THE ROLE OF PROGRAMMING IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS IN CONDITIONS OF DECENTRALIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
rural territories / programming / resource potential / regional development / rural development / sphere of agricultural production / sustainable development.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Kolesnik T.V., Lakomsky B.A.

This article substantiates and identifies the best options for solving modern problems of rural development by studying the processes of their sustainable development in the context of decentralization of power and building a conceptual model, as well as improving the structure of organizational and economic mechanism for rural sustainability, strategic programming priorities for the analysis of rural areas in the context of decentralization of power in Ukraine are proposed and the current tasks of forming a resource base for the development of self-sufficient territorial communities and rational use of their natural resources are described and strategic priorities for the development of the national economy.

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«етуушшум-лшшаи» 2021 а economic sciences


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9. Cooke P. Strategies for regional innovation systems: learning transfer and applications / P. Cooke, O. Memedovic. - UNIDO, 2003. - 56 p.

10. European innovation scoreboard 2020 [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/industry/innovation/facts-figures/scoreboards_en.

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12. Global R&D funding forecast [Електронний ресурс]. - 2016. - 36 p. - Режим доступу: http://iri-web.org/sites/default/files/2016GlobalRDFunding-Forecast.pdf.

13. The global innovation index 2015: effective innovation policies for development [Електронний ресурс] / S. Dutta, B. Lanvin, S. Wunsch [et al.]. -2015. - P. 3-37. - Режим доступу: https://www.wipo.int/edocs/pub-docs/en/wipo_pub_gii_2015-chapter1 .pdf.

14. The global innovation index 2016: winning with global innovation [Електронний ресурс] / S. Dutta, B. Lanvin, S. Wunsch [et al.]. - 2016. - P. 3-37. - Режим доступу: https://www.wipo.int/edocs/pub-docs/en/wipo_pub_gii_2016-chapter1 .pdf.

15. The global innovation index 2017: innovation feeding the world. - [Електронний ресурс] / S. Dutta, B. Lanvin, S. Wunsch [et al.]. - 2017. - 463 р. - Режим доступу: https://www.wipo.int/edocs/pub-docs/en/wipo_pub_gii_2017.pdf.

16. The global innovation index 2018: innovation feeding the world [Електронний ресурс] / S. Dutta, B. Lanvin, S. Wunsch [et al.]. - 2018. - 430 р. - Режим доступу : http ://digitallibrary.in. one.un.org/Temp-PdfFiles/1586_1 .pd.

Kolesnik T. V.,

Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Associate Professor of Administrative Management Department

and alternative energy sources, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University Lakomsky B.A.

graduate student of Administrative Management and alternative energy sources, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University





This article substantiates and identifies the best options for solving modern problems of rural development by studying the processes of their sustainable development in the context of decentralization ofpower and building a conceptual model, as well as improving the structure of organizational and economic mechanism for rural sus-tainability, strategic programming priorities for the analysis of rural areas in the context of decentralization of power in Ukraine are proposed and the current tasks of forming a resource base for the development of self-sufficient territorial communities and rational use of their natural resources are described and strategic priorities for the development of the national economy.

Keywords: rural territories, programming, resource potential, regional development, rural development, sphere of agricultural production, sustainable development.

Decentralization reform is directly related to the development and optimal use of resource potential of rural areas in modern conditions of rural development. rural communities, building effective forms of agricultural sector management, as well as analysis of the use of rural development potential [11, p. 27].

Rural areas play an important role in the functioning of any state, on average in the world rural areas account for 75% of the total area, home to 51% of the world's population, but today, according to available

data, these areas produce 32% of world GDP decentralization reform involves the process of redistributing or delegating functions, powers, people or things from central government [9, p. 52-56 ].

As world experience shows, most citizens are willing and willing to contribute to local development projects when they can participate in decision-making and feel that the proposed project improves specific living conditions. By allowing local communities to determine how to plan a development program, local gov-

ernments thereby unite the community and make it accountable for the project. Local governments are able to ensure sustainable development of rural areas through the direct involvement of citizens in the implementation of projects [12, p. 29].

