THE PHENOMENON OF GRADUONYMY IN ACTION LEXEMES AT GRAMMATICAL LEVEL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
graduonymy / phenemenon of graduonymy / verb / grammatical field / functional form / lexical field / tense / voice / action / affirmative and negative forms.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mazmuna Rahimovna Otaboyeva

In this article is illustrated to appear and investigate graduonymy in grammatical field of Uzbek and English linguistics. Also, there is compared phenemone of graduonymy and given examples in these languages. The article deals with the scientific research on the phenomenon of graduonymy in Uzbek linguistics, and at what levels this phenomenon is manifested. O. Bozorov's doctoral dissertation "Leveling in the Uzbek language" is one of the largest and most fundamental scientific studies on the phenomenon of graduonymy in Uzbek linguistics compared with the English language. The scientist gave examples showing that the phenomenon of graduonymy is illustrated at all grammatical levels. Also, Sh. Orifjonova in her research "Lexical graduonymy in the Uzbek language" studies the phenomenon of graduonymy in detail. Scholar J.Sh. Djumabaeva's research "Lexical graduonymy in Uzbek and English" has become one of the main references in the article to describe the phenomenon of garduonymy in verbs action lexemes, which are the main object of the article. The article aims to analyze phenomenon of graduonymy of verbs in grammatical field in Uzbek and English languages with examples and study them broadly.

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Mazmuna Rahimovna Otaboyeva

Teacher, Kukand State Pedagogical Institute

Fergana, Uzbekistan E-mail: mazmuna.rahimovna@gmail .com


In this article is illustrated to appear and investigate graduonymy in grammatical field of Uzbek and English linguistics. Also, there is compared phenemone of graduonymy and given examples in these languages. The article deals with the scientific research on the phenomenon of graduonymy in Uzbek linguistics, and at what levels this phenomenon is manifested. O. Bozorov's doctoral dissertation "Leveling in the Uzbek language" is one of the largest and most fundamental scientific studies on the phenomenon of graduonymy in Uzbek linguistics compared with the English language. The scientist gave examples showing that the phenomenon of graduonymy is illustrated at all grammatical levels. Also, Sh. Orifjonova in her research "Lexical graduonymy in the Uzbek language" studies the phenomenon of graduonymy in detail. Scholar J.Sh. Djumabaeva's research "Lexical graduonymy in Uzbek and English" has become one of the main references in the article to describe the phenomenon of garduonymy in verbs - action lexemes, which are the main object of the article. The article aims to analyze phenomenon of graduonymy of verbs in grammatical field in Uzbek and English languages with examples and study them broadly.

Keywords: graduonymy, phenemenon of graduonymy, verb, grammatical field, functional form, lexical field, tense, voice, action, affirmative and negative forms.


The phenomenon of graduonymy is considered to be manifested mainly in the lexical level in linguistics. Initially, the term was used in Uzbek linguistics as a form of semantic relations of words. The phenomenon of graduonymy is defined by the decrease or increase of word meanings at different word levels. There are numerous studies in linguistics devoted to the phenomenon of grading. In this work, we will also talk about ranking in lexemes that mean action(verbs), and will focus on the work

done on this topic. Ranking was mentioned in 1990 in the dissertation of the scientist R.Safarova "Hyponymy in the Uzbek language" as a scientific hypothesis.


Sh.Orifjonova in her research "Lexical graduonymy in the Uzbek language" studies the phenomenon of grading in detail. Graduonymy is the main research problem in the research of the scientist. The research is devoted to the study of graduonomic relations. In 1997, O. Bozorov in his doctoral dissertation "Graduation in the Uzbek language" taught graduonymy not only in the system of verbal relations, he studied both syntax and stylistics. In this paper, we aim to illuminate the phenomenon of graduonymy of action lexemes in grammatical categories.

In world linguistics, the phenomenon of graduonymy is mentioned to occur at the lexical level in some places. Gradual relationships are somewhat studied in the phonological system. Until the 60s of the last century, the scope of lexical-semantic relations was mainly limited to polysemy, monosemy, synonymy, homonymy, antonymy. These relationships were later moved from lexicon to morphology and syntax. This series was also supplemented by partonymy (holo-meronymy), hyponymy, cogyponymy, plesionymy (these species are described in the works of J. Lyons, L.R. Horn).

