Научная статья на тему 'Mechanism of disciplinary physical sports competency and self-development competency formation by means of physical culture'

Mechanism of disciplinary physical sports competency and self-development competency formation by means of physical culture Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
physical culture / upbringing / competencies / self-developing activity

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Аnatoly А. Opletin

The article is about the mechanism of physical-sports competencies formation during physical culture lessons in terms of higher education on the basis of experimental program with the use of traditional and non-traditional methods of physical culture. Material. The article is about the question of the physical-sports competencies and personality self-development competency mechanism formation at physical culture lessons. Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis, pedagogical observation, questionnaire survey, experiment. Results. The created mechanism of physical-sports competencies formation is able to involve students into cognitive process with the emphasis on physical and social-moral self-development of a personality, in interdisciplinary and disciplinary competencies formation. Conclusion. Held experiment proves, that the created mechanism of physical-sports competencies formation is scientifically substantiated and provides physical and psychological steadiness of students’ personality in any life situations and gained by students competencies at physical culture lessons are not only professional-applied, but also vital.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Mechanism of disciplinary physical sports competency and self-development competency formation by means of physical culture»

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_184


Anatoly A. Opletin — candidate of pedagogics, associate professor Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29, Komsomolsky prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. The article is about the mechanism of physical-sports competencies formation during physical culture lessons in terms of higher education on the basis of experimental program with the use of traditional and non-traditional methods of physical culture. Material. The article is about the question of the physical-sports competencies and personality self-development competency mechanism formation at physical culture lessons. Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis, pedagogical observation, questionnaire survey, experiment. Results. The created mechanism of physical-sports competencies formation is able to involve students into cognitive process with the emphasis on physical and social-moral self-development of a personality, in interdisciplinary and disciplinary competencies formation. Conclusion. Held experiment proves, that the created mechanism ofphysical-sports competencies formation is scientifically substantiated and provides physical and psychological steadiness of students' personality in any life situations and gained by students competencies at physical culture lessons are not only professional-applied, but also vital.

Keywords: physical culture, upbringing, competencies, self-developing activity.

Introduction. Physical-sports

competencies (PSC), as professional culture, are correlated today with the standards of modern education in the Russian Federation, educational standards of generation 3 plus in formation of professional competencies among students. Competence based paradigm of education, in our research, considers physical culture lessons relative to a student and his educational process in the sphere of teaching as relatively independent, self-developing pedagogical system, directed to personality self-development. Self-development competency formation level in the research is considered by us as a student's personality development, directed to purposeful motivation and self-development, different techniques mastering in the sphere of self-regulation, self-control, activity during personality formation and self-creation, where together with physical development of a student, his health preservation and improvement, not only the questions of feelings, volition, mind upbringing, but also

the questions of social-moral orientations were solved

[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]. Physical culture (PC), physical upbringing (PU), sport (S) of students, together with other educational disciplines, form the most important component of education at higher educational establishments. It is stated, that high health level, physical fitness, formed interdisciplinary, disciplinary competencies in the sphere of PC guarantees success in professional and lobour activity of the future bachelors [4,6,8,9,13]. The aim of PC, PU among bachelors, according to a modern paradigm of education, competence based approach, is the necessity to form physical-sports competencies and personality self-development competency [4,5,8,13]. Educational process modernization of bachelors' PC, PU and S is discussed in the works of the following scientists: V.K. Balsevich, A.N. Bleer, Z.M. Kuznetsova, L.I. Lubysheva, V.S. Makeeva, I.V. Manzheley, V.V. Markelov, S.Y. Makhov, A.A. Opletin,

V.D. Panachev, S.A. Polievskiy and others [1,2,5,6,11,14]. However, as modern research works showed, the methodologies and the ways of formation level determination, during subjective and intersubjective physical culture, sport and self-development competencies in the sphere of physical culture are not formed enough.The problem of the research, at a modern level of education development, is in the question of the education process development modernization of physical culture discipline by students of not physical culture higher educational establishments, in order to make it the main regulator in personalitysport competencies and sport competencies of self development formation.

Research organization. The base of the experiment - higher educational establishments of Perm: Perm State Institute of Culture, Perm State National Research University, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm State Agricultural Academy, National Research University Higher School of Economy. Researchperiod: since2010 till 2016.

The aim of the pedagogical experiment -to introduce into educational process author's pedagogical system of students self-development at physical culture lessons by means of created technology on personality sport competence formation. The control groups studied according to the state educational program. In the experimental groups physical culture lessons were held according to modernized experimental program.

Research methods. In the

experimental program traditional and not traditional methods of PC were used: energy, inform, pressure suit gymnastics according to the methodology of doctor of psychological sciences E.D. Marchenko, multifunction universal system of the pedagogics candidate A.A. Opletin [11]; in order to form PSC pedagogical auto-training of A.A. Opletin[12] was used, in order to form interdisciplinary competencies social-pedagogical training of

the pedagogics doctor A.S. Novoselov, the candidate of pedagogics A.A. Opletin was used; in order to form the competencies of personal security Russian domestic system of self- defence and the system " Grom" of S.Y Makhov and the World-class athlete Retyunskikh was used.The level of students' personality competence and health formation was estimated according to the intervals scale (VT. Sutoskiy, D.A. Romanov, T.V. Tikhomirova) [14]. Correlation dependence analysis was fulfilled according to A.A. Opletin, A.M. Imashev.

Research results. Many scientists (Z.M.Kuznetsova, L.I. Lubysheva, V.S. Makeeva, I.V. Manzheley, V.V. Markelov, A.A. Opletin, V.D. Panachev, S.A. Polievskiy) consider that during physical culture and sports lessons organization, while forming PSC, a model and a system are formed, on the basis of which progressive technologies are created, which realize this system and this model. The research demanded the mechanism and the model of physical culture, sport competence and self-development competence creation and for this purpose the mindset, created by D.N. Uznadze (picture 1) was used.

