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Submitted: 30.10.2017 Received: 03.11.2017
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Authors information:
Anatoliy A. Opletin - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29, Komsomol Avenue, Perm, 614990, Russia, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, 101, Ekaterininskaya str., Perm, 614990, Russia
For citations: Opletin A.A. Knowledge of theory and art history use in practical activity at physical culture lessons, The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Pshycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 63-66. DOI 10/14526/04 2017 266.
DOI 10/14526/04_2017_278
Anatoliy A. Opletin - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29, Komsomol Avenue, Perm, 614990, Russia Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, 101, Ekaterininskaya str., Perm, 614990, Russia Valeriy D. Panachev - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), 29, Komsomol avenue, 29, Perm, 614990, Russia
E-mail: [email protected]
Annotation. The article is about the question of the Olympic education use in the educational process during physical culture lessons for students' personality self-development, about students' upbringing, based on the best traditions, included into the Olympic movement. Moreover, the ways of its development and support in educational-upbringing process in terms of higher educational establishments are offered. Material. This article presents the results, which help to use potentialities of the Olympic movement in educational process of a higher educational establishment during
personality self-development formation at physical culture lessons. Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis, concerning the problem of the research, educational-upbringing work in terms of a higher educational establishment, conversation, pedagogical observation. Results. The material of the Olympic movement is created and introduced into educational process of physical culture, which provides personality self-development and self-realization in society. Conclusion. The held research works prove the fact that the Olympic education use in educational process of University students is an important aspect of general culture of society and students. Physical culture lessons are beyond the scope of professional-applied competencies, forming simultaneously social and intersubjective competencies. Keywords: potentialities, students, physical culture, Olympic education.
Introduction.The aim of the state, educational establishments, scientists in modern social-economic transformations is to train competent in the sphere of health, spiritually and morally developed young people, who are aimed at self-development and self-realization in modern society [1,2,3,4,5]. Our ancestors had the experience of health priority formation in society. For example, ancient Greece is known for its upbringing system, which is based on the idea of a person's harmonious development. Any equal in rights citizen of that country, if he wanted to play some role in the state, was to go in for sports. Analogy for our country was RLD complex (ready for labor and defense), which was presented as the program of physical training and the system of patriotic upbringing of young people. RLD complex was introduced in 1931 and existed till 1991, was revived in 2014. RLD complex was fulfilled by people of the following age range: from 10 to 60 years-old. The analogy for army was Military-sports RLD complex. RLD complex was the base for the future sportsmen, including the participants and winners of the Olympic Games.
The main initiator of the Olympic Games creation and organization Pierre de Coubertin said: "Modern world has great opportunities and also dangerous weaknesses, taking this into consideration the Olympic ideas should become one of the schools of noble, real principles and moral purity, undoubtedly physical, spiritual power and energy". The Olympic movement is an important part of humanity culture, that is why
it becomes the main aspect of any education of a cultural patriot and citizen of Motherland.
The Olympic movement is the mostwidescale and well-known display of a social movement in the world. The aim is not only in a person's physical development, but also in his spiritual and moral upbringing development.
In changing society a healthy life style is very important because of a low health level among population. It can be proved by the research works held at higher educational establishments of Perm and Perm region [2,3], which showed that 65% of students, who study at higher educational establishments have a very low health level and physical readiness [4]. The Olympic education becomes more popular in involvement students into sport and also forms a realized healthy life style and is important for society.
Different countries try to give population knowledge ofOlympism and involve people into sports activity. Possible programs and projects, connected with the Olympic movement, are created in order to form a positive attitude to physical culture, sports and a healthy life style. One of the examples is Recommendation № 588 (1970), "Sport for all people" movement, which was adopted by the European parliament in 1970. Such kind of sports directions are developed in the USA and Western Europe. Normative documents, adopted during recent years in Russia ("Strategy of physical culture and sport development in the Russian Federation during the period till 2020"), Federal Law N 392-03 on 22nd of November, 2016 "On changes incorporation inthe Criminal Code of the
Russian Federation and the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (in terms of responsibility increase foranti-dote rules violation)" Federal Law№ 396-03 on 22nd of November, 2016 "On changes incorporation in the Federal Law "On physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation" in the part of highest achievements sport and professional sport regulation"), aim a personality at self-development in the sphere of physical culture and sport.
The aim of this research work was to study the roles of the Olympic movement in modern world and a student's personality development on its base.
Research methods: literature analysis, educational-upbringing work study at a higher educational establishment, conversations with the teaching staff and students.
Research results and their discussion. In the works of native sociologists and teachers it is mentioned that students are often interested in information about Olympism (58%) [2]. On the basis of this the Olympic education plays a great upbringing role in the life of students.
Different social problems and an insufficient upbringing work with young people prevent a healthy life style development in society. For this purpose a special educational course "The Olympic movement and professional sport" was created.
