теория и методика обучения и воспитания
УДК 371.3: 811.161.1-054. 6
DOI: 10.18384/2310-7219-2022-2-25-35
in the formation of speaking and writing skills in rfl
E. Anokhina, T. Pavlova
Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation ul. Bolshaya Sadovaya 14, Moscow, 125047, Russian Federation
Relevance. The given research is relevant due to the necessity to develop student skills of independent creative thinking and readiness for professional implementation in language classes at a military university.
Goal is to reveal the effectiveness of project technology and critical thinking technology in the process of teaching Russian to foreign military students at the pre-university and university stages. Procedure and methods. The main subject of the research is the analysis of classes in Russian as a Foreign Language (hereinafter RFL) at early stages of learning. Personal experience has been summarized in the use of these technologies at pre-university and university stages of learning and at university stages with taking into account students' specialization. The following methods of empirical research are applied: observation, comparison, analysis, establishing a connection between the results of the application of project technology and the technology of developing critical thinking in the process of RFL at pre-university stage and the results of the use of these two technologies at university stage of learning. Scientific novelty/theoretical and/or practical significance. The theoretical significance of the research is in the fact that in the course of the work the didactic possibilities of using modern technologies in teaching, a set of factors affecting the effectiveness of the formation of communicative and professional competence is established. Project technology and critical thinking technology described in the article can be used by teachers of RFL while writing textbooks as well as in practical work in class with foreign students in military and civil universities.
Results: In the course of the research the following results were obtained indicating that the systematic use of project technology and critical thinking technology at different stages of learning contributes to the more effective development of speech-thinking activity of students (in speaking and writing in particular) as well as the formation of a secondary cultural and linguistic personality. Conclusion: The regular application of project technology and critical thinking development technology at different stages of learning contributes to the principle of a communicative-activity approach implementation and student necessary speech behavior formation in the educational and professional spheres.
Keywords: critical thinking technology, project technology, higher military education, professionally oriented training, speech preparation
© CC BY E . Anokhina, T. Pavlova, 2022.
технология критического мышления и проектная технология в формировании навыков говорения и письма в рки
Анохина Э. Н, Павлова Т. С.
Военный университет имени князя Александра Невского Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
125047, г. Москва, ул. Большая Садовая, д. 14, Российская Федерация Аннотация
Актуальность. Актуальность заключается в необходимости развития у обучающихся умений независимого творческого мышления и готовности к профессиональной реализации на языковых занятиях в военном вузе.
Цель - выявление эффективности проектной технологии и технологии критического мышления в процессе обучения иностранных военнослужащих русскому языку на довузовском и вузовском этапах.
Методы исследования. Основное содержание исследования составляет анализ занятий по русскому языку как иностранному на разных этапах обучения в военном вузе. Проведено обобщение личного опыта применения названных технологий на довузовском и вузовском этапах обучения, причём на вузовском этапе - с учётом специальности обучающихся. Применены следующие методы эмпирического исследования: наблюдение, сравнение, анализ, установление связи между результатами применения проектной технологии и технологии развития критического мышления в процессе обучения русскому языку как иностранному на довузовском этапе и результатами использования этих двух технологий на вузовском этапе обучения.
Научная новизна / теоретическая и/или практическая значимость. Теоретическая значимость исследования заключается в том, что в ходе работы выделены дидактические возможности применения современных технологий в обучении, установлена совокупность факторов, влияющих на эффективность формирования коммуникативной и профессиональной компетенции. Описанный в статье опыт применения проектной технологии и технологии критического мышления может быть использован преподавателями русского языка как иностранного при создании учебников, а также в практической работе с иностранными обучающимися на занятиях как в военных, так и в гражданских вузах.
Результаты. В ходе исследования были получены результаты, свидетельствующие о том, что систематическое использование проектной технологии и технологии развития критического мышления на разных этапах обучения способствует более эффективному развитию речемыс-лительной деятельности (особенно в говорении и письме) иностранных военных специалистов, а также формированию вторичной культурно-языковой личности. Выводы. Регулярное применение проектной технологии и технологии развития критического мышления на разных этапах обучения способствует реализации принципа коммуникативно-деятельностного подхода и формированию у обучающихся необходимого речевого поведения в учебной и профессиональной сферах.
