3. 1 Y36eKHCTOH Pecny6nuKacH npe3HgeHTHHHHr 2017 hhh 7 ^eBpangaru "Y36eKHCTOH Pecny6nHKacHHH aHaga puBO^naHTHpum 6yftHHa X,apaKaraap CTparerHACH Tyrpucuga" nO-4947-coHnH ^apMOHH. http://lex.uz/.
4. Erasmus+ HiEdTec nonuxacH BHpTyan Kyry6xoHacu -https://hiedtec.ecs.uni-ruse.bg/
5. Lange Clenn-Marie, Quentin Wodon and Kevin carey eds/ 2018/ The changing Wealth of nations 2018. Bulding a sustainable Future Washington, DC World Bank.Doc. 10.1596/978-1-4648-1046-6 P8.
6. Y36eKHCTOH Pecny6nuKacH ^aBnar CTaTHCTHKa KyMHTacu MatnyMoraapu
Jabbarova A. J.
Abstract: In modern Uzbek, a group of phraseological units represents only positive features of human character. These phraseological units directly reflect positive qualities such as sincerity, fearlessness, courage, ingenuity, etc. This article analyses phraseological units which differ from other linguistic units in revealing the phenomena of reality, describing the external and internal world of emotional performance. Figurativeness, emotionality, figurative use of words and phrases, metaphorization, appear in a symbolic sense. In the analysis of phraseological units of the Uzbek language it is possible to distinguish the following phraseological and semantic fields that express the positive personality traits: a) when expressing sincerity; sincerity; b) not to be afraid; courage; c) honesty, loyalty, devotion; d) mind, reason.
Key words: phraseological unit, external and internal world, figurativeness, emotionality, evaluation, evaluative phraseological unit, methodological features, linguistics, positive assessment.
Jabborova A.J.
Annotatsiya. Hozirgi o'zbek tilida frazeologik birliklar guruhi faqat odam xarakterining ijobiy xususiyatlarini ifodalaydi. Bu frazeologik birliklar, samimiylik, qo'rqmaslik, mardlik, zukkolik kabi ijobiy fazilatlarni to'g'ridan -to'g'ri aks ettiradi. Bu maqolada voqelik hodisalarini ochishda, insonning tashqi va ichki dunyosini
tasvirlashda boshqa til birliklaridan farq qiladigan frazeologik birliklar tahlil qilinadi. Tasviriylik, emotsionallik, so'z va iboralarni obrazli ishlatish, metaforizatsiya ramziy ma'noda namoyon bo'ladi. O'zbek tilining frazeologik birliklarini tahlil qilishda shaxsning ijobiy xususiyatlarini ifodalovchi quyidagi frazeologik va semantik sohalarni ajratish mumkin: a) samimiylikni ifodalashda; samimiylik; b) qo'rqmaslik; jasorat; c) halollik, vafo, sadoqat; d) aql, sabab.
In Uzbek linguistics, in describing the semantic system of language as a whole, there is a special interest in the study of semantic groups and semantic microfiles of different parts of speech, where phraseological units also play a role. In modern Uzbek, a remarkable group consists of phraseological units of approximate value. As mentioned above, such phraseological units mainly characterize the positive or negative attitude in the evaluation of the speaker. In such phraseological units, nominative and evaluative meanings are combined, which express a person's emotional state and his attitude to the object of speech. Such phraseological units should be called emotionally-evaluative phraseological units (hereinafter - EEPU). According to VP Zhukov, "the approximate value is not accidental and temporary, but is understood by its stable, constant properties as a positive or negative feature of a person or object".
It is well known that man lives and acts in objective reality and is himself exposed to it, which allows him to express his attitude towards reality and at the same time evaluate it. These attitudes and assessments of a person, along with other linguistic means, are carried out using emotional and evaluative phraseological units that allow to reveal the state of mind, the image of a person, the specificity of his character and personal qualities.
This article describes the semantic and methodological features of EEPU that represent human qualities and characteristics. Such phraseological units are quite common in modern Uzbek, they are often used in the language of works of art. EEPU differs from other phraseological units in stylistic coloring. This quality is inherent in these phraseological units beyond their contextual realization. According to the level of expression of emotional-expressive meaning, EEPU can be divided into two major groups:
EEPU s, which represent the positive characteristics and positive assessment of the speaker: priceless, the lips are full, the mouth is not swollen, the mouth is like music, the young man's flower, and so on.
