Formation of the physical and sports environment of the university as a condition for regular participation of students and teachers of vi-xi stages in implementation of standards of
UDC 796.011
PhD V.V. Bobkov1 2
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor L.G. Ryzhkova3
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Lazarev4
PhD, Associate Professor S.Yu. Tatarova5, 6
1National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow
2Federal Scientific Center of Physical Culture and Sport (VNIIFK), Moscow
3Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism
(SCOLIPE), Moscow
4Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow 5Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow 6MIREA - Russian Technological University, Moscow
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of holding multi-day GTO festivals and organizing academic and independent physical education classes with students, in accordance with the types of tests of the VFSK GTO of the VI
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work was attended by students and teachers of the Russian State University for the Humanities in the amount of 1363 participants, among whom were representatives of male and female, belonging to the VI-X stages of the VFSK GTO by age. Physical culture lessons were based on the principle of circular training based on the method of continuous exercise. All types of tests were divided into three groups: in the hall, at the stadium, applied. Starting from April and until the end of the semester (end of May), the university held the GTO Festival, based on the results of which a detailed analysis of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the performance of the GTO tests was carried out.
Results and conclusions. Most of the students (82%) and the teaching staff of the Department of Physical Education (100%) took part in the GTO Festival at the Russian State University for the Humanities, of which 67% of the participants improved their performance in tests during repeated testing, and 23% met the standards for gold, silver and bronze marks of Excellence. Holding a multi-day GTO Festival allows solving a very important problem related to the possibility of re-executing test tests. When holding the GTO Festival at the university, students have the opportunity to independently choose the most suitable moment for themselves to complete the tests. The close interaction of the departments of physical education of universities and the Testing Centers of the GTO "MOSGORSPORT" of Moskomsport allows solving the problem of attracting more students to the events of the VFSK GTO with the assignment of distinctions, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle among the youth.
Keywords: VFSK GTO, golden badge of distinction, elective physical culture, preparation and self-training of students, GTO Festival, physical fitness testing, standards and tests, GTO testing center, «MOSGORSPORT» of Moskomsport.
Introduction. Today, attracting students to actively participate in the implementation of the GTO standards is becoming one of the priority areas of sports and educational work of the university [8, 9]. A number of universities included in the 5/100 program introduce special scholarships that are issued to students for receiving the golden GTO distinction [3]. It is important to note the fact that in order to receive a gold badge, it is necessary to complete nine types of test tests, demonstrating not only good physical qualities, but also a confident possession of applied skills and skills, such as swimming, shooting, skiing, which
cannot be achieved without making adjustments to the content of physical education classes.
Objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of holding multi-day GTO festivals and organizing academic and independent physical education classes with students, in accordance with the types of tests of the VFSK GTO of the VI stage.
Methods and structure of the study. To solve the problem associated with an increase in the number of students with GTO grade VI insignia, an elective course (optional) was added in the 2020/2021 academic year, within which work was carried out to
prepare students for the GTO tests. For the second half of the spring semester, it was planned to hold a multi-day GTO festival on the territory of the university, organized with the participation of "MOSGORSPORT" of Moskomsport.
The study involved 1347 students of the 1st-3rd courses, male and female, corresponding to the VI level, and 16 teachers of the Department of Physical Education, age related to the VI-X levels of the VFSK GTO. Physical culture lessons were built on the principle of "circular training" based on the method of continuous exercise, with a focus on developing those motor qualities, skills and abilities that are necessary to perform test tests [1, 9]. Classes were held in three directions, which made it possible to divide students into three large groups according to the types of testing: in the hall, at the stadium and applied (Table 1).
This set of tests was chosen taking into account the material and technical conditions of the university and ensured, in case of successful completion (four mandatory and five optional tests), obtaining a gold badge of distinction. Students with a sports category in any sport, in order to receive a gold GTO badge, must complete one standard less (4 + 4). For the period of preparation for the GTO Festival, students were offered free attendance at classes in any of the departments, subject to mandatory attendance at least eight classes in each (a total of 24 classes per semester). For the period of remote (hybrid) work of the university, students performed independent training programs using mobile fitness applications [3]. The duration of preparation for the GTO Festival was two semesters (from September to May). The central event was the holding of the GTO Festival at the Russian State University for the Humanities, timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the VFSK GTO. Starting from April and until the end of the semester (end of May), representatives of the Testing Centers of the GTO "MOSGORSPORT" of the Moscow Sports Committee attended the classes, who assisted the depart-
ment in the adoption of standards (Fig. 1).