J. Djumabaeva took lexemes of action (verbs) as lexical units and formed graduonymic series, dividing them into different categories according to the types of meaning. O. Bozorov explains the grammatical ranking of verbs as a morphological unit. As we conclude from the above that action lexemes (verbs) can have their own graduonymic series, both spiritually and functionally.

According to O. Bozorov's research; "Ranking is inherent in the semantic structure of lexemes and phrases, in which independent semantics contain general semantics that reflect the minority or majority of a sign." According to the scientist, word groups are traditionally classified according to semantic, morphological and syntactic features. Therefore, can also be studied on the basis of each of the three mentioned features in the positions of word groups graduonymy in relation to each other.

Professor O. Bozorov, in his research, notes that verbs have graduonymy, both in the broad and narrow sense of meaning (send (one person) -movement (people). Also assumes that there is an increase or decrease in meaning between the forms of affirmative and negative form of the verbs (read- may read -seem to read- not read-not-read at all ((yKuraH-yKnraH 6ynca KepaK-yKHraHgnp-yKuraH KypHHagH-yKuraH

эмас-yкнганн ny^-acro yKuraHH nys;)). (We cannot find equivalents in English given some examples. So we can say that this feature is inherent Uzbek language. Author.)

He also considered that there is a phenomenon of graduonymy of verbs in the transitive and intransitive senses, and divided them into such types as: partial transition of the action to the object (eat from the bread, drink from the water), complete transition (eat bread, drink water). Also, he considered that the phenomenon of transition can be divided into three stages: the initial relationship (look at the bread (as Help yourself!)); partial transition (eat from the bread); full transition (eat the bread). In this article, we will look at graduonymy in some grammatical categories of action lexemes - verbs, and compare and analyze them with English.

When we take lexemes that mean action "verbs" as objects of our research, we consider that they reflect the phenomena of graduonymy. In his scientific work, O. Bozorov classifies verbs first of all according to the scale of their spiritual content. That is, as the sign of the movement decreases:




Verb........Functional form..........connective

Verb.........Functional form..........Auxiliary

Verb.............Functional form...........Particle

Verb........Functional form............Exclamation.

There are given graduonymic rows above an example. Let's take the above-mentioned graduonomic rows as an example of an exact verb and put it in the graduonymic rows. When a grammatical category of a verb and functional forms of a verb or word groups are included in a graduonymic rows, we construct a graduonymic rows as an example of lexemes that have the same primary meaning. For example, the verb "to work": worked, am/is/are working, have/has worked (verb) -working (gerund)/to work(infinitive) - work (noun). Obviously, there is not observed phenomenon of graduonymy among verb - functional form - noun which contain a single-stem word. According to the spiritual content of the verbs graduonymy may indicate a decrease in the sign of the action, but graduonymy can be clearly felt by expressing the phenomenon of gradation precisely using the semantic lexemes of the verbs. For example, call - shout—scream.


Also, if we take the graduonymic row verb-participle-adjective, we will observe the example of a lexeme denoting an action based on a single stem: sarg'aymoq (turn

yellow) (verb) - sarg'aygan (turned yellow) (past participle) - sariq (yellow) (adjective). Verb - participle - adjective it is absolutely impossible to observe a graduonymy among the words in the example based on adjectives.

In English, if we observe a phenomenon of graduonymy as above: verb - gerund - noun; verb - Present participle - adjective; verb - Past Participle - adverb. Let us observe verb-gerund-noun in the row of graduonymy with the examples of verbs: Suggest - suggesting - suggestion. As can be seen, the phenomenon graduonymy is not observed in this row. Also, it cannot be said that there is a graduonymy in these rows in English: verb - functional form - conjunction; verb - functional form -conjunction; verb - functional form - particle; verb - finite form - imperative.

In his research work Bozorov O. shows the graduonymy according to the possibility of the content of action reflected in the verb to become a reality (event), that is, he considered there is graduonymy in categories of the mood in Uzbek language: goal mood - command / desire mood - notice mood. At the same time, he believes that even in the forms of the command / desire inclination, there is a graduonymy of desire, from the first person to the order (third person). For example, boray (let me go) (I person) - bor / borgin (Go!) (II person) - borsin (- Let him / her go) (III person).