Ключевые слова: технология критического мышления, проектная технология, высшее военное образование, профессионально ориентированное обучение, подготовка речи
Various educational techniques such as module education, person-focused education, game, training, cooperation, critical thinking and others are used for foreign military students during RFL classes . In the given article we examine project technology and critical thinking technology and analyze speaking and writing skills formation in pre-university and university language learning
Person-focused education is the modern techniques for higher school including military higher school when the tutor makes up a special programme for each student. The goal of cooperation between the tutor and the student is to shape communicative competencies, which is the main aim of the language classes . Such subject-subject relations change the role of the student who is made responsible for the educational process . Many researchers such as A. N . Shchukin [10], O. V. Shkurko, I . V. Konovalenko [9], V. E . Tsibulniko-va, E . A. Levanova [8], S. V. Korostova, I . V. Nefedov [3], E. G. Shraiber, L N. Ovi-nova [11] state that in these conditions the main goal for the tutor is to develop creative and critical thinking Speaking and thinking skills development is required not only for education but also for professional activity One cannot agree more with L N Kobernik, who states that "the specialist who has creative thinking skills can handle information, sees the problems and possibilities, sets clear goals, and finds out the way to achieve them . In other words, such a specialist has a novel thought and he is ready for the professional implementation" [2, p. 626].
The purpose and tasks of the research:
The purpose of the study is to prove the efficiency of project technology and critical thinking technology in the process of teaching RFL to foreign military students at the pre-university and university stages .
Tasks of the research:
1) describe the technology of developing the critical thinking and the project technology;
2) discuss the samples of the tasks with project technology and technology of critical thinking used at different stages of the foreign military student learning;
3) analyze the projects done by students from the point of view of speaking and writing skills development and define the role of the examined technologies in these speech activity types
Research methods: The article provides analysis of the RFL classes in the military university at different stages of learning The personal experience of using project technology and technology of critical thinking is summed up taking into account the specialization of military students at university stage. The following empiric methods were used for the research purpose: observation, comparison, analysis, and establishing connections between the results of using project technology and the technology of developing the critical thinking in the process of RFL at pre-university stage and the results of these technologies at university stage.
Research organization and working process: The research had been conducted for 4 years with the students whose Russian language proficiency was from A2 to B2. Those were foreign students from Egypt and Mongolia, the future lawyers
Project Technology and Technology of Critical Thinking at Intermediate Stage of Learning Russian Foreign Language
Critical thinking technology includes such speech activities as reading and writing That is why this technology is partly used at pre-university stage The given technology is demonstrated in lesson 5 of the RFL textbook for the 1st certificate level. The texts of this book are integrated into the topic "Bagration Operation" (Byelorussian Operation). The technology of critical thinking development comprises three stages:
1) challenge (the tutor reminds the facts to the students which they have learned and tries to encourage them to get more information);
2) conceptualization of the content (the stage of obtaining new information about the topic);
3) reflection (the practical use of the previous knowledge and new data);
Stage 1 (challenge) includes the following tasks: Listen/Read abstract 1.
Predict the contents of the text. What is this text about? Do you remember what Pyotr Bagration (1765-1812) was? Why do you think the Byelorussian Operation was called Bagration? We underline the fact that the students have already got some information about General Bagration from the text at the basic level.
Stage 2 (conceptualization of the content) relates to obtaining more information by students about Bagration Operation after reading the text. It is necessary to explain lexical difficulties before reading the text . After reading the tutor checks the understanding of the text .
Stage 3 (reflection) includes the following tasks: Tell some words about Bagration Operation with the help of the map (the textbook provides the map of warfare from the book "Memories and Thoughts" by Marshal Georgy Zhukov (1896-1974)). Konstantin Rokossovsky (1896-1968) named his memoir book "A Soldier's Duty". Explain the meaning of the title.
