Ilmiy-nazariyvametodikjurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal
inter education & global study Original paper
© Dilnavoz A. Toshboyeva1H
1 Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
INTRODUCTION: the article analyzes the cultural and historical significance of the Uzbek national headdress — doppi, as well as their artistic diversity. The role of doppi in national culture and their significance in everyday life are considered.
AIM: the main objective of the study is to determine the place of doppi in Uzbek national culture, to explore their types, methods of production, and the semantic significance of their patterns.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: the study involved analyzing scientific literature on the origins, development, and contemporary significance of doppi. Semantic and aesthetic features of the patterns used in their production were also examined.
DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: the results showed that the patterns on doppi are not only aesthetically pleasing but also reflect national values, conveying historical and cultural heritage. Furthermore, doppi continue to play a significant role in the lives of the Uzbek people, both in daily life and during festive events.
CONCLUSION: the study results confirmed that doppi are an important element of Uzbek culture, retaining their significance as a symbol of national identity and cultural richness.
Keywords: doppi, national values, cultural heritage, patterns, Uzbek national headdress, folk applied art.
For citation: Dilnavoz A. Toshboyeva. (2024) 'Thematic groups of uzbek doppilik words and terms', // Inter education & global study, (10(1)), pp.575-579. (In Eng).
© Д.А. Тошбоева1И
1Джизакский государственный педагогический университет, Джизак, Узбекистан Аннотация
ВВЕДЕНИЕ: в статье анализируется культурное и историческое значение узбекского национального головного убора — доппи, а также их художественное
© 2024, ISSUE 10(1)
Ilmiy-nazariyvametodikjurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal
inter education & global study _
разнообразие. Рассматривается роль доппи в национальной культуре и их значение в повседневной жизни.
ЦЕЛЬ: основная цель исследования — выявить место доппи в узбекской национальной культуре, исследовать их виды, методы изготовления и семантическое значение узоров.
МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: в исследовании проведен анализ научной литературы о происхождении, развитии и современном значении доппи. Также изучены семантические и эстетические особенности узоров, используемых в их изготовлении.
ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: результаты показали, что узоры на доппи не только эстетически привлекательны, но и выражают национальные ценности, отражая историческое и культурное наследие. Кроме того, доппи продолжают играть важную роль в жизни узбекского народа, как в повседневности, так и на торжественных мероприятиях.
ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: результаты исследования подтвердили, что доппи являются важным элементом узбекской культуры, сохраняющим свое значение как символ национальной идентичности и культурного богатства.
Ключевые слова: доппи, национальные ценности, культурное наследие, узоры, узбекский национальный головной убор, народное прикладное искусство.
© D.A. Toshboyeva1®
Jizzax davlat pedagogika universiteti, Jizzax, O'zbekiston_
KIRISH: maqolada o'zbek milliy bosh kiyimi - doppilarning madaniy ahamiyati, tarixiy konteksti va badiiy xilma-xilligi tahlil qilinadi. Unda doppi naqshlari va ularning milliy qadriyatlarni ifodalashdagi roli haqida fikr yuritilgan.
MAQSAD: tadqiqotning asosiy maqsadi - doppilarning o'zbek milliy madaniyatidagi o'rnini ochib berish, ularning turlari, ishlanish usullari va naqshlarining ma'naviy ahamiyatini o'rganishdan iborat.
MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: tadqiqotda doppilarning kelib chiqishi, rivojlanishi va bugungi kundagi ahamiyati bo'yicha mavjud ilmiy adabiyotlar tahlil qilindi. Shuningdek, doppi naqshlarining semantik va estetik xususiyatlari o'rganildi.
MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: tadqiqot natijalari doppilarning naqshlari nafaqat estetik go'zallikni ifodalashi, balki ularning milliy qadriyatlarni, tarixiy va madaniy merosni
Для цитирования: Тошбоева Д.А. Тематические группы узбекских слов и терминов, связанных с доппи. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №10(1). С. 575-579.
Ilmiy-nazariyvametodikjurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal
inter education & global study
aks ettirishini ko'rsatdi. Shuningdek, doppilarning xalq hayotidagi amaliy va ma'naviy o'rni tasdiqlandi.
