Научная статья на тему 'Students’ vestibular apparatus development using physical exercises from combat sports'

Students’ vestibular apparatus development using physical exercises from combat sports Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
vestibular apparatus / physical exercises / combat sports / students / coordination of movements / balance / sensory system

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Vadim Yu. Ziambetov

Physical culture and sport specialists always improve physical-sports activity, directed toward vestibular apparatus and movements coordination development. This direction importance and urgency in sports education nowadays and insufficient attention paid to it in practice, condition the relevance of this article. Combat sports are very popular among modern students, as they correspond with their needs and modern tendencies in youth sphere. Materials. This article considers the ways and means of vestibular apparatus development effectiveness increase in sports education among students of higher educational establishments. We created the complex of exercises taken from combat sports. This complex is directed toward movements coordination development. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, statistical data handling. Results. The initial results showed a low level of students’ vestibular sensory system and coordinating abilities development. The complex of physical exercises use from combat sports provided symptoms decrease of vestibular sensory system stimulation during body position change in space in terms of the support. Coordinating skills and balance indices increased. Conclusion. The research showed that nowadays not much attention is paid to studentsvestibular apparatus and coordination of movements development during educational-upbringing work in the sphere of physical culture. Our research results will help to address any gaps in sports education of students.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Students’ vestibular apparatus development using physical exercises from combat sports»

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-1-191-197

Students' vestibular apparatus development using physical exercises from

combat sports

Vadim Yu. Ziambetov*

Orenburg State University Orenburg, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-0151-3671, [email protected]*

Abstract: Physical culture and sport specialists always improve physical-sports activity, directed toward vestibular apparatus and movements coordination development. This direction importance and urgency in sports education nowadays and insufficient attention paid to it in practice, condition the relevance of this article. Combat sports are very popular among modern students, as they correspond with their needs and modern tendencies in youth sphere. Materials. This article considers the ways and means of vestibular apparatus development effectiveness increase in sports education among students of higher educational establishments. We created the complex of exercises taken from combat sports. This complex is directed toward movements coordination development. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, statistical data handling. Results. The initial results showed a low level of students' vestibular sensory system and coordinating abilities development. The complex of physical exercises use from combat sports provided symptoms decrease of vestibular sensory system stimulation during body position change in space in terms of the support. Coordinating skills and balance indices increased. Conclusion. The research showed that nowadays not much attention is paid to students' vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements development during educational-upbringing work in the sphere of physical culture. Our research results will help to address any gaps in sports education of students.

Keywords: vestibular apparatus, physical exercises, combat sports, students, coordination of movements, balance, sensory system.

For citation: Vadim Yu. Ziambetov*. Students' vestibular apparatus development using physical exercises from combat sports. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sports. 2019; 14(1): 163-168. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-1-191-197

The question of body balance was always important in research works in the sphere of physical culture and sport [1,7,8]. Nowadays new objectives are set in vestibular-motor, vestibular-vegetative, vestibular-sensory reactions study, the control over which will help to influence the system of athletes' physical readiness with a simultaneous increase of coordinating physical exercises characteristics and the level of traumatism decrease.

During recent years in physical-sports activity theory and practice great interest is paid to the problem of vestibular analyzer functional abilities increase as the system, which is important for the athlete's orientation in space and highly-coordinating motor actions fulfillment [2,9,10,19,20].

Nowadays there is sufficient number of scientific information in sport and physical culture theory. It concerns combat sports influence on somatic and vegetative systems of an organism and the opportunities of this information use for training process optimization. According to V.A. Kislyakov (1975), V.I. Orlov (1976), V.N. Boloban (1990), vestibular sensory system plays an important role in movements control and in case of airborne state or in case of complicated conditions this sensory system is the leading one. Later the works of A.S. Rovnyi (2001), N.V. Lyulina (2008) broadened the notion of statokinetic constancy and corrected the structure of physical culture organizational support by means of vestibular apparatus steadiness increase [11,12,13,14].

Vestibular analyzer together with muscle-articular, skin and visual analyzers provides body balance, accurate coordination and movement analysis [16,17,18].

As a rule, vestibular analyzer stability increases with physical readiness increase. The level of competitive achievements in many sports is closely connected with the level of vestibular analyzer stability [3,15,21,22].

The aim of the article is to study the influence of vestibular sensory system steadiness on students' physical abilities during coordination development exercises use from combat sports during physical culture lessons at a higher educational establishment.

In accordance with the set aim, the following objectives were considered:

1) the dynamics revelation of vestibular reflexes changes during students' sports education using coordinating skills exercises from combat sports;

2) symptoms of vestibular apparatus stimulation decrease (giddiness, sickness, retch and others) during physical exercises fulfillment with body position change;

3) the effectiveness of coordinating skills development increase among students during physical culture lessons.

Materials and Research Methods

The subject of the research is presented by special exercises from combat sports in order to increase vestibular sensory system steadiness.

The object of the research is presented by male students of Orenburg State University. 100 people took part in the research. They had equal physical readiness level. The experimental group (EG) included 50 people, control group (CG) included 50 people.

Research Methods

Information sources analysis and the method of expert analysis, statistic observation, questioning, physiological steadiness tests in Romberg positions, flank and straight line walking tests.

Results and Discussion

CG students had physical culture lessons in accordance with generally adopted curriculum,

which had no emphasis on vestibular sensory system development.

In EG lessons were held according to the created methodology. It included a complex of exercises from combat sports, directed toward vestibular analyzer development.

