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Ключевые слова
computer technology / cultural and educational space / improving speech skills / lexical and grammatical skills / listening skills / communicative culture

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zulfizar Karimova

The issues of teaching a foreign language using computer technology are considered in this article. Moreover, the article gives the concept of such a term as the communicative activity of students, that is, practical knowledge of speaking skills in a foreign language; lists the tasks of the teacher, whose role is to enhance the speech activity of each student in the educational process, creating a situation for their creative activity. The article provides evidence that the use of computer technologies in the classroom makes it possible to move from reproductive forms of educational activity to independent, creative types of work, where the emphasis is on the formation of students' communicative culture and the development of skills in working with various types of information and its sources.

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Zulfizar Karimova,

Tashkent branch of MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov, Uzbekistan DOI: https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ijitss/30092020/7177



Received 29 July 2020 Accepted 03 September 2020 Published 30 September 2020


computer technology, cultural and educational space, improving speech skills, lexical and grammatical skills, listening skills, communicative culture.

The issues of teaching a foreign language using computer technology are considered in this article. Moreover, the article gives the concept of such a term as the communicative activity of students, that is, practical knowledge of speaking skills in a foreign language; lists the tasks of the teacher, whose role is to enhance the speech activity of each student in the educational process, creating a situation for their creative activity. The article provides evidence that the use of computer technologies in the classroom makes it possible to move from reproductive forms of educational activity to independent, creative types of work, where the emphasis is on the formation of students' communicative culture and the development of skills in working with various types of information and its sources.

Citation: Zulfizar Karimova. (2020) The Role of Innovative Computer Technologies for the Improvement and Formation of Students' Speaking Skills at English Lessons. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science. 6(27). doi: 10.31435/rsglobal_ijitss/30092020/7177

Copyright: © 2020 Zulfizar Karimova. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

At the present stage of development of our society of one of actual problems is preparation of the qualified expert that speaks a foreign language and capable to professional growth in the conditions of use of new information technology. Recently there were many possibilities for an establishment of contacts in a foreign language as in the conditions of direct dialogue with native speakers, by means of such computer telecommunications, as the Internet and e-mail. Internet resources not only help to make the informative message, the full answer on the set topics, but also to organize oral report accompanied by audio and video support. Statements (monologic, dialogical) with a basis on the information taken from a network, differ with fuller answer and students' increased interest.

It puts rather hard, but perspective problems before teachers of foreign languages, namely to teach students to obtain the information and to process it, using a foreign language not only as the tool communication, but also cognition. Statement and the decision of the given problems focuses on constant acquisition and updating of the knowledge necessary for the future expert for the organization of the professional work.

The important means providing creation of a new information field are telecommunication projects that open new possibilities in the organization of educational process on a foreign language; provide wide access to the information, interactive dialogue. Intercultural training assumes interaction of representatives of various cultures, including virtual in which prospects of another language culture knowledge speaking open. At teaching foreign language by those means students join world cultural-educational space that, undoubtedly, raises their motivation to mastering by a foreign language.

Our society is named an information society or a society of knowledge and in the centre of this definition there is information technology.

The concept of information culture was generated in the course of activation of research attention to mechanisms of an information exchange in connection with enormous strengthening of a role of the information in sociocultural processes in the second half of the 20th century, connected in some theories with formation of new, postindustrial type of a society in which the leading role is played not by production of goods, but information processing, with the advent of the automated information systems and fast development of transmission media of the information.

Essential progress in development of information communication technologies leads to change in the course of training to foreign languages as well. Active and pertinent application of the computer at a lesson of English language is obviously possible also expedient proceeding from specificity of the subject.

It is obvious that using of information communication technologies means of various types at English language lessons promotes increase of interest of students to a subject and their activation verbal activity, development of independent work skills and work in collaboration, to effective formation of all kinds of speech activity.

Computer allows to show elements which can be used as a background of formation at trainees' speech activity in a foreign language on the screen. Interactive programs and games help to create real situations of dialogue, to remove psychological barriers and to raise interest to a subject.

