Khidirov M.SH. PhD Acting Associate Professor Department of Geography and its teaching methodology Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Karakulov N. M. Acting Associate Professor Department of Geography and its teaching methodology Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Abstract: This article discusses the problems of increasing the employment level of the population in the service sectors of the Kashkadarya region, reforms aimed at increasing the employment level by the state, and a SWOT analysis based on identifying the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and problems of increasing employment in the service sectors.
Key words: Service sectors, service facility, guest houses, tourist and recreational potential, tourist organization, population, infrastructure, social services, communications, transport, medical services.
In our country, an active socio-economic policy is being implemented to ensure the employment of the working-age population in a market economy, eliminate the problem of unemployment, and regulate the labor market. Because increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources, improving the standard of living of the population, and joining the ranks of highly developed countries are among the most important tasks facing each country.
It is necessary to provide employment to the working-age population in the regions based on the effective use of service sectors, as well as to provide opportunities for the development of small businesses and entrepreneurship.
The socio-economic development of the service sectors of the Kashkadarya region is closely related, first of all, to the creation of the basis for planning infrastructure elements in the regions.
Taking into account the current demographic situation in the region, the development of modern service sectors requires the establishment of a balance between jobs and labor resources in order to provide labor resources with employment and increase their employment rate. For this reason, it is of great scientific and practical importance to take into account the created and existing jobs in the region, as well as the demographic basis for the formation of labor resources.
The following factors influence the employment of the population in informal labor activities: economic, legal, and socio-demographic factors also have a significant impact.
In the process of studying the socio-demographic status of those engaged in informal labor activities in our republic, it was found that 32.2% of those with
secondary education, 61.3% with secondary specialized education, and 6.5% with higher education make up the population, which indicates that the higher the level of education and qualifications of the population, the lower the level of employment in informal labor.
The extensive reforms are being carried out to ensure employment of the population. In the regions, employment authorities are actively training the unemployed population in professions. The rate of involvement of the unemployed population in public works has increased by 60 times. Today, non-traditional forms of employment, self-employment of the population, while increasing employment, are leading to a decrease in the unemployment rate [6].
Individual entrepreneurship was introduced in Uzbekistan from July 1, 2020. In order to increase employment, simple registration via the Internet without leaving home and convenient taxation attracted young people. The income of individual entrepreneurs is not subject to tax, but they can voluntarily pay social tax in the amount of one basic calculation amount once a year to take into account their work experience.
We can see a high level of interest among young people in the following
- household services (hairdressing, manicure, cosmetology, pedicure, laundry and ironing at home, key making, shoemaking, repair and painting, etc.) - 106,482 individual entrepreneurs;
- provision of services in agriculture (herding and care, assistance to homestead owners in planting and caring for agricultural crops) - 71,694 individual entrepreneurs;
- services in the industrial sector (wooden architecture, sanitation, electrical installation, collection of waste paper, plastic, scrap metal, etc.) - 51,575 individual entrepreneurs;
- social services (home tutoring, childcare and household chores, cleaning, traditional medicine, etc.) - 44,273 individual entrepreneurs;
- consumer goods production and service sector (home-made bread, popcorn, ice cream, salads, soft drinks, ayron, drilling and sale of agricultural products at farmers' markets, etc.) - 26,639 individual entrepreneurs;
- ICT services (social media activities, software, mobile applications and website development, text creation and processing, etc.) are provided by 9,485 individual entrepreneurs.
In 2021, the number of self-employed young people was 310,148. As of February 16, 2022, the number of self-employed people reached 1,324,031. From January 1 to February 16 of this year, 132,047 citizens registered as self-employed, including 20,295 in Fergana region, 18,988 in Samarkand region, 13,901 in Andijan region, 10,647 in Jizzakh region, and 10,362 in Tashkent region.
The following privileges and obligations apply to self-employed persons:
Free registration, no employer, no employee, no seniority and pension are accrued to them, voluntary social tax is paid once a year in the amount of one percent of the minimum wage, no income tax is paid, they can open a bank account to
receive money transfers from legal entities, and they are only engaged in permitted activities [7].
In 2017-2020, as a result of foreign investments in the amount of 33.3 billion US dollars, including 22.7 billion dollars in direct foreign investments, the country is experiencing stable new job creation and growth. As a result, 339.4 thousand in 2016, 389.3 thousand in 2017, 372.1 thousand in 2018, 388.5 thousand in 2019, 427.8 thousand in 2020, and 506.2 thousand in 2021 were created, and more than 407 thousand people were employed in 2022 [8].
