Научная статья на тему 'Speech acts usage methodological issues in the development of students’ communicative competence'

Speech acts usage methodological issues in the development of students’ communicative competence Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Strizhkova O.V., Streneva N.V.

The development of students’ communicative competence is one of the urgent tasks the teacher should solve while teaching foreign language. The main evidence of mastering foreign language is the ability to use not only lexical and grammatical structures of the language studied but familiarization of linguistic and cultural norms of the country. we used communication and activity approach in our research. The teaching process based on communication and activity approach is built on the communicative model. Due to this model the teaching process is as close to real communication as possible. Since the problems discussed do not, as a rule, have a univocal solution, the participants considering them teachers and students are equal as a speech partners. So, the main feature of this approach is communication activity that includes some characteristics allowing making interaction in different situations. The education system suggests considering of individual, psychological, national and age peculiarities of student’s personality and his interests. There are some methods suporting methodological content of communication and activity approach. They concern the students’ activity organization and are basically connected with grouped forms of work, where students are to solve some problem tasks and there is a close interaction between all the participants of teaching process. The research gave us an opportunity to reveal the speech and act structures that, being actively used, make linguistic and pragmatic skills to be successfully developed. we scrutinized some stages of speech activity skills formation in the process of foreign language teaching. They are: preparatory, reproductive and productive and creative. using of original advertisement that demonstrates different speech and act structures activates cognitive activity, thereby increasing the motivation of students to learn a foreign language.

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Развитие коммуникативной компетенции у студентов при обучении иностранному языку является одной из приоритетных задач преподавателя. Освоение не только лексических, грамматических структур, но и лингвистических и культурных норм изучаемого языка является свидетельством овладения данным иностранным языком. Мы использовали коммуникативный деятельностный подход в нашем исследовании. Процесс обучения в рамках коммуникативно-деятельностного подхода строится по модели коммуникации. В соответствии с этой моделью обучение максимально приближено к реальному общению. Поскольку обсуждаемые проблемы не имеют, как правило, однозначного решения, то обсуждающие их участники студенты и преподаватели равноправны как речевые партнеры. Поэтому основной чертой данного подхода является коммуникативность, которая включает в себя целый ряд характеристик, позволяющих осуществлять общение в различных ситуациях. Система обучения предполагает максимальный учет индивидуально-психологических, возрастных и национальных особенностей личности обучающегося, а так же его интересов. Методическим содержанием коммуникативно-деятельностного подхода являются способы организации учебной деятельности, связанные в первую очередь с широким использованием коллективных форм работы, с решением проблемных задач, с сотрудничеством между преподавателем и учащимися. Проведенное исследование позволило нам выявить те речеактовые структуры, использование которых в процессе обучения помогают успешно развить лингвопрагматические умения. Нами были рассмотрены несколько этапов формирования навыков речевой деятельности при обучении иностранному языку. Таковыми являются: подготовительный, репродуктивно-продуктивный и творческий. Использование аутентичной рекламы, демонстрирующей различные речеактовые структуры, активизирует познавательную деятельность, тем самым повышая мотивацию студентов к изучению иностранного языка.

Текст научной работы на тему «Speech acts usage methodological issues in the development of students’ communicative competence»

DOI: 10.25198/1814-6457-222-76 УДК 378.02:81'27'243

Стрижкова О.В., Стренева Н.В.

Оренбургский государственный университет, г Оренбург, Россия E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]



Развитие коммуникативной компетенции у студентов при обучении иностранному языку является одной из приоритетных задач преподавателя. Освоение не только лексических, грамматических структур, но и лингвистических и культурных норм изучаемого языка является свидетельством овладения данным иностранным языком. Мы использовали коммуникативный - деятельностный подход в нашем исследовании.

Процесс обучения в рамках коммуникативно-деятельностного подхода строится по модели коммуникации. В соответствии с этой моделью обучение максимально приближено к реальному общению. Поскольку обсуждаемые проблемы не имеют, как правило, однозначного решения, то обсуждающие их участники - студенты и преподаватели - равноправны как речевые партнеры. Поэтому основной чертой данного подхода является коммуникативность, которая включает в себя целый ряд характеристик, позволяющих осуществлять общение в различных ситуациях. Система обучения предполагает максимальный учет индивидуально-психологических, возрастных и национальных особенностей личности обучающегося, а так же его интересов.

Методическим содержанием коммуникативно-деятельностного подхода являются способы организации учебной деятельности, связанные в первую очередь с широким использованием коллективных форм работы, с решением проблемных задач, с сотрудничеством между преподавателем и учащимися.

