3. http://ec.europa.eu/education/news/doc/open-ingcom_en.pdf
4. https://enqa.eu/index.php/home/esg/
5. https://www.esu-online.org/?publica-tion=standards-guidelines-quality-assurance-euro-pean-higher-education-area-esg-2015
6. http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/highereducation/Ne ws/pub_res_EN.pdf
7. http://www.ehea.info/me-dia.ehea.info/file/2015_Yerevan/72/7/Euro-pean_Standards_and_Guidelines_for_Quality_Assur-ance_in_the_EHEA_2015_MC_613727.pdf
Maltseva L.
Doctor of Education, Professor, Kuban State University
Studying the history of our region with the help of art, we thus familiarize the young generation with art, culture, traditions, this communication with life in its most concrete and even everyday manifestations. At the same time, it is a never-ending source of aesthetic joy, a source of interesting thoughts, since understanding the structure of an image, the ability to follow the process of its formation, educate an active observer and an objective connoisseur of the creative process in a person.
Keywords: art, culture, traditions, education, upbringing, history.
The changes that have occurred in the education system in recent years, these innovative educational technologies pose a whole series of fundamentally new problems for the Russian education system that need to be solved in a short time, this will be helped by the emergence of new information technologies related to the development of computer facilities and telecommunication networks, the opportunity has appeared to create a qualitatively new educational information environment as the basis for the development and improvement of the education system, which o will contribute to the development of creative thinking and imagination in the performance of their work.
Innovative teaching of the visual arts consists in creating the conditions under which it becomes a subject in the learning process, that is, learning for the sake of change itself, when the development of a person with the help of art from a side and random result becomes the main task for both the teacher and the students themselves. In this regard, it is necessary to find in the pedagogical process such psychological or psychological and pedagogical conditions that could maximize the manifestation of the independence and activity of the children, as well as advancement in their intellectual and personal development.
For education, it becomes a period of intensive search for new ideas of development. The quality of education is a certain level of development of the content of education; physical, mental, moral development, which a person learns to achieve in accordance with individual abilities and aspirations. The new millennium needs a new modern education system that would satisfy the requirements of the state and society.
Moreover, in the learning process, feedback will play an important role, that is, the information that comes from the student to the teacher and indicates the progress of learning, difficulties and achievements in mastering the knowledge of art, the development of skills, cognitive and other abilities, personality traits in general . The urgent tasks of the methodological work include: improving educational subjects, improving
methods, increasing the efficiency of all types of training sessions.
In the conditions of formation and revival of national self-consciousness, the upbringing of youth on the traditions, culture and customs of their people is becoming especially acute. Traditions are always a new discovery for the current generation, which carries a body of knowledge and experience, proven over the centuries, culture and ethnos.
The differences in the cultures of the peoples of our country, differing norms, values, paintings, languages, all this in general determines the need for an extremely careful attitude to the interaction between cultures of different peoples.
The culture of the Kuban Cossacks exists in the system of a holistic culture of mankind, but this global is internally dialectically contradictory, and the interaction between the individual elements demonstrates as a universal connection of phenomena. Culture cannot be considered fully formed on its own, and there are moments of tension associated with differences between individual cultural norms, values, and religions of each nation.
The culture of the Cossacks has changed and is changing under the influence of technological progress. It is influenced by world culture, and wide access to information makes it possible to obtain information about the traditions of other peoples and their culture. Assimilation ethnic processes also contribute to the changes and erosion of traditional culture.
Awareness and a sense of national identity unite the bearers of its ideas of kinship and the common destiny of every nation in our country. A feeling of personal involvement in compatriots is generated, arouses interest not only in the history of his country as a whole, but also in the history of his land, city, village, his father's places ("small homeland"), in which a person was born and grew up and had a bright image which he carries in his heart all his life. Along with this, feelings of gratitude and gratitude to one's native places, love for
some home, where "the smoke of the fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us," are fixed in the human mind.
The subject "Kubanology" was introduced in our Krasnodar Territory, and from this academic year, each school will have Cossack classes starting from the elementary classes. In these classes history, culture, customs, and the way of the Kuban Cossacks will be studied. In the art classes, you can conduct integrated lessons - this is history and art.