Further in the lesson there is a text about Bagration Operation from the point of view of Marshal Zhukov which is different from Marshal Rokossovsky's opinion given in the previous text
The conceptualization stage begins after reading the second text which states Zhu-kov's point of view. The conceptualization phase includes the following questions: How is Bagration Operation assessed? Which point of view do you support? Why? Do you think if there are possible different assessments of military operations? Comment your point of view.
The next task is to watch an episode from the film "The Great Commander Georgy Zhukov" by Yuri Ozerov which is about Bagration Operation and is 7 minutes long. The listening after the text includes the task to check the understanding (Why was the preparation for the operation top secret? What
was the role of partisans during Bagration Operation?). The listening part also includes reproductive tasks (What new information have you got from the film? Why do you think Bagration Operation was the triumph of the Soviet art of war theory?).
The lesson also provides the tasks to do a project:
1) sum up the information from the text and the film. Prepare slides. Give a talk "Unique military Bagration Operation":
a) read a passage about Russian Soldier. How do you understand these words? Can these words be said about the participants of the military operation? Explain your point of view. «Особенное, сердечное и искреннее спасибо тебе, русский солдат! Тебе честь, тебе слава, добытая потом и кровью России!» ("We are sincerely and heartfully grateful to you, Russian Soldier! Honor and glory won by the sweat and blood of Russia to you!") (Grand Duke Nikolai Romanov);
b) Write an essay on the topic "We are grateful to you, Russian Soldier". Present your essay to your group.
As a sample of such an essay we present one of the best essays written by a military student from Egypt (B1 Level):
Спасибо тебе, русский солдат!
«Я участвовал не в одной кампании, но никогда ещё не сталкивался с таким кровопролитным делом и с такими выносливыми солдатами, как русские», -признавался один из пехотных офицеров армии Наполнена.
В прошедшие века размер армии был главным показателем её силы. Однако из истории мы знаем, что иногда качественные показатели гораздо важнее, чем количественные. Сейчас вооружение считается главным показателем силы армии. Но характер солдата играет главную роль в любой войне.
Если мы говорим о характере солдата, то нам надо признаться, что русский солдат имеет прекрасный военный характер, так как русский солдат отличается
дисциплиной, храбростью, мужественностью и самопожертвованием.
История России наполнена сражениями, в которых армия побеждала благодаря храбрости русского солдата. Он играл самую важную роль во многих битвах и сражениях Второй мировой войны. Он дошёл до Берлина и освободил мир от коричневой чумы.
Мир был бы другим, если бы не русский солдат. И поэтому нам всем нужно поблагодарить его, ведь благодаря русскому солдату человечество избавлено от фашизма, и мы живём в мире. Все мы восхищаемся силой духа и героизмом русского солдата.
СПАСИБО тебе, русский солдат!
It is necessary to notice that critical thinking technology is closely related to project technology While doing the project foreign military students reveal themselves, demonstrate their research abilities, creativity, activity and independence Work at the project helps students to increase their curiosity in learning Russian and gives them the motivation to improve their speaking and writing skills .
While working at the project students practice different activities: obtaining the information on the topic of the project (informative and lexico-grammatical), planning the study, making the conclusion, and designing the project. At our university students present their project to their group mates . The project can be assessed in different ways such as winning at the contest, getting a grade from the tutor and the comments to the speech from the group mates All the assessments are important for students We use a list of professionally oriented skills provided in the study by A . N . Shchukin "I can make a small written talk and present it to the students" [10, p. 536] to assess the result of speech skills development in writing Using project technology in combination with critical thinking technology allows to achieve such results
Critical thinking technology and project technology contribute to the formation of multipurpose skills in foreign military students: project drafting and presentation design These skills are related to decision-making, the decision perception, the culture of proving own judgments, assessing different points of view.