The fact that the Kashkadarya region consists of rural districts and the availability of land plots for the population allows for self-employment in household and dehkan farming. They earn legal income by growing and selling products on their homesteads. Currently, the number of such entrepreneurs in the region is 167.3 thousand people, and individual entrepreneurial activity is carried out on 39.8 thousand hectares of arable land, and their number is increasing day by day, and employment in this sector is improving. Their share in gross agricultural product is 77-78 percent.
The social development of the Kashkadarya region is closely related, first of all, to the creation of the basis for the development of infrastructure facilities in the regions. In this regard, it is important to determine the features of their development in accordance with the Roadmaps in accordance with the resolution "On additional measures for the comprehensive socio-economic development of the territories of the Kashkadarya region in 2022-2026 and further improvement of the living standards of the population".
Based on the measures planned to be implemented in the target indicators of the comprehensive socio-economic development of the Kashkadarya region in 2022/2026, it is planned to increase the total number of employed people to 82.7 thousand people in 2022. During this period, more than 52 thousand young people have entered the labor force, and there will be an opportunity to provide employment to more than 30 thousand unemployed people.
In regions with different opportunities, it is advisable to organize the social infrastructure structure in the interests of the population. This, of course, requires the development of master plans for each district, regardless of the population.
Figure - 1. The number of employed people. Compiled by the author based on information from the The ministry of employment and Labor relations.
Based on the effective use of the region's recreational opportunities, it is necessary to organize tourist centers that provide for measures such as environmental protection, recreation and tourism development [4].
A SWOT analysis was developed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the region, social opportunities and problems in terms of increasing employment in the service sectors of the Kashkadarya region (Table 1).
Table-1. The SWOT analysis based on identifying strengths and weaknesses, social opportunities and challenges in increasing employment in
Advantages Disadvantages
Economic geographical location *has a convenient geographical location. *has a convenient geographical location.
Service sectors *by economic geographical location: bordering 4 regions and 2 states. * problems related to natural conditions and relief in the mountainous and foothill districts of the region: Dehqanabad, Qamashi, Yakkabog, Shahrisabz, Kitab and Chiraqchi districts. *by economic geographical location: bordering 4 regions and 2 states. * problems related to natural conditions and relief in the mountainous and foothill districts of the region: Dehqanabad, Qamashi, Yakkabog, Shahrisabz, Kitab and Chiraqchi districts.
Labor resources *service networks are well developed in large cities and district centers. *service networks are well developed in large cities and district centers.
Opprortunities Threats
*Having a convenient transport location (location on international transport logistics, in the future the road connecting Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan will pass through the region, which will allow for *Having a convenient transport location (location on international transport logistics, in the future the road connecting Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan will pass through the region, which will allow for the
the development of service sectors and increase employment)._
development of service sectors and increase employment)._
Compiled by the author.
Based on the above data, it was revealed through scientific analysis that the Kashkadarya region has its own demographic and socio-economic development characteristics, the development of service industries in the region, the service industries are the leading sector in providing employment to the population, and this sector has surpassed the industrial and agricultural sectors in terms of wages.
In the process of analyzing the employment of the population in the service industries, the following conclusion was made: while the population in developed countries of the world chooses a job based on their interests, due to the abundance of labor resources in the studied region, the number of large enterprises and organizations, and the lack of jobs, we witnessed that the population is self-employed and the majority of the employed population falls into the service industries [5].
In order to develop service networks in the Kashkadarya region and ensure employment of the population in it, it is necessary to carry out the following work:
- when improving the territorial structure of the service networks of the region, take into account the specific features of the historically established system in the regions, the specialization of services, ensure the proximity of service facilities to the places of residence of the population and increase their types, as well as improve the provision of social and household services to the population, create favorable conditions for their satisfaction with life and recreation;
- create and implement a mechanism for developing model projects of socio-cultural, sanitary, household facilities and types of services that are convenient for the population, fast and high-quality, taking into account the natural and climatic conditions and socio-demographic characteristics of settlements;
- determine the future needs of settlements in drinking water, sources of water resources and provide them with water culverts;
- design of social services in settlements, including the construction of new service facilities and the reconstruction of existing ones, increasing the range of services, etc.;
- increase employment and quality of life in settlements located far from the district center by improving social and production infrastructure;
- create conditions for uninterrupted supply of guaranteed electricity to the regions through the reconstruction of existing enterprises supplying electricity, the construction of new ones and the gradual transition to the use of solar panels;
- improve the system of medical services for the population, increase their medical culture, further improve the quality and content of the education system in educational organizations, and strengthen the material and technical base of educational institutions in the regions.
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