Continuing to travel across the Kuban land, we recall that the Cossacks wore. How the Kuban Cossacks formed, how the uniform of the Cossacks and the clothes of the Kuban Cossacks looked like.
Ancient Cossack clothes are very ancient. The costume of the Cossacks evolved over the centuries, long before the steppes were called Cossacks. This primarily relates to the invention of the Scythians - the trousers of a nomad - horse. Over the centuries, their cut has not changed: these are wide trousers - you don't sit on a horse in narrow trousers, and they will wash their legs and hinder the rider's movements.
Unlike all the nations and classes of the world, Cossacks who lived in the strict framework of the military class were obliged to wear standard uniforms. The smallest details: buttons on a uniform, an earring in an ear, a specially tied head-piece or a worn hat - for the Cossack were an open book, a passport, according to which he found out everything about his illegal brother.
The hat is a continuation of the head. The Cossacks cap or cap played a huge role in customs and symbolism. A colored top hat or a Cossack cap with a peg symbolized full membership in a stanitsa society. In a circle, the Cossacks were in hats. Actually, they voted. Before the chosen chieftain, hats were removed, and he put on his hat. Upon returning from war or service, the Cossacks brought caps as a gift to the tribal rivers, throwing them into the waves.
Earrings (in men) meant the role and place of the Cossack in the family. So, the only son in the mother wore one earring in her left ear. The last child in the family, where there are no male heirs besides him, wore an earring in his right ear. Two earrings - the only child with parents. Cossacks traditionally watched their own appearance. This proceeded primarily from the statutory requirements for tidiness.
The Kuban Cossack army began to form at the end of the eighteenth century, it was based on the Cossacks and the Don. In the initial period of settlement of the region, the Black Sea inhabitants retained the clothing and weapons inherent in the Cossacks. Horse Cossacks wore blue harem pants, a blue cantus, under which a red caftan was worn. In 1810, the uniform of the Black Sea Cossacks was approved: trousers and a jacket made of rough cloth. The linear Cossacks wore the clothes of the Circassian model. At the beginning of 1840, a single form was established for the Black Sea Cossacks following the example of linear ones. This form became uniform for the Kuban Cossack army that had formed in 1860. The complex of men's clothing consisted of:
Circassian, sewn from black factory cloth, dark trousers, dark tones, beshmet, headdress, in winter - cloaks, hats, boots or leggings.
Cut Circassian entirely borrowed from the mountain peoples. They sewed it below the knees, with a low neckline on the chest that opened the beshmet; sleeves were made with wide lapels. A lining for gazyry was sewn on the chest; this served along with the Caucasian belt, often a silver nabob, a Circassian ornament. The beauty and wealth of the Cossack costume was to have more silver in it. Fur coats served as winter clothes for the Cossacks - shrouds with a deep smell, with a small collar made of tanned white and black sheepskin and quilted beshmet wool.
Women's costume is the whole world. Not only every army, every village and even every Cossack clan had a special outfit that differed from others if not completely, then in details. A feature of the Cossack women's costume were head wraps. Women are not supposed to go to the temple with their heads uncovered. They wore in full accordance with marital status - a married woman would never have appeared in public without a scarf. The girl, however, covered her head and necessarily braided one braid with a ribbon. Everyone wore lace handkerchiefs. Without him, the appearance of a woman in public was as unthinkable as the appearance of a combatant Cossack without a cap or hat.
There were other characters that were not particularly shown in the women's costume, but were present. Such a symbol, for example, was the keys. The one who owned the keys to the cellars was the sovereign mistress in the house. And from that moment on, everyone obeyed her, including men, if it was a matter of household chores.
A traditional women's costume was formed in the second half of the nineteenth century. It consisted of a skirt and sweater, the so-called "couple." A suit was made from factory fabrics - silk, wool, velvet, chintz. Sweatshirts were of various styles: fitted on the hips, with a frill, the sleeve was long, at the shoulder it was smooth or tightly fitted, on high or narrow cuffs, the stand-up collar or was cut out along the neck volume. Elegant blouses were decorated with braid, lace, lines, beads. Worn blouses and loose fit. The fit of these blouses was straight and loose. She liked to sew skirts with magnificent, finely assembled at the waist of four, seven shelves, each up to a meter wide. Skirts below were decorated with lace, frills, cord, small folds.
