
THE WAYS OF THE KADAR PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS’ FORMATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Dаrgin lаnguаgе / Kаdаr diаlесt / ways of formation / phraseological fusions / phraseological units / phraseological combinations / даргинский язык / кадарский диалект / способы образования / фразеологические сращения / фразеологические единства / фразеологические сочетания

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Vаgiziеvа N. A.

The dialectal phraseological fund determines the value of the figurative, artistic expressiveness of the language and its dialects. The study of dialect phraseology in the structural, grammatical, semantic and functional aspects is one of the important and urgent issues at the present period. As a result of its study, it is possible to determine the characteristic ways of association, which are reflected in the form of an ethno-psychological element in the language or dialect of a particular people. The object of the study is phraseological units of the Kadar dialect. The objective of the study is to describe and systematize the structural-semantic types of phraseological units in the dialect, to study the specific mechanisms for the formation of phraseological units, to identify patterns and features of their grammatical structure and semantics. The main research methods are descriptive, and also the methods of comparative and component analysis. The theoretical significance is in the fact that the materials of the study and its analysis are applicable to the development of theoretical questions of the phraseology of little-studied dialects of the Dargin language.

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Диалектный фразеологический фонд определяет ценность образной, художественной выразительности языка и его диалектов. Исследование диалектной фразеологии в структурно-грамматическом, семантическом и функциональном аспектах является одним из важных и актуальных вопросов на современном этапе. В результате его изучения возможно определить характерные способы ассоциации, которые нашли свое отражение в виде этнопсихологического элемента в языке или диалекте того или иного народа. Объектом исследования являются фразеологические единицы кадарского диалекта. Цель исследования состоит в описании и систематизации структурно-семантических типов фразеологизмов в диалекте, исследовании специфических механизмов образования фразеологических единиц, выявлении закономерностей и особенностей их грамматической структуры и семантики. Основным методом исследования является описательный, а также приемы сравнительного и компонентного анализа. Теоретическая значимость состоит в том, что материалы исследования и их анализ применимы для разработки теоретических вопросов фразеологии неисследованных диалектов даргинского языка.


теля (23) Парк культуры и отдыха «Центральный» / Park of Culture and Leisure "Tsentralny". Первоначальный текст указателя выглядел так: (24) Парк Центрального района /Park of Central Area. В примере (24) допущена ошибка при переводе административно-территориальных единиц. Внутригородской район Барнаула (Центральный) рекомендуется переводить как Tsentralny District. Для обновленного знака (23) можно предложить несколько уточнений. Название парка - собственно ономастический компонент («Центральный») - рекомендуем поставить перед классификатором и не использовать кавычки, так как они не соответствуют правилам английской пунктуации. Номенклатурный термин парк культуры и отдыха является русскоязычной реалией, и ее перевод в любом случае будет выглядеть экзотично. Кроме калькированного варианта Culture and Leisure Park можно предложить варианты Culture and Recreation Park и Municipal Park. Таким образом, вариантом перевода примера (23) может быть такой: Tsentralny Culture and Recreation Park.

Таким образом, проведенный анализ переводов текстов двуязычных дорожных знаков по Алтайскому краю и Республике Алтай позволил сформулировать следующие выводы. Дорожная навигация, включающая тексты дорожных знаков, может рассматриваться как новый жанр туристического дискурса, а также как отдельный транслатологический тип текста. Изучение жанрообразующих и транслатологических характеристик текстов дорожной навигации может стать перспективой дальнейших исследований. Другим важным результатом исследования является выявление переводческих явлений, представляющих сложность при перекодировке текстов дорожных указателей с русского языка на английский. Полученные данные позволяют сгруппиро-

Библиографический список

вать такие переводческие проблемы в следующие пять групп, каждая из которых заслуживает отдельного полноценного исследования: применение правил перевода различных групп лексики, входящих в название объекта (топонимы, урбанонимы, экклезионимы, реалии и другие), применение правил практической транскрипции и транслитерации, соблюдение нормы и узуса языка перевода (порядок слов в обозначении объекта, правила пунктуации и т. д.), передача прагматического потенциала сообщения и применение прагматической адаптации, а также вопросы аутентичности при переводе с русского языка на английский.

