Научная статья на тему 'Critical thinking as an indicator of creativity'

Critical thinking as an indicator of creativity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Moldabayeva Magira Kitaobaevna

This article is devoted to critical and creative thinking that has received a wide recognition, and is currently an important component in learning English as a foreign language (EFL). Critical thinking means the ability to analyze information from standpoint of logical and personal psychological approach in order to apply the results obtained in a variety of communication situations. Critical thinking also contributes to formation of a number of communicative skills among students: to understand and generate foreign language statements in accordance with specific situation of communication, speech and communicative intent; to carry out their communicative behavior in accordance with the rules of communication and national and cultural characteristics of the country of the studied language. Examples of use of various methods and techniques for development of critical thinking are given in the article.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Critical thinking as an indicator of creativity»

To conclude, it should be stated, that without exception, effective distance education courses begin with proper use of digital media, along with careful planning and a focused understanding of course requirements and student needs. Appropriate technology can only be selected once these elements are understood in detail. There is no mystery to the way effective distance education programs develop. They don not happen spontaneously; they evolve through the hard work and dedicated efforts of many individuals and organizations.


1. Васютина Т.Л., Домбровская Л.А. Информационные и телекоммуникационные технологии в образовании. // Наука, техника и образование, 2017. №5 (35). С. 40-42.

2. Иниева И.П. Использование компьютерных технологий в процессе обучения иностранным языкам. // Наука, техника и образование. № 1 (31). С. 95-97.

3. Фаргиева З.С., Цурова М.М., Мурзабекова М.И. Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в обучении. // Проблемы педагогики, 2016. № 5 (16). С. 47-50.


Moldabayeva M.K.


Abstract: this article is devoted to critical and creative thinking that has received a wide recognition, and is currently an important component in learning English as a foreign language (EFL). Critical thinking means the ability to analyze information from standpoint of logical and personal psychological approach in order to apply the results obtained in a variety of communication situations. Critical thinking also contributes to formation of a number of communicative skills among students: to understand and generate foreign language statements in accordance with specific situation of communication, speech and communicative intent; to carry out their communicative behavior in accordance with the rules of communication and national and cultural characteristics of the country of the studied language.

Examples of use of various methods and techniques for development of critical thinking are given in the article.

Keywords: critical thinking, brainstorming, creative, Bloom's Taxonomy, interactive, effective, language.

УДК 81.1

What is critical thinking? Many scholars have been defined critical thinking like many other phenomena in different ways. Therefore, it is worth discussing one of those definitions. Ennis (1989) defines critical thinking as a "reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do". According to them, critical thinking is consciously observing, analyzing, reasoning, and evaluating process. Critical thinking is that mode of thinking which stimulates higher level of thinking in individuals, and enables them to take rational decisions analyzing different contexts skillfully and wisely.

A critical thinking approach asks students to do something with information that has been already learnt. Teachers can set small goals, learning results or give students targets to hit: for example: "After this lesson, you will share with a partner three reasons why people from Asia emigrate to European countries like France, United Kingdom or Germany." Texts

for reading, questions, and exercises in the lesson encourage students to use language to discover these three reasons. Students and teacher work together to understand, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the lesson's content in order to reach stated results that is all skill categories in Bloom's Taxonomy, a resource that outlines goals of learning process. Students can critically think about information and develop their own relevant answers [2].

In traditional classroom, an English teacher/lecturer just gives his or her students a topic, a paragraph or a series of diagrams and then asks learners to write essays individually. Benjamin Bloom, who was an American educational psychologist, developed a way to categorize different levels of critical reasoning skills required in classroom situations in order to help firmly decide level of critical thinking for a task. In the 1950s, his Bloom's Taxonomy gave all educators a common vocabulary for thinking about learning goals.

As a teacher, you should attempt to move students up the taxonomy as they progress in their knowledge. The taxonomy consists of six levels given down:

/ [ Remember; | / [ Understand; | / I Apply; j / [ Analyze | / I Evaluate; I

/ v

Fig. 1. Bloom's taxonomy

When we apply Bloom's taxonomy in teaching EFL activities, we have to create an innovative and interactive setting, obviously can lead our learners to go through all these critical thinking stages (see Picture 1.) [2].

As a result, they have widened their scope with more fun after brainstorming and better learning results in all kind of activities. I try to use this method in teaching EFL learners in my classroom at our university. In this article, I am going to explain and analyze how creative and interactive EFL classes are organized/ with an example and students' feedback.

In my experience, overall benefit to the classroom is binary. Firstly, classes that involve elements of critical thought tend to be generally more interesting and engaging. For example, two possible discussion topics related to the unit "Ecology and pollution problems" (Upper-Intermediate level).

• Topic one: students summarize the main issues covered in class in preparation for a final essay.

• Topic two: students make up a draft of a formal letter, which should be sent to the city's mayor (e.g mayor of Almaty or Astana) containing their concerns about environmental issues in the city.

Though teacher may find both approaches equal in terms of how well they facilitate language use in class, it is clear that the later topic will encourage a greater degree of participation and interest from students. Secondly, using issues that encourage critical thinking help to give the whole classroom a more significant and cohesive environment. Students who feel that they work together will be more likely to attend classes and will be more involved while they are there [3].

