УДК 159.922.27.316.6-057.875
Хворостянко Н.А.
Национальный педагогический университет имени М.П.Драгоманова
DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-27114-21-24
Khvorostianko N.A.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
В статье рассматривается феномен «социальная инициативность» как предмет психологических исследований. Целью статьи является теоретический анализ научных исследований социальной инициативности студенческой молодежи. Автором статьи, предоставляется историческая периодизация развития социальной инициативности в психологический науке. Задачи исследования заключались в толковании термина «социальная инициативность», определении роли социальной инициативности студенческой молодежи в психологической науке. Предоставляется перечень внутренних и внешних факторов и их основные характеристики, которые неотъемлемо влияют на социальную инициативность молодежи. Выделяется компоненты, которые составляют социальную инициативность личности.
The article considers the phenomenon of «social initiative» as a subject of psychological research. The aim of the article is a theoretical analysis of scientific research of social initiatives of student youth. The author of the article provides a historical periodization of the development of the social initiative in psychological science. The objectives of the study were to interpret the term «social initiative», to define the role of the social initiative of student youth in psychological science. The list of internal and external factors and their main characteristics which inherently influence the social initiative of youth is provided. The components which make up the social initiative of the person are allocated.
Ключевые слова: инициативность, инициатива, социальная инициативность, активность, студенты, компоненты социальной инициативности.
Keywords: initiative, initiative, social initiative, activity, student youth, components of social initiative.
Nowadays, the number of youth associations, movements, and organizations has increased, the main part of which is student youth, which seeks to fully influence important processes in the country and abroad. In this regard, the process of socio-psychological development of young people is becoming increasingly important because it promotes the development of such qualities as responsibility for the task, initiative and independence, the formation of organizational skills, leadership skills, active social position.
Students as a socio-psychological category are characterized by the peculiarities of all spheres of life. The main task for student youth is to gain knowledge and prepare for future professional activities. Modernization of higher education requires an increase in the demands of modern society for the professional competence of future professionals, so educational standards offer a significant increase in the volume of independent work of applicants. Independent work, in turn, involves the presence of initiative in students. The need for higher education institutions to develop students' social skills, such as socially active behavior, communication skills, leadership skills, determination, counteraction in conflict situations, leads to the importance of social initiative of young people. Student years are
characterized not only by educational activities but also by culture and mass. Extracurricular, social work creates optimal conditions for the formation of social initiative and active life position of the individual. The development of the social initiative of the future specialist is one of the urgent problems of higher education, as the social initiative is an integral quality of a modern competitive personality.
Psychological features, formation, and development of social initiative of student youth become an important problem of modernity, a decisive factor of progressive development. The social initiative is not only a socially necessary phenomenon but also has a deeply individual aspect that requires its study at the level of a particular individual. Own positions in relation to various events of society, the desire to participate in socioeconomic and political processes, which are embodied in socially useful and socially significant activities and involve various forms of collective self-organization, determine the formation of social initiative in young people. The initiative is the most important manifestation and prerequisite for the social activity of modern youth. The social initiative is important in self-determination, self-realization, and self-determination of the individual.
Theoretical analysis of the scientific literature revealed that the term «initiative» began to be used long ago, and the meaning of this term varied depending on the norms of society. Even in ancient Greece, Aristotle and Plato, in their treatises, used the concept of «initiative» in a religious context. And in the VII century. B.C. in Athens, the concept of «initiative» developed in parallel with the emergence of democracy and political elections. The Athenians had public initiators, ie people who exercised their right to express their opinion to the ruling elite and were responsible for it. In the fourteenth - sixteenth centuries. cultural values began to precede other social views. The initiative was considered in line with the harmonious development of personality, which combined spiritual wealth and physical perfection [13].