Volitional, motor, emotional, mental-spheres. The in fluence goes on the perceived scope and on the unconscious realm of the psyche through persuasion and suggestion. During interaction psychological mindset fuctioning according to Uznadze is formed.

In order to influence a student's realized and unconscious spheres of psyche the following sides of psyche were used: mental, emotional, motor and volitional. Outer influence on a student's personality during physical culture, sport competence of self development formation was in society through educational program realization during on-the-job training. While influencing the inner factors of a personality the algorithm of time distribution was used.

the 1st

Picture 1. The model of the of mindset functioning mechanism formation (D.N. Uznadze)-stage

Социум-society; образовательно-воспитательный процесс ВУЗа-educational-upbringing process of a higher educational establishment; программа физической культуры-physical culture program; эмоциональность-emotionality; умственная- mental; моторная-motor;установка-mindset; неблагоприятные условия-unfavorable conditions; благоприятные условия-favorable conditions;сформирова на предуготовленность-pre-readiness is formed;воспринимаю-percept; принимаю-accept; хочу-want; знаючто-know what; представляю-imagine; знаюкак- know how; могу-сап; делаю-do.

s; v- >/ Criteria evaluation can be the power of

2/J ^ Ту, XJV < r. enumerated sets, PU means. P = P(W). The

evaluation of activity criterion, sports activity


where: T - is time, given for lesson realization; V -time, given for the 1sttraininginfluenceatjlesson; Nj -number of the planned training actions of the students at j lesson; T - general time, given for physical upbringing of students during a term.

The problem, solved by a teacher of a higher educational establishment at physical culture lessons, is to broaden the arsenal of means of tactical, physical, technical and practical training of students in creating PSC. N -number of physical upbringing lessons during the period of education according to the discipline "Physical culture", G -exercises, fulfilled by students at the 1st lesson, the number of exercises during the period of teaching will be

w = |>:



(U - operator of the sets of

of students at a lesson. 1 v 1' During PC lessons, directed at disciplinary and interdisciplinary competencies formation, exercises are used, which are directed at motor, volitional, mental, emotional spheres development. Physical, sports technique and technical readiness development. Where H is one of the sets of physical exercises (PE), directed at technical readiness improvement, R is a great number of PE, which provide students' physical fitness level increase.

Itmeansthat: L — ^ U ^ ' L - is the set of the used PE, which provide technical and physical readiness development. The level of practical-activity based component formation of a competency was determined according to

the following formula: L « )

practical lessons.

Self-developing activity during PC, PU and S, directed at self-upbringing and self-development of students in the sphere of physical development and health improvement. In our opinion, self-developing activity provides system education, which integrates physical, creative, social, cognitive, volitional, intellectual activities [13]. In order to estimate motivational component during competencies formation at PC lessons the criterion of student's knowledge was used:


Where the first place was given to the number of tasks, which a student managed to fulfill.

Students' health level was determined according to the passport of health and according to the following formula:

w Л

W = У, + J2 + + J u где

400 - W

j = 1U0. h-k«*-* j 100- J, = 150 150



where,- Stage's test is the criteria of health; rehabilitation- rehabilitation after the load

Jj - (t -while holding the breath during inhalation, c) Stange's test; J2 - (t - while holding the breath during exhalation, c) Stange's test; J3 - (t, for pulse rehabilitation after 20 squatting within 0,5 min., c) functional test; J4 - stature-weight value (g/cm).

The research demanded author's model creation in the sphere of pedagogical system of interdisciplinary and disciplinary competencies formation, personality sport competence by means of physical culture. Education program of a higher educational establishment provides educational and extracurricular activity of students, where for psychological mindset formation, during PSC formation, pedagogical auto-training is used. During the next stage, while interdisciplinary competencies (IC) formation, social-pedagogical training was used. The initial

psychological mindset transformed into social one, becoming personal mindset of self-development. Taking into consideration the model of PSC, the technology of a student's personality physical culture self-development formation was created. Held pedagogical experiment proved the effectiveness of the pedagogical system and innovative technologies in personality sport competencies and personality sport culture and competencies of self- development formation. The main differences of the experimental and control groups are presented in intermediate and control experiments. Experimental groups proved the effectiveness of the used systems, model and technologies on physical culture, sport competence of self-development formation. Non-traditional methods of PU, PC

experimental group introduction influenced greatly personality improvement during physical upbringing process among students.

Research results The duration of the experiment- 5 years (since 2010 till 2015). The number of students in the control groups n1=987, experimental groups- n2=989. At the first stage of the experiment the EG and the CG had almost similar levels ofPSC and DC (disciplinary competencies) formation (p>5%).Intermediate tests revealed, that education in the CG was according to a traditional program and PC methodology, in the EG - in accordance with innovative experimental program. The control test in the CG and the EG revealed statistical differences in the main indices of disciplinary and interdisciplinary PSC and SC formation (p<5%).

Conclusion Held experiment proved differences in the indices of the EG and the CG in personality sport competence and self-development competence formation during

the author's system, modernized program and created during the experiment technologies use. It proves the necessity to introduce this system into educational process of other higher educational establishments in Perm.


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Submitted: 23.01.2017 Received: 26.01.2017

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Anatoly A. Opletin - candidate of pedagogics, associate professor Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29 Komsomolsky prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

For citations: Opletin A.A. Mechanism of disciplinary physical sports competency and self-development competency formation by means of physical culture, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (Pedagogical-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 49-53. DOI 10.14526/01_2017_184

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