Научная статья на тему 'Some aspects of the history and geographical study of the main objectives of researching of place names in Uzbekistan'

Some aspects of the history and geographical study of the main objectives of researching of place names in Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
geographical names / toponyms / history / classification of geographical names / oikonyms / etymology / standartization / the “Red Book” of geographical names

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mirakmalov Mirali Turanbaevich

Тhe brief history of geographical research of toponyms in Uzbekistan. The main objects of toponymic investigationswhich outgo alter the accepting the lan of the rep. of Uzbekistan. “About the nominatia of geographicobjects” considered in this article the main scientific works of geographers — toponimist were analysed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Some aspects of the history and geographical study of the main objectives of researching of place names in Uzbekistan»

Some aspects of the history and geographical study of the main objectives of researching of place names in Uzbekistan

Section 4. Geography

Mirakmalov Mirali Turanbaevich, National University of Uzbekistan, an assistant professor of geography E-mail: [email protected]

Some aspects of the history and geographical study of the main objectives of researching of place names in Uzbekistan

Abstract: the brief history of geographical research of toponyms in Uzbekistan. The main objects of toponymic investigations which outgo alter the accepting the lan of the rep. of Uzbekistan. “About the nominatia of geographic objects" considered in this article the main scientific works of geographers — toponimist were analysed.

Keywords: geographical names, toponyms, history, classification of geographical names, oikonyms, etymology, standartization, the “Red Book” of geographical names.

Geographical names surround us everywhere. Without exaggeration we can say that we live in a world of geographical names, toponyms. Without them, it is almost impossible to any human activity, they fix the place of our birth, residence, work and others. Many of the events of our lives we perceive through the geographical names.

As you know, toponymy is an integral science that emerged at the intersection of geography, linguistics and history.

History of geographical study of place names in Uzbekistan and Central Asia as a whole is related works of scientists of the ancient period. Toponymic note of our region accompanied by a description or reference to a variety of geographical features such famous ancient writings of Herodotus (“History”), Strabo (“Geography”), Pomiponiya Mela (“Chorog-raphy”), Pliny (“Natural History”) and others.

Toponymic data scientists of the medieval East has a more scientific approach. In particular, in the writings of Abu Ray-han al-Biruni (“Konunov Masud”, “India”, “Saydali”, X-XI cc.), Mahmud Kashgariy (“Diwan al-lugat Turks”), Ibn Sina (“Sea Shore”), the anonymous author of “Hudud al-olam” a lot of information about the toponymy.

In the work of Z. M. Babur “Baburname” a lot of local history information, but the description of the territories have been used a lot of titles. Also in the works of Abu Hayan (XIII-XIV centuries.) Dzh. Turky (XIV-XV cent.), Ulugbka (XIV-XV cent.), Abulgazi (XVI century) Bukhari (Vazih) (nineteenth century.) there is evidence of toponymy and geographic terminology of Central Asia and Uzbekistan. In the XX century in the geographical study of place names along local scientists have made a great contribution to Russian researchers. Among them we must separate V V Bartold, V. P. Semenov-Tyanshansky, E. M. Murzaev. In the history of the study of toponyms in Central Asia occupies a prominent Hungarian scholar, traveler Vamberi (1832-1913). He traveled to Central Asia, in his works “Bukhara Mavarounnahra

or history”, “Geographical names Central Asia” given about 600 geographical names and terms.

Geographical Names Studies of Uzbekistan and its development is closely linked with the name of H. H. Hasanov. Widely known for his works on toponymy: “Transcription of Geographical Names” (1962, in the Uzbek. language), “From the history of toponymy of Central Asia” (1965, in the Uzbek. language), “Language of the Earth” (1977, in the Uzbek. language), “Secrets of Geographical Names” (1985, in the Uzbek. language), as well as the scientific article “A valuable source toponymie Middle and Central Asia” (“Toponymy of the East”, 1962), “Or Taraz Otrar?” (“Toponymy of the East”, 1969), “Historical Toponimical scheme of Central Asia” (“Toponymy of the East”, 1969) are the most valuable sources of toponymy of Central Asia and Uzbekistan. In his research H. H. Hasanov paid great attention to the theoretical problems of place names, the origin of place names, semantic value, transcription, spelling, etymology, the study of terms related with toponymy and classification names. And also paid great attention to the formation of names using geographical terms. “If you look carefully at the geographical names, a large part consists of two (Issyk-Kul, Denav, Chukursay, Kyzylkum Bo-botog etc.), A small part of two or three words (Josh, Zach, Izza, Aral etc.)” [8].

“Transcription of Geographical Names” (1962, in Uzbek. language) is devoted to the transcription and spelling of place names in Uzbek language.