The founder of classical liberalism and the author of the concept of «civil society», J. Locke, noted that the source of public life is free initiative. According to him, the free initiative is an economic and politically uncontrolled activity of people . One of the founders of political philosophy, T. Hobbes, believed that if people lived in the same conditions, they would have the same mind. The only component of personality that distinguishes people from each other - initiative or, conversely, not initiative. Instead, in the mid-nineteenth century, the founder of functional psychology, J. Dewey used the concept of «freedom of initiative», which arises as a characteristic of a person who seeks to improve living conditions. The initiative, the author believed, is the result of education. The French psychologist, T. Ribeau, studying the dynamic features of the manifestation of initiative, considered it as a volitional quality of personality. The scientist studied the pathological states of initiative, linking them with the insufficient process of arousal, which is manifested in the inability of the individual to complete the activity. J. Peyo, studying volitional processes and their education, identified qualities opposite to initiative, namely -passivity and laziness. The initiative, the scientist identified with the activity of the individual [6; 7; 10].
The concept of «initiative» was mentioned in the work of A.S. Makarenko «Methods of organizing the educational process». The scientist-educator believed that initiative is expressed in the willingness of the individual, at his own request, to perform a particular activity. The emergence of initiative, according to A.S. Makarenko, occurs only when there is a specific task, responsibility for its implementation, and the requirements of society [8]. D.B. Epiphany considered initiative as a qualitative characteristic of mental development, which provides the formation of intellectual abilities of the individual. The scientist identifies 3 stages of the initiative: «self-acceptance»; «Decision-making to solve a specific problem»; own solution to the problem. The researcher considers the ability to take responsibility to be the highest manifestation of initiative. S.L. Rubinstein, considering the personality, singled out two signs of the initiative: a large number and brightness of new plans and ideas; the versatility of imagination, which depicts emotionally attractive prospects for the initiative personality [11]. AI Vysotsky, in his research, determined the ratio of manifestations of initiative in
various spheres of activity, namely in education, sports, public (social). Based on this, the scientist identified the criteria for assessing initiative: strength, resilience, breadth, and direction. In his opinion, the initiative is an integrated quality of personality, which is formed together with the moral, intellectual, emotional development of personality [4].
V.I. Selivanov, studying the general structure of personality, believed that the will is an independent mental process and emphasized the interaction of the will with the intellect and emotions. Based on this, the scientist defines initiative as a property associated with well-developed social activity, ability, and ability of man of his own free will to perform actions and deeds. V.I. Abramenko, considering the patterns of character development and the conditions of its formation in adolescents, identifies and describes the initiative as one of the main features of character [2].
K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavska defines initiative as anticipatory external requirements, or counter to the free activity of the subject, which is phenomenologi-cally expressed in the beginnings, the beginnings of personality [3].
According to T. S. Borisova, activity and initiative - interconnected and interdependent concepts. The initiative is a prerequisite for the emergence of personal activity, without initiative it is difficult to imagine an active, active, independent, self-realized and responsible person. S. S. Gil considers the concept of «initiative» as a form of manifestation of their own needs and a real tool used in the everyday life of young people, a way of interacting with social reality [5].
Psychologist E. G. Erickson defines initiative as a feature of behavior necessary to perform a certain task together with others. The social initiative is interpreted by scientists as a «leading role in any action», ie leadership, activation of others [14].
Exploring the social interest (the spirit of solidarity, community, the ability to take an interest in other people and participate in public life) A. Adler noted that the social initiative combines individual and social. Their coherence depends on the degree of development of social feelings, which endowed the individual with nature. A. Adler reveals the concept of social interest through social feelings, thoughts, behavior and believes that it is «an innate ability that must be developed» [1].
Considering social initiative, S.V. Tetersky noted that a socially enterprising person is able to work and be active. The author defined social initiative as an integrated quality of personality, the end result of which is the achievement of the goal. The social initiative is aimed not only at achieving their own goals, but also the goals of society and the state as a whole. The presence of such a quality in a person speaks of the ability to solve problems independently, readiness for active activity, and focus on spiritual, moral, and material well-being [12].
