2. Исмоилова Н., Абдуллаева Д. «Метод прохождения обучения». (Методические указания) 2009.
3. Ганиева М. Сборник педагогических технологий в кооперации малых групп .- Т. ТДИУ, Экономика. 2013.
UDK 614.25
Sarimsoqova Habibaxon Matkarimovna
Ferghana 1-medical college Usmonaliyeva Dilorom Baxtiyorovna
Ferghana 2-medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city THE ROLE OF NURSES IN PROTECTING MATERNITY AND
Annotation: In this article highlights of measures on household and childhood protection and the role of nurses.
Key words: childhood, household, nurse, protection health.
Article 65 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan Motherhood and childhood will be protected by the state." Posted by Social and hygienic protection of motherhood and childhood one of the most important of the population of the country more than half of the country's workers are women and our country while 60% of the population is children and adolescents. Since the first days of independence in Uzbekistan protection of motherhood and childhood is one of the priorities of the state policy directions. This is Uzbekistan one of the first international documents to be added was In September, the "Convention on the Rights of the Child". This document is later available Adoption of the Law "On Guarantees of the Rights of the Child" and strengthened. Established in our country it is also symbolic that the first order is called "For Healthy Generation" meaning Presidential Year of "Family" in 1998, 2000 "Healthy Year of Motherhood", 2001 Year of "Motherhood and Childhood", 2008 Year of "Youth", 2012 The Year of a "Strong Family", Announced 2014 as the Year of a "Healthy Child" as well as the implementation of relevant government programs serves as a solid foundation for good deeds. Reform of the system of motherhood and childhood protection is all carried out in stages and included:
1. The System for the Protection of the Reproductive Health of the Population improvement
2. Mother and child screening.
3. Protection of reproductive health, medical culture improve their skills and improve their skills the development of the education system and he education of the population.
4. Women's reproductive health, childbirth and upbringing expansion of international relations in the field of education.
5. Material engineering of child and maternity care strengthening of the base.
6. Development of the Republican hematological service.
7. Healthy women of fertile age:
Taximum distance between the joints;
Department of dispensing women of childbearing age;
Increased use of antitrust controls;
Promoting reproductive behavior among adolescents and adolescents to do
Prevention of pregnancy before age 20 and age 30. As a result of this, the head of our state proposed the concept of "Healthy mother - healthy child" is extensively internationally is being recognized. Consistent implementation of this concept over the last five years, every 100,000 babies in our country maternal mortality from 23.1 to 19, children up to 5 years deaths from 14.8 to 13.9, infant mortality from 11 to 10.7 decreased. In terms of these indicators, United in Uzbekistan Complete Millennium Development Goals achieved. Our government has provided medical institutions, in particular, perinatal and material and technical basis of the screening centers and personnel potential further strengthening, family polyclinics and rural medicine Improving the efficiency of service points, patronage reproductive nurses, obstetrician-gynecologists and pediatricians Special attention will be paid to raising qualifications. Maternity and childhood protection a series of decrees by the government to further strengthen the work and decisions taken. The purpose of these decisions is:
- further strengthening of reproductive health of population;
- Necessary conditions for the birth and upbringing of a healthy child Create;
- upbringing physically and spiritually developed young generation Areas of programming are:
- the system of reproductive health strengthening of the population the necessary conditions for the development of a healthy child Create;
- maternity care, motherhood and childhood protection healthcare providers and mothers and children the material and technical basis of primary health care facilities further strengthening of the base;
- Birth and education of healthy children, creating a healthy and harmonious family environment, and a healthy lifestyle explanatory work on the formulation of aspiration strengthening;
- Children and adolescents are physically neat and well fitted the young generation of physically strong and spiritually mature individuals Providing the necessary conditions for the formation;
- working in the sphere of maternity and childhood protection training of health professionals, mothers and children improving the quality of care provided. Quality of health care provided to mothers and children WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and other international organizations the following programs are established with organizations:
Effective perinatal care and care;
Reanimation of newborns;
Secure motherhood;
HIV infection from mother to child in obstetric facilities prophylaxis;
The incidence of childhood diseases in primary cancers and in-hospitals supply;
Fundamentals of care for newborns who are healthy and sick;
Critical status in maternity care facilities and maternal mortality confidentiality checks;
The population of mother and child health issues enhancing information;
Cervical Cancer Prevention.
