управлению, главный специалист, Ивано го и охотничьего хозяйства, 76018, г. Ива тел.: (050) 433 63 22, (098) 224 58 23, е-т
UDC: 35: 639.1(477) «18/19»
Protsiv Oleg Romanovych,
PhD of Public Administration, Chief Specialist, Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting, 76018, Ivano-Frankivsk, Str. Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, 31, tel: (050) 433 63 22, (098) 224 58 23, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0001-6692-7835
Проще Олег Романович,
кандидат наук з державного управлт-ня, головний спецгал1ст, 1вано-Фран-твське обласне управлтня лкового та мисливського господарства, 76018, м. 1ва-но-Франтвськ, вул. Михайла Грушевсько-го, 31, тел.: (050) 433 6322, (098)224 5823, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0001-6692-7835
Процив Олег Романович,
кандидат наук по государственному Франковское областное управление лесно-ю-Франковск, ул. Михаила Грушевского, 31, il: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0001-6692-7835
Abstract. In the article it is analyzed the influence of the military in the field of hunting farms in Galicia in early twentieth century. In particular, it is analyzed the peculiarities of the organization of officers hunting societies, their cooperation with civil hunting societies, lobbying the interests of war-hunters. It was described the features of organization the hunting of the officers hunting societies. It was revealed that their organization was influenced by professional factors which were set in legal documents. It was illustrated cooperation in organizing joint training events and competitions of marksmanship. It was described methods of volunteer hunters help to army before the Second World War. It was illustrated the impact of officer hunting organizations on the humanitarian component in organization of hunting of Galicia.
Keywords: military officer, hunt, hunting, hunters, hunting societies, Galicia.
Анотащя. У статтi проаналiзовано вплив вшськово1 галузi на мисливське господарство Галичини початку ХХ ст. Зокрема висвгглено особливост ор-гашзаци офщерських мисливських товариств, 1хню спiвпрацю з цившьними мисливськими товариствами, лобiювання штереав вiйськових-мисливцiв, а також особливостi оргашзаци полювань в офiцерських мисливських това-риствах, та як на це впливають професiйнi чинники, закрiпленi в норматив-но-правових документах. Проiлюстровано сшвпрацю в оргашзацп спiльних тренувань, змагань та конкурав iз влучно! стршьби. Наведено способи во-лонтерсько! допомоги мисливщв армп перед початком Друго! Св^ово1 вш-ни. Аналiзуeться вплив офщерських мисливських оргашзацш на гумаштар-ну складову при оргашзаци мисливського господарства Галичини.
Ключовi слова: вшськовий, офiцер, мисливство, полювання, товариства мисливщв, Галичина.
Аннотация. В статье проанализировано влияние военной отрасли на охотничье хозяйство Галичины начала ХХ в. В частности освещены особенности организации офицерских охотничьих обществ, их сотрудничество с гражданскими охотничьими обществами, лоббирование интересов военных-охотников, а также особенности организации охоты в офицерских охотничьих обществах и какое влияние на это оказывают профессиональные факторы, закрепленные в нормативно-правовых документах. Проиллюстрировано сотрудничество в организации совместных тренировок, соревнований и конкурсов по меткой стрельбе. Наведены способы волонтерской помощи охотников армии перед началом Второй Мировой войны. Анализируется влияние офицерских охотничьих организаций на гуманитарную составляющую при организации охотничьего хозяйства Галичины.
Ключевые слова: военный, офицер, охота, охота, общества охотников, Галичина.
Problem statement. Hunting is influenced by various sectors of social production, convention rules, regional culture, etc. Related sectors are of special importance. Partnership and cooperation improve their efficiency. The research of the positive historical experience of cooperation in the hunting
and military sector makes it possible to use it under the conditions of contemporary Ukraine.
