THE PROCESS OF TEACHING A FOREIGN (ENGLISH) LANGUAGE IN NON-LANGUAGE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
problems / tasks / methods / principles / motivation / learning process / foreign (English) language.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ivanenko V.

The article examines the main problems and tasks in the process of teaching a foreign (English) language in non-linguistic universities. The main methods and principles of the organization of the educational process are presented. The question of motivation, which, as is known, is directly related to the effectiveness of learn-ing, methods of forming the motivation of students to master a foreign language both during the educational and non-academic process, as any cognitive process is based on the desire to learn a foreign culture, is consid-ered.

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PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES / «<g©yL©(MUM~J©U©MaL» #«©)), 2©21

UDC 378.091.3:811.111

Ivanenko V. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-4151-8194) Military Institute of Armoured Forces of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute ",

Kharkiv, Ukraine DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2023-1160-36-38 THE PROCESS OF TEACHING A FOREIGN (ENGLISH) LANGUAGE IN NON-LANGUAGE



The article examines the main problems and tasks in the process of teaching a foreign (English) language in non-linguistic universities. The main methods and principles of the organization of the educational process are presented. The question of motivation, which, as is known, is directly related to the effectiveness of learning, methods offorming the motivation of students to master a foreign language both during the educational and non-academic process, as any cognitive process is based on the desire to learn a foreign culture, is considered.

Key words: problems, tasks, methods, principles, motivation, learning process, foreign (English) language.

Statement of the problem: the process of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic universities (that is, a higher educational institution where a foreign (English) language is not a major) primarily reflects the history and process of changing approaches and priorities to teaching a foreign (English) language in search of the most effective and acceptable scientific and methodical activity. However, this process of teaching a foreign (English) language in higher educational institutions must be considered in the broad context of what is happening on the world stage in general and in the field of professional education in particular, since the need for modernization and improvement is due to the need to adapt the higher education system to socio-economic the needs of society. The opinion and assertion that mastering a foreign (English) language is an integral condition for the success and competitiveness of a modern specialist in the labor market has long been accepted by society. The use of a foreign (English) language for professional purposes has become a necessity for specialists in engineering specialties whose activities are directly related to the world market. In turn, the situation on the world market and the desire of our country to fully integrate into the world community as an equal participant force us to move from simple acceptance of this statement to its full acceptance and implementation. In practice, we can state that the level and quality of training of engineering specialists does not always meet the requirements. One of the factors that make it difficult for our engineering specialists to enter the world market is the low level of foreign (English) language proficiency. In the modern conditions, a foreign (English) language should be considered not as a secondary discipline, but as a necessary tool of professional activity, as academic and labor mobility, uniform international educational standards, joint international research and production activities are impossible without a high level of foreign language proficiency (in English.)

It can be said that, in general, a non-systematic approach prevails, there is no theoretically substantiated and practically tested model of such training. In the conditions of the reform of higher education, the ab-

sence of guidelines and standards has become practically the norm. It is easy to make sure of this by carefully examining the educational materials and manuals offered today by the foreign language departments of numerous universities. Compilers of such textbooks forget about the main task of training specialists - obtaining essential professional and socially oriented skills and communication skills in a multinational environment. Often, the educational materials of non-linguistic higher education institutions are dominated by purely linguistic elements taken from the textbooks of philological higher education institutions, which are not directly related to the tasks of professional training of the future specialist.

Summary of the main material: during the analysis of students' mastery of a foreign language, it was found that international criteria, and the criteria of the requirements of the state educational standard of higher education, require a higher level of foreign (English) language proficiency for engineers.

In connection with all of the above, it is possible to single out the main barrier that affects the mastering of a foreign language, the requirement of the state educational standard of higher education - the low quality of foreign language competence of applicants. Linguistic, or language, competence involves the possession of a system of information about the studied language at different levels - phonetic, lexical, the level of word structure and word formation, morphological, the level of syntax of simple and complex sentences, stylistic. [5; 2]

A student has linguistic competence if he has an idea of the system being studied and can use this system in practice, using all morphological and syntactic transformations in his speech. However, in practice, students entering a technical university do not have basic foreign language knowledge, skills and abilities. Unfortunately, this trend is characteristic of all institutes providing bachelor's and master's training in non-linguistic areas. Without a strong base of formed language skills and abilities, which we talked about above, it is impossible to develop conversational skills, terminological base, ability to read quickly and other communicative, linguistic and intercultural competences.



