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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Bobkova E.N., Zhukov S.V., Kireeva A.V., Zyurin E.A., Petruk E.N.

Objective of the study was to determine the role of mass sports events in the popularization of the GTO complex in the preparation of the ablebodied population for the performance of tests of the VFSK GTO. Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work, an analysis was made of plans for sports events aimed at organizing mass propaganda campaigns to promote the AllRussian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (VFSK GTO) of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation for 20182021, analysis of data from the analytical media monitoring system "Medialogy", a survey was conducted (18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 546 respondents of working age). Results and conclusions. In the course of scientific work, it was revealed that the involvement of workers in the process of fulfilling the GTO standards through participation in mass sports events should occur, first of all, at the place of work. A large role in the popularization of mass sports work, including the implementation of the GTO complex in labor collectives, is assigned to corporate media. As part of the search for a solution to the problems of increasing the effectiveness of physical culture and sports events among the adult population, it is necessary to take into account the personal interests of citizens, since society has formed an order for a comfortable and accessible physical culture and sports environment for practicing “sports”.

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The role of mass sports events in the popularization

of the gto complex and the preparation of the working-capacity population to perform the tests of


UDC 796.01

PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Bobkova1 PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Zhukov1 PhD A.V. Kireeval PhD E.A. Zyurin2 E.N. Petruk2

''Smolensk State University of Sports, Smolensk

2Federal Science Center of Physical Culture and Sport (VNIIFK), Moscow

Corresponding author: [email protected]


Objective of the study was to determine the role of mass sports events in the popularization of the GTO complex in the preparation of the able-bodied population for the performance of tests of the VFSK GTO.

Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work, an analysis was made of plans for sports events aimed at organizing mass propaganda campaigns to promote the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (VFSK GTO) of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation for 2018-2021, analysis of data from the analytical media monitoring system "Medialogy", a survey was conducted (18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 546 respondents of working age).

Results and conclusions. In the course of scientific work, it was revealed that the involvement of workers in the process of fulfilling the GTO standards through participation in mass sports events should occur, first of all, at the place of work. A large role in the popularization of mass sports work, including the implementation of the GTO complex in labor collectives, is assigned to corporate media. As part of the search for a solution to the problems of increasing the effectiveness of physical culture and sports events among the adult population, it is necessary to take into account the personal interests of citizens, since society has formed an order for a comfortable and accessible physical culture and sports environment for practicing "sports".

Keywords: employablepopulation; GTO complex (ready for labour and defence); sports and mass events; corporate sports.

Introduction. The GTO complex is one of the priority projects of the state aimed at the mass development of physical culture and sports, improving the system of physical education of the country's population [8, 10].

Specialists in the field of physical culture and sports are actively searching for the most effective conditions, forms and methods of working with the population of the country: at enterprises of various forms of ownership, at the place of residence, in parks and other recreational areas, the formation of the interest and needs of the population in increasing physical activity, in including through preparation for the implementation of the standards of the GTO complex [1-3,

4, 6]. At the same time, statistical data and research in the field of mass sports, the results of monitoring the implementation of the GTO complex show an insignificant proportion of the adult population of the total number of those involved in physical culture and sports (0.4%) and participating in the implementation of the GTO (18.6%) [5, 9]. Thus, the relevance of studying the ways and means of involving the adult population in the process of implementing the GTO norms is determined by the contradiction between the massive nature of this project proclaimed at the state level and the insufficient activity of the adult population in this process.

Objective of the study was to determine the role


of mass sports events in the popularization of the GTO complex in the preparation of the able-bodied population for the performance of tests of the VFSK GTO.

Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work, an analysis was made of plans for sports events aimed at organizing mass propaganda campaigns to promote the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (VFSK GTO) of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation for 2018-2021, analysis of data from the analytical media monitoring system "Medialogy", a survey was conducted (18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 546 respondents of working age).

Results of the study and their discussion. The study and analysis of plans for sports events aimed at organizing mass propaganda campaigns to promote the VFSK GTO of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation made it possible to establish that in the period from 2018 to 2021, 1343 mass sports events of various levels were held for all age groups of the population. The share of mass sports events held for the able-bodied population is 13.6% of the total. For three years, 182 mass sports events were held among workers, aimed at popularizing the GTO complex. During each year, about 60 events were organized in Russia to involve workers in the GTO complex. At the same time, the number of physical culture and sports events for the adult population is much higher, since, in addition to the format of festivals for workers, physical culture and sports events are held among pensioners, family teams, as well as other events for all age groups, which is shown in the figure.