The EEPU represents a negative characteristic and a negative assessment of the speaker: the soup boils at the mouth, the face is hard, the calf of the aunt, protrudes, bleeds from the whip, has a soft broom, a whip, and so on.
It is well known that a person expresses an objective or subjective attitude towards the subject of speech using linguistic means. The rating can be positive or negative. In modern Uzbek, a number of phraseological units, in addition to nominative meanings, also express emotional and evaluative attitudes. For example, the phraseological unit that licks the fat of a snake emphasizes the negative quality of a person. This phraseological unit not only expresses the negative qualities and negative traits of a person, such as cunning (cunning, deceit), but also conveys a figurative, vivid, emotionally negative attitude towards the object of speech. The meaning of "trick" is a subjective-logical component of the phraseological meaning, and the connotative part of the meaning in which the connotative shadow of the negative attitude to this concept that accompanies this meaning is expressed. Thus, connotation has a high proportion in the sense of phraseological units of the Uzbek language. This allows phraseological units, such as individual words, to play an important role in creating an artistic image. The approximate potential of the phraseological units under consideration differs in comparison with other components of the connotation. This does not negate the importance of components of connotation such as emotionality and expressiveness. Their role and importance are unquestionable, but nonetheless, the evaluative component of such phraseological units is more important than other connotation components.
It is well known that the semantics of phraseological units do not correspond to the meaning of their components, nor to the meanings of words synonymous with them. For example, the phraseological unit of the brain (smart) of Plato means not only "smart" but also "very smart" and is used to refer to the smartest person, and PU counts snake fat (cunning) as not only "cunning" but also "most cunning". The phraseological units we are considering differ in that they serve to express the highest quality and human characteristics.
The semantics of phraseological units are directly related to its imagery and exist mainly on the basis of a particular image, viz. most phraseological units are in contact with the internal form. Phraseologisms in language and speech always perform both nominative-communicative and expressive-emotional functions.
The purpose of this article is to consider emotional and evaluative phraseological units, taking into account their distribution across phraseological-semantic areas that express human qualities and characteristics. It is obvious that it is impossible to divide the phraseological units of works of art into areas, because much depends on the position of the writer in describing the specific character of
the person, as well as context, so in terms of phraseological-semantic field, phraseological units.
In modern Uzbek, a number of phraseological units express positive signs of a person, such as honesty, sincerity: to open the heart, to empty the heart, to pour out the heart, to die on a person, and so on. As can be seen from the examples, many phraseological units of this field are verbal according to lexical and grammatical classification. Phraseological units of the verb perform the function of evaluation, the qualitative feature of the person. In this respect, phraseological units have a qualitatively defined function. Such verb phraseological units have evaluative meanings and do not lose their properties such as type and time of sonic categories. For example, the verbal phraseological unit of opening the heart expresses a person's sincerity, while the fact that he has such an evaluative quality does not lead to the disappearance of verb series and time signs. Such phraseological units in speech opened his heart!
In this study, approximate values of verbal phraseological units were used, which mainly reflect the quality and character of the person. The single phraseological dictionary of the Uzbek language gives the following variants of the oral phraseological unit of opening the heart (open the soul / to whom /, frankly: open the heart, break the heart, entertain, open the heart, open the heart, correct the heart, confirmed in English): Chukanov leaned on Sadiq and opened his heart (Shuhrat). Elmurod revealed his pain, he did not know to whom to express his heart (P. Tursun). He wanted to talk to someone with a broken heart (Shuhrat). He wanted to empty his heart, which was full of tears (E. Usmanov). The examples show that in modern Uzbek there is a tendency to constantly update phraseological units, converted phraseological units have meanings close to the original variants and synonyms. Another picture created on the basis of the above variants of the phraseological unit of opening the heart. Typically, phraseological options are combined based on the same image or close-up images. These phraseological units are lexical variants because in their composition one of the components of the phraseological unit is updated. For example, in the entertainment options, the heart (heart) or heart (soul) components are replaced; in the phraseological unit the component of the heart (soul) is replaced in the structure of opening the heart. In some variants of the same phraseological unit the verb is replaced. For example, the verb to open is used instead of the verb to open. These phraseological units are interconnected on the basis of a close image with each other, which allows to express the positive qualities of a person.