Stakeholders who are the "owners" of the project will take responsibility for the maintenance of the project, the opportunity to participate in the planning of development projects in the early stages, in turn, encourages local people to properly monitor and protect project results [8, p. 245].

The best way to establish specific measures to identify the interaction between the components of sustainable development is the analysis of approved program documents for the development of individual rural areas, which will allow through the prism of local features to fully understand the optimal focus of these measures for sustainable development. Taking into account the completeness, accessibility and relevance of information materials on this topic, posted on the Internet, the study of the interactions of sustainable development in regional programming, which are carried out on the example of program documents of the relevant OTG [17, p. 247].

Programming is a tool for government and population intervention (representatives of the local community) in the economy of the region or rural area in order to solve existing problems and bring its structure to the desired state, programming is an integral part of effective local regional policy through the development and implementation of these -left programs [6, p. 52-56].

According to the Law of Ukraine "On State Target Programs", the state target program is a set of interrelated tasks and activities aimed at solving the most important problems of state development, as well as certain sectors of the economy or administrative - territorial units, which are carried out local budgets and agreed on the timing, composition of performers, resource provision [10, p. 2122- 2123].

The purpose of program development is to promote the implementation of priority areas of state and local regional policy based on the concentration of financial, logistical and other resources, as well as coordination of central and local executive bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations [3, p. 29-31].

During 2016 - 2020, Ukraine created the main institutional basis for decentralization changes, as well as developed the necessary legislation and regulations on the practical implementation of reforms aimed at budget decentralization, transfer of powers from the executive to local government to increase its financial and functional ability to solve on the ground the task of ensuring the livelihood of rural communities [12, p. 2830 ].

Therefore, on this basis, the issues of community ownership of communal property and land will finally be settled, in the future their impact on local and rural development may increase, with the possibility of using local natural resources in the interests of communities, so it is essentially a way to design social - economic development of individual rural areas as a whole [14, p. 27-29].

Modern problems that have arisen in modern agriculture could not but affect the development of rural areas, so the employment of the rural population is declining, as a result of which a significant proportion of the most able-bodied and skilled villagers work only on their plots, produce their own production or go to work. large cities or abroad. Given the extremely low income of the rural population, which leads to increasing poverty in rural areas, as well as tensions and deteriorating demographics, in turn, the lack of quality and skilled labor, and the main thing that is the collapse of social infrastructure and, consequently, to significant declining living standards in rural settlements [3, p. 24-28 ].

The basic principles of rural programming include: [5, p. 95 ].

> complexity and synchronicity of goals and objectives of each program at all stages of its implementation;

> target nature and systematization of its measures;

> variant development of the latter taking into account the uncertainty (alternative) of the conditions of program implementation;

> substantiation of its resource provision;

> targeting and checking tasks;

> ensuring the manageability of the program (creation of the necessary legal, organizational, financial mechanisms)

Regional and local programs are classified as follows: [11, p. 27-29]

> by level: national, regional and local significance;

> by duration: long-term, medium-term, short-


> on the content of the realized problem: complex and functional;

> by the nature of program activities: development of new territories, further development of their economy or reconstruction.

Among the main methods of programming, the leading positions are occupied by program - target methods, such a program should consist of such structural elements as: clearly presented goal (or system of goals); a clearly defined list of measures, the implementation of which is necessary to achieve the goals; assessment of all types of resources required to support certain program activities; executive section, which contains a list of tasks brought to specific executors of the program with the definition of deadlines [15, p. 167173 ].

Great hopes for the implementation of local government on the program-target method were placed in Ukraine in the 1990s, so the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a number of resolutions on the development of draft state programs of socio-economic development: [30, p. 24-31].

Carpathian region (from 24.05.1993), Polissya (from 27.04.1994), Podilya (from 12.04.1995), Ukrainian Black Sea coast (from 05.05.1995) and Dnieper region (from 17.10.1995), but most of planned programs and their subprograms and projects due to lack of funding and proper organization of work on their implementation remained only on paper [8, p. 247-250].

