - the absence of a previous path of industrial development means that the public does not replace and improve relations between labor and capital, corresponding to the requirements of the post-industrial society. Professional personnel, experienced managers, the mechanisms of motivation and control - a minimum set of baseline, which should form a «zero» technological, financial and labor discipline, it will have to «jump» through three turns spiral of industrialized countries
emerging from three industrial revolutions .
But we should recognize that resource capabilities: highly educated people, natural resources and ambition (these national traits noted by foreign investors and consultants) can afford to adapt rapidly to the new requirements of the global economy. Moreover, developed countries have accumulated sufficient experience in the transition to a green economy, and foreign investors are ready to invest their financial capital in the implementation of the program of green economy in Kazakhstan. Competent contracts deserve investors and monitor their execution by all parties can help to gradually build an economy green technologies. A balanced policy to adapt foreign experience allows Kazakhstan to take my chances in the development and implementation of the state program of transition to a green economy. In the EU the annual turnover of the environmental industry is more than $ 300 billion. Euros (2.5% of GDP), about 3.4 million people (1.5.% Of all employed) are directly involved in this field.M of all investment
- an investment in clean technologies. This progress was achieved, including through mobilization of EU Member States
In Germany, the interest in the green economy arose in the 80s of the previous century, when German society strengthened the arguments in favor of abandoning the peaceful atom. From that moment began an active search for alternatives and support any «green» initiatives. «Even at the level of local authorities to assist those who have installed in his solar farms»
- said the expert. Then, the interest has shifted to the level of the land, and only in 90 years - to the federal. The law «On renewable energy sources» was passed by the Bundestag in 2000 and was the beginning of a sharp increase - since the share of renewables in the energy mix in Germany increased by more than 16 percentage points. [6]
It's worth to notice the achievements of Norway - the world's third «hydrocarbon superpower,» which has become the most environmentally friendly country in the world, realizing the production of almost all electricity from hydroelectric power plants. Norwegian expertise in hydropower is considered the most advanced in the world. Also, Norway is one of the leading places for the production of gas with CO2 capture, the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier, and in some areas producing renewable energy. Government of Norway has developed a national program to reduce by 2020 greenhouse gas emissions by 30% and the complete cessation of any emissions were all by 2050. From a number of emerging market countries, India has experience in the use of solar energy. The Government of India has adopted a program «National Mission regarding solar energy.» Regardless of this program, there is a «national action plan for energy efficiency and environmental protection.»
In India, formed by the Federal Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, which has set a target in the next few years, 10% of the consumed electric power in the country to cover the expense of solar energy sources. In connection with this planned construction of 33 power plants, each of which will supply 2,125 MW to the grid. The Government of India has set an ambitious goal - to achieve in the country such as the rapid growth of the solar industry, what was once a boom in India in the field of computer service [6].
Institutional conditions for the transition
The policy of building a green economy transition,
firstly must create an institutional framework: a program of gradual transition to a green economy (the concept, laws and regulations, not inconsistent with other laws and institutions that do not duplicate each other).
The operation of the set of public and private agencies and organizations to implement the program of Kazakhstan's transition to a green economy can lead to a dissipation of resources, different interpretations of regulations complicate monitoring and control over the implementation of government orders. Equally important is the education of ecological culture of consumption, as well as training of specialists of industrial and commercial areas of new technologies based on resource conservation.
The biggest challenge is staffing sectors of the green economy. The most appropriate in the circumstances, in our opinion, is to use the mechanisms of the franchise in the education system. With franchising in education linked the prospects of implementation of the principles of Western management, the development of creative initiatives of students and young teachers, creation of conditions for their development, etc.
The parallel process of creating production enterprises with a franchise and the provision of sites for students to practical training would develop the professionalism and personal qualities of the new generation of specialists in accordance with the requirements and standards of enterprises and universities of world renown.
Using a franchise in tandem education and industry can accelerate the structural development of the domestic industry and higher education and to build a model, the main elements of which will be: «education - corporate training centers -production -innovatsii-science.» The peculiarity of the new approach in the integrated structure is seen in the fact that universities become a leading link, initiating innovations in production. At the same university - doubles foreign «ancestors» may train specialists by organizing practice and training in enterprises organized in the franchise.