Еще одним перспективным направлением дальнейшего исследования вопросов перевода двуязычных указателей является изучение языкового ландшафта региона и создание методических рекомендаций по переводу дорожных знаков Алтайского края и Республики Алтай на английский язык. Изменения, вносимые в тексты указателей, и улучшение качества перевода свидетельствуют о заинтересованности административных органов и туристических организаций в устранении неточностей в текстах знаков дорожной навигации. Скрупулезное внимание к таким, казалось бы, небольшим деталям перевода будет способствовать предоставлению качественной туристской информации, выполняющей свои прагматические задачи для туристов, а также создавать дружелюбный языковой ландшафт Алтая как туристической дестинации. Таким образом, результаты исследования могут быть применены в сфере туризма и транслатологии текста, они представляют ценность в практике преподавания перевода и межкультурной коммуникации, а также в реальной переводческой деятельности и могут быть использованы практикующими переводчиками.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 19.05.23

УДК 811.351.22

Vagizieva N.A., Cаnd. оf Sсlеnсеs (Philоlоgу), junior rnsеаKher, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia);

Instil оf Lаnguаgеs, Liiеrаiurе аnd Artsn.а. GTsаdаsа cf Ш Dаgеsiаn FеdеrаlRеsеаrсh Cеniеr оf Rus^n Aсаdеmу оf Sсiеnсеs (Ма^аМа^, Russiа),

Е-щаН: nаidа.vаgiziеvа@mаil.ru

THE WAYS OF THE KADAR PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS' FORMATION. The dialectal phraseological fund determines the value of the figurative, artistic expressiveness of the language and its dialects. The study of dialect phraseology in the structural, grammatical, semantic and functional aspects is one of the important and urgent issues at the present period. As a result of its study, it is possible to determine the characteristic ways of association, which are reflected in the form of an ethno-psychological element in the language or dialect of a particular people. The object of the study is phraseological units of the Kadar dialect. The objective of the study is to describe and systematize the structural-semantic types of phraseological units in the dialect, to study the specific mechanisms for the formation of phraseological units, to identify patterns and features of their grammatical structure and semantics. The main research methods are descriptive, and also the methods

of comparative and component analysis. The theoretical significance is in the fact that the materials of the study and its analysis are applicable to the development of theoretical questions of the phraseology of little-studied dialects of the Dargin language.

Key words: Эагдт lаnguаgе, ^аг diаlесt, ways of formation, phraseological fusions, phraseological units, phraseological combinations

Н.А. Вагизиева, канд. филол. наук, мл. науч. сотр. НИУ «Высшая школа экономики», г. Москва, Институт языка, литературы и искусства

имени Г. Цадасы. Дагестанского федерального исследовательского центра Российской академии наук, г. Махачкала,

E-шН: nаidа.vagizieva@maiLru


Диалектный фразеологический фонд определяет ценность образной, художественной выразительности языка и его диалектов. Исследование диалектной фразеологии в структурно-грамматическом, семантическом и функциональном аспектах является одним из важных и актуальных вопросов на современном этапе. В результате его изучения возможно определить характерные способы ассоциации, которые нашли свое отражение в виде этнопсихологического элемента в языке или диалекте того или иного народа. Объектом исследования являются фразеологические единицы кадарского диалекта. Цель исследования состоит в описании и систематизации структурно-семантических типов фразеологизмов в диалекте, исследовании специфических механизмов образования фразеологических единиц, выявлении закономерностей и особенностей их грамматической структуры и семантики. Основным методом исследования является описательный, а также приемы сравнительного и компонентного анализа. Теоретическая значимость состоит в том, что материалы исследования и их анализ применимы для разработки теоретических вопросов фразеологии неисследованных диалектов даргинского языка.

Ключевые слова: даргинский язык, кадарский диалект, способы образования, фразеологические сращения, фразеологические единства, фразеологические сочетания

Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта 22-28-01648 Вариативность в дискурсе и словаре: исследование близкородственных языков цифровыми методами

The subject of phraseology as one of the branches of linguistics is the study of the origin of phraseological units and their categorical peculiarities, as well as the identification and description of the patterns of their functioning in speech. This brunch of linguistics studies the specifics of phraseological units as the signs of secondary education, and particularly as a product of a special kind of secondary nomination -indirect one, represented by various kinds of syntagmatic interaction of the components-words in the processes of rethinking and formation, creating a new notion of the original combination or a single word, and also the peculiarities of phraseological units functioning, their meanings and the structural-semantics specificity. In the linguistic encyclopedic dictionary, the term "phraseology" is defined as follows: "(from Greek phrasis, in the genitive case phraseos - word, doctrine) 1) a brunch of linguistics that studies the phraseological composition of the language in its historical and modern development; 2) a list of phraseological units of a given language, the same as the phraseological composition" [1].