A new impetus to the spread of the practice of regional programming was the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On State Target Programs" of 18.03.2004, this law defined the principles of development, approval and implementation of state target programs not only certain sectors of the economy but also regions and rural territories of different levels, and with the use of funds from the State Budget of Ukraine and local budgets [2, p. 24-36 ].

Hundreds of target programs are currently being developed and implemented in Ukraine, a large number of which are due to a large number of state and local target programs (over 80, of which about 30 are being implemented), but approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine authorities to develop appropriate regional target programs, which in turn leads to the dispersion and inefficient use of budgetary resources and, accordingly, the failure to achieve goals and objectives at the local level. Therefore, another serious problem is the lack of practice of proper public reporting and control over the effectiveness of local budget expenditures for the implementation of local and rural target programs at the stages of their preparation and implementation [5, p. 89-95].

Regional programming is an important tool for sustainable development of rural areas, in particular, which occupy more than 80% of the country and where 31% of its population lives, so in Ukraine in 2018 implemented a regional program "Rural Development" (hereinafter - the Program) [19, p. 57-80].

The goal of the Vinnytsia region program "Increasing the competitiveness of the region's economy" is aimed at the development of the region's economy. Ensuring Sustainable Economic Development ", which consists of 12 priorities, including tasks that meet such CSR as "Overcoming hunger, agricultural development", "Affordable and clean energy", "Decent work and economic growth", "Responsible consumption and production", "Industry, innovation and infrastructure" and "Partnership for sustainable development". The tasks are achieved through a set of measures provided [27, p. 46-53 ].

Program to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption in Vinnytsia region for 20172022;

- Comprehensive program of construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public roads of Vinnytsia region for 2013-2018;

- Program for the development of vegetable growing and processing industry of Vinnytsia region for the period up to 2020;

- Program for the use of funds for land development for agricultural and forestry needs, improvement of relevant lands and land protection, conducting a regulatory monetary valuation of land, land inventory in Vinnytsia region for 2016-2020;

- Program for the development of international and cross-border cooperation of Vinnytsia region for 2016-2020.

According to the results of the analysis of the socio-economic situation in the region in 2018, taking into account the tasks and provisions of the State Strategy of Regional Local Development for the period up

to 2020 (approved by the new Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 06.08.2014. № 385), Development Policy "Ukraine - 2020" (approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 12.01.2015. № 5/2015), as well as the Development Strategy of Vinnytsia region for the period up to 2020 (approved by the decision of the 38th session of the 6th convocation of the Vinnytsia Regional Council of 24.06.2015. № 893) The Program identifies key measures that need to be taken to achieve the priority objectives of Vinnytsia region development in 2018 [11, p. 24-31].

Regulatory and legal support of the Program includes the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, decrees of the President of Ukraine, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Its developers should start from the Constitution of Ukraine, in particular Chapter IX, which recognizes the need for a combination of principles of centralization and decentralization in the system of public administration, which provides for increasing the role of regional authorities and local governments in rural development. Let's look at its individual components (Fig. 1.1).

The legal basis of the methodological nature (for the preparation of the Program) are the Laws of Ukraine "On state forecasting and development of programs of economic and social development of Ukraine" as amended on December 2, 2012 and "On state target programs" as amended on October 12, 2018 [17, p. 346].

Since these legislative documents regulate the development of rural areas as a separate class of territories, they must also comply with the legal principles of state regional policy, in particular the Law of Ukraine "On Principles of State Regional Policy" of February 5, 2015.

The Law lists among the priorities of this policy, in particular, those (in Article 6) that are important for the sustainable development of rural areas, they relate to the definition of rural areas (regions) as problematic, effective use of their internal potential, people and competitiveness, the formation of an effective system of environmental protection [24, p. 247-249].

The theoretical basis of the Law of Ukraine "On Principles of State Regional Policy" is the Concept of State Regional Policy, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of May 25, 2001, its main purpose is to overcome acute disparities in sustainable development between developed and backward regions.

The practical implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of State Regional Policy" is the State Strategy for Regional Development until 2020 (hereinafter - the Strategy), which was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of August 6, 2014, the Strategy identifies three key objectives of regional development, which determine the directions of development of rural areas: [2, p. 14-22].