Analysis of recent research studies and publications. These problems have been expressed in the periodicals of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, namely: in the magazine Lowiec ("Hunter"),
which was published in Lviv as a press organ of the Galician Hunting Society since January 10, 1878, "Lowiec Polski" ("Polish Hunter"), which was published in Warsaw as a press organ of the Kaiser Proper Hunting Society of Poland since 1899; in the newspaper Gazeta lwowska (Lviv Newspaper), Opiekun zwierz^t (Animal Caretaker), the specialized calendars for hunters.
Study objective. To identify the influence of the military profession on the organization of public management of the hunting sector. To investigate the positive aspects of hunting and military sector cooperation.
The major task of the study is finding the provisions of law which regulated the engagement of the members of the military in hunting, the practice of enforcement of these provisions, the peculiarities of officer hunting societies' activities, the cooperation between hunting and officer societies in organizing the shooting competitions, the hunters' volunteer movement to support the army.
Study subject is the system of influence of the military component on the public management of the hunting sector of Galicia during the studied period.
Statement of basic material. On the 1 of January 1938 the Polish Hunting Association put forward an initiative to collect the used cartridges (cases) from smooth-bore and rifled guns for the needs of the army. Its appeal "Used ammunition — to the National Defense Fund", found a broad response across the entire country, because Poland did not produce metal from which the weapons were manufactured.
For hunters it was very easy because until that time all used cartridges were
thrown into the garbage or collected by game driving men, to sell to poachers or Jewish merchants [1, p. 65-67]. The latter even organized a successful business: they bought all proposed cartridges, sorted according to the caliber and sold. The price of a new cartridge was 15 groszes, and of the fired cartridge — only 2-3 groszes, but each contained 2 grams of pure copper. Providing that on average every hunter buys 200 ammunition items every year, and there were 50 thousand of hunters in Poland at that time, it means that they used 10 million cartridges, that is, 20 tons of copper [2, p. 216-218]. It should be added that in the prewar Poland shooting sport was very popular, and a lot of ammunition was used at shooting grounds, which was extra 50 %. However, the eastern part of Poland, i. e. our lands did not participate too actively in this campaign. So the hunting chiefs got instructions from the society how to organize the collection of cartridges after hunting properly. In order to do that they appointed a responsible drover who after each game drive approached all hunters and collected cartridges from them [3, p. 56]. The Polish Association of Hunting Societies organized the production of special bags bearing the inscription "National Defense Fund", which it gave out to the owners of the large hunting farms to put the cartridges into them after hunting [4, p. 737]. Major Henrik Pikheta from Kolomyia obliged hunters to hand over used cartridges to the nearest military station, and they received an appropriate receipt for doing it. Such a collection mechanism was approved by a corresponding order of the Ministry of Defense of Poland [5, p. 59].
Besides, hunting periodicals published appeals to hunters to help the army.
In particular, the newspaper "Polish Hunter" urged not only to give cartridges for scrap metal to the National Defense Fund but to combat poaching in such a manner [6, p. 69]. It was proposed to specifically damage the cartridges before submitting, since there were cases when dishonest military officers resold them to hunters because a cartridge can be used two or three times [7, p. 323-324].
The Polish Association of Hunting Societies organized the printing of leaflets which were put into each package of ready-made cartridges, with a reminder to hand over used cartridges to the National Defense Fund [8, p. 32].
The Ministry of Communications has released from payment of fee the postal items with used cartridges sent to the National Defense Fund. In fact, since the beginning of 1939, hunters got the right to send their gifts free of charge to the National Defense Fund, located at: Warsaw, Marszalkowska street, 17 [9, p. 317].
However, not only Polish hunters donated money to the fund. It is known that Scholberg, a Belgian citizen, sent a rare hunting rifle to the fund, which was later sold at a specialized auction [10, p. 419]. The people of art also took part in supporting the army. Famous performers, like Ukrainian artists today, performed at concerts, the collected money were sent to the defense fund [11, p. 2].
The Krakow writers' office decided that every writer should write a poem or a short novel, the remuneration for which had to be sent to the fund. The
writers were also proposed to organize and participate in literature readings for free [12, p. 3].