O.B. Nenarokova believes that social initiative is an integrated quality of personality, which is characterized by the ability to take active, conscious, and independent actions. Actions take place voluntarily by a person in order to transform the surrounding reality in the interests of society. The reason for the emergence
of the social initiative is the desire of the individual to cooperate with other people, and the result - the solution of social or personal problems, as well as self-affirmation.
O.B. Inadvertently identified the components of the social initiative:
• novelty, warning in solving social problems and contradictions;
• leadership in finding and applying new ways to transform social reality;
• ability to overcome the old;
• voluntary nature of the activity;
• creative activity;
• ability to take responsibility [9].
Based on the analysis of psychological research, it is advisable to identify the main factors influencing the formation of the social initiative of student youth. Factors influencing social initiative can be divided into two major groups: intrapersonal, which are inherent in a particular individual; external or environmental factors.
External factors include: family relations, educational process (teacher-student relationship, studentstudent relationship), professional activity (relations in the professional team) and socio-political participation. In addition to external factors, an important role is played by the psychological characteristics of the individual, which are manifested in social initiative. In student youth, the main psychological features are cognitive properties, emotions, will, values, motivation and ideas about behavior. Based on this, the internal factors influencing the formation of social initiative are the following components: cognitive (cognitive), emotional-volitional, value-motivational and behavioral (cona-tive).
Family relations are one of the most important factors influencing the formation of socially enterprising youth. The family is a small society, because it creates and develops the first signs of social initiative of the individual. At a young age, a large number of people move away from relationships with their parents, instead starting their own families. This is an important factor in the social life of the individual, because it creates a new social situation that plays an important role for young people and leads to social independence, self-confidence, self-realization and more.
Educational activity, as a factor of social initiative, is expressed in the level of initiative of young people during their acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in higher education institutions. Currently, university applicants can be involved in social life to varying degrees. For this purpose, an educational process has been created and set up, which includes educational activities, entry of individuals into student associations, attending courses, clubs and other active activities.
The crisis in the economic situation has led to a large number of young people who are forced to work to support themselves. A young man can combine study and professional activities, as well as work without studying. The sphere of professional activity has a very significant impact on the social initiative of young people. After all, depending on the profession, the individual can be proactive or passive object of social activity.
Statistics show that the majority of active NGOs are young people. Also, a large number of young people actively participate in the political life of society (political elections, political parties, organizations, etc.). Therefore, young people form an initiative sociopolitical position, which affects the political and social state of the country, as well as each individual.
Internal factors are components that shape the social initiative of the individual. One of the internal factors that affect social initiative is cognitive. A component of the cognitive component is considered to be social identification, which includes socio-reflexive expectations of young people about the social initiative of other individuals. Young people seek to find their social role in society, to have an idea and knowledge of its nature and features.
The development of the emotional and volitional sphere of youth is based on the idea of the social initiative of the individual. And also on the ability to assess and respond to the personal social situation, role, place of the young man in society. Also important is the ability of young people to apply emotions and volitional qualities in society.
The value-motivational component is reflected in young people's perceptions of social values and motives. Even more important is the ability of young people to make the right choice of values, which will lead to a positive social situation.
Readiness for social action or the idea of the direct initiative includes a behavioral component. That is, young people who seek social initiative must imagine and be ready for it.
It is important to note that only the relationship of all factors and components can provide a complete picture of the formation of the social initiative of young people. After all, each of them has its own uniqueness and manifests itself in different ways in student youth.
In addition to the theoretical analysis of the foreign and lasting activity, it has been revealed that social innovation is an integral part of the specialty, which is the sense of the specialty up to the really significant need for social activity, the form
An important practical moment in the theoretical advance of the problem of social innovation is the development of systems and factors and components in the formation of social innovation of young people. The development of social innovation is at the same time the need for day-to-day life, as it is characterized by high intensity and activity of suspension processes.
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