However, the goal of an engineering university should not include teaching a basic level of a foreign language. This task must be solved at the stage of school preparation, which is why continuity and systematicity are so important in the reform of general and professional education. In spite of all the listed problems, foreign language departments of technical universities are looking for ways of the most effective teaching of a foreign language and a professional foreign language with the minimum number of hours allocated to this discipline and the low level of language proficiency of school graduates. Thus, the institutes put into practice the division of students into subgroups according to their level of foreign language proficiency, which is determined in the first classes by testing methods. This makes it possible to provide the most effective teaching of a foreign (English) language both for students who have a basic level of the language and for an advanced level within the framework of one program. [4, p. 9]

An important role in mastering the language being studied is played by independent work of students, for which mandatory hours are allocated in the work program. Classroom hours, allocated in the basic cycle for teaching a foreign language, are used in the first two years of study and are spent mainly on "raising" the language level of the main mass of students. For most of them, the question of learning a professional foreign language is not worth it at all. Such a number of hours is clearly not enough to master all the competencies required of a modern European-level engineer. Most often, the problem of lack of classroom hours is solved by the so-called variable component, which provides for practical classes in a professional foreign language by teachers of specialized departments. Such classes, as a rule, are devoted to the consideration of problems directly related to the training profile, and assume the discussion of these problems at a higher, professional level. [3, p. 25]

Therefore, as one of the solutions to this problem, a large volume of foreign language learning material is assigned to the student's independent work, which he must perform outside the framework of classroom classes. For this purpose, online versions of laboratory works of various levels have been developed, both for first-year students and for students studying a professional foreign language. There is an opportunity to work independently in the language classroom, which is equipped with special audiovisual equipment.

Also, insufficient motivation of students to master a foreign language plays a very important role. Motivation, as is known, is directly related to the effectiveness of training. Any cognitive process is based on the desire to learn about a foreign culture. Low motivation to learn a foreign language is largely based on the negative experience of learning it at the level of secondary education. Students, having entered higher education, often do not see the scope of application of a foreign language in their future profession, as they simply do not yet imagine their professional future. Low motivation to learn a foreign language is also due to the limitation of its application in educational, industrial, and

also in real life conditions. And here for higher education, for specialized departments and departments of foreign languages, there is a wide field of activity in the field of establishing international educational and research contacts, joint international projects, academic exchanges, etc. Many teachers agree that there is no need to teach students a foreign language taking into account the specifics of the subject, to offer them samples of high-level professional texts, relying on the fact that in their practical activities, sooner or later, they will encounter the terminology and "adapt" to communication with foreign colleagues. It is difficult to agree with such arguments. Higher education provides the ability of future specialists to communicate in an intercultural linguistic environment, which means to possess, on an equal basis with their colleagues, professional terminology and the necessary skills of international business communication

Another effective (from the point of view of increasing students' motivation) method is projects, festivals, theaters, scientific and practical conferences, which are organized on the basis of the institute by departments of foreign languages. This type of event not only increases students' motivation to learn a foreign language, but also contributes to the development of communication and presentation skills, teamwork skills, and other competencies necessary for a future engineer. It should be borne in mind that all extracurricular activities require quite a lot of time for preparation. But even participation in competitions with a minimal language component gives the student a sense of achievement, which multiplies in the case of winning a prize. Success and attention are associated with the English language, which contributes to the growth of motivation. This growth is especially noticeable in the case of group work of students when preparing speeches. Joint creativity unites and gives additional importance to the unifying beginning, which, in particular, in the conditions of the competition, is the need to master certain linguistic phenomena, no matter how insignificant they may be. [1, p. 482]

Conclusion: certainly, solving this problem requires a comprehensive, systemic approach, which involves reforming the systems of general and higher ed-ucation.The experience of teaching a foreign (English) language and a professional foreign language in higher education institutions shows the need to increase the number of classroom hours devoted to the study of the latter, the introduction of intensive methods and technologies of learning that are as close as possible to real communicative situations of professional and academic orientation, ensuring the continuity of language training between juniors and senior courses of bachelor's and master's degrees. Close cooperation with specialized departments is an important condition for high-quality training of students of technical universities in a professional foreign language. In part, the solution of these tasks is within the power of one department of foreign languages, but without a serious analysis, full cooperation with the professional department and modernization of the language training system as a whole, their solution seems impossible to us.




