of wahhabism, since it applies armed struggle and terrorism for achievement of its aims. It is necessary to stop activities of religious missions, of their branches and of educational institutions, of charitable and other foundations, of military-sportive camps, of individuals propagating ideas of wahhabism or other extremist teachings.
A rather great role in intensification of work of law enforcement bodies directed to counteraction against terrorism and religious extremism was played by creation and realization of the legal basis for prohibition of extremist organizations on the territory of the RF "On Counteraction against Extremist Activities". Thus, the main challenge made by wahhabism is laid not so much in the religious as in the social-political sphere.
Wahhabism in NC has a definite mobilizing ideology and is based on the support of international Islamist organizations and other external forces, which render it a great financial assistance and give it support in the field of cadres and propaganda. Under present conditions, the Islamic extremism is a destabilizing factor aimed at aggravation of inter-religious and internal religious relations, at the split of the Muslim society in Russia, at promotion of national separatism and deterioration of mutual relations between the regional and federal powers.
"Vestnik Severo-Osetinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. K.X. Khetagurova", Vladikavkaz, 2010, N 3, p. 24-29.
Diana Chelpanova,
political scientist (ISEGI of UNTs of RAS)
The instability of the North-Caucasian region demonstrates existence of a number of problems, including particularly economic
backwardness, corruption, inevitably giving ethnic shade to the land and cadres issues, problem of refuges and forced migrants, political tension, terrorism, kidnapping and assassination of peaceful citizens. The population, ignored for a long time by the authorities, intensifies its protest's activity and tries to let the leadership know about existing contradictions by means of meetings, pickets, strikes and even by blocking highways.
From the methodological point of view, the author has chosen the concept of relative deprivation, which perceives the causes of protests as a subjective sense of dissatisfaction in relation to the present. It is possible to speak about deprivation, if the subject lacks a determined level of social wellbeing but wishes to have it, comparing his position relating to this level with the position of other subjects, as well as regards possession of this level of wellbeing as a real and feasible level. Thus, the protest comes forward as an expression of dissatisfaction with some or other situation concerning the subject or subjects. It should be noted that the extreme form of the protest is the revolution and that the authorities should not forget about it when they try to keep silent about it, to suppress the civil initiative. It is easier to solve any problem at the initial stage than to change it to the category of a long-term antagonism, promoting the rise of protest feelings, which often are not predictable.
On the basis of data provided by the territorial organs of the federal executive power in the SFD and the NCFD and 10 Internet sites, there was formed the data base on protest's actions for the period on the territory of the republics in the North-Caucasian Federal District of 2009 and the first half of 2010.
The two factors were used as a basis of classification of actions -the social-economic and the political reasons. The social-economic characteristic of protest's activity characterizes the causes of
dissatisfaction connected with everyday, financial and ecological problems. The political characteristic of the protests reflects dissatisfaction with activities of individual officials, of the separate political institution or with politics as a whole at different levels. At the same time, it is not possible to see the difference between the social-economic and political characteristic of the protest, since often the first protest acquires the form of the second one and vice versa.
The analysis of protest's activity of the population in the North-Caucasian Federal District for the period of 2009-2010 showed that Dagestan occupies the first place in terms of number of protest's actions, North Ossetia-Alania - the second place, while Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachaevo-Cherkessia divide the third place.
Dagestan. For the period of 2009 - January-May 2010, about 8000 people took part in over 50 social-economic actions against electric energy cut off in Makhachkala and about 27 000 people participated in political actions against kidnapping of people and unlawful actions of officials of the law enforcement bodies. The terrorist activities of illegal bandits' formations were going on side by side with the rise of the protests' activities. Dagestan occupies the second place in terms of the number of terrorist acts among the republics of the NCFD (430 registered acts for the mentioned period). The protests' actions are marked by certain features. Together with peaceful forms (meetings and pickets) more radical (forceful) forms of protests were used (40 cases of blockage of local and federal routes, over 5 cases of seizure of electric power substations), which demonstrated the protracted characteristic of unsolved problems.
North Osetia-Alania. The dominant social-economic characteristic of the population's protests' activities distinguishes the republic from the other subjects of the district. About 14000 people took part in over 25 social-economic actions, while less than 500
people participated in political protests' actions. The longest large-scaled action of protests was directed against poisonous effluents of "Elektrozink" plant. One should mention the activities of the regional branch of the CPRF, which periodically organized protest meetings against mass unemployment, rise of prices for goods and services, low level of incomes of the population. The low level of terrorist activities (10 cases - in 2009 and 3 cases for the period from January to May of 2010) and the political stability demonstrate a low level of tension in the republic.