Highly qualified medical care for mothers and children to increase the quality of education, from 18 to 18 years of age until the end of the year, children will receive cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, urology, nephrology, oncology and other specialized medical care improve quality of education, reduce child mortality and disability. There are many children equipped with modern medical equipment network medical centers are being built and several medical, medical and diagnostic facilities, women's health construction and equipping of the center. It is worth noting that regular infants and pregnant women women's health care institutions, including the Republic perinatal center, regional perinatal centers, Republic Scientifically-practical medicine specialized obstetrics and gynecology central branches, multi -branch centers in 13 provinces, cities and district health care facilities, as well as their children and departments of medical care for pregnant women technical base is being strengthened. Republican Children's Social Measures to further expand the Adaptation Center activities an additional 11 additional centers for the 2016-2018 period regional branch, social adaptation of children with special needs the Public Fund of Support is planned to be established. Pregnant women and infants perinatal and neonatal screening for early and congenital diseases identifying primary health care for pregnant women. Massive perinatal ultrasound scanning at the neck, 13 Multifunctional modern digital ultrasound system of the screening center among the key tasks outlined in the State Program Includes all of these are children with congenital and hereditary diseases prevention of childbirth, child disability and mortality allows you to. In the State program "Year of healthy mother and child" ensuring that young people get a complete medical examination before marriage the responsibility of medical personnel, especially nurses , thereby reducing the number of births and hereditary diseases, equipping polyclinics with modern diagnostic equipment, improving the quality of medical services provided, among the general public marriage for a strong family and birth of a healthy child in order to explain the importance of prior medical examination wide-ranging propagandistic activities. In addition, it is planned to increase the medical culture of the population, sanitation and healthcare hygiene, pregnancy health and psychophysiological care to improve the situation, the way young mothers and children are treated accordingly increase the quality of their diet and nutrition calorie enrichment measures are also undertaken. It is the only one in the field of nutrition and dietology practical policy in accordance with modern international standards at the Tashkent Medical
Academy to improve it Establishment of Republican Research and Practice Center for Dietology is planned. Broad popularization of physical training and sports, attracting girls to regular sports in rural areas construction of new sports facilities and material-technical maintenance of existing ones strengthening their base, modern sports equipment and tools provision of highly-qualified coaches, "Healthy Year of Motherhood and Child" is the important tasks set out in the State Program.
In addition to skilled doctors, skilled nurses have a special role in protecting people's health. Our nurses organize medical preventive action among the population, the organization of children's, adolescent, teenagers' examination of women of reproductive age, as well as in the explanatory work on maternal and child health participates. Through such activities, nurses are healthcare providers growing culture, increasing their focus on their health great help.
1. Iskandarov T.I., Mamatqulov B. Sanitariya-statistik va ijtimoiy-gigienik tadqiqot uslublari. -Toshkent, 1994. -P.200.
2. Mamatqulov B.M., Umarov B.A. O'zbekiston Respublikasida sanitariya epidemiologiya xizmatini tashkil etish asoslari. -Toshkent, 2011. -P.211.
UDK 611.84
Shodiyeva Dilnoza Mashrabovna
Akbarova Dilshoda Shuxratbekovna
Ferghana 2-medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTUITION MEMBERS
Annotation: In this article highlights the development of intuition members, so means seeing, hearing, smelling, skin sensation, pain sensitivity and temperature sensitivity.
Key words: intuition members, seeing, smell sensitivity, hearing, skin sensation, pain sensitivity, temperature sensitivity.
Seeing. In the third week of the fetus, the eye appears in the last part of the head tube, separating the retina cells. In newborns, the development of eye and vision analyzer is very low. Eyes are different in infants and children under the age of 12 compared to adults. The infant weight is 2.29 g. and the entire baby.
At the time of growth, his weight increases by 2 times. Increasing the size and weight of eyesight is slower than 3 -5 years, then slows down and stops before puberty. The white curtain of the eye is inferior to the baby when it is born, and the air is colorless in children who are absorbed. Horn curtains are thicker in babies, slightly above the white curtain and slightly forward. As the bigger the cornea, the curtain becomes thinner, and the white curtain begins to disappear. The baby's eye is round and is relatively large and, therefore, smaller than the open area of the