The Olympic education is focused on the problems solution, which are directly connected with motivation for sport formation and development and also with the need of students for sports events and sport. The Olympic education is successfully introduced into educational-upbringing activity and provides effective solution of the following objectives:
•the volume of knowledge increase, concerning physical culture and sport, interest increase in sport among students;
•the notion formation of sport importance in life of every person;
•many -sided and harmonious personality formation [1,3].
The Olympic education should be provided for information-methodical support. It can be realized either with the help of a special elective course, or with the help of physical upbringing department and can be held according to different directions [2,3,4]:
Museums and the rooms of the Olympic education are created in educational establishments of Perm and Perm region, which support the Olympic education. The rooms give students an opportunity to get acquainted with the photographs of the Olympic champions, literature (printed and digital), watch documentary with clarifying titles and off-screen voice, presentations and etc.
Students, who study at sports faculty at the Olympic reserve school, have a special course, which is based on the Olympic movement study and they also get acquainted with the history of the Olympiad during scientific disciplines study. Owing to different aspects of physical culture study young people explore the history of The Olympic Games and their traditions.
Attending competitions and taking part in them is the obligatory part of the Olympic education program.
Physical culture teachers, trainers of different kinds of sport play an important role in the Olympic education of students, who actively go in for sports. The Olympic traditions and sports achievements of the Olympiad participants study is an important component of the Olympic education and a student's theoretical knowledge.
Higher educational establishments have the opportunities of the Olympic movement mastering during different disciplines teaching and study.
For example:
•students-biologists on the basis of the exercises from the Olympic sport can fulfill different analyses of a health state;
•the students of physico-mathematical faculty can try to make mathematical and dynamic calculations of sportsmen's trainings
at a higher educational establishment, studying their physical state;
•for students-psychologists the discipline "Sports psychology" and the knowledge of different kinds of sport and their specificity will be very useful;
•students-philologists will be interested in literary works («Одаспорту» ПьерадеКубертена), they will be able to widen their outlook of sports achievements of Russia writing different stories and essays about the Olympic Games;
•students-legislators can study and analyze thecharter;
• students of culture Institute can write scripts for mass sports events, shoot films and create other art-cultural values on the basis of the Olympic theme, which will glorify sport and the Olympic traditions.
- the Olympic education nowadays is an important aspect of our society general culture in personality involvement into physical culture, sport and a healthy life style;
- the importance of the Olympic education is revealed in the upbringing of young people;
- the ways of the Olympic education formation and development in the activity of higher educational establishments are presented [3, 4].
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Authors information:
Anatoliy A. Opletin - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29, Komsomol Avenue, Perm, 614990, Russia, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, 101, Ekaterininskaya str., Perm, 614990, Russia
Valeriy D. Panachev - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), 29, Komsomol avenue, 29, Perm, 614990, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]
For citations: Opletin A.A., Panachev V.D. Potentialities of the Olympic education in self-development of university students, The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Pshycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 60-70. DOI 10/14526/04_2017_278.
DOI 10/14526/04_2017_267
Yuri M. Postnov - Postgraduate Lyubov I. Kostyunina - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Elena A. Kolbeneva - the Head of the Scientific-Research Center of Socially Dangerous
Phenomena of Society Prevention Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named after I.N. Ulyanov Square of the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth, House 4, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia
E-mail: [email protected]
Annotation. New standards of convicts custody demand a system character of the resocialization process, complex interaction between a correctional institution and the representatives of social-pedagogical help service, educational establishments. It is necessary to improve social-pedagogical component of the upbringing influences, reconsider the ideology of the main means of convicts reeducation use on the basis of modern scientifically substantiated approaches to this problem, the search for the forms of net interaction organization between a pedagogical higher educational establishment and a correctional institution, more varied use of axiological potential of physical culture. Materials. The article is about an innovative direction of the upbringing work effectiveness increase among convicts on the basis of a system organized mutual physical-sports activity, socially-oriented projects realization together with students, volunteers, teachers, the leading scientists of a higher educational establishment. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, psychological-pedagogical testing, mathematical-statistical data handling. Results. Nowadays different variants of interaction between the specialists of psychological, social services, the head staff and social institutions, social-state unions are formed inside correctional institutions. However, not always realized mutual events lead to qualitative changes and positive results in changing convicts and their resocialization. According to the authors, an important condition for the effectiveness increase of the resocialization process among convicts is social-pedagogical, physical-sports activity organization during different mutual projects, which will condition the opportunity to create a favorable social-cultural, upbringing environment of the correctional institution, which provides conditions for a positive communication of convicts with students-volunteers, students-sportsmen, who had achieved considerable sports results and who have formed axiological attitude to life artifacts, realize own responsibility for personal and professional