Vestibular system function was considered in two aspects: as the organ of balance and body orientation in space and as the organ of metabolic processes regulation for an optimal energy regimen of an active movement during the given time period. Great attention was paid to the ability of vestibular apparatus to restore own functions after stimulation caused by specific exercises from combat sports [4].

The complex of exercises was created on the basis of the hypothesis, that even insignificant angular and rectilinear acceleration well trained vestibular analyzer, sending information about movement to the brain, helps to avoid vegetative disorders and helps to fulfill motor objective in the set spatiotemporal parameters.

In this case the following things are important: safety provision during the lessons and the ability of a teacher to motivate students to fulfill these difficult for coordination, not easy, but useful physical exercises [5,6].

In our opinion, the most effective complex for vestibular sensory system training (and control) included the following exercises:

1 - Sideway rolls in quick tempo 7 times to the right, to the left and hoop rotation (walking with legs strikes imitation along the line).

2 - Rolls forward- 10 times slowly, 2 times quickly, after 12 seconds break- 5 rolls backward slowly and winders along the line 18m.

3 - Pole walking (broom handle) for 10 meters distance, with hands position change on command (or different strikes imitation with hand).

4 - Candle stand-60 seconds, spring-board (wrestling)-15 seconds, then stand up quickly on one leg hands aside ("lastochka", "swallow").

5 - Circular motions to the right and to the left eyes closed in a quick tempo-10-12 times, basketball ball throwing in the basket (or "shadow boxing").

6 - A jump turn to the right and to the left 12 times with 90°, 180° and 360°, with ball throwing

into the target.

The research was held within 4 stages, starting from the beginning of the academic year with further period division (duration-one week). The complex of exercises was introduced at the second stage. The estimation criteria for the fulfilled Table 1 - The results of the exer

exercises were created and each exercise was estimated according to 5-point system. The points received by each student for the exercises fulfillment in a group were summarized. The research results are presented in table 1.

es fulfillment at different stages

Numbers of exercises EG CG

I II III IV Total I II III IV total

Exercise 1 134 167 183 204 688 153 162 148 160 623

Exercise 2 94 102 140 154 490 87 91 83 79 340

Exercise 3 143 148 179 198 568 139 140 138 153 570

Exercise 4 152 171 195 213 731 160 164 158 161 643

Exercise 5 86 112 143 167 508 81 73 75 91 320

Exercise 6 159 151 177 199 686 170 165 173 171 679

Total : 768 851 1017 1135 3771 790 795 775 815 3175

The picture presents the dynamics of indices according to the control exercises in groups. It shows that the indices increase in EG to the end of

the experiment was 367 points in total, in CG only

25 points. Some indices increase in the CG we can explain by the developing character of physical culture lessons and tests themselves.

Picture - The dynamics of indices change in the experimental and control groups

As the methodologies of vestibular reflexes straight line and flank walk. Received during four

study, which reflect the function of balance and stages results helped to reveal positive changes

pose and provide accurate statistical objectives in technical indices of the experimental group

fulfillment, Romberg test was used. This test respondents (table 2). consists of 4 positions and also walking along the

Table 2 - Romberg test

Number of position EG CG


I position, s 12 15 20 22 12 13 15 18

II position, s 11 17 22 23 10 12 18 18

III position, s 16 25 30 33 15 26 28 28

IV position, s 10 18 22 25 10 15 16 17

The first position: hands forward stand, fingers are straight and apart.

The second position: the initial position is like in the first position, but the feet are placed along the line and the toe of one foot touches the heel of the other foot.

The third position: one leg stand, the other leg is bent and touches the knee-cap of the

supporting leg.

The fourth position: "lastochka" (swallow) position.

The respondent stands with his eyes closed in each position during 30 seconds. The table presents the average time indices in a group.

The results of straight and flank lines test are presented in table 3.

Table 3 - The results of straight and flank lines test

Walk EG IV


Along the straight line The amount with vestibular analyzer disorder 4 4 40 40 4 4 44 43

The amount with cerebellum disorder 1 1 9 8 9 9 8 8

Flank The amount with vestibular analyzer disorder 4 4 38 36 4 3 39 38

The amount with cerebellum disorder 5 6 4 4 6 6 5 5

Vestibular analyzer estimation in straight walking included the following. The student makes 5 steps with his eyes closed along the straight line forward and not turning makes 5 steps back. Inaccuracy of motor actions fulfillment shows the low level of coordinating abilities.

During flank walking estimation a student makes 5 chasse steps to the right, then 5 chasse steps to the left.

The received results are characterized by vestibular system steadiness increase, in particular vestibular sensory and vestibular cerebellar reactions. It is characterized by positive dynamics of training in body position preservation during speeding up influence on an organism during active

movements and giddiness resistance. These results show the effectiveness of training lessons with physical exercises use from combat sports in order to develop vestibular apparatus. In time course students stop complaining of sickness and giddiness after the exercises fulfillment.


Thus, the held research helps to make conclusion that the specific physical exercises use from combat sports increases students' vestibular sensory system steadiness, develops coordination and accuracy of movements, the ability to keep the balance in terms of vestibular apparatus stimulation. The complexes of special exercises use from combat

sports, directed toward vestibular sensory system training, helped to decrease the number of somatic reactions caused by this system stimulation. This aspect has great applied importance in a student's physical culture development as the specialists and increases the role of physical culture in the sphere of higher education [6].


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Author's information:

Vadim Yu. Ziambetov* - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Orenburg State University, 460018, Russia, Orenburg, Pobeda ave, House 13, e-mail: [email protected]*

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