The relevance of the chosen topic is in the fact that it is required to preserve and develop small languages of the Russian Federation in the context of globalization and the age of technology and rapid development. The novelty of the study of the Kadar dialect phraseology in the structural, grammatical, semantic and functional aspects is one of the important and topical issues at the present stage. As a result of its study, it is possible to determine the characteristic ways of association, which are reflected in the form of an ethnopsychological element in the language and a dialect of the Kadars. The purpose of the work is to study the ways of formation and functioning of phraseological units at all grammatical levels, systematization and description of the phenomenon in the Kadar dialect. The object of the study is phraseological unit's formation in Kadar speech. The task is to establish the types of phraseological unit's in the Kadar dialect, to study the mechanisms of their formation on phonetical and lexical and grammatical levels. To solve these problems, the author used a descriptive method and methods of component analysis. It's the first time the formation of phraseological units' in the Kadar dialect is a subject of a special scientific study. The theoretical and practical significance of the work is in the fact that the main results of the article can be useful in further research of the Caucasian linguistics, exactly the Dagestan languages, and also for the special courses on the Dargin language.

In the process of the study the author refers to the scientific works of the Caucasian and Russian scientists. The researchers of phraseology of various languages suggest several definitions, but these definitions cannot be applied to the material of all languages, since phraseological units of each language reflect the characteristics of a particular language. There are great differences on the approach of Dagestan researchers in determining the volume and boundaries of phraseological units. For example, S.M. Khaidakov refers to phraseological units the so-called idioms, proverbs and sayings, formulas of curses, wishes and defines them as phrases that are not literally translated into other languages [2, c. 61]. M.M. Magomedkhanov, who initiated the study of the Avar phraseology, notes the insufficient study of general issues of phraseology as a linguistic discipline, gives the following definition: "phraseological units are stable and reproducible phrases, consisting of 2 or more separately designed verbal signs, grammatically designed according to existing models of phrases or sentences" [3, c. 27]. In the monography "The Modern Dargin language" there is the following definition: "Phraseologisms of the Dargin language are stable combinations of words, consisting of two or more separately formed components, reproduced from memory in the finished form, endowed with a holistic and combined with other words" [4, c. 81]. Phraseology as a separate linguistic discipline arose in the 1940s. of the twentieth century in modern linguistics. The premises of the theory of phraseology were described

in the works of I.I. Sreznevsky, A.A. Potebnya, A.A. Shakhmatova, F.F. Fortunatov and others. In the 1950s, a great attention was paid to the description of similarities and differences of phraseological units, words and word-combinations. The problems of phraseology were mainly in the identifying the criteria for phraseology and clarifying the basics of the classification of phraseological units. Professor E.D. Polivanov pointed out the phraseology as a "special discipline", but the status of an independent, separate science was given to it after the fundamental theoretical works of Academician V.V. Vinogradov, "who determined the general direction of research in this area. Of great importance in the development of the theory of phraseology were the provisions of V.V. Vinogradov on the relation of a word to a phraseological unit, on the phraseologically related meaning of the word, and the classification of phraseological units and the semantic solidarity of their components. A great contribution to the development of phraseological science was a research of V.A Arkhangelsky "Methods of phraseological research in national linguistics (the 1960s of the XX century)". In this work V.A. Arkhangelsky gives a detailed characterization of the works of several groups of researchers of different languages who develop the modern theory of phraseology and differ in their research methods, and sometimes in their phraseological concept. The author notes that various methods of phraseological research for synchronous or diachronic study of the phraseology of one or several languages, and studies based on these methods, indicate that phraseology as a science has become an independent linguistic unit [5, c.94]. In the monograph "The types of linguistic meanings. Associated meaning of the word in the language" V.N. Telia discusses a whole complex of theoretical problems of phraseology at the modern level. The main attention is paid to the content of phraseological units. The author considers the related meanings of words serve as the main tools of replenishing the vocabulary. The general patterns of combination and choice of words in their associated meaning are described, a typology of these meanings is given, and the principles of the study of non-free combinations of words are discussed [6].