Project Technology and Technology of Critical Thinking at Advanced Level of Russian Foreign Language
The skills in speaking, forming own opinion, arguing, making presentations and speaking to the audience achieved at the preparatory course continue to develop at university level Russian language learning at military university is focused on teaching students to work on their own, give talks and write essays, develop their point of view on various issues, and then prove them effectively and convincingly
These skills are required for defending the thesis at the final exam in the short term and a successful professional career in the long term [1, p. 25].
For these reasons critical thinking technology and project technology are applied at basic courses of the military university We agree with N. L. Smith who considers the project technology application to be the most effective "for teaching specialty language to foreign military students or for specialized training when in the shortest time they need to master business communication" [7, p. 12].
Students begin working on mini-projects in their first year They learn how to give a talk which involves the ability to sort information from different sources on the topic, compare and synthesize it Students learn functional and semantic classification of texts, learn to write narrative, description and reasoning texts as well Students develop the skill of writing an argumentative text useful for their further education and future professional activity by analyzing the samples of reasoning texts and writing their own reasoning ones Taking into considera-
tion the knowledge got at preparatory course and deepened at the first year we suggest our university seniors participate in professionally-focused activities which involve critical thinking technology as "that project technology develops creative thinking and approach to solving problems" [4, p . 112].
The project suggested to the third-year law students is based on the literary text "The Forged Coupon" [5] by L . N . Tolstoy read by them as extracurricular reading
As we know, the process of working on the project consists of three stages: preparatory, main and final stages All these stages relate to the stages of developing critical thinking
The first stage of the project (challenging stage) of critical thinking technology development described above helps to build skills of writing chreia As chreia being a text of reasoning we tell the students to recall the information already known by them since the first year and ask them the following questions: What functional and semantic types of texts do you know? What is the text of reasoning? What question does the text of reasoning answer? What types of the text of reasoning are familiar to you? Answering these questions the students recall the basic types familiar to them: thesis - argumentation - conclusion; thesis - argumentation -antithesis - counterargument/argument -conclusion
The second stage is the conceptualization of the content and is related to obtaining new information about chreia and the structure of stringent chreia Students learn more about 8 parts of chreia formulated by M. V. Lomonosov Then students compare eight-part stringent chreia with the common structure of the text of reasoning (thesis -argumentation - antithesis - counterargument/argument - conclusion) This work relieves stress or probably even the fear of learning something new After that students work with the example of chreia and write their own chreia on one of the given topics .
Then we ask students to think if prosecutor and defense speeches being samples of ju-
dicial eloquence (oratorical style) are chreia samples Students are suggested to read defense speech made by Plevaco in the Zamy-atnins' case to give an argumentative answer to the question above After reading the text students answer various types of questions: to check understanding of the facts from the text (questions Who...? When...? Where...?), and interpretation questions (Why.?) which help to establish causal relationship of actions, events and others While analyzing plevako's speech students come to the conclusion that in fact judicial eloquent speeches are also based on the chreia This stage of work encourages students to develop skills of writing chreia in general and to do the project in particular The high level of student motivation in this project is explained by "the correlation of the project with the actual issues of training... and immersion in the environment of specialization" [4, p. 113].
Then the students discuss the story "The Forged Coupon" by L N Tolstoy read extracurricular They are given several questions to start the discussion All these questions require not only retelling the plot, but also evaluating and establishing of the causal relationship of the character actions in the story The questions are as follows:
- What impression do you get after reading the story?
- Why is the story split into two parts?
- What event managed to stop the series of crimes?
- State the main idea of the story.
At the second stage of the project after the discussing the story and studying oratorical style students are given a home task to write a prosecutor speech and a defense speeches (similar to the speeches of advocate Plevako and prosecutor Muravyov, the latter for independent study from the point of view of speech structure) based on the plot of the story "The Forged Coupon"
After completing this task students begin the third stage of critical thinking technology development (reflection stage). Students are encouraged to write prosecutor and defense speeches on the cases from the story:
1) the case of Makhin forging the money;
2) the case of janitor Vasiliy stealing 370 roubles from the shopkeeper and 30 thousand rubles from Krasnopuzov;
3) the case of Stepan Pelageyushkin accused of murdering the janitor and the family of Maria Semyonovna and stealing her money
To do this task students have to understand the possibility to use in practice the knowledge got in class about chreia structure, to apply the samples of Plevako's and Muravyev's speeches, to evaluate which facts from the story by Tolstoy they can use in the speeches as arguments
Here is a sample of prosecutor and defense speeches in the the Makhin trial for forging the money written by the third year students
Обвинительная речь
Уважаемый суд, уважаемые присяжные заседатели!
