THE ROLE OF TRANSLATION IN TEACHING ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
translation / foreign language / teaching English

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ataniyazova K. N., Hudayberdiyeva A.

Translation and education are very important and sensitive sectors to work in, as it includes improving someone's knowledge and experience. The right approach, method, direction and environment are all elements that need to be taken into account for a positive impact. Translation allows people to understand what they need from the other languages. We can learn more from different cultures and various opinions. We can improve our knowledge through translation. The article discusses the various definitions of translation and the importance of translation in teaching English

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УДК 37

Ataniyazova K. N.,

senior instructor, Hudayberdiyeva A.,


Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan


Translation and education are very important and sensitive sectors to work in, as it includes improving someone's knowledge and experience. The right approach, method, direction and environment are all elements that need to be taken into account for a positive impact. Translation allows people to understand what they need from the other languages. We can learn more from different cultures and various opinions. We can improve our knowledge through translation. The article discusses the various definitions of translation and the importance of translation in teaching English.


translation, foreign language, teaching English.

The English word translation comes from the Latin word translation, which itself has been derived from the words trans- and latum - together meaning "a carrying across" or "a bringing across". In other words, it is the business of carrying across a message/written content from one text to another, from one person to another and from one language (source language) to a different language (target language). It can be within the same language (from one dialect to another dialect) or between languages. It is best seen as a communication process where the transfer of a message from one language into a new language takes place [3, p. 3].

Translation is more useful in the field of literature. We couldn't read the great and famous poems, novels and stories without translation. Therefore, poets engaged in the job of translation often think of translation as 'interpretation', 'taking a view', or 'transformation'. Whatever may be its meaning, every act of translation involves the expression of sense. A translation is a text that is considered to be different from the source text but it isn't right idea completely, there is also a fact that the source text and the translated text are the same thing in terms of the sense they convey. But translation can give new emotions to the text. It is often said that translation gives new clothes to the text by putting it in a different form. This interactive relationship between source text and translated text goes on in the hands of mature translators of prose and drama but it is the best in poetry.

Roman Jakobson, who was a famous linguist, noted expert in the subject of translation, explained translation as "the interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language."' Through this procedure of translation, texts in one language are transformed into texts in another language with the same and exact meaning. These materials range from the isolated words in a language to the complex network of sentences of philosophical texts [4, p.1].

Some scholars describe translation as an art or craft (W. B. Benjamin, P. Newmark and others) and some others call it a science (J. S. Holmes). There is a good reason why they called translation as an art. Because all good translations are expressions of the creative urge of the translators. On the other hand, it is a science because of the technical formalities and complexities involved in its process.

According to Foster "Translation is a mental activity in which a meaning of given linguistic discourse is rendered from one language to another. It is the act of transferring the linguistic entities from one language in

to their equivalents into another language. Translation is an act through which the content of a text is transferred from the source language into the target language." [5, p. 1]

According to the explanation of Catford, "Translation is the replacement of textual material in source language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)", in line with the last definition, translation is seen as a process of simplifying expressions in the same language, or in various languages what makes it not only a process but also a flooding gate of new cultures, traditions, customs and even ancient societies and civilizations [6, p. 20].

Nida sees that translating consists in reproducing in the report language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message. As we can see from the explanations mentioned above translation is an activity that targets to track down the meaning equivalence in the target text [7, p. 2].

Classical language teaching in Europe placed translation in the centre in the teaching process. New methods and different approaches appeared in Modern Language teaching in Europe and beyond, which beginning in the 19th Century favoured oral communication skills and advocated more "natural" methods of foreign language acquisition, methodology calling for translation in the classroom was shunned. Nevertheless, translation used as a resource intended to help the student in improving his or her knowledge of the foreign language through reading comprehension exercises, contrastive analysis and reflection on written texts continues to be practiced. This continued practice has led to translation gradually regaining ground in language teaching, a development also in part due to the emergence and consolidation of Translation Studies in recent decades, together with changing ideas in Applied Linguistics.

Translation plays an important role in teaching English for many reasons. They are:

Vocabulary and grammar: Translation can assist students compare and contrast their native language with English, which can help them expand their vocabulary and understand grammar.