1) increasing the level of competitiveness of regions (including on the basis of diversification of business activities in rural areas);

2) territorial socio-economic integration and spatial development (including on the basis of improving the quality of life and creating conditions for social development in rural areas);

3) effective public administration in the field of regional development (including on the basis of decentralization and unification of rural territorial communities, development of rural development programs, etc.).

Therefore, a significant impetus to the sustainable development of rural areas was provided by the adoption of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 12, 2018, which (in paragraph 33) approved the Program [12, p.25-36 ].

Fig. 1.1. Conceptual scheme of regional development and implementation programs of sustainable development of rural areas [9, p. 46-56].

Prerequisites for the development of the Program are indicated in its preamble, it notes the main "pain points" of sustainable development of rural areas in Ukraine: [11, p. 28].

- the number of employed population in agriculture, forestry and fisheries in 2019 compared to 2016 decreased by 18%;

- the level of registered unemployment in rural areas at the end of April 2019 was 1.8%, which is 1.8 times higher than the same figure in urban settlements;

- the level of wages in agriculture in the first quarter of 2019 was only 73.4% of the average in the economy; 73.9% of rural households in 2018 considered themselves poor;

- the share of equipped apartments is small, in particular, 30.6% with water supply, 18.1% with hot water supply, 29.9% with sewerage;

- the problems of preschool education, obtaining quality education, organization of leisure of rural residents remain unsolved; the social movement to solve rural problems and the system of agricultural advisory are almost underdeveloped;

- the mortality rate in rural areas significantly exceeds this indicator in cities due to poverty, lack of qualified medical care;

- the number of unauthorized and uncontrolled landfills continues to grow.

If we add to this the unsatisfactory condition of roads in rural areas, the lack of high-speed Internet in many villages, it becomes clear why many of them are unsuitable for living [22, p. 551-560].

This is indicated, in particular, by the fact that the number of rural population for the period from 01.01.2012 to 01.01.2019 decreased by almost 16%.

An integrated approach to solving the problems of sustainable development of rural areas has largely been confirmed in the purpose of the Program. It states that this approach ensures the growth, diversification and efficiency of the rural economy, in particular, outside of agricultural production, population stabilization and life expectancy, full and productive employment of the working population, improving the standard and quality of life, rational use and reproduction natural resource potential of rural areas "[6, p. 55-57].

The objectives of the Program are defined according to the State Strategy of Regional Development in three areas [18, p. 204-206]:

1) diversification of entrepreneurial activity in rural areas;

2) improving the quality of life in rural areas;

3) creating conditions for social development.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy, the Ministry of

Regional Development and other central and regional executive bodies, as well as local self-government bodies (by agreement) have been identified as responsible for the implementation of the Program [25, p. 19-21].

Funding for the Program is provided for its areas and individual regional development projects on a grant basis, which are selected on a competitive basis, in accordance with the procedure approved by the order of the Ministry of Regional Development on May 18, 2017.

Grants for projects in the first direction are provided in the amount of UAH 12-48 million, the second - UAH 3.6-12, the third - UAH 1.2-3.6 million, so first of all we mean international grants included in the state budget items on the basis of the Financing Agreement of the program ENPI / 2013 / 024-517 "Sectoral Policy Support Program - Support to Regional Policy of Ukraine" of November 27, 2014 and Supplementary Agreement № 1 of July 19, 2016 year [6, p. 54 ].

The beneficiaries of the Agreement from Ukraine are the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Economic Development, from the EU - the European Commission and the maximum contribution from the EU is 55 million euros, but the Program is so

important for the future of Ukraine that its implementation requires pooling of financial resources. laws of Ukraine) sources, so a significant part of the projects can be implemented at the expense of the State Fund for Regional Development (SFRD), local budgets and international institutions.

Of course, the main directions and projects of the Program should be supported by the state, so we will dwell in more detail on some of them [29, p. 40-45]:

1. Diversification of entrepreneurial activity in rural areas. In this area, state support for regional development projects is provided, providing: [30, p. 25-29].