In 1978 the studies of phraseological units on the materials of the Dagestan languages appeared (Gulmagomedov 1978; 1986; 1989; Gasanova 1989; Khan-gereev 1989; Isaev 1970; 1995), studies devoted to the lexicographic development of phraseological units (Magomedkhanov 1989). The phraseological dictionaries are compiled (Magomedkhanov 1993; Gulmagomedov 1975). "The phraseology of the Dagestan languages is going through an initial stage of its formation," wrote A.G. Gulmagomedov [7, c. 3]. First issues on the phraseology of the Dagestan languages were studied by S.M. Khaidakov in his work "Essays on the vocabulary of the Dagestan languages". He refers proverbs and sayings, curses and incantations to phraseologisms [8, c. 114-115]. Further study of the phraseology of the Dagestan languages was held by A.G. Gulmagomedov (the Lezgi language) (1972, 1978, 1982, 1986, 1989, 1990,

1992 and others), M.M. Magomedkhanov (Avar language) (1972, 1983, 1988, 1992,

1993 and others), M.-Sh. A. Isaev (Dargin language) (1970, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, etc.), N.D. Suleymanov (Agul language) (1986, 1989, 1990) and others. The first researcher of phraseology of the Dargin language M.G.-Z. Magomedov (1980), made an attempt to determine what idioms and idiomaticity are, and collected certain phraseological material. The Dargin-Russian Phraseological Dictionary was published by N.D. Magomedov (1997). The phraseological units of the Sirkhya dialect of the Dargin language are described by Gabibullaev (2011). The phraseology of other dialects and subdialects of the Dargin language has not yet been widely studied. More than fifty scientific publications are devoted to the study of phraseology of the Dargin language by M.-Sh. A. Isaev. The monograph of M.-Sh.A. Isaev "Structural organization and semantics of phraseological units of the Dargin language" is devoted to the

study of the main issues of the structural-grammatical organization and semantics of phraseological units with a figurative-metaphorical basis and the patterns of formation and change of the phraseological system of the Dargin language. The author defines the main criteria for determining phraseological units, and gives their structural-grammatical and semantic characteristics, studies phraseological units on the basis of al-ogism of extralinguistic reality, considers phraseological universals, internationalisms, borrowings.

The Kadar phraseological units, and Dargin ones consist of emotionally expressive components, which may or may not be motivated by their constituent components. According to this fact, all phraseological units can be divided into the following two groups: "1) phraseological units, the complex meaning of which is not motivated by modern linguistic notion nor through the complex of constituent components, nor through the notion of the individual components; 2) phraseological units, the meaning of which is motivated by modern linguistics through the meaning of the constituent components" [9, c. 137-181].

Types of phraseological units according to the degree of cohesion of constituent components: according to the degree of cohesion of the constituent components, there are the following types of phraseological units: 1) phraseological fusions; 2) phraseological units; 3) phraseological combinations. In the research work "The modern Dargin language" [9] the following definitions of each of the above mentioned types of phraseological units are given: phraseological fusions are phraseological units, the meaning of which is not motivated through the meaning of the complex of their constituent components. For example, the content of the following Kadar phraseological units does not follow from its components: kepekike tupang birqan "very greedy" (lit. "for a penny ready to kill"); laml ali g'ulpu belc'ajkemis "this will never be done or it won't happen" (lit. "when the donkey reads Kulhu (the surah from the holy Qur'an"); sa dikajkemis "for a very long time" (lit. "until the dawn"); ba^qibil surat Buna (rursi) "very beautiful (girl)" (lit."as beautiful as a picture"); gurdala racBuna "very cunning" (lit. "just like a foxtail"); 2arQalikem gigari 2aqlukeb cabi "very cunning" (lit. ", egg is smarter than a chicken").

Phraseological units are semantically indivisible and integral phraseological expressions, the meanings of which arise from the merging of the semantics of the constituent words into a single generalized figurative semantics of the whole, which are motivated by the common meaning of the complex of components. In other words, the meaning of phraseological units in some sense extent due to the meanings of each component included into the whole composition: urki kabikib "was very frightened" (lit. " the heart fell"); zubraze aquces "to overpraise" (lit. "raise to the heaven"); bek beBwas "bring to death" (lit. "cut off the head"); adamla lili uzan "ruthless man" (lit. " a man who drinks a human blood").

Phraseological combinations are phraseological units, consisting of two components, one of which has limited compatibility. The most part of the units of this subgroup in the dialect is formed by verb complexes consisting of such components as: uTes «to be, to stay», uhes, ruhes "to be", bares "to do", es" to say, to pronounce", ges "give", buces" to hold", ages "to get, to touch", aqes "to pass", ukas "to speak", uqas 'to get' and others: urk'uqas "to be surprised, to be frightened" (lit. "to lose one's heart"); jah'bares "endure" (lit. "to do patience"); uruzuhes, uruzruhes "to be ashamed, embarrassed" (lit. "to get ashamed"); duc'uqas, duc'ruqas "to run" (lit. "to make a run"); pikri-uqas "to think" (lit. "to do a thought""); Tes "to speak, to say"" ("to pronounce a word"").