According to the data of the analytical media monitoring system "Medialogy" in 2021, according to


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The share of the population participating in mass sports events of the VFSK GTO in the period 20182021 (in %)

references in various media to newsworthy events related to mass sports events of the VFSK GTO among labor collectives, the leading regions are: Moscow, Belgorod Region, Moscow Region, Kaluga Region, Chelyabinsk region, Kostroma region, Republic of Bashkortostan [7].

Thus, the data obtained indicate a sufficient number of mass sports events held among the adult population, aimed at popularizing the GTO complex and their coverage in the media, the systematic organizational and managerial activities of state and municipal authorities to implement the strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation. Federation, demand and significance of these events in the structure of physical education of the population.

In order to determine the attitude towards mass sports events of the VFSK GTO among the able-bodied population, a sociological survey was conducted. The study was organized in 18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 546 respondents of working age were interviewed, belonging to the category of "working" according to their status.

According to the results of the survey, a positive trend was revealed towards an increase in the number of corporate sports events held for the implementation of the GTO complex in labor collectives, this was indicated by 55.1% of respondents. It is also significant that this category of respondents was able to name all the ongoing activities and indicate what types of GTO tests within the framework of these activities were able to perform for the badge of distinction. They did not take part in such events, but 18.6% of the respondents plan to do so in the near future.

A relationship has been established between the quality of a sporting event and the desire of employees to participate in it. When answering the question: "Can you agree with the opinion that the quality of the sports event held affects the employee's involvement in the implementation of the GTO standards and popularizes the complex as a whole?" 79.6% of the respondents answered in the affirmative, 20.4% gave a negative answer or found it difficult to answer. When organizing mass sports events among workers and their families, it is necessary to pay attention to the spectacular component of a sporting event, to organize the opening and closing ceremonies of events, and awarding participants at a high level. Actively involve fans and guests, family members in the events of mass sports events, which in the future may contribute to greater

coverage of the population, the emergence of interest and desire to take part in the implementation of the norms of the GTO complex.

The effectiveness of corporate media in promoting the ideas of the complex within a particular organization has been revealed. Thus, 44.6% of employees of enterprises indicated that their departmental media regularly publish information about the GTO complex, as well as information about sports events held (photo reports, protocols, discussions, etc.). However, it was noted that the corporate mass sports events of the VFSK GTO are practically not covered in the federal media. The fact that mass sports events of the GTO complex should be covered in the federal media and the Internet was indicated by 71.4% of respondents.

The results of the study clearly showed that one of the main factors in preparing for the implementation of the types of tests of the GTO complex is the availability of places for physical culture and sports. Of the total number of respondents, 56.7% noted the absence of any conditions for physical culture and sports and, accordingly, for preliminary preparation and performance of tests of the GTO complex, at the place of work. Only 24.4% of respondents stated that the conditions had been created to prepare for the testing of the GTO complex at their enterprises. 18.9% of respondents do not know or were not interested in the conditions for preparing for testing.

Thus, the study found that among workers there is a request to participate in mass sports events within the framework of physical culture and sports activities at the place of work, including the implementation of the GTO complex standards, increasing the entertainment of sports events, and covering corporate sports events of the VFSK GTO in the national media.

Conclusions. The study revealed that the involvement of workers in the process of implementing GTO standards through participation in sports events should occur, first of all, at the place of work. A large role in the popularization of sports and mass work, including the implementation of the GTO complex in labor collectives, is assigned to corporate media.

As part of the search for a solution to the problems of increasing the effectiveness of physical culture and sports events among the adult population, it is necessary to take into account the personal interests of citizens, since society has formed an order for a comfortable and accessible physical culture and sports environment for practicing "sports". It is necessary to

carry out more physical culture and sports activities of various levels of complexity and variety of forms of motor activity for the population of the country, using social and pedagogical factors that purposefully affect the personality, which will contribute to the formation of motivation for physical culture and sports, which will allow to form a priority for physical culture - sports activity before other forms of leisure.


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