1. Аксьонова Н. В., Шепетшський Д. В. Ор-ган1зац1я позааудиторно1' роботи студентш як мотивация до вивчення англшсько1' мови в технчному ВНЗ // Молодий вчений. - 2014. - №7. - С. 481-483.

2. Боброва Т. О. Сучасш пвдходи у формуванш лшгвктично1, комушкативно1' та мiжмовноï компе-тенцш у навчанш шоземно1' мови у вищому нав-чальному заклад1 [Електронний ресурс]. URL: http://cprsob.ru/load/21-1-0-91.

3. Вагша 1.В. Поршняльний анал1з систем про-фесiйноï освгги Росiï' i Франци. // Наука i школа. -М.: МПГУ. - 2010. - №.6 - С. - 25-26

4. Похолков Ю. П. Пдходи до формування нацiональноï доктрини iнженерноï освiти Росп в умовах ново1' iндустрiалiзацü' // 1нженерна освiта. Томськ, 2012. № 9. С. 5-11.

5 Портал Федеральних державних освiтнiх стандарта [Електронний ресурс]. URL: http://cprsob.ru/load/21-1-0-91 http://fgo svo. ru/fgo svo/92/91/4/94

УДК 378

Karabitskova N. O.

Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy



Карабтськова Н.О.

Укра'тська ¡нженерно-педагоггчна академ1я



The article reveals the problem of communication in the information society. First of all, it concerns the educational sphere, because it is designed to provide a comprehensive preparation of a person for modern life in the world of the most diverse connections, communicative possibilities of social relations. Professional communication is the main form of the pedagogical process, the productivity of which is conditioned by the goals and values of communication accepted by all its subjects as the norm of individual behavior. It unfolds in the process ofjoint communicative activity of people (subject-subject interaction), mediated by the mutual exchange of information, during which each of its participants learns common human experience, social, pedagogical, communicative, moral and other values, knowledge and methods of communicative activity, discovers, reveals and develops his own mental qualities, is formed as a person and as a subject of communication. In this sense, communicative activity is a prerequisite for the formation of the teacher's creative personality.


У cmammi розкрито проблему комунтацп в тформацшному eycnrnbcmei. Насамперед, вона сто-суеться освтньог сфери, адже покликана забезпечити ece6i4Hy тдготовку людини до сучасного життя у œrni найрiзномантнiших зв 'язюв, комунтативних можливостей сустльних вiдносин. Професшна ко-мунiкацiя е основною формою nедагогiчного процесу, продуктивнiсть якого обумовлюеться цшями й цт-ностями стлкування, прийнятими вама його суб'ектами за норму iндивiдуальноï поведiнки. Розгор-таеться вона у процес стльно'1 комункативно'1 дiяльностi людей, опосередковано'1 взаемообмтом тфор-мащею, за яко'1 кожен i-з його учасниюв засвоюе загальнолюдський досвiд, суспiльнi, педагогiчнi, комунiкативнi, моральнi та iншi цiнностi, знання й способи комуткативно'1 дiяльностi, виявляе, розкривае й розвивае власнi психiчнi якостi, формуеться як особисткть i як суб 'ект комуткаци. У цьому сена ко-мунiкативна дiяльнiсть е передумовою формування творчо'1 особистостi педагога.

Keywords: communication, creative personality, communicative interaction, pedagogical language of the teacher, professional competence, linguistics, language culture.

Ключовi слова: стлкування, творча особисткть, комунгкативна ттеракцгя, педагоггчна мова вчи-теля, професшна компетентнкть, лтгвктика, культура мови.

Communication is an integral part of a teacher's professional activity. Scientists consider pedagogical communication as a general psychological basis for the formation of a harmoniously developed creative personality.

At the current stage of the development of the Ukrainian state, the problem of creating such an educational system, which would ensure the formation of a new type of personality, a personality with a high level of spirituality and culture, the ability to think creatively,

to determine one's position, is of particular importance and relevance among others, flexibly respond to changes in the environment and create them yourself. One of the tasks of the modernization of education in Ukraine is the formation of a speaking personality, which would have the skills and abilities to freely and creatively use language means when expressing their needs, interests, and intentions. Therefore, the problem of training personnel in the field of preschool education, designed to ensure the education of an active

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