1.Shukurov H.I., Qanotov S.Q.Jamoada hamshiralik ishi.-T., 2010. -P.248. 2.Zakirova K.U., Toxtamatova D.U., Hamshiralik ishi asoslari. -T., 2010.
UDK 6.614
Muqimova Hamidaxon Ilxomiddinovna
Yuldasheva Maxliyo Raximovna
Ferghana 1-medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city FUNDAMENTALS OF STRENGTHENING AND IMPROVE HEALTH
Annotation: In this article described healthcare system in Uzbekistan and world healthcare organization.
Key words: healthcare system, nursing work, patient, world healthcare organization.
There are different types of health care in different countries but the main objective is money and labor resources to maximize benefits for the population. That is why regional WHO member states through epidemiological research -attempts to consolidate the experience of the countries. This is the purpose of the research is to provide health care services on a scientific basis planning and development. This is an example WHO in rural areas primarily in developing countries The scheme is primarily a primary medical and sanitary aid to a medical institution An example is the organization of networks. Prevention and control of disease. WHO It is necessary to organize a health service system as well as focus on the treatment and prevention of the disease keeps. In particular, WHO has developed the following programs: Malaria Control Program; fight against parasitic diseases software; cardiovascular disease control program. From now on
In addition to the WHO study, psychological and tumor diseases, drugs protection, rheumatic disorders, rickets, and so on. a great deal of attention. Environmental protection and improvement. Environment in 1978 - WHO Joint Program on Environmental Hygiene Promotion seen. It is a communal water supply and waste disposal, environment - monitoring and evaluation of the environment, medical - a great attention is paid to improving the sanitary condition. Industry and agriculture in many industrialized countries problems of water and soil, air pollution in the agriculture occurs. WHO economic and industrial noise, radiation focusing on protective issues. Protection of mother and child health. Motherhood in various countries and the National Childhood Protection Services are of a different nature and degree civilized Health in developing countries organizations that reduce maternal and infant mortality and pregnancy is trying to create a service for you. Developed that is why maternal and infant mortality rates are very low in countries
new programs in this area for mothers and mothers is designed to improve the situation of children. WHO family planning and this gives you advice on controlling the time between births helping prepare family health personnel to work will give. Childhood immunization is currently expanded programs, children from all over the world including measles, cranberries, tetanus, rubella, Poliomyelitis and tuberculosis immunization to reduce the mortality and morbidity of these diseases targeted every year in developing countries 80 million births Only 10% of babies are fully immunized is done. Training medical staff WHO member states analyzes programs for healthcare professionals cooperation. WHO programs not only doctors, but also all increase productivity of health care workers oriented. Health care development one of the main measures is the scholarship programs. U one the health worker of the country is different from the future training national Healthcare, by providing access to the country service. Just the European region bureau annually reviews over 2,500 applications for scholarships. Most of them recommended by regional health authorities Candidates coming from other regions most of them. Regional Bureau of Their World university and other educational institutions responsible. WHO Scholarship Program, most doctors, nurses, engineers, organizers and helped to train other healthcare personnel. Decisions on language should be taken into account when making decisions.
For example, on epidemiology and medical and sanitary statistics preparation of specialists, nowadays in English, French and Russian, London, Brussels and Bratislava. All the health of the countries is comprehensively prepared including high-skilled nurses. This is now is recognized in all countries and is a nursing job in the community university and other level programs for preparation organized. These programs are aimed at raising nurses in national health care and nurses and the problem of nursing care to do so. Development of medical and biological research
WHO focuses on research and development. However, because WHO has no own research institution, it is a research study a way of dealing with countries with organizes scientific research, funds, equipment and so on with the necessary materials. WHO research Expert Advisory Boards for Experts, Experts committee and research groups. Expert - Research Council is a group of experts. They are WHO Appointment and Execution by the Director-General of the Member States approved by the Committee. There are currently about 50 such there are councils: tumor, cardiovascular disease, atmospheric air pollution, dental hygiene, nutrition, sanitation statistics, radiation and so on. By Experts from the Committee and the Committee other health and medical issues research groups.
At present, nurses around the world provide medical care to the population one of the main sources of quality improvement. Highly aware nurses have great opportunities not only in hospitals and outpatient clinics, but also teach in higher, secondary special educational institutions and yourself can carry out scientific researches.