By their origin, many phraseological units can be named as reinterpreted free phrases.

In the Kadar dialect of the Dargin language, a number of words can be distinguished as a semantic base and structure-forming centers of phraseological units. A significant number of phraseological units are associated with components denoting the parts of the body: urki "a heart"", na<q "a hand"", lulbe "eyes"", anda "forehead"", nudbe "eyebrows"", bal "a face"", mulli "a mouth"", k'unt'ube "lips"", t'ul "a finger"", Baq "back": mulli buces "to shut up"" (lit. "to keep a mouth""); urki iza^qes "to take care"" (literally, "to hurt a heart"); urki arBes "understand, imbue" (lit. " to listen a heart"); nacqbe rurzes "to be greedy"" (lit. "to get the hands trembled""); Baq balbares "to turn away"" (lit. "to turn someone's back""); lulbe maTdares "become attentive, vigilant"" (literally, "to open someone's eyes wide""); bek' BaBbares" to annoy someone, torture "(lit. " to spin someone's head""); balize warsuhes "to be frightened, alert"" (literally, "to change one's face colour"").

In the monograph "Structural organization and semantics of phraseological units (1997) of the Dargin language"" the following general categories of phraseological units are mentioned: 1) substantive; 2) verbal; 3) adjectival, 4) adverbial; 5) interjectional [9, c. 31].

"All of the abovementioned categories have their initial forms. The initial form is the one that serves as the basis from which the paradigmatic forms of units of a certain morphological category are formed. The initial form of the phraseological unit depends on which morphological category this form corresponds to. Adverbial phraseological units are used in one form, which is the initial. For nominal phraseological units, the initial form will be the nominative case of the main component, for verbs it will be the infinitive" [10, c. 82].

Substantive phraseological units: substantive (or nominal) phraseological units have great structural diversity in the Kadar dialect. This is a model, in which both components are nouns in the initial form; xwa adam (lit. "a dog man") "evil man, unaccommodating""; t'aqa bek' (lit. "a box head"") "empty, stupid head"", "a narrow-minded man""; kari mulli (lit. "oven mouth"") "chatterbox"". In these phraseological units trans-

position is unacceptable, since the first component performs the function of definition, the second component is the determiner, even though there aren't expressed any grammatical relations in the components. Model "noun in genitive + noun in absolu-tive cases"" is the most common and productive model of substantive phraseological units. Structurally, it is an adjectival combination. For example: ligbaa tube (lit. "pile of bones"") "skinny"", "very thin"" lit. ligbala bek'a; murhela ncaq'be (lit. "golden hands"") "skillful, artisan hands" (lit. murhila naçqbi). A common model of substantive phraseological units is also the model "adjective in absolutive + noun in absolutive cases"". For example: ligbeawgaril limzi (lit. "a tongue with no bones"") "talker who cannot keep his mouth shut"", cf. lit. Ligaagar lezmi; mir'il Baj (lit. "sweet words"") "pleasant speech"", cf. lit.murisi «ai; barlibilbaçl (lit. "frozen face"") "the expression of face showing someone's proudness"; daçrlibti daç"the face of the deceased""; sail baçl (lit. "bright face"") "friendly, kind face"", cf. lit. sala daç2.

Verbal phraseological units: In the verbal phraseological units, the verb is combined with nouns, adjectives, adverbs and other parts of speech. Verbal components in phraseological units of this type quite often undergo reinterpretation and acquire allegorical meaning. The following models of verbal phraseological units are distinguished:

1. "Noun in absolutive + verb"": salyat baBes "to die"" (lit. "the time/hour has come""); Biz adizes "be very frightened"" (lit. "the hair has risen""), cf. lit. «ez t'asdizes; adam wares "to make a respectable person"" (lit. "to do a person from smb.""); mulli abxes "to speak"" (lit. "to open the mouth"").

2. "Noun in locative case + verb"": balize bures "to speak out directly to smb's face"" (lit. "in face to say""); hunkize uces "take under strict control"", "subdue"" (lit.""to seize in a fist""); burxike tuukas"to mess around"" (lit. "to spit on the ceiling"").