The professionalism of the military members and hunters is evident from the precision of shooting. Thus the public administration policy of the Second Polish Republic approved of the involvement of hunters in military affairs. According to the historical sources, public authorities organized for this purpose joint competitions for military members and hunters. The cooperation of hunters and military officers has already taken place under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
In 1902 the Officers' Shooting Society invited the members of the Galician Hunting Society to participate in competitions for the precision of shooting, which in 1902 took place in Lviv on May 28, June 12 and 16, July 10 and 24 and August 7 and 16 [13, p. 134]. In 1904 the officers invited the hunters to participate in the competitions which took place in Lviv on June 23, July 6 and 7, August 4 [14, p. 145]. To encourage the participation in the shooting precision competition the Officers' Shooting Society bought a number of awards for the contest participants [15, p. 138-139], which included: a silver cigarette case, a lighter [16, p. 149-150], the golden watch "Omega", which was awarded to the winner of the competition — Albert Mnishek [17, p. 166-167]. Apart from the scheduled competitions held by the Officers' Shooting Society it also organized competitions during the conventions of the Galician Hunting Society, in particular during the IX convention
(1905) [18, p. 161-162], X convention
(1906) [19, p. 169-170], [20, p. 143], [21, p. 165-166]. Moreover, the Offi-
cers' Shooting Society found financial resources and awarded the winner with a golden watch [22, p. 167] and a bronze statuette of a shooter [23, p. 134-135].
Beside Lviv, other Galician cities also held shooting competitions. In particular, this sports has gained great popularity in Stryi, where in August 1923 the demonstration shooting of the mountain division was held at the training ground in Zawadow. Besides military officers, hunters also participated, but only the members of Malopolske Hunting Society [24, p. 123]. In Stryi on July 5, 1924 the officers from the sixth infantry regiment also practiced shooting together with the members of Malopolske Hunting Society [25, p. 118]. In Rzeszow the military shooting society invited the local members of Galician Hunting Society to participate in the shooting competition which took place on the 1 of July 1908 [26, p. 155]. Also, joint shooting competitions took place in Lviv on September 27-28, 1924 [27, p. 172] and on July 30, 1931. Officers' demonstration shootings were held at the military shooting training ground in Lviv, and the members of Malopolske Hunting Society were invited to participate in them [28, p. 2]. In May 1928 in Stanislaviv the military authorities organized a shooting competition for hunters and military members. Ordinary participants had to pay 5 zloty, military — 1 zloty, the winner got the award of Stanislaviv Voivode [29, p. 156].
The Galician public was shocked by the disgraceful behaviour of the Krakow military station officers during shooting precision competitions. Thus, on February 25, 1892 at the local shooting ground the officers practiced
accurate shooting using alive animals as their targets.
To do this they used birds, cats, dogs, and even a domestic pig. They even involved local teenagers into their criminal activities who for payment caught for them stray cats or even stole domestic ones from their owners [30, p. 47]. It is paradoxical, but the shooting training also had negative effects for hunting, because the shooting grounds required large areas. Thus, for shooting training in Dolynsky county the military officials planned to arrange in 1925 the military training ground at the area of 10 thousand hectares.
These actions caused energetic discontent of the hunters' community in the newspaper "Hunter", because the territory which in the article with the provocative title "The best hunting areas of the Subcarpathia will disappear soon!??" was called the hunting enclave had wonderful conditions for game propagation, there hunters got a few dozens of wild boars during one hunting [31, p. 104-105].
In addition to practicing at a shooting ground the military officers did not miss an opportunity to practice their shooting skills in game hunting. This is evidenced by numerous officers' hunting societies that existed in the interwar period. Historical sources indicate that the hunters-military officers actively participated in the public life of hunters.
In 1922 in Przemysl was organized the "Officers' Hunting Club" [32, p. 124]. The military clubs not only tried to influence the authorities for lobbying the hunting interests, but also united the military hunters to arrange hunting. The Officers' Hunting Club in 1929 was admitted as an associate
member of Malopolske Hunting Society which expanded its activities in Galicia [33, p. 78]. The officers, besides the active participation in the hunters' public life, provided help according to their possibilities.