The petticoat - "knitwear" - is an obligatory accessory for a woman's costume. It was sewn of thin white light fabric with lace, often ornamented with embroidery.
The top winter clothing was a quilted "pail" without a collar with wide oblique stripes forming a deep smell. These clothes were considered comfortable, as they made it possible to take the child out onto the street without wrapping them in a blanket. By the age of 35, women preferred to dress in darker monophonic clothes of simplified cut.
Pic. 1 Cossack clothes
Of particular interest from an artistic and historical point of view is the traditional look of women's clothing - shirts. It preserved the basics of Russian women's costume. The shirt was considered to be outer clothing. In poor families, a shirt with a skirt could also be a wedding suit. A shirt was sewed from homespun hemp canvas. Sleeves, a collar, sometimes a hem were decorated with embroidery.
All this can be seen if you visit the ethnographic village of Ataman. Today it is a village with its inhabitants, its way of life, songs, with ancient Cossack huts.
Pic. 4 Cossack compound Pic. 5 Cossack cooks
Pic. 6 Children's work
Pic. 7 Hata furnishings
Art, culture, traditions for each of us, is communication with life in its most concrete and even everyday manifestations. At the same time, it is a never-ending source of aesthetic joy, a source of interesting thoughts, since understanding the structure of an image, the ability to follow the process of its formation, educate an active observer and an objective connoisseur of the creative process in a person. The study of fine art is carried out on a nationwide scale, and therefore can create a two-pronged process that organically combines education and innovative teaching of art. And in order to realize this, it is necessary to give an opportunity to prove oneself in active work starting from the very wounded age, and love for the native land, for one's people will help in this, without this it is impossible to look into the future.
Thus, we can conclude that it is necessary to study the history of our region using art. Encouraging the artistic and aesthetic values of his region by educating, using the means of fine, decorative, applied and folk art
of his people, contributing to the effective and harmonious development of the young generation.
1. History of the Kuban / ed. V.E. Schetneva. Krasnodar: Kuban Book Publishing House, 2004.
2. Maltseva L.V. Kuban studies at the lessons of fine art in a comprehensive school. - Krasnodar: Tradition, 2010.
3. Maltseva L.V. The development of the artistic and creative abilities of schoolchildren by means of fine art (based on the material of ethno-artistic culture of the Krasnodar Territory). - Krasnodar: Ecoinvest, 2009.
4. Manukalo A.N. History of the Kuban. Krasnodar: Kuban Book Publishing House, 2004.
5. Pedagogy / Ed. L.P. Krivshenko. - M.: Prospect, 2004.
6. Chistov K.V. Kuban villages. - M.: Nauka, 1967.
Rudometova L.
North-Eastern State University, Magadan candidate of the pedagogical sciences, docent
The main task of this article is to analyze different criteria for assessing the effectiveness of higher education quality. Different aspects are described which are complementary. The main base of the third generation of educational standards is analyzed. The definition of main educational terms is given in this article.
Keywords: quality, educational process, higher education, competence, technologies and methods, basic educational programs, effectiveness, the system of management, improvement, indicator.
The education quality is the basis for ensuring and improving the standard of living of the individual, which is the main goal of the existence of the state. In recent years, the quality of education, as well as the perfection vaniyu paid to the education system so camping considerable attention.
The study of the quality of education in higher education is based directly on the concepts of international agreements and education quality standards.
Quality - is defined as the degree of conformity to inherent requirements, which is understood as need or expectation, which is expected.
The quality of education can be defined as a combination of properties that determines the ability to satisfy the requirements of stakeholders.
The educational process is the process that results in educational products.
Educational products are educational products .
Quality assurance - factors, resources and conditions that allow achieving quality goals (educational and methodological environment, material base, staff abilities, preparedness and motivation of students, financial support, information services).