3. "Adverb + verb"": araBa baqes"to be frightened, to give up intention"" (lit.""post-pone, give back"); barxle bures "to confess, to be honest"" (lit. "to say straight""); zawle arases " to learn quickly " (lit. " to take quickly ").

4. "Noun + noun + verb"": urkilili bic'es "to get angry"" (lit. "the heart to be filled with blood""); idbagla luni buces "to follow the right path"" (lit. "to keep the path of the prophet""); q'asike q'as bixes "have no worries"" (lit. "to put one foot on another one"").

5. "Noun in different cases + finite form of the verb + infinite form of the verb": lulbe dihes laziril "an inveterate thief, ready to rob anyone"" (lit. "ready to tie the eyes""); cf. lit. 2ulbi dihes 2adursi; duniaçudilequbares laziril "a man ready to do everything (for achieving his goal)"" (lit. "ready to turn the whole earth upside down "); BanBubazaka dit'es laziril "do not bless"" (lit. "ready to take out everything from the nose""), cf. lit. 'q'anq'ubazirad dit'es 2adursi".

Adjectival phraseological units: adjectival phraseological units are correlated with adjectives, and they perform an attributive function within the sentence. Adjectival phraseological models in the Kadar dialect are formed not only with an adjective in the pivotal position, but also with participles, nouns, pronoun. There are the following models of adjectival phraseological units:

1. "Noun in absolutive case + adjective"": urki kant'il "kind, compassionate"", "cowardly"" (lit. "soft hearted""); urki q'aq'aj "greedy"" ("tight heart""); cf. lit. urk'iq'aq'asi; urki xugil "proud"" (lit. "big heart"") cf. lit. urk'i xalal.

2. "Noun in absolutive case + participle"": mezdikan "gossip girl"" (lit. "talk releasing""); cf. lit. mez diran; nel dirqan "resigned, spineless, very lazy"" (lit. "who drinks whey (and happy not to work.

3. "Pronoun in the absolutive case + participle / predicate"": nu, nu ukuj "he who loves to show off, praise himself" (lit. "he who speaks only about himself"), cf. lit. nu, nu wik'usi; lu- lu cajri, nu-nu cajra "I will act according to my will, and you will act according to your will" (lit. "you are you, I am me").

4. "Numeral + participle + noun": lajna izuj maza "quiet, not complaining person" (lit. "thrice milked sheep").

Adverbial phraseological units: in the adverbial phraseological units, adverbs are combined with various parts of speech. The most part of the adverbial phraseological units are represented by the models which consists of two components, where the adverb acts as the structural center:

1. Noun in absolutive case + adverb: al satle "friendly"", "hospitably, joyful"" (lit. "face light""); lyaka buk'uj "very poor"" (lit. "thin fur coat"").

2. noun in genitive case + adverb: lulbaa hadi "very closely"", "under the nose"" (lit. "before smb's eyes").

3. Adjective + adverb: lebil dunijalike "everywhere"" (lit. "in the whole wide world").

4. Noun in the absolutive case + transitive gerund: Baq kebaqile "showing disrespected"", "turning away"" (lit.""showing smb's back"); lulbe dihuwa "lulling vigilance"", "cleverly" (lit. "blindfolded").

5. Noun in the absolutive case + gerund participle of intransitive semantics: dunija bac'buquwa "going into depression"" (lit. "the world has become empty""); unza kedaqile "rudely refusing"" (lit. "having shut the door"").

Temporal semantics is expressed by several models of adverbial phraseological units, in which the semantic and structure-forming center is the adverbial forms of transitive and intransitive semantics, marked with the suffix of time and adverbs of time. For example: lamlali kulhu belcajkemis "never"" (lit. "when the donkey reads Kulhu surah""); Bacl dahajkem "immediately"" (lit. "until the traces are erased""): dunija bet'ajkem "for a very long time"" (lit. "until smb. gets bored of the world"").

6. Name in different case forms + name in different cases forms + gerund. A large number of phraseological units with the semantics of manner is formed by

this model: limzilze liga awgaril "to blurt out too much" (lit. "having no bones in the tongue"), limzilike q'ac'harkur "talker, tongue-tied man "(lit. " smb. who won't bite his tongue").

The origin of phraseologisms: according to their origin, phraseological units are divided into two layers: 1) original phraseological units, 2) borrowed phraseological units.

"The greater part of phraseological units of the Dargin language are of a proper Dargin origin and has been functioning in the language since the moment when the modern Dargins separated themselves from the rest of the Dagestan peoples and formed an independent linguistic community" [10, с. 86].