During the GTO Festival, the teacher, before the start of each lesson, warmed up using special preparatory exercises, after which the employees of the GTO Testing Center took control standards. The results of the tests that satisfied the students were entered into the personal account of the test participants. If for some reason the result did not suit the student, then he had the opportunity to retake the test, after the mandatory completion of the training program, consisting of eight lessons.
Figure 1. Algorithm of interaction between the university and Moskomsport on the organization of the GTO Festival
Based on the results of the GTO Festival, a detailed analysis of the quantity and quality of tests performed, the percentage of students and teachers' involvement in the performance of tests of the GTO complex, the number and quality of retakes of test tests, and the results of performance, expressed in the number of awarded GTO distinctions, were carried out.
Results of the study and their discussion. According to the results of the GTO Festival among students and teachers, protocols were drawn up for 1363 participants who completed one or more tests (Table 2, Fig. 2).
Table 1. Groups of exercises in areas, in accordance with the types of testing
GTO test groups * by type
Educational departments
In the gym At the stadium Applied
1. hanging pull-ups on a high/low bar; 1. 30m run; 1. swimming 50m;
2. flexion and extension of the arms 2. 60 m run; 2. shooting from electronic weapons
from the lying support; 3. 2 km run (women); (10 m)
3. tilt forward while standing on the 4. 3 km run (men);
gymnastic bench; 5. Nordic walking 3 km (teachers of
4. lifting the torso from a supine position; level X)
5. long jump from a place with a push with
two legs;
6. shuttle run 3x10 m
*Compulsory tests are indicated in italics
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I september I № 9 2022
Table 2. Number of participants and results
Types of GTO tests Number of completed Number of retakes (after 45 days) Execution result
type of GTO test / % Gold Silver Bronze
1. shuttle run 3x10 m 1124 / 82 % 711 227 549 121
2. Long jump 988 / 72 % 621 328 236 589
3. Pull-ups (boys) 422 / 30 % 221 122 192 54
E > ra a) sz 4. Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis lying on the floor 921 / 67 % 385 370 239 43
c 4. Pulling up from the hang on the low bar 299 / 21 % 98 59 22 45
5. Tilt forward 1363 / 100 % 722 374 259 352
6. Torso lift 1363 / 100 % 322 257 354 283
7. 30m run 622 / 45 % 355 122 254 346
E T3 8. 60m run 525 / 38 % 202 194 124 75
CO a) 9. 2 km run 388 / 28 % 121 92 71 112
SI < 10. 3 km run 422 / 30 % 154 115 12 59
11. Nordic walking 10 / 100% (nnc) 0 10 0 0
JD 12. Swimming 50m; 202 / 14 % 96 172 46 40
H < 13. Shooting from electronic weapons 722 / 52 % 511 202 245 323
Analyzing the results of 1363 subjects, it was noted that the most difficult GTO tests are:
- test for flexibility in men - "forward bend from a standing position on a gymnastic bench" - 12% of the boys completed it with a gold badge;
- applied test - "shooting from electronic weapons" for all categories of subjects;
- endurance test - "running for 2 (3) km" for men and women - 18% of boys and 15% of girls met the standard of the gold mark [4, 6];
- swimming was performed by the smallest number of participants (202 - 14%).
Figure 2. The total number of badges of distinction issued as a result of the GTO Festival
Conclusions. Most of the students (82%) and the teaching staff of the Department of Physical Education (100%) took part in the GTO Festival at the Russian State Humanitarian University, of which 67% of the participants improved their performance in tests during repeated testing, and 23% met the standards for gold, silver and bronze marks of Excellence.
Holding a multi-day GTO festival allows solving a very important problem related to the possibility of retaking tests, when, due to one or two unsuccessfully completed tests, a participant ends up without a badge of distinction. During the multi-day GTO Festival, students have the opportunity to independently choose the most suitable moment for themselves to participate in the tests and, thus, start testing in optimal physical condition.
The close interaction of the departments of physical education of universities and the Testing Centers of the GTO "MOSGORSPORT" of Moskomsport allows solving the problem of attracting more students to the events of the VFSK GTO with the assignment of distinctions.
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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I september I № 9 2022