XULOSA: doppilarning naqshlari va ishlanish texnikasi o'zbek milliy madaniyatining boyligi sifatida bugungi kunda ham dolzarbligini yo'qotmaganligi aniqlangan. Milliy bosh kiyim sifatida doppilar o'zbek xalqining o'ziga xoslik va madaniy yodgorliklarini ifodalashda davom etmoqda.
Kalit so'zlar: doppi, milliy qadriyatlar, madaniy meros, naqshlar, o'zbek milliy bosh kiyimi, xalq amaliy san'ati.
Iqtibos uchun: Toshboyeva D.A. Doppi bilan bog'liq o'zbekcha so'zlar va atamalarning tematik guruhlari. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №10(1). B. 575-579.
There are more than 6,000 to 7,000 linguistic peoples, nations and peoples in the world. Each of them has its own national culture, national values, national food and national clothes. The distinguishing aspect of this or that nation from others is the language first, and then, of course, the national dress. In this place, the famous Uzbek poet, Hero of Uzbekistan, People's Poet of Uzbekistan, Uzbek national poet Erkin Vahidov's ode "O'zbegim"" of our nation, which is "one pendant in the joy of old history", It has its own culture, legends, epics, values and clothes. One of our values is the national headdress, which speaks of our ancient history.
A hat helps to understand the identity of humanity, the standard of living of the people, the level of their spiritual potential, traditions, in a word, the phenomenon of the nation. "Doppi" is derived from the Turkish word "tube" which means "above", "above". More than 6 centuries have passed since the appearance of hats. But hats still stand on our heads as a symbol of pride and honor without losing their charm. There is no Uzbek girl in the world who does not know how to sew a hat and does not wear a hat in her life. Every Uzbek boy has tried wearing a cap at least once in his life. The reason is that the design of the hat is very beautiful and exquisite. It suits any person in its own way and adds beauty to a person's appearance. In any country of the world, a person wearing an Uzbek hat can be either an Uzbek or a tourist who has traveled to our country. Because a person who sees Uzbek hats will involuntarily try to wear them. This is probably why guests visiting our country are used to taking Uzbek hats with them. In our country, we wear hats at weddings and in our everyday life. In fact, you can often tell whether a person is from Margylon, Namangan, Andijan, or where he is from by looking at his hat. Well, friends, when did the ball that held our heads higher than the mountains appear, as it is said in the song that is our pride? The first headdresses reminiscent of women's hats can be found in Movarounnahr and Samarkand miniatures of the 18th and 17th centuries.
There are several legends about the appearance of the cap among our wise people. I will tell you what I heard from my mother. When Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur was captured in Timuridza, his wife (some say it was his sister) drew a map on his hat so
© 2024, ISSUE 10(1)
Ilmiy-nazariyvametodikjurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal
inter education & global study
that he could escape from captivity. Through this headdress, he manages to escape from captivity. According to another legend, in ancient times, a plague spread in our country and all the people began to die. Poshsho announces that he will sprinkle gold on the head of whoever finds a cure for the disease. Then a wise old man gives a handful of pepper as medicine, and this pepper is a cure for such a severe pain. Poshsho orders them to paint an image of pepper on the old man's headdress in exchange for a reward. In this way, this image is printed on hats and becomes the basis for the flower of hats. The first caps were made with a sharp point and a wide brim, intended to be worn with a turban. Since the 1920s, the shape of the cap has changed: the top has become round or oblong, and the brim on the kizak has become thinner. The hat is made mainly by embroidery with velvet, silk, satin thread, silk, gold thread. According to the age and gender of the people for whom it is prepared (men, women, children), and their shape (sharp-pointed, conical, semi-circular, deep-bottomed, round, pointed, etc.), hats are diverse and colorful. There are types of hats intended for men, such as Tashkent, Andijan, Chust, Margilon, Surkhan hats. The most common Margilon hat is made of dark green silk or satin with 4 corners: each corner of the top has a thin long flower like a pepper. The top of the finished doppi bulges out in the shape of a murabba (the top of other doppi is semi-circular). Chust hat is also made of dark green silk or satin with 4 corners: on each corner of the top there is a bell