Научная статья на тему 'The state of geographical and toponomic aspects of the world countries’ names'

The state of geographical and toponomic aspects of the world countries’ names Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bayqabilov Xusnudin Mardanovich, Karakulov Nurbol Maidanovich

This article describes the state of geographical and toponomic aspects of the world countries’ names and its development trends.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The state of geographical and toponomic aspects of the world countries’ names»

Bayqabilov Xusnudin Mardanovich, The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan the Faculty of Geography and natural resources Karakulov Nurbol Maidanovich, The Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Tashkent, Uzbekistan the Faculty of Natural Sciences E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract: This article describes the state of geographical and toponomic aspects of the world countries' names and its development trends.

Keywords: geography, toponomic research, the etymology, transcription, transliteration, scientific classification, lexical-semantic, the ancient times.

It is well known that toponomics is a special science between geography, history and linguistics, and is closely associated with them, using the methods of research of these sciences. As the theoretical basis of each science improves and develops, it defines its object, object, and functions, and naturally, the science is integrated into the process of integration

and differentiation. At the same time, the interdisciplinary connection is also expanding.

Toponomics is closely linked with natural geographical sciences, since it is evident in the classification of geographic locations, their natural geographical study, the principles of topo-nomic research, methods of naming natural objects, and more.

The countries in the world have their own name, and various factors have served as the basis for their name. Problems such as countries' name and their etymology have been studied relatively by toponomist scientists. This situation determines the relevance of the selected topic.

The emergence of geographical science as a science is largely related to the practical need of science. The scientists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries studied the names ofgeographical objects in the process of studying, descriptive, descriptive objects. The emergence of geographical names, their origin, formation, meaning, and scientific study of the history of their nomination, in particular, their classification began in the mid-18th century.

During the 20th century, toponomic research has developed rapidly in foreign countries. A. Dose (France) for the study of geographical names of different regions of the world; G. Krae, M. Fesmer (Germany); E. Euall, A. Smith, A. Rum, S. Mettyuz (UK); A. Profouz, V. Shmilauer (Czech Republic); V. Tashitsky, Yu. Stashevsky (Poland); V. Geor-giev (Bulgaria); L. Kish (Hungary); G. Dragu (Romania); M. Olson (Sweden); J. Stuart, N. Holmer (USA); J. Arm-

strong (Canada); The services of scientists such as A. Kor-dozu (Brazil) are great.

In Russia it is worth noting that B. F. Dobrinin (18851951) is a scientific country science school. According to Russian scientist E. Murzayev, any topographic research should begin with studying geographical terms, because toponomic terms are a universal key to the identification of the etymology of most geographical names. Based on this, the British Geographic La Dadli Stamp (1975) published a book in English entitled "Glossary of Public Geographical Languages" in English. In this book, G. W. Alman, E. Kant, U. Olson ofScandina-vian geographical terms; In German, K. Troll, K. A. Ziinxuber, G. Bosh, T. H. Elkinz; RW countries in the West African region. Experts like Garrison - Cherch are proud of their work.

Arabian geographers, Greek and old Roman historians, and Central Asian scientists have been mentioned in the works since the ancient times to the middle ages and to the eighteenth century. Although Yaquw Hamawi completed his work in 1224, the book Mujam al-Budhon ("Glossary of Globes") was written in Arabic, but in the form of a dictionary about the countries of the Mediterranean, Arabic and Academia, the legendary India and China (Chin) and Muslim countries in North Africa is explained.

In recent years in Uzbekistan, A. Hazratkulov (2006), R. Mahamadaliev (2012), Q. Rajabov and B. Kandov (2015) and K. We can see Gadaev's books (2012). However, these books do not include country studies or the etymology of some countries.

The services of Russian scientists are great in forming the toponymy as a science. In this area A. Dulzon, A. Matveev, A. Popov, A. Superanskaya, V. Toropov, S. Tolstov, E. Pospel-ov, O. Trubachev, V. Juchkevich, R. The works of scientists such as Ageeva are known and popular.