Знаете ли вы, что такое эффект бабочки?
Эффект бабочки - это незначительное влияние на систему, которое может иметь большие и непредсказуемые последствия, в том числе в другом месте. Совершая то или иное серьёзное действие, каждый человек должен помнить о масштабах возможных последствий.
Подсудимый Махин сегодня обвиняется в совершении преступления, предусмотренного частью 1 статьи 186 УК РФ «Изготовление в целях сбыта банковских билетов банка РФ, государственных ценных бумаг и т.д.», частью 1 статьи 63 «С привлечением лица, не достигшего возраста, с которого наступает уголовная ответственность».
Обвиняемый, помогая несовершеннолетнему Мите Смоковникову, подделал купон номиналом в 2 рубля 50 копеек, представив его как купон номиналом в 12 рублей 50 копеек, после чего в короткий промежуток времени сбыл его.
Теперь, уважаемые присяжные заседатели, обратите внимание на последствия
этого преступления: суд над крестьянином Иваном Мироновым, дача ложных показаний дворником Василием, совершение Иваном Мироновым кражи нескольких лошадей, его последующая смерть и так далее. Подумайте, как дорого хулиганство, юношеская шалость обошлась людям.
Предупреждая аргументы стороны защиты, хотелось бы прояснить ещё одну деталь: после допроса Мити Смоковнико-ва следствие объективно пришло к выводу, что подсудимый давно в узких кругах славился подобными махинациями. Далее со слов допрашиваемого: «Махин - нехороший малый...» - он сказал: «... можно заложить часы, а можно и лучше». Отсюда следует вывод, что опыт подобных действий для обвиняемого не нов. Однако судимости у Махина нет, соответственно, о совокупности или рецидиве речи быть не может.
Тем не менее я прошу всех присутствующих задуматься, чему учит наш юный гимназист несовершеннолетнего Митю. Именно обману и мошенничеству.
Во имя пресечения подобных преступлений в будущем я призываю сегодня вынести строгий, но справедливый приговор и назначить Махину наказание в виде лишения свободы на срок 7 лет со штрафом в размере 100000 рублей.
Защитительная речь
Уважаемый суд!
Положение защитника поставило передо мной сегодня 2 задачи:
1) опровергнуть ложные доводы о преступном последствии и
2) разъяснить суду истинные мотивы и цели, побудившие моего подзащитного на совершение преступления.
Сначала хочу сказать: человек такой, какой он есть, и остаётся всегда верен себе. Что я имею в виду: если вы воспитаны добросовестно, одна помеха на пути не сделает из вас негодяя.
Сторона обвинения назвала преступление и перечислила ряд последствий, которые оно повлекло за собой. Но вот повлекло ли?
Для того ли созданы государством закон и правоохранительные органы, чтобы Евгений Михайлович, перешагнув через них, шёл вершить справедливость самостоятельно? Для того ли, чтобы дворники подкупались, а простой народ мог своевольно наказывать воров? Нет! Здесь только две проблемы: пробел в правоохранительной системе и недоверие народа ей.
Что касается Мити Смоковникова, спешу напомнить суду, что именно он пришёл к моему подзащитному за помощью, а не наоборот. Получается, что Смоковников, зная, что уголовной ответственности не понесёт, мог намеренно сговориться с моим подзащитным. Соответствующих доказательств по данному поводу нет, поэтому не берусь утверждать, однако стоит ли совсем исключать это суждение?
И, наконец, есть ли доказательства, что совершённые ранее преступления степенью и характером своей общественной опасности охватывали сферу ведения уголовного права? Не исключено, что это могли быть лишь административные проступки.