pepper or almond shape, and on each corner of the bottom there are 4 mihrabs (semicircles) in the form of embroidery, and the chest is covered with white thread (or silk). Its shape is similar to the chust cap, and it differs in that the flowers (relatively thin and long pepper-shaped) do not cover the chest.Dukhoba hat of Tashkent is made of sidirga velvet, Bukhara hat is made of sidirga or floral velvet; Bukhara hat is decorated with colorful silk thread embroidery. The Iraqi doppi was a widespread tradition in Shahrisabz, and later it spread to other places and began to be created in the unique way of decoration of each local place. In this type of hat, the embroidery threads are pulled out and made into a net (surp) and sewn with colored silk or thin cotton thread using the iraqi chok (thermal and printing method) (hence the name). The best examples of Iraqi hats are made by Shahrisabz and Kitab hat makers. The pattern of the Iraqi replica hat, which is widespread in Tashkent and Fergana valley, consists of branches with colorful flowers, green and blue birds (nightingales) between them. In the Iraqi hat of Tashkent, roses are sewn on a white background with inscriptions on dark and light red silks (sometimes "Ra'no", "Guli", "Fergana dawn" etc.). Shahrisabz's top and back are also famous. The pattern of the round, shaped piltadozi hat of Samarkand (Urgut) and Surkhandarya (Boysun) is simple, the flowers are directed towards the center, and the shell stitches form a ribbed surface. Goldsmith-flower and goldsmith-zamindozi ("Yulduz", "Peacock", etc.) hats of Bukhara goldsmiths are highly valued from an artistic point of view. Tashkent cap with 4 corners (the corners are divided by black bordered lines, each corner is sewn with bright flowering branches) and other hats are made of Tashkent cloth. The flowers on the caps also have their own meanings: According to legends, the four flowers on the top of the
© 2024, ISSUE 10(1)
Ilmiy-nazariyvametodikjurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal
inter education & global study
men's caps protect a person's health from four directions, and the sixteen flowers on the brim of the cap are big and wishes to have a united family (sixteen children). These hats have a modest, modest and at the same time very decorative look. They are distinguished by a sharp combination of a white pattern in the form of four pepper heads with a black background. Flowers sewn with white silk on a dark background serve as an expression of the purity of the human soul and heart.Currently, the production of hats in our country is being developed in a modern state. There are also companies producing caps in our country. In the past years, there have been and are still being held a number of exhibitions for the purpose of the development of football. In Uzbekistan, our people wear hats as before, not only during mourning or wedding ceremonies, but also in everyday life. However, this situation was not very popular. As our teacher, the national poet of Uzbekistan, Muhammad Yusuf, said: People stopped wearing hats, except for one poet and one prose writer. Smooth hair, smooth steps, He is weighing on the head.
Conclusion: Instead of wearing a hat, some of our young people, admiring the heroes of movies and TV series or sports stars, comb their hair or wear hats of other nationalities. It is true that everyone is independent and free-thinking, but it is up to us how our national brand, the hat, will be in the world market. It is in our hands to develop our culture, which can be an example to the whole world, and reach the next generation in a pure and modern way! In order to promote the wearing of hats among young people, from December 8, 2021, on the initiative of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan O. Nazarbekov, it was decided that cultural workers will wear hats on a regular working day. As our people say, "If the head survives, the head will be found." May God not remove the caps from our heads.
1. Nazarov B., Rasulov A., Ahmedova Sh., Qahramonov Q. O'zbek adabiy tanqidi tarixi. -T.: Tafakkur qanoti. 2012.
2. Rasulov A. Tanqid, talqin, baholash. -T.: Fan. 2006.
3. Ahmedova Sh. O'zbek adabiy tanqidchiligi janrlari. -T.: Fan. 2008.
4. куронов д. Адабиётшунослик луfати. Тошкент, "Академнашр", 2010,- Б.74.
Dilnavoz. A. Toshboyeva, teacher [Ташбаева Дилнавоз Абдурахматовна,
преподaватель ], [Tashbayeva Dilnavoz Abduraxmat qizi, o'qituvchi]; address: Jizzakh region, Jizzakh Sh., Rashidova Street, 4, 130-100, [адрес: Джизакская область, г. Джизак, Ул. Рашидова, 4, 130100], [manzil: Jizzax viloyati, Jizzax Sh., Rashidova ko'chasi, 4, 130100].
2024, ISSUE 10(1)
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