Section 2. Geography

Later on, a group of geographers of the Moscow State University named after M. Sc. Prof. A. Gorkin has prepared the book "World Countries" (Encyclopedia) (2013). It's L. Aksyonova, T. Galkina, G. Gladkevich, V. Strelskiy, S. Tak-hov's articles about the world were translated into Uzbek by A. Mufiev in scientifically-popular language.

In 2003, English explorer Clive Gifford saw the globe on the World Countries and Continents' Book of Illustrations. This book was translated into Russian in 2004. This is one of the most pressing topics on the basis of the above-mentioned books, from the point of view of the natural geographical aspects of the names of countries and the analysis of topography. At the same time, the classification, transcription and transliteration of countries' names are also important.

One of the toponymists in Uzbekistan, Suyun Karayev, once said: "There are more than 200 countries around the world. Creating a transcript of geographical names for each of them is not an easy task, except for the neighboring Turkic-speaking countries, so many countries have yet to use the Russian-language transcript to write their local names in Uzbek" Referring to this scientific classification, the Russian toponymist writes: "As any state or territory has complex, multi-layered and variable toponymy systems, it is difficult and even impossible to create classification of single geographical names, which meets all the requirements."

We have found the lexical-semantic classification of the names of the world's according to H. Hasanov's method, first of all, to sort out the toponyms and then to formulate according to the rules of the language. Well-known Belarusian to-ponymist V A. Juchkevich believes that the ideal classification of ideal formulas must meet three basic requirements: what and what objects are known, how it is called, in which languages and what means of the language, what is the name? The answer is that the toponymy is an integral science. Because the first question-geography, the second question-linguistics, will have to answer the third question-toponymy itself. Obviously, the classification problem is practical, particularly in regional toponimic investigations. Because any research work requires systematization of the data collected, that is, the classification. Therefore, the creation of a single and universal scientific classification is the future of the future.

The natural geographical aspect of the name of the world states necessitates research on the basis of internal "laws" in a specific natural geography. These are: 1) Territory; 2) Periodicity; 3) Integrity and; 4) Systemicity. The toponymic analysis

of the country names is closely related to linguistics, that is, linguistics.

Here is a clear fact. Kalimantan Island is located in Brunei. Country is located on the island. In 1984, the country gained independence from the point of view of its periodicity and called it Brunei. Q: What is the meaning of the term "brunei" and how did it come about? In a lexical-semantic analysis, we can clearly state that the former name of Kalimantan Island appears as a transformed form of the island of Borneo. It is somewhat inappropriate and unusual to say that the local population is ethnographic as "brunei" - "black eye", "black hair".

Conclusion of books about world countries in Uzbekistan: The names of countries do not have sufficient grounds. It is therefore desirable to publish scientific books in a mono-graphical manner. The "mirror" of the names of world countries - this is certainly a political map of the world. Thus, in contrast to geographical and linguistic views, in contrast to the geographical and linguistic views, the political card of the modern world of writing, reflection and diversity of names, in cooperation with cartographers, has developed a new abbreviated form of an English-language coding card and the implementation of the educational process requires life itself.

Who can use this country as we research the names of countries around the world? It is natural that such a question arises. The answer is: Teachers and students of Uzbekistan state world languages university, Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. Teachers and students of the department of geography, as well as people around the world, and so on.We think that articles from the National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan on world countries should include the country's toponymy (name and etymology of capital cities).

We have considered the geographical and toponymic aspects of the names of the world countries inadequate.

Academician V. V. Bartold wrote in his day: "Every researcher determines something that is unclear, and every new interpretation increases the number of errors. Whoever has more correctly understood, who has made many mistakes, should be left to the future without any problems."

We can say that the name of each world has a certain amount of information, and it often reflects a real event. The name of the countries cannot provide the required toponymic information even if it is morphologically and semantically transparent. Therefore, it is appropriate to examine itself as a whole among its own names.


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