In English, on the other hand, there is only an imperative mood, which is used to express meaning for a command, a wish, a request, advice, and guidance. Therefore, in English, the meanings of mood cannot be graded as in Uzbek. If we consider in English the sequence of hierarchies of the command-desire in the Uzbek language in the I, II and III person forms, they can be expressed as follows: Boray - Bor / Borgin - Borsin Let me go - Go - Let him / her go.

In English, the imperative mood is mainly addressed to the second person, and the sentence begins with the verb: Do! Go! Read! such as. In the I and III person forms the forms of the verb Let and the personal pronoun in the object case are used: Let me + verb (I person singular) Let us (Let's) + verb (I person plural) Let him / her / it + verb (third person singular) Let them + verb (III person plural).

It is a bit more difficult for people to understand the meanings from desire to command through examples in Uzbek (boray - bor / borgin - borsin) and English (Let me go - Go - Let him / her go).

According to O. Bozorov, "Ranking can also be seen in verb categories and functional forms." There are connections between the affirmative and negative forms of verbs, and it is possible to create a rows of graduonymy together with the exact forms that represent intermediate meanings. Between the read and unread words placed in the binary opposition, a rows of graduonymy is formed with the help of suffixes with a decreasing state of meaning: read - must have read - not seen to read -not read - not read - not read at all. Of course, there are spiritual declines in this chain from the execution of an action to its non-execution. On the basis of a core, a rows of graduonymy is formed with the increase of modal meanings. It was not possible to find verbs that express exactly the same meaning in place of the members of this row. It is impossible to give exactly the same examples for each member of the above graduonymic series, because in Uzbek the meanings of modality can be expressed only by suffixes.

If we put the affirmative and negative forms of the verb in English into binary opposition, we will consider the following examples. Examples are given in the Present Perfect tense in English. If we have read / has read and have not read / has not read, the modal meanings between them can be given by means of modal verbs and together with some verbs, and read - must have read - read - does not appear - seems not to read - not read - not read at all. All members of the ranking series can be found in English equivalents. Have read / has read - may / might read - may / might not read - have / has not seemed to read - have / has not seemed to read (seems unread) — have / has not read (have not read) - have / has never read (also not read). For example, members of the rankings such as not read or never read have / have not read in English.

Also Bozorov O. , in his doctoral dissertation "Leveling in the Uzbek language" commented on the existence of grading in tences. We consider the ranking of the category of time in the study below: "The division of the category of time into three major types of special meanings, such as the original past / present / future, is self-evident that the present tense is the intermediate third. Also, the present and future forms of this graduonymy are also interconnected through the present-future tense form.


In English, too, it is possible to observe a row of graduonymy past / present / future tenses according to the periods of occurrence of reality in the form of past-present-future. Given that there are several aspects of all three tenses in English, we will construct a phenomenon of graduonymy through the forms of the aspects. Let us consider the grading of past tense forms: we try to match the past tense forms in

English as the past tense moves away from the moment of speech. Past Simple represents an action that occurs at a certain time in the past tense. Past Perfect represents an action that was completed before a time in the past tense. This time in the past tense can be given as follows: With a second action in the past tense represented by the Low Simple. With this in mind, we can say that the past tense is moving away from the moment of speech: Past Simple - Past Perfect.

We have seen that graduonymy in action-representing lexemes (verbs) also occur with the expression of the action, state, increase or decrease of the meaning they represent, without suffixes, relative or tense additions, and modality. In Uzbek linguistics, according to O. Bozorov's research "Leveling in the Uzbek language", we can observe the graduonymy of grammatical categories and functional forms of verbs themselves. In Uzbek, we have compiled a rows of graduonymy by studying the existing ranking in the grammatical categories of verbs. In English we can observe phenomenon of graduonymy in some grammar categories and functional forms of the verb. The phenomenon of graduonymy is more clearly visible in the lexemes which have independent meaning than among the grammatical categories and functional forms of the verbs.


1. Djumabayeva J. "Lexic graduonymy in Uzbek and English languages". "Mumtoz suz". Tashkent. 2014

2. Orifjjonova Sh. "Lexical graduonymy in Uzbek language". dissertation for receiving candidate of science of philology. Tashkent. 1996.

3. Bozorov O. "Leveling in Uzbek language" dissertation for doctor of science of philology. Tashkent. 1994.

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