Besides, critical thinking helps students to develop:

• mental humility

• mental autonomy

• mental integrity

• mental courage

• intellectual empathy

• confidence in reason

• fairness

Critical thinking increases: effectiveness of information perception; interest in learning process itself; ability to think critically; ability to take responsibility for own education; ability to work in a group (teamwork); desire and ability to become a qualified specialist. It is also very important to teach learners to conclude meaning from ideas. Try to give them real-life examples. Take pictures as examples. We see a young man painting graffity on the wall. You can use following questions in class: What are the painter's motivations? Is he breaking the law ? What is he painting? Why does he pain it?

With each answer, students try to explain their reasoning with some evidence. Therefore, if they believe that marking or painting property without the owner's permission is vandalism and a punishable crime and they can piece it together to create something new being able to use their own knowledge and some evidence.

Giving a quick answer is often attractive for EFL students. A quick answer shows that learner can use language appropriately. However, a quick answer doesn't necessarily encourage critical thinking. Using some phrases helps your students to say (and think) more. Learners usually try to use deeper thinking. You can say: Tell me more about that. What else do you think? Why do you think so? Why is that good/bad/difficult? Why is it interesting to you?

Students say more if they are asked these kind of questions.

If we manage to teach our students how to think, how to approach the new data creatively and how to apply their knowledge in the future, we may produce some very productive members of our society. For example, the lexical theme of the lesson is "Lifestyle", you might ask your students: Why do women live longer than men? One student might answer that woman live longer than men. You can ask following questions to get your student to think more critically: What do you prefer, to eat everything you like, drink a lot, smoke, have no physical exercise and die at the age of 60 or lead a healthy life and live until 100? Is physical activity (jogging, going to a gym, swimming pool) an important part of a healthy life style? What other aspect influences on longevity? By asking these questions, you challenge your student to think about his thinking. At the same time, you provide an opportunity for him to use English to express his ideas [4].

A tool that is quite useful in EFL classroom is making predictions. You can ask your students guess what comes next in reading assignments (fiction, essays, informational articles) as well as video segments you play in class (recorded dialogues, videos, movies, shows etc.) When they make these predictions, certainly have to think critically and use language skills they learn. Make a pause and ask them what they think comes next while reading a passage or listening to the tapescript in the classroom.

Let me to consider some critical thinking activities that might be useful: Class tour

Sometimes you can practice imaginary, not serious role plays. A fun way of developing a critical approach in learners is to include role plays while teaching. Ask one of the learners to pretend to be a tourist, who has come from a foreign country (the USA or Italy). Now, they have to introduce every student of the class to him, including their habits, likings, strengths, weaknesses etc. They will realize that the traits, which they find annoying in some are actually liked by others as they introduce their classmates. The students may also know many new things about certain people, which can change their opinions about them completely. Thus, this will help learners to develop lateral thinking, i.e., seeing a situation from all points of view, before taking a decision [1].

In conclusion, development of critical thinking is very relevant topic. This technique allows teacher: to give students opportunity to express freely their point of view on appropriate topic, not to be afraid of making mistakes and being corrected by teacher, to record all the statements, because any of them will be important for further work, combine individual, pair and group work. Individual work allows each student to actualize their knowledge and experience, to hear

other opinions, to state their point of view without risk of making mistakes. Thus, achieving all the necessary outcomes increases their motivation. Critical thinking exercises, such as the ones mentioned above, are very useful in developing clarity of thought, logic, and reasoning in learners. This kind of mentality helps a student to be impartial in decision-making. This trait will immensely help them in their personal as well professional life in future, which is very important. It should be taken into account that critical thinking can be practiced at all English proficiency levels, starting from Beginner to English for specific purpose.


1. Atkinson D. A Critical Approach to Critical Thinking. TESOL Quarterly, 1997. 31 (1). P. 71-94.

2. Bloom Benjamin S. Taxomony of educational objectives. Longman. USA, 1956.

3. Eaton D. 10-Minute Critical Thinking Activities for English Classes.TESOL Journal, 2005.

4. Halvorsen A. Incorporating Critical thinking skills Development. The Internet TESL Journal, 2005. Vol. XI. № 3.


Третьяков Сергей Валерьевич - магистрант, направление: литературное образование, кафедра литературы, журналистики и методики преподавания литературы, Оренбургский государственный педагогический университет, г. Оренбург

Аннотация: в статье анализируется, как предусмотрено освоение основных теоретико-литературных понятий в школьном изучении. На материале рабочей программы под редакцией В. Я. Коровиной рассматриваются основные этапы изучения понятии «автор» и «литературный герой» в школьном курсе литературы. Ключевые слова: автор, герой, литературный герой, литература.

Литература является одним из ведущих гуманитарных учебных предметов в современной школе. Приобщая к гуманистическим ценностям культуры и развивая у учеников творческие способности, литература способствует формированию всесторонне развитой гармоничной личности, богатой эмоционально и развитой интеллектуально, а так же способствует-формированию эстетического вкуса, взглядов и убеждений школьника.

Школьный курс литературы включает в себя изучение произведений русской литературы, от устного народного творчества и древнерусской литературы, до литературы ХХ века; произведений зарубежной литературы и литературы народов России, а так же сведения по теории и истории литературы, краткие обзоры жизни и творчества писателей.

Для успешного усвоения содержания курса литературы необходима система теоретических понятий, критериев понимания и оценки художественных произведений. Более того, овладение учащимися системы теоретико-литературных понятий необходимо для понимания и усвоения эстетической сущности литературы и искусства в целом.

На сегодняшний день изучение теории литературы является частью общего курса литературы. Вопросом изучения основ теории литературы в школе занимались такие

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