Проведенное исследование позволило нам выявить те речеактовые структуры, использование которых в процессе обучения помогают успешно развить лингвопрагматические умения. Нами были рассмотрены несколько этапов формирования навыков речевой деятельности при обучении иностранному языку. Таковыми являются: подготовительный, репродуктивно-продуктивный и творческий. Использование аутентичной рекламы, демонстрирующей различные речеактовые структуры, активизирует познавательную деятельность, тем самым повышая мотивацию студентов к изучению иностранного языка.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативная компетентность, коммуникативный - деятельностный подход, коммуникативно прагматический метод, речевой акт, обучение студентов неязыковых вузов.

Для цитирования: Стрижкова, О.В. Методологические аспекты использования речевых актов в формировании коммуникативной компетенции студентов / О.В. Стрижкова, Н.В. Стренева // Вестник Оренбургского государтсвенного университета. - 2019. - №4(222). -С. 76-81. DOI: 10.25198/1814-6457-222-76.

Strizhkova O.V., Streneva N.V.

Orenburg state university, Orenburg, Russia E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


The development of students' communicative competence is one of the urgent tasks the teacher should solve while teaching foreign language. The main evidence of mastering foreign language is the ability to use not only lexical and grammatical structures of the language studied but familiarization of linguistic and cultural norms of the country. We used communication and activity approach in our research.

The teaching process based on communication and activity approach is built on the communicative model. Due to this model the teaching process is as close to real communication as possible. Since the problems discussed do not, as a rule, have a univocal solution, the participants considering them - teachers and students - are equal as a speech partners. So, the main feature of this approach is communication activity that includes some characteristics allowing making interaction in different situations. The education system suggests considering of individual, psychological, national and age peculiarities of student's personality and his interests.

There are some methods suporting methodological content of communication and activity approach. They concern the students' activity organization and are basically connected with grouped forms of work, where students are to solve some problem tasks and there is a close interaction between all the participants of teaching process.

The research gave us an opportunity to reveal the speech and act structures that, being actively used, make linguistic and pragmatic skills to be successfully developed. We scrutinized some stages of speech activity skills formation in the process of foreign language teaching. They are: preparatory, reproductive and productive and creative. Using of original advertisement that demonstrates different speech and act structures activates cognitive activity, thereby increasing the motivation of students to learn a foreign language.

Key words: communicative competence, communication and activity approach, pragmatic method, speech act, teaching students of technical universities.

For citation: Strizhkova O.V., Streneva N.V. speech acts usage Methodological issues in the development of students' communicative competence. Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2019, no. 4(222), pp. 76-81. DOI: 10.25198/1814-6457-222-76.

One should overcome cultural barrier that arises at the stage of a foreign language teaching to be ready to communicate with native speakers so that language signs begin to function as the «language» of culture. It is natural that this barrier is significant factor hindering successful communication and understanding between participants.

There are several reasons that make learning and communication difficult.

Firstly, the process of foreign language teaching is carried out outside the language environment and students do not have an opportunity to practice their language skills.

Secondly, communication participants speak foreign language with their groupmates belonging to the same culture. Moreover, it is practically impossible to speak foreign language fluently if you don't know these people's culture. To be competent enough in a particular language, you need, for example, to know how to request to a person, how to express gratitude, uncertainty, give a compliment or agree / disagree. Temperament, sign language, intonation also play an important role. Students will master communicative skills only when they master both linguistic and cultural norms [2].

Nowadays teaching a foreign language is considered as training intercultural communication, since one of the main goals in teaching this subject is to prepare students to life and work in a multinational, multicultural society. Knowing a foreign language is not only the acquisition of certain skills and abilities, but also a means of familiarizing oneself with the values of other cultures and educational systems.

The social nature of language involves the analysis of linguistic phenomena as macrolinguis-tic units in the coordinate system of language and culture.

The desire for communicative competence, as the end result of training, involves not only the possession of appropriate foreign-language technology, but also the assimilation of non-linguistic information necessary for a successful communication process [4], [7].

The communication and activity approach used to educate students is a modern approach to teaching, which means that the students are in the focus of teaching, and the training system involves the maximum consideration of the individual psychological, age-related characteristics of the stu-

dents' personality. This approach promotes the development of students' initiative and creativity. Its essence lies in the recognition that a person needs a language to communicate in various fields of activity [11].

The process of teaching in the framework of the communication and activity approach is based on the model of communication in the process of speech activity. In the approach, the lecture pays maximum attention to the interests and needs of students, their motives, aims them to master communicative competence in the types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading and writing, because «educational communication preserves all the socio-psychological aspects of real communication - communicative, interactive, perceptual - and implements all three of its functions »[6].

