Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7
Radjabov Nasir Nasimovich,
Associate Professor of the Department of Learning languages of the Public Safety
University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy on Philological Sciences, Docent.
The article reveals the importance of the sound system among the primary and secondary layers of language. It also deals with the formation process ofphonetics as an independent science and the history of its study as an object of research. The article is concluded that the history of scientific study of language in terms of sound system and its dating back to ancient time shows that the sound system of language is very important among other language layers.
Keywords: phonetics, oral speech, speech sound, syllable, phonostylistics, morphology, morpheme
The sound structure of language is studied in the context of phonetics, which is one of the most important fields of linguistics. Phonetics is the scientific study of the smallest units that serve as material in the occurrence of oral speech, as well as their means. Studying the units which have the constitutive function in the formation of oral speech requires phonetics to be in direct contact with written speech. Because the rules of graphics and orthography, which reflect oral speech in writing, are formed on the basis of phonetic principles. It is known that the science of linguistics is based on three primary levels such as phonetics, lexis and grammar. Later, secondary levels of language for instance, stylistics, phonostylistics and morphophonology were formed within the framework of phonetics, lexicology and grammar. One of the main difference between the primary and secondary levels of language is the fact of having their own units. The primary levels of language are explored within the framework of their own units. And the secondary levels of the language, on the other hand, do not have their own units because of which they rely on the units of the primary levels in the research process.
When it comes to discuss on the sound aspect of the language, the notion of the phoneme is often mentioned along with the sounds of speech. The emergence of the notion of phoneme is linked with the name of Boduen de Kurtene. On the basis of his
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7
ideas, relating to the phoneme, a few phonological theories emerged. Among these theories the most famous ones are suggested by S.- Petersburg1 [6], Moscow2 [3], Prague3 [9], London4 [10] and American5 [4] (USA: the dichotomy phonological and distributive phonological theories) phonological schools. A phoneme is recognized as a language unit in each of these theories though they put forward a different approach to the phoneme interpretation. For instance, the interpretation of a phoneme is based: on a word and word formation in S.- Petersburg phonological theory; on morphemes in Moscow phonological theory; on phonological oppositions in Prague phonological theory; on an acoustic aspect of sounds in the theory of London phonological school; on a relationship between phonological units in the theory of American distributive phonological school; on the method of universal classification based on binary (two) differences of phonemes in the theory of American dichotomy phonological school.
In linguistics the distinguishing of speech sounds from phonemes began in the second half of the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, understanding the difference between speech sounds and phonemes and revealing their difference completely is not always easy. The language learners confuse their difference regularly. Sometimes this problem may also be noticed among the future professionals in the field of language who have already got sufficiently profound knowledge on speech sounds and phonemes. In order to solve this problem four aspects of speech sounds should be taken into consideration in learning process. They are acoustic, articulatory, perceptive and phonological aspects of speech sounds. Studying these four aspects thoroughly is the main factor to solve the problem of confusing the difference between speech sounds and phonemes. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS
The sound system of a language can also be studied by the secondary levels of language along with the primary language layers. The scientific study of the secondary levels of language depending on the units of the primary levels, the secondary levels of language such as stylistics, phonostylistics and morphophonology seem as if they also have their own units. And there are special terms used in linguistics to express the units of the secondary levels of language, for instance, "morphoneme (morphological alternations of phonemes)" as a unit of morphonology6 [1, 25], "stylisteme (emotionally-expressive variant of all units of language)" as a unit
1 Зиндер Л.Р. Общая фонетика. - М.: Высшая школа, 1979. - 238 с.
2 Аванесов Р. И., В. Н. Сидоров. Система фонем русского языка // Реформатский А. А. Из истории отечественной фонологии. - Москва: Наука, 1970. С. 252-253.
3 Трубецкой Н.С. Основы фонологии. 2-го изд. - М.: Аспект Пресс, 2000. - 352 с.
4 Jones D. The Phoneme: its Nature and Use. 4th ed. - Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd, 2009. - 268 р.
5 Блумфилд Л. Язык. - М.: Прогресс, 1968. - 606 c.
6 Абдуазизов А. Фоностилистик воситаларнинг урганилишига доир // Узбек тили ва адабиёти. -Тошкент, 1985. - №2.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7
of stylistics7 [7, 96], "phonostylisteme (emotionally-expressive variant of phonetic units)" as a unit of phonostylistics8 [11, 12]. But these terms, according to A.Abduazizov's opinion, do not have a "Certificate" to be a linguistic unit9 [1, 25]. So, these concepts (morphoneme, stylisteme, phonostylisteme) cannot be a pure unit of language, since they are manifested on the basis of a unit of other levels of the language.