In the formation of such phraseological units, the names of body parts (som-atonyms) are most productively used: urki "heart", bek "head", nacq' "hand", 2uli "eye", kwani "stomach", etc. At the same time the meanings of somatonyms become allegorical. For example, the word urki "heart" is used in Kadar phraseological units is associated with the concepts of "memory", "thought": urkilzaka bahes "learn by heart, remember" (lit. "on heart to know"), cf. lit. urkilichib bahes; urkilze bi2 es "to remember" (lit. "to keep in the heart"), cf. lit. urk'ilic'ib be2 es; urkilze kales "remember" (lit. "remain in the heart"), cf. lit. urk'ilic'ib kales and others. Such phraseological units are formed as a result of combining those or other Kadar words with subsequent phraseologization of the whole combination: urk'i beqwas "to spoil the mood" (lit. "to crush the heart"), cf. lit. urk'i ba^c'es (lit. "break smb's heart"); urkilze farces "disdain" (lit. "not to have a heart"); naqize uces "grab, subdue" (lit. "to seize in the hands"), etc.

Metaphorical assessment: it is one more common way of forming phraseological units and an active source of replenishment of the phraseological fund of the Kadar dialect. When metaphorizing word combinations, either one of the components or all components can acquire a new associative meaning. In somatic phraseological units, for example: t'ul2ages "do nothing" (lit. "do not touch with your finger"); bek' Taxbares "be ashamed" (lit. "lower your head"); nyaqbe ixuldar "to want to do something" (lit. "hands itching"),

Rethinking and interpretation of phrases can be based on:

a) the comparison in complex: c'ali iguj 2yanki "urgent, important matter" (lit. "burning urgent work"), margasana daqes" to beat strongly " (lit. " to beat strongly like a donkey "), c'udara 2abizena q'aq'aj "very tight" (lit. "as tight as in a dark cramped grave").

Библиографический список

1. Ярцева В.Н. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. Москва, 1990.

2. Хайдаков С.М. Даргинский и мегебский языки. Принципы словоизменения. Москва, 1961.

3. Магомедханов М.М. Очерки по фразеологии аварского языка. Махачкала, 1972.

4. Абдуллаев З.Г, Абдусаламов А.А., Мусаев М.-С.М., Темирбулатова С.М. Современный даргинский язык. Махачкала, 2014.

5. Архангельский В.А. Методы фразеологического исследования в отечественном языкознании (60-е годы XX века). Вопросы лексики и фразеологии современного русского языка. Ростов-на-Дону, 1968.

6. Телия В.Н. Семантический аспект сочетаемости слов и фразеологическая сочетаемость. Принципы и методы семантических исследований. Москва, 1976: 244-267.

7. Гюльмагомедов А.Г Обзор литературы по фразеологии дагестанских языков. Бюллетень по фразеологии. № 1. Труды Самаркандского государственного университета. Новая серия. Самарканд, 1972; Выпуск 234: 81-88.

8. Хайдаков С.М. Очерки по лексике лакского языка. Москва: АН СССР 1961.

9. Исаев М.-Ш.А. Структурная организация и семантика фразеологических единиц даргинского языка. Махачкала, 1995.

10. Темирбулатова С.М., Абдуллаев З.Г, Абдусаламов А.А., Мусаев М.-С.М. Фразеология. Современный даргинский язык. Махачкала, 2014: 110-116.


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

1. Yarceva V.N. Lingvisticheskij 'enciklopedicheskijslovar'. Moskva, 1990.

2. Hajdakov S.M. Darginskijimegebskijyazyki. Principy slovoizmeneniya. Moskva, 1961.

3. Magomedhanov M.M. Ocherkipo frazeologiiavarskogoyazyka. Mahachkala, 1972.

4. Abdullaev Z.G., Abdusalamov A.A., Musaev M.-S.M., Temirbulatova S.M. Sovremennyjdarginskijyazyk. Mahachkala, 2014.

5. Arhangel'skij V.A. Metody frazeologicheskogo issledovaniya v otechestvennom yazykoznanii (60-e gody XX veka). Voprosy leksiki i frazeologii sovremennogo russkogo yazyka. Rostov-na-Donu, 1968.

6. Teliya V.N. Semanticheskij aspekt sochetaemosti slov i frazeologicheskaya sochetaemost'. Principy i metody semanticheskih issledovanij. Moskva, 1976: 244-267.