The book “From the history of toponymy of Central Asia” (1965, in the Uzbek. Language) is devoted to theoretical issues of place names, and it contains a toponymic dictionary. The application is given the interpretation of the historical names of Central Asia.

H. H. Hasanov, work “Secrets of Geographical Names” (1985, in the Uzbek. Language) plays a major role in the development of place names in Uzbekistan. It equipped


Section 4. Geography

with etymology and interpretation of certain geographical names of Ubekistan, place names in the works of Beruni and Babur, the types of geographical names by origin, the teaching of place names in geography class in high school, entertaining place names, the transformation of their own geographical names in terms of common nouns. Toponymic Regional Studies, toponymic terminology in different languages, the interpretation of some of the major geographical names worldwide. Each teacher of geography may find entertaining information from this book, various toponymic games, quizzes, crossword puzzles, in general, to conduct a fruitful session. As well as young professionals, geographers, linguists, historians may extend and supplement their theoretical knowledge.

H. H. Hasanov, we can say, is the founder of the scientific school of place names and geographical terms in Uzbekistan.

The former Uzbek toponymists who contributed to the development of the place names in Uzbekistan, is

S. K. Karaev [4]. In tnis studies paid great attention to the etymology of place names. Studying ethnotoponym, S. K. Karaev believes that among the geographical names of Uzbekistan there is a large proportion of ethnotoponym, ie geographical names, bearing the names of Uzbek tribes, clans and their numerous small tribal divisions. According to legend, there were 92 Uzbek tribe or family, each of which, in turn, divided into smaller units. Many of them are now crammed, but remained in the names.

Scientific views of Karaev is reflected the works “The Interpretation of Geographical Names” (1978, in Uzbek. language), “Do you know the interpretation of geographical names” (1970, in the Uzbek. language), “ethnonymic” (1979 to Uzbek. language), “The toponymy of Uzbekistan” (1991), “Place-names of Tashkent” (1991, in Uzbek. language), “toponymy regions of Uzbekistan” (2005, in Uzbek. language), Toponymy (2006, on Uzbek. language) and others scientific works S. K. Karaev paid particular attention to the classification of geographical names. Based on scientific opinions E. M. Murzaeva, oikonymy Uzbekistan, he shared in the physical, geographical and social-economic settlement names. According to the scientist to the physiographic oikonymy refers gidrooykonimy, orooykonimy, fitooykonimy, zooykonimy. In the initial stages of the relationship of nature and society a significant part of names associated with nature and natural phenomena.

Social views of S. K. Karaev offers divides into antro-pooykonimy, etnooykonimy, industrial settlement names, market and transport oikonyms oikonyms social, ideological settlement names, migrooykonimy.

Toponymic questions of Uzbekistan were national in the works of P. N. Gulyamov. It is the most studied geographical terminology and compiling dictionaries. But in his works feature the spelling of names and geographical terms and the translation from Russian into Uzbek. They are co-published a manual for geographers “Toponymy and geographical terminology” (2005, in the Uzbek. language).

A little work on the individual regions of Uzbekistan, for example, from a geographical point of view the study of toponymy of Karakalpakstan waslis engaged by K. Seyt-niyazov (1998) [5]. His works were studied placenames northern areas of the right bank of Karakalpakstan, ie their typing, mapping, dissemination of geographical names of different types. And also identified areas of geographical names of settlements of tribal composition Karakalpak disclosed etymology of place names, geographical names held correction in Karakalpak and Russian languages, a map of place names of the area.

In addition, the geographic place names were studied by K. Hakimov [6] in Jizzakh region (2010). The paper studied the effect of names on the formation of regional economic, social and geographical features are defined naming patterns of different objects, the analysis of differences between the names of settlements, a map oikonyms Jizzakh region, as well as recommendations on naming newly built settlements.

In recent years, work on toponymy and geographers Yu. Ahmadaliev [1], A. Nizomov [3].

The role of place names of Uzbek in the study philologists and historians. Among them, there ave works of A. Mu-hammedzhanov, E. Begmatov, T. Nafasov, N. Ahunov, L. Karimova, A. Buriev, Z. Dusimov, H. Egamov, M. Mamedov, S. Naimov, T. Enazarov should be noted.

Mush attention is paid to toponymy currently. After the adoption of the Law “On the naming of geographical fea-tures”(12 October 2011) [2], this issue has become more urgent. The Law put before toponymists, geographers, linguists, historians, cartographers following tasks:

1. Preparation of the State Register of existing geographical names of Uzbekistan.

2. Deepening and widening the toponymic researches.

3. Staff training for toponymic resemches Republic, regions, districts and cities.

4. Spelling of geographical names in textbooks, maps, atlases, and paying special attention to the creation of smart toponymic dictionaries.

5. Standartization of Geographical Names of Uzbekistan and foreign countries.

6. Special attention will be paid to the regional top-onymic research and the collection of toponymic materials by regions, districts and cities.

