THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN HORSE BREEDING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
horse breeding / digital technologies / automated breeding accounting / information retrieval system / database

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Babayev A.

This scientific review describes ways to improve the efficiency of horse breeding using modern digital technologies. The efficiency of horse breeding increases with the use of the automated horse breeding accounting system "Horse breeder's Assistant", the HORSES-3 information search system, databases "Breeding genetic parameters", "Results of immunogenetic analysis of horses", "Results of molecular genetic analysis of horses".

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Текст научной работы на тему «THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN HORSE BREEDING»

УДК 62

Babayev A.


International horse breeding Academy named after Aba Annaev

Arkadag city, Turkmenistan


This scientific review describes ways to improve the efficiency of horse breeding using modern digital technologies. The efficiency of horse breeding increases with the use of the automated horse breeding accounting system "Horse breeder's Assistant", the HORSES-3 information search system, databases "Breeding genetic parameters", "Results of immunogenetic analysis of horses", "Results of molecular genetic analysis of horses".


horse breeding, digital technologies, automated breeding accounting, information retrieval system, database

Technological processes in horse breeding are associated with obtaining and analyzing a large amount of information, which takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, automation of the processes of collecting and processing zootechnical information in horse breeding is a modern trend in the development and improvement of the efficiency of this branch of animal husbandry. The main ways to introduce digital technologies in horse breeding are the automation of breeding records, the development of information search systems for horse breeding, the creation of databases with breeding and genetic parameters of horses of various breeds. The Horse Breeder's Assistant program is designed to maintain primary breeding records in horse farms, various types of property. Designed for stud farms, breeding farms and private owners. The functionality of the "Horse Breeder's Assistant" program supports all types of horse breeding (herd, stall and herd-stall) and meets the approved requirements for the registration of horses. The use of this program automates and significantly speeds up the processes of breeding horses and the formation of accounting documents. The main sections of the program "Horse breeder's Assistant": general information about the horse; pedigree; fruit activity; registration (microchipping, links to the GPC); tests (Horse racing, running, etc.); bonification, exterior, measurements; maintenance of registers of horses, owners, servants, prizes, racetracks; productivity. The program automatically generates standard reports: a list of horse bonuses, a list of mating and foaling; an act of describing a foal; a report on the movement of Pedigree horses; a report on horse trials; etc. The Statistics subsection allows you to identify the statistical results of the economy by reproduction, color, age, gender, and frisky class.

The Web Horse Breeder's Assistant program is a system for centralized data collection and presentation by modern means, including using web technologies, SQL servers, publishing PDF documents, and data analysis. For these purposes, a data warehouse was created to ensure the flow of information, a web server was deployed and an Internet portal was developed to display data, switch farms, search for information, generate breeding certificates, and conduct primary breeding accounting in horse farms of various types of property. The Horse Breeder's Assistant-WEB program provides the ability to quickly automatically update software from the update server for connected farms. The IPS HORSES-3 program is designed to manage the operation of the IPS web portal HORSES-3" versions 2010-2019. The program controls information about the users of the search engine, the services provided, depending on the selected tariff, their cost and conditions. With the help of the program, advertising banners are displayed with By counting views and impressions, visit statistics are collected, web portal visits are analyzed and network information is collected. The analysis functionality of the received network statistics shows which users viewed the web portal, from which regions of the world and using which browsers.

The functionality of the user communication program allows you to send messages to one user, a group of users, or all users. The functionality of the automatic translation program into other languages allows you to translate the interface into English at the touch of a button. The "Billing" functionality controls all stages of payment and crediting funds to the user's account from account statement to debiting for services. Computer type: Web server; OS: Windows Server 2008-2012 or Linux. A version of the IPS HORSES-3 program for mobile devices has also been developed, which expands the possibilities of its application. Users of IPS HORSES-3 need to take into account the specifics of entering information about horse owners. It is important to know the capabilities of the analytical software block of the HORSES-3 information search system for maintaining centralized records of breeding horses, as well as for the formation of forecasts of the breeding value of horses of prize breeds. An urgent problem There remains the further development of the HORSES-3 information search engine and its integration with other information systems [20]. Increasing the efficiency of horse breeding is achieved using the databases "Breeding and genetic parameters".

Список использованной литературы:

1. Подобаев В.А., Салин Д.А., Гостина Л.Н. Возможности аналитического блока программ информационно-поисковой системы «КОНИ-3» для ведения централизованного учета племенных лошадей // Современные достижения и актуальные проблемы в коневодстве: сборник докладов международной научно-практической конференции. 2019. С. 210-215.

2. Подобаев В.А., Салин Д.А., Гостина Л.Н. Особенности ввода информации о владельцах лошадей в информационно-поисковой системе «КОНИ-3» // Достижения молодых ученых - зоотехнической науке и практике: сборник докладов научно-практической конференции. 2018. С. 228-231.

3. Салин Д. А., Зайцев А. М., Подобаев В. А., Калашников В.В., Симонов Д.П. Возможности использования информационно-поисковой системы «КОНИ-3» для формирования прогнозов племенной ценности лошадей призовых пород // Коневодство и конный спорт.2020. № 4. С. 7-8.

©Babayev A., 2024

УДК 62

Bayliyev B.

Teacher, Porsyyev G. Teacher, Gaygysyzov K. Student, Matiyev S. Student.

International horse breeding Academy named after Aba Annaev

Arkadag city, Turkmenistan



The description of the project or the main part of the upcoming work consists of 6 stages, as shown in the plan above. Now let's go through these stages. At the first stage, i.e. to perform the work, raw materials are necessary, as is already known. That's why our top priority is to collect the waste ( mostly plastic waste) needed

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