Баймурадова С.А.,
Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули
Тувакгылыджова А., студентка
Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули РОЛЬ ЗАГАДОК В ПРОЦЕССЕ ПРЕПОДОВАНИЯ Аннотация
Загадки на протяжении столетий использовались в педагогической практике как эффективный инструмент для развития логического мышления, языковых навыков и воображения учащихся. В условиях современных образовательных технологий и акцента на креативные методики обучения, их роль в преподавании становится еще более важной. Исследовать влияние использования загадок в образовательном процессе на развитие когнитивных и языковых способностей у учащихся.
Ключевые слова:
загадки, критическое мышление, когнитивные навыки, мотивация, преподавание, креативность.
Baymyradova S.A., lecturer Magtymguly Turkmen State University Tuvakgylyjova A., student Magtymguly Turkmen State University
Riddles have been used in pedagogical practice for centuries as an effective tool for developing logical thinking, language skills and imagination of students. In the context of modern educational technologies and an emphasis on creative teaching methods, their role in teaching is becoming even more important. To study the influence of using riddles in the educational process on the development of cognitive and language abilities in students.
Key words:
riddles, critical thinking, cognitive skills, motivation, teaching, creativity.
Pedagogy as a science is constantly looking for new ways to motivate students and improve the quality of the educational process. One of these methods is the use of riddles. Riddles are short and seemingly represent simple questions, the answers to which require reflection, analysis and imagination. In a pedagogical context, they can become not only an entertainment tool, but also a powerful means of developing language and cognitive skills.
Literature Review
The use of riddles in educational practice has been covered in a number of studies. According to a number of authors [1, p. 15], riddles help to develop critical thinking and contribute to increase students' active participation in the classroom. Other studies show that riddles improve vocabulary and contribute to the activation of language knowledge [2, p. 88]. Riddles can also serve as an effective tool for teachers when studying
new topics [3, p. 42]. Traditional forms of riddles, adapted to modern realities, are successfully used in such disciplines as literature, linguistics and mathematics. Main part
Research methodology
The study was conducted at three comprehensive schools with the participation of primary and secondary school students. The study involved two groups of students: the control group, which studied according to the standard program, and the experimental group, in the learning process of which riddles were actively used. In the experimental group, riddles were introduced into lessons in the following subjects: native language, foreign languages, mathematics and natural history. Teachers included riddles in various parts of the lessons: as a warm-up, as part of working with new material or in the final part of the lesson to summarize. Research procedure
The experiment was conducted over three academic months. At the initial stage of the study, tests were conducted on the level of logical and critical thinking, as well as on the level of speech activity of all participants in the experiment. The control group continued to study without changing the teaching methods, while in the experimental group, riddles became a key element in the learning process. Riddles were selected in such a way as to correspond to age characteristics and educational goals of the lessons. For example, in foreign language lessons, riddles included the use of new vocabulary, and in mathematics lessons - tasks on logic and attention. At the intermediate stages (at the end of the first month and the second month), control measurements of results were carried out in order to track the students' progress. At the end of the third month, a final test was conducted on the level of cognitive and language skills, which included tasks related to solving riddles, as well as tasks on analyzing and synthesizing information. References:
1. Ivanov, S. V. The role of riddles in the development of logical thinking in schoolchildren. - M.: Nauka, 2015. -P. 15.
2. Petrova, L. A. Riddles as a way to activate speech activity. - St. Petersburg: Education, 2018. - P. 88.
3. Smirnov, A. I. Creative teaching methods. - Kazan: Kazan University Publishing House, 2020. - P. 42.
©Baymyradova S.A., Tuvakgylyjova A., 2024
УДК 81.14: 81.5
Досчанова Ф.
Туркменский сельскохозяйственный институт г. Дашогуз, Туркменистан Научный руководитель: Атаева А.
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Данная статья посвящена исследованию языкового разнообразия в социолингвистическом