Обобщая всё вышесказанное, призываю суд и присяжных заседателей ещё раз сопоставить доводы, приведённые стороной обвинения с контраргументами, прозвучавшими в моей речи, и принять справедливое решение. Ведь один из принципов УП - принцип наказуемости гласит: лицо, совершившее преступление, отвечает лишь за то, что им совершено лично или охватывалось его умыслом.
В связи с этим прошу пересмотреть сроки наказания до 1 года лишения свободы со штрафом в размере 100000 рублей.
In the speeches above we see that students doing the project had to turn again to the text "The Forged Coupon" to reveal the arguments to confirm or to disprove guilt of the accused, to follow the speech rules necessary for chreia, to use their professional knowledge as the third year students and also to practice specialty language
The third and the final stage of the project is the presentation of speeches prepared by students in class The defense of the project is held in the game form "in specifically simulated conditions of the professional activities" [7, p. 12]: the trial with a jury is played out at which the prosecutor and the advocate act in a pair in one case When the speeches are over the jury decides and explains their decisions Thus, the discussion takes place during which all the advantages and disadvantages of each prosecutor and defense speech are revealed. Due to the modern technologies at language classes foreign students communicate in professionally similar conditions and one of criteria evaluating communication competence perception and mentioned by A . N . Shchukin "I can sum up the information on the professional topic from various sources" [10, p. 536] is also achieved.
The results of the research and their discussion: The person who has a university degree should be able to think clearly and to use argumentation to express his thinking orally and in writing in according to the rules of the language Frequent essay writing on the topics mentioned in the educational texts helps foreign students to develop skills of thinking clearly and proving their points of view at the stage A2 Level . Making speeches during the essay contest helps foreign students to overcome their fear and shyness in front of the audience At the B1 and B2 Levels due to specifically developed project tasks foreign military students learn to write argumentative texts necessary for their further professional career and the game form of the defending projects in conditions similar to the professional activity help foreign military students to prepare better for their further professional activity and develop more effectively all their speech skills especially speaking and writing
The variety of proposed tasks developed with project technology and critical thinking technology helps to remove the language barrier in class, increase foreign student mo-
ISSN 2072-8395
Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. Серия: Педагогика
2022 / № 2
tivation to learn Russian in general, broaden their horizons including their professional activity.
The valuable feature of project technology is "integration of knowledge from different spheres for solving the problem" [6, p. 107]. The samples of projects from preparatory and basic courses described in this article provide the integration of knowledge sufficient to connect the educational process with the subject-practical activity and to consider the individual psychological characteristics
and needs of students at the preparatory and basic courses, and to provide the means to socialize and adapt to a different culture .
The systematic application of project technology and critical thinking technology at the various educational stages makes it possible to implement the principles of communication and activity approach and to prepare students for the required speech behavior in their professional sphere
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Elya N. Anokhina - Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Assoc . Prof. , Prof, of the Russian language Department, the Military University of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation; e-mail: [email protected]
Tatyana S. Pavlova - Cand. Sci. (Philology), Assoc . Prof. , Department of the Russian language the Military University of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation; e-mail: m12ov142t@yandex. ru
С 85-96.
С 111-115 .
Анохина Эля Николаевна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры русского языка Военного университета МО РФ; е-шаИ: [email protected]
Павлова Татьяна Сергеевна - кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры русского языка Военного университета МО РФ; е-шаИ: m12ov142t@yandex. ги
Anokhina E. N . , Pavlova T. S . The use of critical thinking technology and project technology in the formation of speaking and writing skills in the RFL. In: Bulletin of the Moscow Region State University. Series: Pedagogics, 2022, no . 2, pp . 25-35. DOI: 10.18384/2310-7219-2022-2-25-35
Анохина Э . Н . , Павлова Т. С. Технология критического мышления и проектная технология в формировании навыков говорения и письма в РКИ // Вестник Московского государственного областного университета Серия: Педагогика 2022 № 2 С 25-35 Э01: 10.18384/2310-7219-2022-2-25-35