Phraseological units, in which somatisms are an active component, are often used in naming positive personality traits in Uzbek. Some phraseological units in the Uzbek language are formed in the presence of the word heart: heart is wide, there is no dirt in the heart, and others have a wide heart (literally, heart is wide)
phraseological unit heart has river variants, where the word broad is replaced by the word river. When the word river (like a river) is included in the phraseological unit of the heart as wide as a river, the meaning of the phraseological unit increases, which allows to express the positive qualities of a person more figuratively and emotionally. The phraseology, in which the active component is cardiac somatism, is sometimes used in the pure-hearted (literally, pure-hearted) variant, where the word heart is replaced by a synonym. Replacing components does not significantly change the meaning of the basic phraseological unit. Both phraseological units equally describe the positive qualities of a person. The existence of phraseological units in the lexical-grammatical group language and their variants with somatism heart (heart) is explained by the fact that the heart plays an important role in human life.
Phraseological units in the presence of somatism face (face) are used in defining positive qualities such as human sincerity. For example, with an open face, with an open face, a light face. Options in speech are also actively used to clean, clear, clean the eyes, where the components of the original phraseological unit have been replaced. The face (face) component is replaced by the word face, which is more commonly used in book-poetic style, characterized by emotional coloring. The word emotionally colored face is part of the phraseological units and spreads its emotional charge to the whole phraseological unit, thus expressing the positive qualities of a person with an open face more emotionally and figuratively. These phraseological options differ from each other by shades of meaning. Sometimes the speech also uses the open variant of beauty, where the word beauty (person) is used as a substitute, so in modern Uzbek language phraseological diversity often occurs when the components of phraseological units are replaced by synonymous words. As a result of such substitutions, the semantics of phraseological units do not change from each other with certain shades of meaning.
To define such a quality of human character as precision, the phraseological unit skazat (say to the face) is used to express the meaning, describing the positive quality of the person. You... you are a bad person! - he said conditionally and left the store (S. Anorboev). Phraseologism to say the least is to speak with a point, to speak directly, openly, openly. This phrase is used more often in speech: When a new teacher came to school, - Aunt Mohira was in a hurry and was able to tell the whole story (E. Usmanov).
The semantic structure of PU is like a bag of nuts, it includes the meaning of sincerity, sincerity. This phraseological unit distinguishes an open-minded person, viz. serves to show the nature of an open, sincere person. In speech, it can be used as a bag of nuts in an elliptical shape: - Yes, Gani samovar old darling. Kurgur is a bag of nuts: if I go, it will not be boring at all (X. Gulom).
The study showed that in modern Uzbek there are far fewer phraseological units with positive evaluations than with negatively evaluated phraseological units. VN Devkin rightly notes in this regard: "The clear superiority of words with the ability to evaluate negatively is probably related to the perception of positivity as natural. One must constantly deal with shortcomings, mistakes, bad things. This is therefore very important to him and is strongly reflected in the language [21; P. 160].
One of the positive qualities of a person is behavior, courage, fearlessness. These qualities of a person in the modern Uzbek language can be described figuratively and emotionally. phraseological units such as staring at death, shielding one's chest, restraining oneself, not tapping, gnashing one's teeth, taking one's life, giving one's life, having fire in one's heart, burning in one's eyes, forcing one's life, etc. Phraseological units of this group, lexical and grammatical oral only in terms of features. All the phraseological units of the verb in this case perform their main functions in the first place, i.e., they serve to define the action while maintaining the signs of the verbal categories of type and tense and expressing the meaning of the assessment. For example, looking straight at death is used as a predicate, signifying action semantically. When combined with words that express the meanings of a style of action, the same phraseological unit gives a person a positive emotional assessment. Another example. Phraseologism means to look straight at death (literally looking into the eye of death) fearlessness, courage, hatred of death. This phraseological unit is mainly used in oral speech: How many times he told the story of a friend who looked at death and bled together, who became as dear as a brother (M. Koriev).
The phraseology of the verbal verb to shield the chest serves to define a positive quality of a person, such as courage. It is well known that verbal phraseological units, the main element of which is a verb in each specific language, are created on the basis of the internal sources of that language. In such education, the figurative motivation of the whole unit or its individual components plays an important role. Oral phraseological units are inherently secondary, resulting from the figurative revision of a free combination. Here T.Z.Cheredantseva can say the following: "As a result of figurative reconsideration of the free combination and change of grammatical features of individual words and the whole unit included in a given combination, a new character with a unique, distinctive semantics emerges. structural features that rightly take their place in the arsenal of means of expression and in turn become a source of formation of new linguistic features "[52; v. 165]. Thus, in addition to the main function of verbal phraseological units, such as looking straight at death, staring at the chest, attached to the verb, that is, to describe the action, to express such an appreciation, showing the positive qualities
of man. As a result of such figurative rethinking, these complex verbs also acquire phraseological meaning.