Conclusions. Natural source of life on Earth is solar energy, which is transformed into biochemical energy of living matter, thus creating a biosphere for life and human activity. Of all animals living on the earth, the man most active impact on the environment and depleting natural capital. Material capital can play in the short term, and to revive the natural capital required decades and centuries. Lingering view from that land and underground resources are the primary productive force, has led to their wasteful use, to the depletion of the biosphere, the noosphere formation, unfavorable for human life. In addition, increasing the dependence of the global economy from the market of hydrocarbon resources, undermined its stability. -Production and consumption of comparing with no damage to natural capital, it has become the principal contradiction of postindustrial society. Humanity has come to a critical threshold in the unfair use of natural capital, the need to move to a new stage of human progress.
Suggestions. The transition to a green economy requires a rethinking of many methodological approaches in the study of a modern model of reproduction, in which the basic means of production are land and underground resources. The depletion of natural capital, pollution undermine the stability of the economy. The surplus should be obtained from the use
of natural resources directed at creating renewable energy. Formation of ecological culture of the population should be an integral part of the education system. Emerging markets, including Kazakhstan, need to use the world experience in the transition to a green economy. Competent contracts deserve investors and monitor their execution by all parties can help to gradually build an economy green technologies. The transition from a rent-seeking approach to the behavior of market participants to approach that focuses on resource conservation requires adequate knowledge, skills and competencies. In this regard, the role of education and research. It is necessary to create in companies and universities of the country international research laboratories and centers. Using a franchise in tandem education and industry can accelerate the structural development of higher education and the domestic industry and to build the model, the main element of which will be: «education-corporate centers podgotovki- production-science - the new technology.»
1. V. I. Vernadsky. Biosphere. FAV.vol. vol. 5.-Moscow.-Ed.Ansssr.-1960.-p. 58
2. Myers M.L. The soul of modern man:idea of self interest. Thomas Hobbs to Adam Smith. - Chicago.-1983.-P 28.
3. Smith A., An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of Nations. M: SocEk.-1962-P. 253.
4. Meadows D. L. the Limits to growth. Report to the club of Rome. Electronic resource.
5. Materials of the VII pan-European Ministerial conference «environment for Europe», Astana, 2011, Electronic resource.-WWW ECE/CEP/S/2011/L. 3.Date download 16.11.15.
6. Analytical review of global experiences in the development of the green economy. 07.03.13.
7. .The concept on transition to green economy. www. -09.10.2013
8. B. Kissikov. Franchising in Kazakhstan. Education Fund «Igilik».-Almaty.-2011.-290p.
доцент, кандидат экономических наук, Государственный Университет Управления, Москва ХОДЫКИН ДЕНИС ЮРЬЕВИЧ студент магистерской программы, Государственный Университет Управления, Москва
CHEBOTAREVA Z.V., associate professor, candidate of economic sciences, State University of Management, Moscow
KHODYKIN D.Y., student in master program, State University of Management, Moscow
Статья посвящена особенностям оплаты труда в электроэнергетической отрасли. Выделены специфические особенности деятельности организаций, занимающихся реализацией (сбытом) электрической энергии потребителям (физическим и юридическим). Определены направления совершенствования учета и контроля оплаты труда работников организаций, занимающихся реализацией (сбытом) электрической энергии потребителям.
Article is devoted to features of wage system in the electricity sector. Selected specific features of activity of the organizations which are engaged in realization (sale) of electric energy to consumers (physical and legal). Set out some ways of improvement account and control the system of payment for the labour to employ-ees which are engaged in realization (sale) of electric energy to consumers.
Ключевые слова: электроэнергетическая отрасль, реализация электроэнергии, заработная плата, система оплаты труда.
Key words: electricity sector, the sale of electricity, salary, system of payment for the labour.
В современных условиях развития экономических отношений электро-энергетический сектор является одной из наиболее важных и перспективных сфер, обеспечивающих жизнедеятельность всех отраслей народного хозяйства, консолидацию субъектов Российской Федерации, а также определяющих формирование основных финансово-экономических показателей государства.
Субъекты электроэнергетики могут заниматься различными видами деятельности, среди которых осуществляется: производство электрической энергии, передача электрической энергии (в том числе эксплуатация объектов электросетевого хозяйства), реализация (сбыт) элек-
трической энергии, оперативно-диспетчерское управление.
При этом каждый субъект - отдельная организация может заниматься либо одним видом деятельности, либо несколькими видами деятельности. В данной статье рассмотрены особенности оплаты труда работникам организаций, осуществляющих реализацию (сбыт) электрической энергии потребителям (физическим и юридическим лицам).
Специфические особенности деятельности организаций, занимающихся реализацией (сбытом) электрической энергии потребителям (физическим и юридическим), вли-