DOI 10.14526/01_1111_171
Ekaterina V. Sinelnik - head of methodical cabinet of additional education faculty Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, 144, Str. Maslennikov, Omsk, 644009, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
Vitaliy A. Lyapin - professor, doctor of medical sciences, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports", 144, Str. Maslennikov, Omsk, 644009, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
Annotation. Steadiness support of a vertical pose and its quick reconstruction in case of balance loss are one of the factors, which determine the success of sportsmen in such kind of combats as karate and kickboxing. In scientific literature [1,7] there are the results concerning the influence of the initial vegetative status on a functional state of sportsmen's organism. At the same time, the problem of interconnection between the level of statokinetic steadiness and vegetative status nowadays is not studied enough [3,4]. Material. In order to reveal interconnection between the level of statokinetic steadiness and the initial vegetative status we held a research work, highly-qualified sportsmen-combatants, specializing in karate (n=15) and kickboxing (n=12) tookpart in the research. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, vegetative status and the level of statokinetic steadiness development estimation among sportsmen with the help of the methods of heart rate variability and stabilometrics, methods of mathematical statistics. Result. As a result of the held research it was stated that the highest indices of stabilometrics (length and square of statokinesogram with the eyes close and open, Romberg coefficient) were among sportsmen with moderate vagotony. At the same time, the lowest indices were among sportsmen with moderate sympathicotonia. Conclusion. Sportsmen-combatants distribution in accordance with their type of vegetative regulation revealed, that the greatest statokinetic steadiness is typical for sportsmen of both specialties with a moderate vagotony.
Keywords: vegetative tonus, statokinetic steadiness, karate, kickboxing, sportsmen.
Introduction. One of the factors, which determine the success of training and competitive activity of sportsmen, going in for martial arts, is the work of vestibular sensory system development [2, 4]. In martial arts success achievement mainly depends on high degree of the striking actions coordination and quick orientation inconstantly changing conditions of sports combat [1].
Taking into consideration many-sided estimation of sportsmen's functional state in difficult coordinating kinds of sport, different stabilometrics indices study as an important aspect of their adaptation to physical and
competitive loads is especially urgent nowadays [3].
Stable body position support and maximum quick reconstruction in case the loss of balance are one of the main coordinating and sensory-motor qualities, which form the base of success in sports single combats. Most technical-tactical means of a combat conducting, which a sportsman has, are directed at disturbing the opponent's balance. It is necessary for a sportsman-combatant to have a good ability to preserve high level of stability during own movements and during the manoeuvres of his opponent.
Nowadays the question interconnection between vestibular sensory system and its influence on the initial vegetative status of an organism is not studied enough. Some scientists [2, 5, 6] connect this with the difficult character of vestibular sensory system. Nowadays the questions of vestibular sensory system activity in scientific literature in such kinds of martial arts as karate and kickboxing, are not studied enough [3, 5]. There is lack of information about the state and quality of the balance function among sportsmen, who specialize in karate and the absence of model characteristics of stabilometrics indices among highly-qualified sportsmen, specializing in karate and kickboxing.
Research methods and research organization. The research was held on the basis of interdepartment scientific-research
laboratory "Medical-biological support of higher achievements sport" and anatomy, physiology, sports medicine and hygiene departments of Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport. Male athletes (1821 year-old), specializing in karate (n = 55) and kickboxing (n = 44) took part in the research work.
Results and their discussion. The
main indices of wushuhelp to estimate the volume of body fluctuation in space and the length of the way of pressure (length of statokinesiogram) center, working square of the support (square of statokinesiogram) and activity of statistic pose keeping (speed of pressure transfer center). Received during the research results were within the limit of physiological norm (table 1).
Table 1 - Stabilometrics indices of sportsmen, specializing in karate and kickboxing, with different
type of vegetative regulation (M±m)
Index Kind of sport Eyes position Type of vegetative regulation
Moderate vagotony Eutonia Moderate a sympathicoton ia
Length of a statokinesiogram (mm) Karate OE 553,6±50,151-3 523,5±43,8* 616,7±40,5*
CE 647,7±57,61-2 581,8±41,9 663,1±48,72-3
Kickboxing OE 516,3±54,5*,1-2 600,9±46,8* 658,3±44,7*
CE 576,9±48,7*,1-2 718,5±44,3 756,8±39,6
Square of a statokinesiogram (mm) Karate OE 352,9±41,51-2 489,4±42,8* 605,4±35,6*2-3
CE 376,4±31,11-2 522,1±55,4 766,0±48,72-3
Kickboxing OE 334,3±28,21- 2,1-3 448,7±30,6 606,4±37,6*,2-3
CE 335,1±44,81-2 499,2±30,5 689,1±47,01-3
Speed of pressure moving center Karate OE 9,1±0,4*,1-3 10,2±0,7 12,1±0,6
(mm/s) CE 12,7±0,61-2 11,4±0,5 13,0±0,5
Kickboxing OE 10,1±0,81-2 12,9±0,8* 11,8+0,8*1-3
CE 11,3±0,71-2 14,8±0,7 14,1±0,51-3
Note : *- p<0.05 inside the group, between the indices with open eyes and closed eyes, 1-2,1-3,2-3 p<0.05 between the studied groups
Romberg coefficient is a calculating index, which shows the role of visual and vestibular analyzers in the process of static pose holding. This index among kickboxers (116,3±7,5%) is higher in comparison with the
indices among karatekas (75,7±5,2%). It should be noted that the highest indices were
Основной Основной Основной Основной Основной Основной Основной Основной Основной
in the group of sportsmen with a moderate vagotony (karate - 135,7±7,9%; kickboxing -121,4±8,2%). For kickboxers more developed vestibular apparatus in comparison to karatekas is typical. Picture 1 presents the results.
Moderate sympathicotonia Vegetative balance
Moderate vagotony
■ Karate □ Kickboxing
Picture 1 - Romberg coefficient value among sportsmen, specializing in karate and kickboxing,
with different types of vegetative regulation * - p<0.05 between the indices between different types of vegetative regulation among the sportsmen of one group
The ability study to hold the balance in a set point by means of functional test "Target" revealed preponderance of sportsmen with moderate vagotony (karate - 42,1±4,5 points; kickboxing - 43,1±4,1 points) over sportsmen
with other types of vegetative regulation. It is necessary to point out, that higher results were in the group of sportsmen, specializing in karate, in comparison with the results of kickboxers (picture 2).
points Основной
Moderate sympathicotonia
■ Karate
Vegetative balance □ Kickboxing
Moderate vagotony
Picture 2 - Functional test "Target" among sportsmen, specializing in karate and kickboxing * - p<0.05 between different types of vegetative regulation among sportsmen of one group
Conclusion. Thus, sportsmen-combatants distribution in accordance with their type of vegetative regulation revealed, that the greatest statokinetic steadiness is typical for sportsmen of both specialties with a moderate vagotony.
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Submitted: 29.11.2016 Received: 02.12.2016
Ekaterina V. Sinelnik - head of methodical cabinet of additional education faculty Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, 144, Str. Maslennikov, Omsk, 644009, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]
Vitaliy A. Lyapin - professor, doctor of medical sciences, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports", 144, Str. Maslennikov, Omsk, 644009, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]