7. Creation of thematic toponymic maps by regions of Uzbekistan.

To solve the above problems it is necessary to conduct research on place names to the small territories.

In future, we must pay attention to the deepening and expansion of toponymic research, scientific substantiation of the interpretation of geographical names, the definition of the geographic patterns of distribution of terms and place-names, the creation of toponymic maps and develop recommendations on naming and renaming of geographical names. As a result of these studies, you can create a toponymic atlas, as well as the “Red Book” of geographical names of Uzbekistan.


Analysis of eco-meliorative condition for soil of Southern Aral Sea region, and about its mapping


1. Ахмадалиев Ю. И. Фаргона вилояти топонимлари. - «Фаргона», 2009.

2. Закон Республики Узбекистан «О наименовании географических объектов» - Ташкент, 12 октября 2011 г.

3. Низомов А. ва б. Топонимика. - Т.: «Шарк», 2012.

4. Караев С. К. Ойконимия Узбекистана (историко-географическое исследование формирования названий населенных пунктов Республики). - Автореф. доктор. дисс. - Т., 1998.

5. Сейтниязов К. М. Топонимы северных районов правобережья Каракалпакии. АКД. - Ташкент, 1998.

6. Хакимов К. М. Жой номларининг шаклланишида минта^анинг ижтимоий-и^тисодий географик хусусиятлари (Жиз-зах вилояти мисолида). АКД. - Тошкент, 2010.

7. Хасанов Х. Х. Географик номлар сири. - Т.: Узбекистан, 1985.

8. Хасанов Х. Х. Урта Осиё жой номлари тарихидан. - T., 1965. - C. 32.

9. G’ulomov P. N., Mirakmiov M. T. Toponimika va geografik terminshunoslik. - Т., 2005.

Prenov Shavkat Mametsalievich, Safarov Eshkabul Yuldashevich, Tashkent city, Uzbekistan, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Lecturer of the Faculty of Geology and Geography E-mail: [email protected]

Analysis of eco-meliorative condition for soil of Southern Aral Sea region, and about its mapping

Abstract: This article is about analysis of change of eco-reciamation of soil and methods of soil mapping and the role of cartographic method on research work that is based on critical ecological situation which occurred in Southern Aral Sea.

Keywords: Aral Sea, environmental, ecological, eco-meliorative, eco-degradation, irrigation, soil, map, cartography.

Relationship between nature and human based on certain rules, its violation can lead to the eco-degradation. Aimless irrigation of the Aral Sea’s main water sources the Amu Darya and the Sir Darya has led to sharp declines previous of the sea level in the geographical boundaries and to environmental disaster of the Aral Sea [3].

As President Islam Karimov mentioned — “The risk of drying up of the Aral Sea is the most critical issue that has become a national disaster”. Drying up South Aral Sea radically changed Aral Sea’s natural condition, as a result dangerous ecological situation has occurred [1].

Many research works were carried out and are being carried out on natural environmental landscape and on studies for eco-reclamation of the soil of the region. In the 1980-1990s, including Z. M. Akramov., A. A. Rafiqov.,

I. A. Hasanov and E. Yu. Safarov came to the conclusion that study of the status of eco-reclamation of the soil and its research it is necessary to implement the cartographic method of techniques.

The maj or issue of the Aral Sea’s ecological disbalance is pouring water to the Aral and balance disorder of regular water supply from water sources like Amu Darya and Sir Darya.

Now a large part of the Amu Darya and Sir Darya’s previous wild forest trees in the foothills dried out, and the area of the reeds sharply reduced. Due to the shortage of water,

previous productive pastures degraded. Because of the groundwater level went down and the increase in the level of mineralization to 10-15 times, the concentration of salt in the soil has occurred. Currently, vegetation density is extremely loosen on saline soils, topsoil is drying out and wind erosion increased. Where is the existing sandy soil there is sand content can be found. The effects of soil salinity and wind making the pasture condition even worse [2].

Now for a hectare, 9-10 tons of salt comes up with the river water and the bulk of the salt is washed out to the existing drainage network, but in some areas there is no drainage or it is inefficient, in such areas salt regularly gathered. It can be seen on a large scale, particularly in the fields of Karakalpakistan. The existing drainage networks were not projected deeply under land (1.5-2 m.), and the majority of them (30 % -40 %) was muddy and filled with a cane due to a lack of the ability to draw ground water, furthermore drainage networks absolutely does not exist on the 30 % field. For this reason, average strong and very strong the saline irrigated land makes up 53 % of the total area.

Low harvest of agricultural products for Karakalpakistan, associated with much amount of salt in the soil.

Currently, the decline of the Aral Sea level related to changes on surface and groundwater in Karakalpakistan, consequently, there has been a change in the quality of agricultural


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