So, for example, on February 27, 1927 in Lviv the officer's casino premises hosted the hunters' assembly of Malopolske Hunting Society attended by 150 hunters. Among them were many generals and colonels [34, p.]. Besides, the Officers' Hunting Club in Lviv invited 10 hunters from among military officers to become its members. They pointed out that the active officers, reserve officers and military pensioners had the prerogative right for admission. The membership in the organization granted the right to hunt in the hunting areas which the club had on lease [35, p. 129].
With the assistance of the head of Sambir county in 1930 in the county an officers' hunting society was organized [36, p. 287]. To organize hunting for the society members the hunting grounds in the territory of the Biskovichi village of Sambir county were provided to it for use [37, p. 90], [38, p. 84]. It is known that in the territory of Galicia, similar societies operated in the city Gorodok [39, p. 83], and D^bica, only
officers being the members of the society [40, p. 146]. At the territory of the Second Polish Republic the officers' societies also operated in Welykopol-ske Voivodeship — the "Union of the Reserve Officers of the Western Lands" [41, p. 132], in Gdansk the officers' society included 15 members [42 p. 90], as well as in Warsaw [43, p. 101-105].
From the press accounts of the time it is evident that the invited hunters ranged from 1/6 to the half of all people participating in a hunt. It is noted that most often the officers were the guests. Because of the specific character of the military service associated with the frequent change of the place of residence, it was difficult for them to become members of a hunting society and to participate in its work [44, p. 5].
After the First World War the instruction courses for training of hunt and forest protectors from among the military veterans with service-connected disabilities were organized in Bi-lyany near Krakow.
In 1916 the first 26 candidates completed the courses [45, p. 60-61]. This fact confirms that the military profession is most similar to the hunting sector.
The officers contributed to the cultural development of hunting. In
ogiasza 10 wolnych miejsc cztonkowskich i zaprasza P. T. Mysliwych do wpisania siç na czlonkow. — Pierw-szenstwo majq oficerowie czynni w rezerwie lub eme-ryci, wzglçdnie osoby cywilne majqce tereny lowieckie. Zgloszenia, oraz informacje, przyjmuje i udziela tylko pisemnie sekretarz Klubu em. kpt. Nerunowicz, Lwow,
Piekarska 17
particular, in Przemysl in the officers' casino under the supervision of the captain Vladyslav Kobylyanskyy operated the officers' hunting library, where out of 4497 books 88 ones were devoted to hunting subjects. Malopolske Hunting Society encouraged to follow the example of the captain Kobylyanskyy [46, p. 126].
The specific character of the military service also resulted in the regulatory affairs. The hunters who were the army officers, the police officers and border guards being the members of the Polish Association of Hunting Societies were not subject to the arbitration (comrades') court of the society. The hunters' misconduct and conflicts involving officers were considered by the military comrades' courts [47, p. 146-147]. If they violated the hunting regulations, the officers-hunters were responsible not only before the criminal and the civil laws but also before the comrades' court of honour [48, p. 297].
Two years before the Second World War, an exhibition of trophies was organized in Berlin, which with the consent of the local commandant's office and the military authorities could be attended by the active officers and the reserve officers [49, p. 182]. During the occupation of the territory of Volyn in 1916-1918 individual hunting was permitted for the officers wearing uniform [50, p. 248-249].
Conclusions. State government authorities need to use the positive historical experience of volunteer movements in Galicia aimed at strengthening the national security and law and order of the state. Taking into account the professional membership of people when engaging them in volunteer ac-
tivities contributes to the motivating of the engaged people and improves the efficiency of their work.
In particular, hunters can be engaged to maintain law and order in their places of permanent residence, taking into account their professional potential — the skillful weapon handling.