Understanding complex subjects: Translation can assist students understand complex subjects, especially if language proficiency is an issue.

Cultural meanings: Translation can help students understand the cultural meanings and differences that are woven into communication.

Engaging parents: Translation can help parents engage in their children's learning by allowing them to interact with teachers at parent-teacher conferences.

Writing in their native language: Translation can assist students learn to write in their native language by asking them to translate a text from one style to another. Some say that translation is a natural and fundamental basis for language learning. However, others argue that teaching depends on learning, and that people can learn language without being taught.

Translation can be used at different levels of language learning:

1) elementary: translation can be used to save time and consolidate basic grammar and vocabulary.

2) intermediate: translation can be used to expand vocabulary and work with mistakes.

In fact, translition can be used in any level of English language. For example, beginner level is the basic stage of a language. Translation is the most important thing in this level. Because when we start learning language, we should translate all the words. Without translation we can't start it. For example:

Table 1

Turkmen sentences English sentences

Men her gun mekdebe gidyarin. I go to school everyday.

Men Jeren bilen ku§t oynajak. I will play a chess with Jeren.

As we can see from the table 1, we can learn fast the English language with the help of translation. It helps us to understand the structure of the foreign language in a more effevtive way. Now let's discuss about advanced level which is the top stage of the language. In advanced level learners can make the sentences easily and can speak fast and fluently. In this level the main attention is given to the new and more complex words. Therefore,

how we can understand the meaning of the words without translation. For example, we are reading a book and come across new word. You couldn't guess the meaning and you don't have any idea about that word. So, in that cases translation helps us to understand the definition of the complex word. For example:

Table 2

Turkmen sentences English sentences

Birmahal Beyik Yupek yolunyn ugrunda yerlesip, gullap osen uly saher bolan bu yadygarlik ozunin kop asyrlyk gatlaklarynda bizin ata-babalarymyzyn maddy medeniyeti barada agirt uly maglumatlary jemleyar [1, p. 22]. This monument, which was once a prosperous city on the Great Silk Road, stores in its centuries-old layers enormous information about the material culture of our ancestors[1, p. 170].

Alymlaryn belleysi yaly, dasky diwarlaryn yerle§i§ meyilnamasynyn hut sunun yaly aylaw gornusi burunç zamanynyn ilkinji saherlerinin kopusine mahsusdyr[1, p. 36]. According to scientists, outer walls of that shape were indeed typical for many cities of the Bronze Age[1, p. 183].

Bu yayla Garagumun çageligine sinip gidyan uly bolmadyk okgunly akymly dag çesmelerinin we çesmejiklerinin hasabyna emele gelipdir[1, p. 53]. This oasis took shape thanks to the small and fast-flowing mountain streams and brooks, which subsequently disappeared in the sands of the Garagum[1, p. 201]

The sentences which we take as an example they are very complicated sentences. We couldn't translate them without understanding the language. In advanced level that kind of words are learned.

Therefore, translation is the most important thing in the learning language. We should know all the translation types, technics and methods deeply. Because the languages are different and the words of that languages are also different. It is difficult to find the word from another language with the same meaning. In that cases we can use equivalents. To use the equivalents we should have good knowledge about the language. References:

1. Serdar Berdimuhamedow. Anau - Culture Originated from the Millennia. Ashgabat,2024.

2. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Turkmenistan - the heart of the Great Silk Road. Ashgabat, 2017.

3. Sowndarya, B. and Lavanya,S. Nature and Scope of Translation. IOSSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 7-9. Bastian,2020.

4. Jakobson, R. On linguistic aspects of translation. On Translation, a collection of papers, 1959.

5. Foster, M.(1958) Translation from/in Farsi and English. Retrieved April, 2007, from http://www.parasa.ts.com/index.htm.

6. Catford, J.C. A linguistic theory of translation. Oxford University Press, 1965.

7. Nida, E.A and Taber, Ch.R. The theory and Practice of Translation. Boston, 2003.

© Ataniyazova K.N., Hudayberdiyeva A., 2025

УДК 37

Bashimova E., senior lecturer Hojamyradova G., student Kakovova Z., student Nazarova O., student Turkmen state institute of finance



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