Application of information communication technologies helps to actualize the personality-oriented approach in studying, provides an individualization and differentiation taking into account features of students, their level of knowledge. Multimedia means are aimed at creation of conditions for formation and development of communicative and language abilities.

At the present stage, the state order for specialists who speak a foreign language is changing. Increased requirements which include visually interrelated components are imposed on them, -communicative competence, the ability to conduct a conversation within the chosen specialty, as well as the acquisition of computer literacy skills as a user capable of extracting foreign language information.

Language education is the most important tool for a person's successful life in a multicultural community of people, a means of communication between specialists from different countries, and a part of culture. The knowledge of a foreign language is of particular relevance to students who are mastering a specific profession and competence in their chosen specialty.

The modern communicative method of teaching a foreign language provides for the formation of linguistic and communicative (speech) competence associated with the mastery of all types of speech activity, as well as with the culture of oral and written speech, the rules and methods of using the language in different areas of communication, and is a combination of many ways and educational methods, including modern pedagogical technologies.

One of the main goals - teaching professional communication skills can be achieved only with the obligatory interaction of encyclopedic, linguistic, interactive aspects. In the formation of communicative competence, it is necessary to educate an active personality capable of providing adequate intercultural communication, a dialogue of cultures. A person who has formed the skills of communicative communication in a foreign language is distinguished by the ease of communication, natural behavior, and self-confidence. Therefore, the main thing in teaching foreign language, as well as other disciplines, is the achievement of development, self-development, professional competence.

The final result of learning presupposes not only mastery of the corresponding foreign language technique (i.e., the language competence of students), but also the assimilation of colossal non-linguistic information necessary for adequate learning and mutual understanding, because the latter is unattainable without the relative equality of the basic information of those communicating about the surrounding reality. Communicative competence and ways to achieve it is one of the most pressing problems, theoretically and experimentally solved by the method of foreign languages. Mastering communicative competence in English without being in the country of the target language is very difficult. Therefore, an important task of the teacher is to create real and imaginary situations of communication in a foreign language lesson, using various methods and techniques of work (role play, discussions, creative projects, etc.). A visual representation of life, traditions, linguistic realities of English-speaking countries to give educational videos, the use of which contributes to the

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implementation of the most important requirement of the communicative methodology "... to present the process of mastering a language as comprehension of a living foreign language reality ... ".

Speaking as well as audition is a productive (expressional) kind of speech activity with the help of which speech communication is carried out. The content of speaking skill is expression of thoughts, information transfer in the oral form.

Speaking is based on productive pronunciation, rhythmic-intonation and lexical-grammatical skills. Foreign speaking as a complex integrated skill is characterized by motivation, activity and independence of the speaker, purposefulness, connection with thinking, situational conditioning, heuristicity. According to the greater or lesser role of independence in the programming of oral speech utterance, initiative (active), reactive (responsive), and reproductive speech are distinguished.

Thus, when teaching speaking, an important place belongs to modeling communication situations that stimulate the speech-thinking activity of students. Developing ICT technologies can act as a means of forming phonetic speaking skills, organizing communication in pairs and small groups using role-playing games based on simulation programs. They develop abilities to inform, explain, approve, convince, congratulate, give the description, and also promotes increase of motivation of pupils and their activation of verbal activity, effective mastering of a teaching material.

Let us consider three basic directions of use of information communication technologies at formation of abilities of oral speech at lessons:

1. Use of ready multimedia training programs (multimedia textbooks);

2. Creation own multimedia presentations by the teacher (presentation Microsoft Power Point);

3. Use of the network and e-mail means.

In recent years, many multimedia teaching programs and electronic English textbooks have appeared which contributes to:

• enhancing the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages;

• development of computer technologies skills by the teacher and students;

• mastering language, speech knowledge, skills and the abilities providing formation of the elementary communicative competence by students;

• improving the results of the education quality and the use of interesting, effective control of the assimilation of the studied material during intensive training.