Diversification of agricultural production. The need to support relevant projects is due to the fact that there are the following trends:

- first, there is a further deterioration in the structure of agricultural production (compared to the optimal structure, which provides for parity of crop and livestock products), this is indicated, in particular, by the fact of reducing the share of livestock in gross agricultural output;

- secondly, hypertrophied specialization and narrowing of the range of agricultural activities at the level of individual agricultural enterprises, in particular large (agricultural holdings).

- thirdly, there is little practice in the development of new types of agricultural production, such as ostrich breeding (provided, of course, that it is economically viable).

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Therefore, the state should primarily support projects that: [12, p. 27- 30].

a) contribute to the optimization of the structure of agricultural production (currently preference should be given to projects in the field of animal husbandry);

b) are new to agricultural activities;

c) form a powerful and long chain of added value, which increases the income of individual workers, and agricultural enterprises, and rural communities;

d) are innovative and focused on achieving world quality standards;

e) are labor-intensive, which will allow agricultural enterprises to create new jobs, workers to have decent wages, and the population to stay in the countryside;

f) are environmentally friendly.

Therefore, it is even better when the projects take into account all these or most of the moments, such as in the project to create an agricultural cluster in Vinny-tsia region worth 12 million UAH. due to various sources of funding [12, p. 28].

Usually, the diversification of agricultural production deepens if agricultural products are sent to processing enterprises and the number of jobs in rural areas increases, effective agro-food value chains are formed - from farms to vertically integrated agro-industrial companies [7, p. 92-93].

In this case, state support for processing capacity projects is of exceptional importance for the sustainable development of rural areas. These are, for example, projects for the production of bioethanol, and therefore in 2017 only in Vinnytsia region such projects were implemented at the SE "Trostyanets distillery" (totaling UAH 50 million with the creation of 100 jobs) and

Gaisinsky distillery, owned by SKIF-96 Corporation LLC (totaling UAH 210 million with the creation of 70 jobs) and although these projects are implemented not in villages but in district centers, their multiplier impact on rural development is significant [18, p. 204-205 ].

Development of alternative economic activities. It is practically impossible to significantly shift economic activity from large cities to rural areas without the development of alternative (other than agro-industrial) activities there. It is especially necessary to transfer hightech activities to rural areas. And the movement in this direction in Ukraine, albeit on a small scale, has already begun. A typical example is the implementation of a project to build a car plant (Eurocar) in the village Sol-omonovo, Uzgorod district, Transcarpathia, for the production of Skoda cars [9, p. 47-50].

Development of organic agricultural production. With the transition to market relations and the almost complete removal of the state from control functions, a lot of low-quality agricultural products have been thrown on the market, which has a very negative impact on the health of people, especially children and youth. Doctors at the recruiting centers note more frequent illnesses in conscripts of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. In this situation, one of the important directions of development of the agricultural sector is the creation and implementation of projects for the development of organic (natural) agricultural production [20, p. 88-90].

In Ukraine, its development has long been hampered by the price parity of organic and inorganic agricultural products, while in the United States, for example, the price of domestic chicken is 10-15 times higher than the price of industrial. The adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Basic Principles and Requirements for Organic Production, Circulation and Labeling of Organic Products" of August 2, 2018, which came into force on August 2, 2019, can contribute to correcting the situation. The implementation of many projects can be facilitated by the fact that the world market of organic products shows positive dynamics, and the promising market for Ukraine in the EU is 41% of the world [27, p. 47-50].

Development of enterprises for harvesting, marketing, processing of agricultural products, supply of material and technical and other resources, primarily on the basis of cooperation. It is worth noting that significant assistance in the implementation of projects for the formation of agricultural cooperatives in Ukraine is provided by EU donor organizations [8, p. 247- 250].

With their participation in Vinnytsia, Lviv, Kherson and Cherkasy regions, 6 projects were implemented to support the development of small businesses, family farms and rural cooperation, and thanks to the EU project "Support to Regional Development Policy in Ukraine" over three years created more than 50 cooperatives of various types of activity, for which UAH 14.1 million was spent, of which UAH 10.9 million were funds of European organizations [1, p. 16-20 ].

Improving the quality of life in rural areas. In this area of the Program, state support for regional development projects is needed in order to: [26, p. 16-18 ].