The verbal phraseological unit of giving one's life to coercion, in describing a person's action, reveals the meaning of "to be zealous, to try with all your might." The phraseological unit becomes of evaluative value because of the reconsideration of the whole combination as a whole. In a sentence, this phraseological unit has an approximate value. In a sentence, this phraseological unit can serve as a predicate: After all, how much blood you sucked, how much you sacrificed your life to put them in order (H. Sultanov).
In context, you can find several verb combinations that, as a result of revision, have emotional and evaluative meanings that reflect a person's positive qualities. These verbal phraseological units are used as predicates. For example, this pemka was as dear to you as your three children. You washed it white, combed it white, did everything you could to make it grow, did not look at you tired and dead and alive (H. Sultanov).
The verbal phraseological unit of burning fire in the eye represents the meanings of courage and fearlessness, as does the phraseological unit that has fire in the heart. These phraseological units are used only to describe a positive person: He was a wonderful young man, a young man with a fire in his heart, - said Elmurod himself, and cried (Shukhrat).
It should be noted that the range of verbs that form phraseological units in the Uzbek language is much wider. This should include, first of all, verbs of general meaning, the subject of which is the person. Most of the phraseological units that express a person's emotional state are verbal. The reason for this is that the emotional state is related to the action, the movement of the person indicated by the verb. In addition, these phraseological units express the speaker's attitude to the candidate object, positively evaluating the objects. As noted above, evaluation is an integral part of the connotation that is reinforced in the sense of a phraseological unit and represents a positive or negative attitude toward a defined object or event. Evaluation is closely related to emotion. In many cases, it is difficult to distinguish these two concepts, so we call them emotional-evaluative features of phraseological units. Emotional assessment is related to the speaker's attitude towards the object put to the candidate, but it varies with the degree to which the person's emotion is manifested. For example, the FB above means staring straight at death, burning in the eyes, having fire in the heart, and so on means not only "brave", "not afraid", but also "very brave", "very fearless". Because of such phraseological units, the speaker expresses the candidate's emotional attitude toward the object.
The Uzbek language has phraseological units that express positive qualities such as human behavior. For example, the verbal phraseological units of self-capture mean "pull yourself, hold yourself, hold yourself, keep cool." Used as a
predicate. The share of emotional evaluation in the semantic structure of this phraseological unit is not so great: That is why I am putting it into assembly! Said Sailikhan, holding himself back (S. Anorboev). I'm sorry, Kamar Sharipovich, 'you said to yourself,' maybe Mavlonkulov is really a good man, I don't know, but his hand is crooked (H. Sultanov). Where is the honor of youth? Catch yourself! (S. Anorboev).
The phraseology is used as a self-suppressing predicate to mean "restrain yourself, restrain yourself": No, burden, restrain yourself, don't panic, over-excitement hurts the mine for you! (X. Sultonov). Phraseologism is characterized by the expression "all sobrannym, kladnokrovnym" with the sign "all sobrannym, kladnokrovnym": "Storm ?! "You froze in amazement, and then you suddenly regained consciousness." - Well, when will he go? ... (H. Sultanov)
It can be seen from Skazonnaya that the phraseological units of this semantic field are mainly related to verbal units. Phraseological units of verbs with revised meaning will have evaluative features that reflect the positive qualities of the object, event (in our case, man). In terms of structure, these phraseological units often consist of three components, which are structured according to the "noun + noun + verb" model: eye + grass + burn, chest + shield + make. Two-component "horse + verb" phraseological units are relatively rare in this area: consciousness + concentration, self-suppression.
This phraseological-semantic field is widely reflected in the modern Uzbek language in the expression of honesty, loyalty, any work, idea, homeland, loyalty to everyone, various manifestations, characterizing the most honest, loyal, faithful person. Phraseologisms describe the positive qualities of a person, such as self-sacrifice, self-sacrifice, purity of heart, purity of heart, open-heartedness, and so on, which have unique evaluation values. Phraseologism is also used to express the meaning of selflessness, devotion to someone or something. For example, Abulkosim aka Mirkhalim aka is a person who does not spare his life (L. Mahmudov). In this sense, the word world is added to the phraseological unit and deformed, which increases the meaning of the whole word in expressing a positive emotional attitude towards the person. The same phraseological unit can be used in various structural changes as a result of the substitution of the verb: (X. Sultonov). The phraseology of self-sacrifice also expresses the meaning of devotion to any work or person to the end, that is, it describes the highest positive qualities of a person: I have planted my soul in the path of goodness Zokirjon (P. Kodirov).