The main condition for teaching speaking is the formation and improvement of speech skills (speaking and listening), which, in turn, can be formed only as pronunciation skills develop, lexical and grammatical skills, and listening skills are formed. At the initial stage of training, it is almost impossible to separate the process of skills formation. The teacher introduces the students to the new structure. This involves learning new words, sounds, intones. Students listen to this structure and repeat after the teacher or speaker. It is also used in microdialogues with a teacher and friends. When there are enough such structures within the framework of the educational situation, they can be combined into small monologues and dialogues.

Technical teaching aids greatly facilitate the acquisition of a foreign language by listening to sound recordings, watching films and video films, using personal computers. In addition, technical teaching aids can teach students using equipment specially designed for these purposes without the participation of a teacher.

Microsoft PowerPoint is the most widespread among set of presentation computer programs. Use PowerPoint is effective in the decision of a problem of formation of the communicative competence of students. With its help it is easy to prepare slides, schemes, fragments of speech telling, theses of the report for audience. It can be used in work practice, both by teachers, and students, as means of preparation of presentations for support of the oral message and as the new tool of writing.

The speaking presentation should meet certain requirements:

- structuring material;

- consistency of presentation (organization and coherence);

- critical selection of material in accordance with the set goal;

- synthesis;

- critical analysis of the selected material;

- own point of view and personal contribution (synthesis and personal contribution);

- the presence of conclusions (quality of introduction and conclusion);

- reflection of comprehension in the presentation.

When students have to write and voice something that their audience not only hears but also sees, they are much more committed to achieving quality work, both in form and content. The word spoken orally is ephemeral, fleeting, while the written word remains. As a result, students re-read (sometimes rework) their presentation and this repetition improves the quality of assimilation of the material.

The use of video recordings in the classroom contributes to the individualization of training and the development of motivation for the speech activity of trainees. Video helps to teach all 4 types of speech activity - reading, speaking, listening and writing. When using videos in the classroom, two types of motivation develop: self-motivation, when the film is interesting in itself, and motivation, which is achieved by the fact that the student will be shown that he can understand the language he is learning. This brings satisfaction and gives confidence in one's own strengths and desire for further improvement. The use of various ropes of information flow (auditory, visual, motor perception) has a positive effect on the strength of capturing regional and linguistic material.

In the structure of a video lesson for teaching oral speech, four stages can be distinguished:

1) preparatory - the stage of preliminary removal of language and linguistic and cultural difficulties;

2) video perception - the development of information perception skills; 3) control of understanding of the main content, 4) development of language skills and speaking skills. The use of video opens up a number of unique opportunities in terms of mastering a foreign language culture, especially in terms of the formation of socio-cultural competence as one of the components of communicative competence in general. Unlike audio or printed text, which can have high informative, educational, educational and developmental value, video text has the advantage that it combines various aspects of the act of speech interaction. In addition to the content side of communication, the video text contains visual information about the place of the event, the appearance and non-verbal behavior of the participants in communication in a particular situation, often due to the specifics of the age, gender, and psychological characteristics of the speaker's personality. The visual range allows you to better understand and consolidate both factual information and purely linguistic features of speech in a specific context. Video materials provide almost unlimited opportunities for analysis based on comparison and juxtaposition of cultural realities and characteristics of human behavior in various situations of intercultural communication (provided that the selected video texts provide the necessary basis for such a comparison). The effectiveness of using a video film in teaching speech depends not only on the accuracy

When teaching a foreign language with the help of technical teaching aids, students become familiar with the world cultural and educational space, which undoubtedly increases their motivation to master a foreign language.

The purpose of teaching a foreign language is the communicative activity of students, that is, practical knowledge of a foreign language. The tasks of the teacher are to activate the activity of each student in the learning process, to create situations for their creative activity. The use of ICT in the classroom makes it possible to move from reproductive forms of educational activity to independent, creative types of work, shift the emphasis to the formation of the communicative culture of students and the development of skills in working with various types of information and its sources.


1. T.M. Bujanovsky, New pedagogical technologies in training to foreign languages.//Training in cooperation, 2000.

2. L.P. Vladimirova, The Internet at foreign language lessons, 2002.

3. T.A. Dmitrienko, Technique of teaching of English language in high school, 2009.

4. D. Dontsov, English on the computer. We study, we translate, we speak, 2007.

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