Creating (improving) conditions for the return of young people to rural areas. In recent decades, the scale of the outflow of young people from the countryside is such that after some time it may lead to the replacement of the rural settlement network with a hamlet, this is an undesirable trend, but the only chance to stop or mitigate it is to bring quality of life in rural areas [14, p. 2630].

Therefore, relevant projects should be aimed at creating additional jobs with decent wages, building comfortable housing and improving all types of infrastructure [5, p. 90-95 ].

Improving the engineering infrastructure of rural areas, it includes road transport, communication networks, energy and housing and communal infrastructure. The improvement, in particular of the latter, will be most facilitated by the implementation of projects to improve the energy efficiency of rural dwellings, equipping apartments with water supply, sewerage and hot water supply. Such is, for example, a project to build water supply networks in the village of Dubovi Maharintsi, Kozyatyn district, worth 1.8 million hryv-nias [11, p. 25-28].

- Improving the informational, educational and social infrastructure of rural areas, so it should be noted that in most villages it is underdeveloped or experiencing a period of decline, but the best developed trade facilities, most of which are privately owned, still "floating" educational and medical institutions and only because local governments receive subventions from the state budget.

However, the implementation of decentralization reform involves their gradual transfer to the maintenance of OTG. Since most of them are financially insolvent, the process of closing down the network of educational and medical institutions will increase, and therefore it should be slowed down [21, p. 245-248].

- Improving environmental infrastructure. This problem mainly affects villages and settlements near large cities where there are landfills, such as Pidhirtsi near Kyiv, Hrybovychi near Lviv, Stadnytsia near Vin-nytsia, and aeration stations on the outskirts of Kyiv (Bortnychi), Lviv, Vinnytsia (Sabarov). All of them require the reconstruction or introduction of new environmental infrastructure, including recycling plants and the latest aeration stations [2, p. 26-28].

Creating conditions for social development, this area of the Program provides state support for regional development projects aimed [19, p. 159-176]:

- Rural development planning. Such planning has several directions: 1) planning of the network of rural territorial communities; 2) spatial planning of rural areas; 3) strategic planning for the development of rural territorial communities.

- Development of business-government partnership. Representatives of the business community are objectively interested in the implementation of many projects, so it is better to implement them on the basis of forming partnerships and cooperation between government and business.

An illustrative example of such cooperation is the development and implementation from May 10, 2017 of a project for the construction of solar power plants in

Pishchansky and Chechelnytsky districts of Vinnytsia region worth 30 million euros;

For each area, the expected results and performance indicators of the Program have been determined. The key indicators are as follows [26, p. 17-18]:

- in the first direction - the number of new products within the relevant territory that are not related to traditional production in the area;

- second - the number of new or expanding the existing list of services aimed at improving the lives of people in rural areas;

- third - the number of people who have increased their capacity for rural development.

Without this system of indicators to give more or less accurate estimates of the feasibility of the Program in certain areas and projects of regional development is quite difficult [25, p. 19-24].

Based on the available assessments, the Program should be adjusted, so it is also important that the projects implemented under the Rural Development Program are consistent with the projects of other programs, such as the development of rural telemedicine.


Thus, in the current conditions of formation of the process of decentralization of power in Ukraine there are new opportunities for rural development, the main prospects for local development, reproduction of the social sphere, poverty alleviation, improving the living standards of rural population are the main motivating factor of decentralization for territorial communities.

In the context of decentralization, local governments have the potential to function more efficiently than central governments. Territorial communities can regulate the process of accumulation of funds, provision of relevant services, based on short- and long-term planning, so the expansion and empowerment of local governments at different levels should be done so that, on the one hand, as close as possible to the process decision-making to citizens, and on the other hand, that the authorities have the organizational, material and financial resources to ensure a sufficient standard of living in rural areas, the required volume and quality of services provided to the population in accordance with national social standards.

Given the above, there is reason to believe that the interaction between the main components of sustainable development at the regional level is not the result of purposeful management, but arises from the ability of the implemented measures to have a positive impact not only on the immediate subject of efforts.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the process of regional programming needs to be improved in terms of ensuring full consideration of the basic methodological principles of sustainable development in the program documents of territorial units and balancing the environmental, economic and social components of such development through the widespread implementation of measures that simultaneously have a positive impact in several areas of social development.