It is found that at the territory of the Second Polish Republic there was a large number of officers' and military hunting societies, the activities of which differed from civil hunting societies and had a specific character, based on the closed nature of the military sector.
It has been shown that for military hunters the arrangement of hunt and joining the community-based hunters' organizations had their particular character and were subject to individual regulatory acts.
It is found that the military sector influenced significantly the organization of hunting in Galicia in the humanitarian area which found its expression in the arrangement of shooting competitions and specialized libraries together with civil hunters.
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2. Kalendarz mysliwski na 1939 rok. (1939), Polski zwi^zek Stowarzyszen lowieckich, Warszawa, S. 216-218.
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1. Проще О. Р. Модершзащя системи державного управлшня волонтер-ським рухом: кторичний досвщ мисливських оргашзацш у Галичи-ш // Модершзащя системи державного управлшня: теорiя i практика [Text] : матерiали наук.-практ. конф. за мiжнар. участю (9 жовт. 2015 р., Львiв) / за наук. ред. чл.-кор. НАН Украши В. С. Загорського, доц. А. В. Лшшцева. — Львiв : ЛР1ДУ НАДУ, 2015. — С. 65-67.
2. Kalendarz mysliwski na 1939 rok. -Warszawa: Polski zwi^zek Stowarzyszen lowieckich, 1939. — S. 216-218.
3. Ziom mysliwski na F.O.N. // Lowiec. — 1939. — № 17-18. — S. 56.
4. Ku uwadze pp. wlascicieli lowisk i prowadz^cych polowania // Lowiec Polski. — 1938. — № 36. — S. 737.
5. Zbiorka lomu mysliwskiego na f. o. n. // Lowiec. — 1938. — № 8. — S. 59.
6. Echa artykulu "zlom mysliwski na f.o.n. // Lowiec Polski. — 1938. -№ 4. — S. 69.
7. Zabiello Wladyslaw oddawajmy luski na fundusz obrony narodowej // Lowiec Polski. — 1938. — № 16. — S. 323-324.
8. Zbiorka na f. o. n. // Lowiec Polski. — 1939. — № 1. — S. 32.
9. Skiadaimy dary na F. O. N. // Lowiec Polski. — 1939. — № 10. — S. 317.
10. Dar przemysiowca belgijskiego na fun-dusz obrony narodowej w polsce // Lowiec Polski. — 1939. — № 13. — S. 419.
11. Artysci lwowa na FON // Gazeta lwowska. — 1939. — № 86. — S. 2.
12. Literaci krakowscy na F. O. N. // Gazeta lwowska. — 1939. — № 99. — S. 3.
13. Zaproszenie // Lowiec. — 1902. — № 11. — S. 134.
14. Zaproszenie // Lowiec. — 1904. — № 12. — S. 145.
15. Regulamin popisowego strzelania uczestnikow Zjazdu lowieckiego, urz^-dzonego przez galicyjskie Towarzystwo lowieckie w dniu 30. czerwca 1902 o go-dzinie 3. po poludniu na strzelnicy wojskowej // Lowiec. — 1902. — № 12. — S. 138-139.
16. Na strzelnicy // Lowiec. — 1904. — № 13. — S. 149-150.
17. Na strzelnicy // Lowiec. — 1905. — № 14. — S. 166-167.
18. IX. Zjazd lowiecki // Lowiec. — 1905. — № 14. — S. 161-162.
19. X. Zjazd lowiecki // Lowiec. — 1906. — № 14. — S. 169-170.
20. Na strzelnicy // Lowiec. — 1906. — № 11. — S. 143.
21. XI. Zjazd lowiecki // Lowiec. — 1906. — № 14. — S. 165-166.
22. Na strzelnicy // Lowiec. — 1907. -№ 14. — S. 167.
23. Na strzelnicy // Lowiec. — 1908. — № 12. — S. 134-135.
24. Popisowe strzelanie w Stryju // Lowiec. — 1923. — № 8. — S. 123.
25. Drugie premiowe strielanie w Stryju // Lowiec. — 1924. — № 8. — S. 118.
26. Program i regulamin Jubileuszowego Strzelania Premiowego urz^dzonego przez towarzystwom mysliwych w Rze-szowie w dniu 1. lipca 1908, punktual-nie o god 1-ej po poludniu, na strzelnicy wojskowej // Lowiec. — 1908. — № 13. — S. 155.