All the levels in a language interact within the framework of their own rules in order to carry out the communication between people, which is the main function of the language. For instance, speech sounds combine into syllables, syllables combine into words, words combine into sentences to form a speech that is a unit of communication. Speech, in its turn, consists of both oral and written forms. The function of language levels in the formation of both forms of speech is closely interrelated. They are inseparable in the performance of speech activities. But the importance of phonetics in this process is more worthy of attention, especially in oral speech. After all, since phonetics studies pronunciation, other levels of language become dependent on it in oral speech. It shows that not any level in a language can exist outside of phonetics in oral communication. Because both primary and secondary tiers are represented phonetically (through pronunciation) in oral speech. Hence, phonetics studies both the pronunciation of its own units and the pronunciation of other layer units. Despite the fact that phonetics plays such an important role in linguistics, if we look at the history of science, the formation of phonetics as a subject dates back to the XVIII and XIX centuries. V.K. Juravlev mentioned that historical phonetics originated in 1818 with Rasmus Rusk's treatise on sound changes in Germanic languages10 [5, 27].
The formation of phonetics as a subject by the nineteenth century does not lead to the conclusion that the sound structure of language was not studied until the nineteenth century. In ancient times, the phonetic aspect of language was also studied in detail. Successful research on the sound field of language carried out in the works of ancient Indian and Greek scholars11 [8, 153] can prove it. As well as our great ancestor Abu Ali Ibn Sino, in his treatise on phonetics, gave the initial information about the phonological features of speech sounds, explaining their differences
7 Пиотровский Р.Г. Сосуществующие фонетические системы и стилистические корреляции в молдавском языке.
- Москва, 1962.
8 Leon P. Essais de phonostylistique. - Didier, 1971. XII.
9 Абдуазизов А. Фоностилистик воситаларнинг урганилишига доир // Узбек тили ва адабиёти. -Тошкент, 1985.
- №2.
10 Журавлев В.К. Диахроническая фонология. - Москва, 1962.
11 Реформатский А.А. Введение в языковедение. - Москва, 1967.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7
according to their formation12 [2, 11]. These data indicate that the scientific study of the sound structure of language has a very long history. Although the scientific study of speech sounds in the study of linguistic phenomena dates back to the long history, this field was not formed as a separate subject at that time. This is because at that time the phonetic field of language was studied as an integral part of the science of language in general, rather than as a separate subject. For the formation of any field of a particular science as a new subject, it must be scientifically substantiated that the field has its own object and subject of study, as well as its own unit. And this process is formed in science not suddenly, but over a period of time. The process of formation of the sound field of language as an independent subject came to an end in the XIX century, after its long period of development.
From the above data it can be seen that phonetics, which has a special significance among the levels of language, was formed as a subject by the XIX century. However, this fact does not justify the conclusion that the sound field of language was not scientifically studied until the nineteenth century. Indeed, the importance of studying the sound structure of language in the formation of oral speech properly was known to scientists in ancient times, and they paid great attention to the scientific study of this field. Hence, the sound structure of language as science has its long history and has been the object of research since the ancient times. The fact that the study of the sound field of language dating back to long history shows that the sound field of language plays very important role among the other language levels.
1. Абдуазизов А. Фоностилистик воситаларнинг урганилишига доир // Узбек тили ва адабиёти. -Тошкент, 1985. - №2.
2. Абу Али Ибн Сино. Фонетика хакида рисола // Фан хакида сухбатлар. - Тошкент: Узбекистан, 1979. -№18.
3. Аванесов Р.И., Сидоров В.Н. Система фонем русского языка // Реформатский А. А. Из истории отечественной фонологии. - Москва: Наука, 1970. С. 252-253.
4. Блумфилд Л. Язык. - М.: Прогресс, 1968. - 606 c.
5. Журавлев В.К. Диахроническая фонология. - Москва, 1962.
6. Зиндер Л.Р. Общая фонетика. - М.: Высшая школа, 1979. - 238 с.
7. Пиотровский Р.Г. Сосуществующие фонетические системы и стилистические корреляции в молдавском языке. - Москва, 1962.
8. Реформатский А.А. Введение в языковедение. - Москва, 1967.
12 Абу Али Ибн Сино. Фонетика хасида рисола // Фан хакида сухбатлар. - Тошкент: Узбекистон, 1979. -№18.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7
9. Трубецкой Н.С. Основы фонологии. 2-го изд. - М.: Аспект Пресс, 2000. - 352 с.
10. Jones D. The Phoneme: its Nature and Use. 4th ed. - Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd, 2009. - 268 р.
11. Leon P. Essais de phonostylistique. - Didier, 1971. XII.