Further research in this area may address issues of studying the regional features of the process of implementing sustainable development goals, establishing a

list of measures dualistically aimed at different components of sustainable development, developing methodological bases for applying mechanisms for sustainable development in implementing socio-economic measures at the local level.


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10. Khodakivska O.O., Mohylnyj T., Kolesnik T., Mykhalchyshyna S., Khomyachenko. Conformity of land relations to productive forces: retrospective analysis. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences Eurasia Biosci 13. Pp. 2119-2124.

11. Kolesnik T., Pronko L., Samborska O. Modern methods for determining the efficiency of land use in agriculture. Colloquium-journal. Economic sciences №31 (83). 2020. Pp.24-31.

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20. Pronko L.M. Formation and development of local government in Ukraine. Economy. Finances. Management: current issues of science and practice. 2016 (7). № 3. Pp. 88-97.

21. Pronko L., Kolesnik T., Samborska O. Ukraine Dairy Market: State and Prospects of Development. Considering World Experience. European Journal of Sustainable Development. 2020. Volume 9(1). Pp. 243252.

22. Pronko L., Kolesnik T., Samborska O. Essence and Concept of Capitalization of Enterprises its Types and Methods of Evaluation. European journal of Sustainable Development. Vol.10(1). 2021. Pp.551-560.

23. Pronko L., Kolesnik T. Decentralization of public and local authorities in Ukraine. Baltic Journal

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24. Smentina N.V. Strategic planning of socioeconomic development at the mesa level: theory, methodology, practice. Monograph. Odessa. Atlant. 2015. 365 p.

25. Stoyanets N.V. Features of typology of forecasts for the development of the region, taking into account different approaches. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Economics and Management. 2015. Volume 5. Pp. 18-25.

26. Samborska O. Strategy of Government of Management State Land: Foreign Experience. Web of Scholar, Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal. 4 (22), Volume 3. April 2018. Pp15-18.

27. Samborska O., Kolesnik T. Dynamics of green economy development in Ukraine. Slovak international scientific journal. №43 (2020). Part .2. Pp. 46-53.

28. Samborska O. Economic analysis for forecasting and prospective planning of economic processes of local self-government. The scientific heritage.Vol.7 № 46. 2020. Pp. 21-28

29. Samborska O. Modern approaches to community involvement in the process of local economic development planning. East European Scientific Journal. №6 (58), 2020. Pp.39-47.

30. Samborska O. Decentralization in Ukraine current state and prospects. Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. №45.vol.3.2020. Pp. 24-31.

31. Samborska O., Kolesnik T. Assessment of the current state and directions of development of united territorial communities in the conditions of decentralization. Economics of agro-industrial complex. International research and production journal. Kiev. 2019. №11. Pp.96-104.

УДК 338.1:339.13:637.5:636.4

Копитець Н. Г.,

кандидат економ1чних наук, старший науковий ствробтник, Нацюнальний науковий центр «1нститут аграрное економжи»

Волошин В. М. кандидат с1льськогосподарських наук, Нацюнальний науковий центр «1нститут землеробства Нацюнально '1 академИ аграрних наук Укра'ши» DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-895-33-37 КОН'ЮНКТУРА РИНКУ М'ЯСА СВИНЕЙ В УКРА1Ш

Kopytets N. Hr.,

PhD in Economics, senior research fellow, National Scientific Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics"

Voloshyn V.M. candidate of agricultural sciences, National Science Center "Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine"



У статт1 розглянуто кон'юнктуру ринку м'яса свиней в Украт. Здшснено аналгз основних показни-юв, як формують пропозицт та попит на ринку м'яса свиней. Встановлено, що ринок м'яса свиней ха-рактеризуеться кшькома негативними тенденцгями. Обтрунтовано, що в подальшому на розвиток ринку м'яса свиней в Украт впливатимуть як внутршт, так i зовтшнг фактори. У 2021 р. свтова пандемгя

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