Kabardino-Balkaria. In the republic about 2000 people took part in 7 social-economic actions of protest, while about 10000 people participated in 9 political protest's actions. The protests were mainly directed against "unjust" (to the mind of Balkars) settlement of land issues in the course of determination of the municipal administrative borders, of the territories between villages for the benefit of Kabardins and in case of nomination of representatives of the Kabardin ethnos to various official posts. The protests' activities were also directed against terrorism and kidnapping. It was not accidental, since for the period of 2009 there were registered 46 terrorist acts, while in the period from January to May of 2010 - already 43. The statistics shows the increase of tension in the republic.
Karachayevo-Cherkessia. For 2009-2010 period in the republic, over 3000 people participated in 10 social-economic actions, while about 4000 people took part in 12 political actions of protest. The protests were directed mainly against kidnapping of peaceful citizens, infringement of interests of the Cherkessian people relating to the cadres policy in the republic. The level of the terrorist activity in Karachaevo-Cherkessia is the lowest comparing with other republics in the NCFD, testifying to a more stable situation.
Chechnya. There is no official opposition in the republic, as it is known; however, the unofficial opposition is being formed by the Chechen underground, which is fulfilled by those, who do not agree with the policy, carried out in the republic and who are ready to express it openly. In Chechnya not less than 500 people participated in 3 social-economic actions of protest, and over 2000 people took part in 4 political actions of protest against kidnapping and assassination of peaceful citizens, unlawful activities of law enforcement bodies and terrorism. However, much more meetings took place outside the territory of Chechnya (particularly, against kidnapping and assassination human rights activist N. Estemirova) than in the republic itself. Thus, a small number of protest actions for the analyzed period suggests an idea of someone either about the blocking of information or of the cruelty of the political regime. Unlike the protest activities, the terrorist acts continue to be committed: 245 cases for 2009 and 77 cases for January-May of 2010.
Ingushetia. In the republic about 500 people participated in 9 political actions of protest mainly against kidnapping, while less than 500 people took part in 7 social-economic actions. In spite of recognition by the president of Ingushetia of the official opposition, the trend to close information about it is evident, which makes it impossible actually to appraise the situation. At the same time, the republic occupies the first place in terms of the terrorist activities. Foe the period of 2009, there were registered 430 terrorist acts, and 141 terrorist acts took place from January to May of 2010.
Thus, in the republics of the NCFD there exist many problems, which did not appear instantly but were accumulated for a long time, finally changing for the problems of the category of the prolonged unsolved problems of Russia, and which are used by various political forces. At the same time, there exists a politically non-engaged part of
the society, which upholds its rights and defends its interests. It is necessary to separate these two categories of the population, since representatives of one of them are interested in tension of the situation in the republic, while the representatives of the other category come forward as pathfinders in building civil society. As a result, due to numerous unsolved problems the protest's activity of the population in the republics of the North-Caucasian Federal District is growing.
"Fundamentalnye problemy prostranstvennogo razvitiya Uuga Rossii: Mezhdistsiplinarny sintez", R-na-Donu, 2010, p. 345-348.
Z. Amirova, A. Magomeddaev, political scientists (Makhachkala) THE POLITICAL ISLAM IN DAGESTAN: THE EXTERNAL INFLUENCE ROLE
In 1986 there were 27 mosques at the territory of Dagestan but as of January 1st 2003 according to data of Committee of Dagestan Government there are 1679 mosques with 2400 imams and muezzins, 16 Islamic institutions with 52 affiliates, 141 madrasah, 324 maktabs where 15630 students receive training. Among them there are 4300 persons in maktabs, 5400 - in madrasah and 5930 - in the institutions; there are more than 30000 of Sufis of nakshbandiiskogo, shaliziiskogo and kadiriiskogo tariqat. More than 150 thousands of the Dagestani made a hajj and umrah, about 120 students study in the foreign Islamic institutions. The hundreds of the young graduates of the foreign Islamic institutions have already returned in the republic.
During 90-ss one can observe a new upsurge in the activity of the extremist terrorist organizations and movements holding religious-ethnic position and achieving mainly their ideological and moral