Phraseologism is used to reveal the meaning of self-sacrifice, devotion, emphasizes devotion as a positive human quality: "We must support each other, we must sacrifice our lives for each other (Oybek). In speech, the same phraseological unit can be used in an elliptical form, for example, even if he asks for his life: In
such moments he feels extremely brave and courageous, he was ready to give his life even if someone asked for it (H. Sultanov).
The following phraseological units are used in the Uzbek language to express such characteristics as honesty, decency: pure in heart, pure in heart, open in heart, pure in heart, pure in body, pure in heart, and so on.
Pure phraseology refers to a positive quality of a person, such as sincerity, honesty. In terms of structural and grammatical features, it belongs to qualitative phraseological units because it expresses the qualitative feature of a person. Structurally, this phraseological unit is based on the "horse + quality" (conscientious + pure) model. In speech it is used in different ways: pure in heart, pure in heart. Such phraseological units, which perform a certain methodological function in the language of works of art, serve to reflect the positive quality of the character of the work figuratively, emotionally.
The semantics of the pure phraseological unity of religion show that honesty is manifested in man. In speech, the body of this phraseological unit can be used in its pure form. These phraseological units are structured according to the "horse + quality" model: religion + purity, existence + purity, and quality are included in the category of phraseological units. In the language of works of art, they are used only for the positive characterization of a person, emphasizing the positive qualities of the character, expressing the attitude of the speaker to the interlocutor in an expressive and emotional way. Phraseologisms of this type are used in speech only in the sense of their evaluation. Here are some examples: Thankfully, both the son and the old woman lived honestly, their faith was healthy, their religion was pure (H. Sultanov). Nozimakhan's language was sugar, his eyes, words, body were pure, he could turn simple, lightless moments with a smile into unique holidays (H. Sultanov). In the language of the works of art, a healthy phraseological unit of faith, which is semantically identical with the azeologisms of pure religion or pure body, was used to express the positive quality of honesty. The language uses the phraseological unit of sugar to express the positive attitude of the speaker.
Phraseologism is a phrase that does not come out of a sheep's mouth (literally "a man who does not pull a knife from a sheep", "a man who does not harm a fly"). This phraseological unit is used in speech.
Thus, in the modern Uzbek language, EBFs are widely used, which represent such qualities of a person as honesty, loyalty, devotion, innocence. In the language of fiction, they are used to describe the external or moral appearance of characters, their behavior and attitudes, their social status, and their attitudes toward other images.
Analysis of the phraseological units of this group showed that they are classified as adjectives according to the requirements of structural and grammatical classification. In such phraseological units the leading word is adjectives.
Phraseological units are used to describe a smart, intelligent, agile person in Uzbek: mental, aflatun brain, lightning, seven-dimensional cut, whole mind, high taste, priceless, wide heart, mouth full, young man's flower, musicless . Let's describe some of the FBs in this group.
Phraseologism is used to describe a person's mental ability (intelligent, agile). Phraseological unity with this function also implies respectful consideration of the individual. This phraseological unit is structured according to the "noun + verb" model and is classified as an adjective according to its functional and grammatical features. In speech it can be used in a variety of ways, for example, the mind as a whole, as well as for the positive characterization of a person: Alexei's arrival was very good. The construction required the same kind of flower boys. When he and Toshpulatov exchanged materials, he took a look or two and thought a lot (R. Fayzi). In this example, in addition to the phraseological unit "makes sense", there is also a hand flower that means "jack of all trades". Phraseology is based on the "horse + noun" model, but also refers to quality in terms of structure and grammatical features.
Phraseologism is used to describe a person who is broad-minded (literally, broad-hearted), generous, generous, intelligent, quick, intelligent. Its diversity represents a sign of generosity as a positive quality. The structural diagram of these phraseological units looks like this: "horse + noun", "horse + adjective" and all of them imply adjective phraseological units. In the language of fiction, they are used to express the positive qualities of a character. Here are some examples: - Yes, the ranks of lovers have been renewed, the old generation has been replaced by a new generation, young people without dust, free from heresies, open-hearted (Y. Shamsharov). Even then he held his heart wide and threw the rope long again. Repentance, a man's nerves are so strong, his heart is a river! (Glory). ... But my father was generous and did not like to hurt anyone's heart (M. Koriev).