It is known, the motive and purpose of the activity determine the behavior of the individual, and therefore, their consideration is essential for building the teaching process of foreign language communication. Consequently, the issue of selecting language material is the key question. To solve this problem, it seems necessary to turn to a relatively new direction in linguistics - to the communicative-pragmatic method. The term «pragmatics» appeared in linguistics in the 30s. of XX century. Ch. Morris under this term means the study of the language units functioning in speech; the relationship between the utterance, the speaker and the context (situation) [10]. A great influence on the development of pragmatics had the works of J. Austin, J. Searle, who developed the theory of speech act [12], [15].

E. Olstein and E. Cowan [14] offer 3 components of speech behavior to be considered in teaching foreign languages:

1) types of intensification and understatement;

2) minor changes in the implementation of speech strategies;

3) taking into account situational features.

Awareness of the causal relationships of speech

effect, as well as the conditions and rules of successful communication, helps to identify the essential characteristic of illocutionary competence. So, we may come to conclusion that illocutionary competence is the ability to realize communicative intentions due to the situation of communication.

Dialogic speech, as one of the forms of realization of illocutionary competence, is a sequence of the-matically related speech acts. Therefore, teaching dialogic speech involves mastering the forms of specific speech acts expression in the corresponding speech situations. The essence of illocutionary competence is the recognition of the principles of speech acts usage in communication situations, the analysis of speech acts in their verbal manifestations, the assimilation of semantic formulas that characterize the expression of specific speech acts, the comprehension and appropriate use of speech acts strategies.

Skills of speech activity which are simultaneously formed according to the incentive and the situation are developed while memorizing the material. Obviously, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to create environment that correspond to the conditions of real speech communication [6].

W. M. Rivers wrote that from the very beginning of training, a teacher should develop situations where the students have to be forced to use the language in its natural function that are to establish and maintain relationships with other people, receive and communicate information, express your attitude to anything [15].

Speech acts are important marks of students' communicative competence because they represent key points of linguistic and non-verbal expression when the speaker's intentions must be appropriately linked in a cultural context. Pragmatic failure in intercultural communication can lead to embarrassment, laugh, and misunderstanding.

From the point of view of structure, a speech act is a speaker's statement, drawn up using various types of sentences (incentive, narrative, interrogative), the lexical content and syntactic structure of which depends on the intentions of the speaker, the communicative context and the sphere of communication.

As far as content is concerned, a speech act is the action of the addressee in relation to the addressee, carried out in a specific communication situation and aimed at the implementation of certain intent of the speaker.

An integral evidence of mastering a foreign language is not only the ability to use grammatical structures correctly, but also apply the appropriate norms of the language that correspond to the discourse of the language being studied.

Meyer (2003) thinks that the goal of foreign language teaching should comprise three areas. They are as follows:

- pragmatic competence;

- intercultural competence;

- technical competence, which plays an «intermediary role».

To Meyer's mind it means the following:

1. The teacher must increase students' awareness of the relationship between language and cultural context;

2. Teachers should work on developing an intercultural sense of student perception, helping them assess the situation from the point of view of an English-speaking person;

3. Students must learn to distinguish a number of variables that control communication, such as gender, status, age, and education;

4. Students should develop their strategic competence, that is, the ability to restore the communication if it has been broken.

Speech acts using provides an opportunity to integrate foreign language teaching into a significant cultural context. It will give students a real possibility to demonstrate real communicative competence developing their linguistic and pragmatic skills. [13]

The main idea of pragmatics is that language can be understood and explained only in the broad context of its use, i.e. through its functioning.

When teaching speech acts, the teacher prepares students to communicate in everyday situations and to practice communication at a professional level and provides them with the opportunity to learn functional language and master sociolin-guistic skills.

To form successful communicative competence involves the use of original texts that reflect elements of social and general culture of the country and of the language being studied.

According to E.E. Anisimova, «advertising texts, being one of the most important means of mass communication, convey stereotypical representations and the scale of nation's values and believes most definitely, though they often do it in a primitive way.» [1]

In modern society, advertising is gradually taking a leading informational role. It could be called a source of new data, information, etc. Nowadays, advertising is considered to be the only area of

speech activity which has some certain rules and norms. That's why now there are a lot of language «diseases» and they are explained by the influence of mass media language on the society speech images and many of its representatives.

The problem of using advertising discourse in the process of teaching English as a foreign language is an urgent one, since advertising has actively being used and widely spread nowadays. It is necessary to focus on the positive aspects of attracting original advertising products to the educational process. It should be done due to the following issues:

1. It makes it possible to diversify educational material, supplement linguistic material with visual accompaniment, which greatly facilitates the perception and accelerates the process of learning lexical units;

2. It helps to solve the problem of using original texts, because they are considered to be much more interesting and effective as far as their content is concerned. Moreover, such texts give the possibilities to use creative component in teaching foreign languages;

3. It makes it possible to focus on cultural aspect in teaching English as a foreign language;

4. It helps to realize interdisciplinary relationships, to combine a foreign language teaching with disciplines which give some professional skills and knowledge (marketing, management, advertising);

5. It makes the students being closer to the real language environment.

Applying the theory of speech acts to advertising, it can be noted that the advertising text contains several types of speech acts:

1. Representatives (they transmit actual information about the advertised object): Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. M & Ms.