27. Sprawozdanie z popisowego strzelania w Jaroslawiu // Lowiec. — 1924. — № 11. — S. 172.
28. Ogtoszenia// Lowiec. — 1921. — № 3. — S. 2.
29. Wielkie zawody strzeleckie w Stanisla-wowie // Lowiec. — 1928. — № 10. — S. 156.
30. Spraw y towarzystwa // Opiekun zwierz^t. — 1892. — № 3.
S. 47.
31. Najpiçkniejsze z podkarpackich lo-wiectw mielyby znikn^c z powierzchni ziemi!?? // Lowiec. — 1925. — № 7. — S. 104-105.
32. Korespondencje // Lowiec. — 1924. — № 10. — S. 124.
33. Sprawy towarzystwa sprawozdanie z posiedzenia Wydzialu M.T.l. w dniu 11. lutego 1929 r // Lowiec. — 1929. — № 5. — S. 78.
34. Wiec mysliwych // Lowiec. — 1927. — № 3. — S. 35.
35. Ogtoszenia // Lowiec. — 1931. — № 9. — S. 129.
36. Z zycia mysliwskiego w Samborze // Lowiec. — 1932. — № 22. — S. 287.
37. Sambor, dnia 19 marca 1937. Lisy nn terenie pow. samborskiego w roku 1936 // Lowiec. — 1937. — № 6. — S. 90.
38. Korespondencje Sambor, dnia 3 marca
1937. Sprawozdanic z wyniku polowan w powiecie samborskim za rok 1936 // Lowiec. — 1937. — № 5. — S. 84.
39. GrodekJagiellonski, w kwietniu 1934 r. Sprawodzdanie delegata // Lowiec. — 1934. — № 10. — S. 83.
40. Sprawozdanie mysliwskie // Lowiec. —
1938. — № 15-16. — S. 146.
41. Otwarcie I. Wystawy Sportowej we Lwowie // Lowiec. — 1927. — № 7. — S. 132.
42. Z Polskiego Zwi^zku Stow. Lowie-ckich // Lowiec. — 1935. — № 8. — S. 90.
43. Sprawozdanie z obrad walnego groma-dzenia i XXV zjazdu Malopolskiego towarzystwa lowieckiego odbytego dnia 16. czerwca 1926 we Lwowie w sali posiedzen towarzystwa gospo-darczego przy ul. Kopernika 20 // Lowiec. — 1926. — № 7. — S. 101-105.
44. Проще О. Р. Як оргашзовували по-лювання для гостей у Галичиш кш-ця Х1Х-початку ХХ ст. / О. Р. Про-щв / Всеукр. журн. "Люовий Bic-ник" (травень 2015 р. № 5/44). — С. 5.
45. Kurs dla strazy lesnej i lowieckiej // Lowiec. — 1917. — № 7-8. — S. 60-61.
46. Oficerska bibljoteka mysliwska w Prze-myslu // Lowiec. — 1928. — № 8. — S. 126.
47. Z Polskiego Zwi^zku Stow. Lowieckich Protokol z posiedzenia Wydzialu Wy-konawczego z dnia 9 lipca 1934 r. // Lowiec. — 1934. — № 17-18. — S. 146-147.
48. Przyczynek do rez. Rozkazu Komendy wojskowej // Lowiec. — 1928. — № 19. — S. 297.
49. Wycieczki na Medzynarodow^. Wysta-wç Lowiecki w Berlinie //Lowiec. — 1937. — № 12. — S. 182.
50. Okupacyjne prawo lowieckie // Lowiec. — 1933. — № 21. — S. 248249.