Phraseologism is used in the following variants to express the positive qualities of a person with high taste (literally high taste): high taste, sharp taste. These phraseological units are based on the "horse + quality" model. In the language of fiction is usually used only to describe the characteristics of positive characters: Gulgaki is so passionate that he looks like a sharp young man, - said the old brigadier Ortikov, - it is not enough to make life rich (R. Fayzi). His delicate nature and high taste were evident in his clothes (R. Fayzi).
Phraseological units that are semantically identical but structurally different can be used to express the positive characteristics of a character. For example, the phraseological unity of the white heart is a sign of honesty and sincerity, which is a positive characteristic of a person. In works of art it is used to express a positive attitude towards a person, as it is facilitated by the presence in the phraseological
unit of a sense of self-assessment that does not depend on the contextual environment:
The phraseology of open heart (literally soul-man) is used to express the meaning of "man with an open soul". The semantic structure of this phraseological unit contains an additional meaning of a positive quality such as human sincerity, which allows this phraseological unit to be used to express the positive qualities of a person in the sense of their evaluation. In terms of structure, this phraseological unit is based on the "quality + horse" model. Here is an example: The girl did not show any obstacles, on the contrary, she welcomed it openly (L. Mahmudov). An open-hearted, generous man (S. Anorboev).
The phraseology, which means "with a sincere, pure heart," is used to describe the positive qualities of a person who is pure in heart (literally, pure in spirit), for example, pure in heart, hardworking without knowing how to look at himself, - said Kamol (E. Usmanov). In fact, a pure-hearted girl. However, in recent times it has changed beyond recognition (E. Usmanov). She is a good girl, pure in heart (Shukhrat).
In the Uzbek language, the phraseological unit of a seven-dimensional cut is used to describe the image of a smart, intelligent, fast person, which means "measure seven times, cut once." You are intelligent, prudent, and have a seven-dimensional edge (Fame).
The verbal phraseological unit of throwing a long rope means "not to rush, to be wise and patient in solving any problem". This phraseological unit expresses the positive qualities of man: Even then he held his heart wide and again threw the rope long. In this sense, the phraseological units of keeping the heart wide and throwing the rope long emphasize the positive qualities of a reasonable, calm person. Structurally, the phraseological unit is based on the "noun + adjective + verb" model.
Some phraseological units in the Uzbek language express positive qualities such as energy, purposefulness, intelligence, for example, limbs (energetic, intelligent, rational). This phraseological unit is built according to the "horse + horse" structure and refers to quality. In the language of fiction, she is used to describe a smart, energetic man: The reward is good - he narrowed his eyes for a moment, then added:
Phraseological units use single-word, truncated words to express positive qualities such as adherence to principles, intelligent, decisive actions. The first is based on the "number + noun" model, the second is "verb + verb". In speech, they are used to express the positive qualities of a man, for example, his mother was a reflection of the Great Old Woman - a one-word, eloquent, cutting-edge woman (H. Sultanov).
The positive quality of a person, such as harmlessness, is expressed in the Uzbek language by the phraseological unit as harmless as music (literally as harmless as gurd). For example: Adash Karvon, the companion of the twenty-seven-year-old tormentor, is now more and more deeply aware of the unappreciated value of the music-loving, mischievous old woman (H. Sultanov).
Analysis of the actual material shows that phraseological units in emotional color are widely used to indicate human evaluation characteristics. Basically, the phraseological units of this group are built on metaphorical components, which can literally represent a particular part of the human or animal body. The basic semantic or figurative nature of such phraseological units is related to the vocabulary that expresses parts of the human or animal body that are capable of figurative expression, as well as the whole object.
Phraseologisms that express a positive human trait often include word components (somatisms) that express body parts. For example: liver, hand, mouth, brain, face, heart, teeth, eyes, fingers; animals: sheep, musicha; things: mill, rope, beds, etc.
Such phraseological units, which are relatively easily used as nominal predicates, have emotional-evaluative meanings, so the value of quality assessment is particularly specific to nominal, qualitative, and verbal phraseological units. Almost all unfinished phraseological units of the material type have an evaluative meaning or are able to express such a meaning.
A number of scientific works have been carried out in the Uzbek language on the study of phraseological units describing the activities and appearance of the individual, but the topic has not been studied monograph in terms of system-integrated anthropocentrism. The conscious communicative speech activity of the speaker is reflected in the lexical units of the language. The analysis of linguistic analysis as an object of human activity, the internal and external landscape of the individual is of particular importance. Already, the laws of human interaction are reflected in the phraseological expressions of a particular language. This situation makes it necessary to analyze the communicative manifestation of the speech statement.
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