7. Gyul'magomedov A.G. Obzor literatury po frazeologii dagestanskih yazykov. Byulleten' po frazeologii. № 1. Trudy Samarkandskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Novaya seriya. Samarkand, 1972; Vypusk 234: 81-88.

8. Hajdakov S.M. Ocherki po leksike lakskogo yazyka. Moskva: AN SSSR, 1961.

9. Isaev M.-Sh.A. Strukturnaya organizaciya i semantika frazeologicheskih edinic darginskogo yazyka. Mahachkala, 1995.

10. Temirbulatova S.M., Abdullaev Z.G., Abdusalamov A.A., Musaev M.-S.M. Frazeologiya. Sovremennyj darginskij yazyk. Mahachkala, 2014: 110-116.

Статья поступила в редакцию 05.05.23

УДК 811.161.1

Vasileva G.M., Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

Vinogradova M.V., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

ECOLOGICAL COMPONENT OF THE ASSOCIATIVE-VERBAL FIELD NATURE IN THE LINGUISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS OF NATIVE RUSSIAN SPEAKERS (ACCORDING TO DICTIONARIES OF ASSOCIATIVE NORMS). It is well known that environmental issues related to the protection of nature and the environment have become very important for the modern society, and therefore it seems relevant to identify its place in the linguistic consciousness of native Russian speakers based on the data of psycholinguistic experiments. With this objective in view, it is attempted in the article to reveal the volume and nature of associations related to the ecological perceptions of native Russian speakers, that is to human activities aimed at nature and to the value-evaluative attitude towards it. The method of thematic modeling of the associative-verbal field nature, recorded by three reputable dictionaries of associative norms of the late 20th - early 21st centuries, is used for this purpose. It is concluded that in the minds of native Russian speakers, the value-evaluative perception of nature prevails over the activity-oriented attitude towards it.

Key words: ecology, nature, free associative experiment, associative field, association vectors

b) the expression of a part and a whole: kabc bi2 es "take care of oneself" (lit. "save one's own skin"), t'ul 2ages "do nothing" (lit. "do not touch with a finger"), nacq' aqbuces "to kick someone" (lit. "to raise a hand"), qasme kadikajkemis uzes "to work very hard" (lit. "to work until the legs fall off");

c) the expression of a causal link: dar2 uruzduhes "to get ashamed" (lit. "a face got ashamed"); qaa bart qumartes "to forget" (lit. "forget the doorstep"), qali bac'buqun 'to get lonely' "lit. the house has got empty";

d) the expression of the purpose of the action: nacq'be duces "to make peace" (lit. "shake hands"), taj ges "agree, swear" (lit. "to give a word").

Thus, summing up, we can conclude the purpose of the work to study the ways of formation and functioning of phraseological units at all grammatical levels, system-atization and description of the phenomenon in the Kadar dialect is achieved. The characteristic ways of association, which are reflected in the form of an ethnopsycho-logical element in the language and a dialect of the Kadars are identified, the types of phraseological unit's in the Kadar dialect are established, the mechanisms of their formation on phonetical and lexical and grammatical levels are identified. The phraseological fund of the Kadar dialect was enriched as a result of tracing and borrowing phraseological units from other languages. From Arabic language: bismillah bares "taste, eat"; (lit. "to do bismillah") patiha bares "read the surah of the Koran "al-fati2a"", funeral rite) (lit. to do"al fatiha"), 2aram bares "forbid something" (lit. "prohibition to do"). Also, loan-words and semi-loan-words were formed as a result of the contact of the Kadar dialect and the Russian language. In phraseological semi-loan-words one of the component is translated into Russian, the other is not translated: buzuj kollektiVlabor team", Pacaliqla Duma "State Duma", Administraciacla bek' "the head of administration", xalq'la deputat "national deputy", doklad bares "make a report", etc. The Kadar convergences with the Russian phraseological units are not always loan-woards and borrowings, but are the results of the processes of linguistic universals, the universals of human existence. For example: Kadar. limzi bertwab diar = Rus. pust' otsohnet moj jazik; Kadar. mu2li buces = rus. derzat'jazik za zubami; kadar. nacq'izaka bit'es = rus. otnact'. However, it is not always possible to establish whether this or that phraseological unit arose simultaneously or in a different period in different languages. The theoretical significance of this work is that the materials of the study and its analysis are applicable to the development of theoretical issues of the phraseology of little-studied dialects of the Dargin language. The practical significance of it is the main results of the article, useful for students of special courses on the Dargin language.

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