Modern nursing is a radical change in nursing different types of care should be provided to the caregivers a diverse range of healthcare professionals. An
accurate analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the nurses in their work cannot do without doing so. This is a complex task the social and occupational status of the nursing profession, Creating a scientific knowledge base that forms the basis of professional practice compulsory. The only scientific research is the medical nurses literacy and professional skills.
Everything state practice shows that the history of nursing care The duration of development was mediated by the midwives quality scientific research and results from their practical work the need for proper use, scientific knowledge of different levels of experts knowledge about conducting and using controls has a great importance. Publishers play an important role in the activities of WHO. Basic, periodic and Scientific publishing house - Health and Health in the WHO Bulletin the current issues of storage. "WHO Chronicle" - WHO publishes general information on its activities, "The World Health, Annual Health Statistics, Journal of Community Health Nursing is up-to-date illuminates the problems and ex. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the nursing home. WHO is currently focusing on nursing care.
WHO has four objectives for nurses:
1. Nursing care: patient care, prophylactic and rehabilitaction measures, psychological support for the patient. The nurse needs to analyze the patient's needs, the patient make a plan of care and accept it on nursing implemented according to its standards.
2. The goal of the training is to improve the health of the patient the level of knowledge and skills, the necessary information collecting, evaluating, and increasing knowledge and skills add the contribution.
3. Working in a medical team - the nurse is independent according to the circumstances or doctors' recommendations. The nurse is sick of his duty caregivers together with relatives, and colleagues and the development plan.
4. Based on the results of the ongoing research nursing care. The main condition for nursing is its professional competence. The nurse always has to adhere to professional standards in her work constantly improving knowledge, patient's morality and legality should respect their rights. One of the main conditions is the patient respect for human dignity.
The age and gender of the nurse patient, illness, racial or ethnic origin, religious or political opinion, social or anyway regardless of their financial status or other differences should be prepared to take adequate care. Overcomers, neglect or ill-treatment of the patient should not be allowed. A nurse's spiritual duty is to tell the patient his rights inform respecting the patient's right health, danger, disease diagnosis, recommended treatment can provide information about the prognosis of the methods. But the patient and that his duty to inform his family is valid for the doctor considering that the nurse is only in agreement with the doctor the right to provide information. The nurse agrees or agrees with any medical intervention the right to refuse. The nurse is either strictly adhered to by the law or the patient a disabled person (a child under the age of 15 or a mentally ill a person with a weak personality) possible.
The nurse is entrusted or entrusted to her professionally the privacy of the patient, known to do the job, the disease diagnosis, treatment, prognosis information from the patient's death then you should keep it secret. The nurse is in front of deaths in patients with stroke humane and worthy treatment is the highest of human life physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. At the same time nurses learn about palliative care and information skills. The nurses are research to expand their professional knowledge It is important to be active in the fish. Research object as an international nurse medical ethics internment (The Helsinki Declaration, etc.) and the Republic of Uzbekistan the law. The benefit of the patient is always society and must be superior to the interests of science. Recommendations and treatments provided by a nurse doctor accurate and professional according to the list of medical services must pass.
1. Mamatqulov B., Rustamova X. Jamoada xamshiralik ishi. -T., 2016.
2. Shukurov H.I., Qanotov S.Q. Jamoada hamshiralik ishi. - T., 2010.
3. Zakirova K.U., Toxtamatova D.U. Hamshiralik ishi asoslari. -T.2010.
UDK 61.616
Nishonova Muqaddas Mirzoolim qizi
Usmanova Regina Narimanovna
Rishtan medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city CLASSIFICATION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND METHODS OF
Annotation: In this article described classification of infectious diseases and
methods of examination, care of nurse in patient.
Key words: classification of infectious, methods, care of nurse, patient.
Classification of infectious diseases. The causative agents of infectious diseases are transmitted from sick people to healthy people in different ways, i.e. Each infection has a specific transmission mechanism. Localization of the pathogen and the mechanism of transmission of infection laid L.V.Gromashevsky classification of infectious diseases, according to which infectious diseases are divided into four groups:
I. Intestinal infections. The main source of infection is a sick person or a carrier of bacteria, which excretes a huge number of pathogens with feces. In some intestinal infectious diseases, it is also possible to release a pathogen with vomit (cholera), with urine (typhoid fever).
II. Respiratory tract infections. The source of infection is a sick person or a bacterium carrier. The inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract causes coughing and sneezing, which causes a massive release of infectious onset with droplets of mucus surrounding air.