2. Commissions (the contain obligations, quality and safety guarantees of the advertised property): Suchard chocolate is the premium Swiss chocolate brand, famous throughout the world. Its luxurious lasting chocolate is used to make a range of delicious chocolate gifts and in addition the Suchard expertise has been used to create a chocolate flavor drink.

3. Expressives (there is an emotional figurative component of the advertised object): The rarest, most exceptional blend of our whiskies ever. Johnie Walker

4. Directives (there are proposals, urgent recommendations for the purchase ofthe advertised object). The most striking embodiment of a directive speech act is the use of the imperative - the simplest and most accessible form of imperative. The imperative determines the accessible expression of the speaker's intention (advertiser in our case) and a direct guide to the action: Obey your thirst. Sprite.

All these examples of advertising texts demonstrate various illocutionary acts of advertising messages.

The great advantage of using original advertising is the fact that it is possible to differentiate tasks depending on the purpose of the lesson. You can also distinguish three obligatory stages for this type of the work: preparatory, reproductive and productive and creative.

The preparatory phase includes an introductory conversation of the teacher about the purpose of advertising. You can use linguistic and cultural comments that facilitate understanding of the advertising text, as well as phonetic and lexical and grammar exercises. The teacher offers to read slogans, as phonetic exercises, pay attention to the pronunciation of sounds, to the intonation of exclamatory and incentive sentences and choose words with specific sounds.

As for lexical and grammar exercises, the following tasks can be proposed:

a) to make up an advertising slogan based on two given words denoting the advertised products;

b) to find homonyms, synonyms or antonyms in the proposed advertising slogans;

c) to find slogans that contain 1) reduction, 2) neologisms, 3) borrowing.

The reproductive and productive stage involves such types of the work as:

a) to read an advertisement and describe the advantages of this product or service;

b) to read the advertisement and guess which product or service it refers to;

c) to explain the attitude to TV advertising, list its advantages and disadvantages;

d) to describe the picture of the products advertised.

The creative stage completes the work with advertising materials. Students are offered to do the following tasks:

- to write a new slogan based on the original;

- to complete the advertising phrase using the beginning;

- to run a competition for the best advertising slogan or announcement.

Teacher can suggest compiling a cultural commentary on the slogans, as well as to contest for the best commentary. At the end of the work, it is necessary to summarize. Students should be given the opportunity to choose the most successful slogans themselves.

Video advertising is, as a rule, meaningful, compositionally finished product, besides it has a subject. This fact is the main advantage of advertising as an educational material. It gives the students possibilities to analyze not only the content, but also the storyline and compositional structure of advertising. Moreover, advertising video products are convenient enough to use them during practical classes, because this kind of advertising is informatively saturated. It lasts no more than a few minutes, and makes it possible to work effectively with advertising videos.

But teacher should be careful to use advertising during his practical classes. It should be selected carefully and cautiously. Thus, teacher

should choose interesting, original and unknown products the students haven't heard before. This advertising has a significant potential of hidden meanings, rich in various types of signs, based on well-known cultural codes. The teacher can select necessary advertising samples depending on the topic of the lesson.

The use of audio and video advertising is also effective while teaching conversational topics and for making auditions. Moreover, these kinds of advertising help to make students know about the culture of English-speaking countries. Print kind of advertising is always useful when studying grammar, because it is much easier to find new grammatical constructions in these texts, especially if these are the slogans of well-known companies, because they are faced every day.

Thus, advertising is a powerful motivational tool in teaching foreign languages and its use during practical classes contributes to the improvement of speech and socio-cultural competence by considering a variety of speech structures.



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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Personal information:

Strizhkova Olga Valerevna, a senior lecturer of foreign languages dpt, Orenburg state university, PhD in philology

ORCID: Strizhkova Olga 0000-0002-7119-8929 E-mail: [email protected]

Streneva Natalya Vladimirovna, a senior lecturer of foreign languages dpt, Orenburg state university,

PhD in philology E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: Streneva Natalya 0000-0002-1886-6115

Pobedy avenue, 13, Orenburg, 460018

Сведения об авторах:

Стрижкова Ольга Валерьевна, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Оренбургского государственного университета, кандидат филологических наук E-mail: [email protected];

Стренева Наталья Владимировна, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Оренбургского государственного университета, кандидат филологических наук E-mail: [email protected]

460018, г Оренбург, пр-т Победы, д. 13

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