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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Panesh Bella Khamzetovna

The relevance of the investigated problem is due to the fact that fundamental principles of ecological thinking, perception, ecological culture are formed in the period of preschool childhood. The method of modeling is of key importance in the formation of ecological knowledge and ideas. The author proves experimentally: the use of modeling in ecological education of children, keeping to certain pedagogical conditions, contributes to effective assimilation, specification and systematization of ecological knowledge and perceptions among children. The article material may be used in the practical work of pre-school educational institutions, as well as in further training of preschool education specialists

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43 Modern European Researches No 5 / 2017 Stock, J.R. & Lambert, D.M. (2005). Strategic management of logistics. Publishing House INFRA-M, Moscow.

Vdovina, O.A., Vertakova, Yu.V., Gontareva, I.V., Kondratiev, E.V., Konovalov, Yu.V., Lankina, M.Yu., Lizneva, A.Yu., Nizhegorodtsev, R.M., Nosov, A.L., Reznik, S.D., Sazykina, O.A., Simchenko, N.A., Tsokhla, S.Y., Chemezov, I.S. & Chernitsov, A.E. & Shesternina, O.I. (2016). Competence management: structure, institutions, mechanisms. Moscow.

VICS. (2000). CPFR Guidelines. Voluntary Inter-industry Commerce Standards, available at http://www.cpfr.org.



The relevance of the investigated problem is due to the fact that fundamental principles of ecological thinking, perception, ecological culture are formed in the period of preschool childhood. The method of modeling is of key importance in the formation of ecological knowledge and ideas. The author proves experimentally: the use of modeling in ecological education of children, keeping to certain pedagogical conditions, contributes to effective assimilation, specification and systematization of ecological knowledge and perceptions among children. The article material may be used in the practical work of pre-school educational institutions, as well as in further training of preschool education specialists.


ecological education, a child of preschool age, model, modeling, modeling activities, ecological knowledge and perception


Bela H. Panesh

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Teaching Methods in Pre-school and Primary Education System Chair, Adyghe State University.

208, Pervomayskaya st, Maikop, 385000, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

1 .Introduction.

1.1. Problem relevance

Federal State Educational Standard of Pre-school Education (FSES) suggests an active approach to the contents and organization of educational process for pre-school children. The Standard defines as a goal "possible achievements of a child" - not mandatory, but desirable achievements in intellectual personal development.

It is proven by psychologists, that the first seven years of life are characterized by visual-active and visual-creative thinking. This makes us to organize educational

44 Modern European Researches No 5 / 2017 process in such a way, that children would learn the necessary information by visual not verbal way (through real objects and events of the world).

Availability of modeling method for pre-school children is shown by psychologists P.Y. Galperin, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, N.N. Poddyakov, (Halperin, 1978; Zaporozhets, 1986; Elkonin, 2007; Poddyakov, 1997). It is determined by the fact that the modeling is based on principle of substitution: children may substitute some real object by other object, image, sign. During experiments it was found out that sometimes a child cannot learn something after verbal explanations of an adult or in the organized actions with objects, but he absorbs knowledge easily if it is given to him in the form of actions with models, reflecting the features of studied phenomena. For example, when teaching mathematics to 5 years old children, they have some difficulty in understanding the relation of parts and whole. Children do not understand verbal explanations and, manipulating with compound objects, learn the names "part" and "whole" only as it applies to this specific material and do not transfer them to other cases. And only with the help of a schematic representation of dividing the whole into parts and its restoration from parts, children understood that any whole subject can be divided into parts and restored from parts.

The results of our studies allow us today to put the question of preschool children environmental literacy formation as a system of attitudes aimed at a holistic analysis of the environmental situation, contributing to adequate ecological behavior. The above-stated testifies to the topicality of the research on scientific and theoretical level.

At scientific and methodological level, the relevance of the research is determined by the fact that in modern science and practice the question of interrelation between modeling activity of children and formation of ideas about nature remains underinvestigated. The modeling method is used in any sciences, at all stages of scientific knowledge. It has a great heuristic power, which is determined by the fact that with its help it is possible to reduce the study of complex to simple, invisible and imperceptible to visible and perceived, that is, a model can make any object accessible to knowledge.

The analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, the study of pre-school educational institutions work made it possible to identify contradictions between:

- the increased demands made by society to the problem of the formation of ecological knowledge and perceptions in older preschoolers, and its insufficient theoretical and practical elaboration;

- potential possibilities of modeling in the formation of ecological knowledge and perceptions in senior preschoolers and the degree of this process theoretical elaboration.

1.2. The Importance of the Problem Researching.

Based on the identified contradictions, the problem of research is formulated, which consists in determining the pedagogical conditions for ecological knowledge formation in older preschoolers on the basis of modeling.

1.3. Hypothesis of the Research.

Formation of ecological knowledge and perceptions in senior preschoolers will be successful if:

- psycho-pedagogical and psycho-physiological peculiarities of 6-7 years old children development are taken into account;

- a system of studies based on modeling is used in the ecological-educational process;

- in the process of modeling, children acquire ecological knowledge, i.e. knowledge about the features of the objects of animate and inanimate nature, their diversity, structure, interrelations existing between them.

2. Materials and Methods.

2.1. Research Tasks.

During the research the following tasks were observed:

1. To identify and substantiate psycho-pedagogical foundations of older preschooler's development and features of natural objects and phenomena cognition in this age.

2. To study theoretical aspects of modeling as a means of ecological knowledge development (to consider the essence, goals and tasks, classification and types of the modeling method);

3. To conduct an experimental study of ecological perceptions formation on the basis of modeling and determine the effectiveness of the work.

2.2. Theoretical and Empirical Methods

To test the hypothesis, a set of various methods complementary to each other was


- theoretical - method of theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem, generalization, systematization and classification methods, modeling;

- empirical - pedagogical experiment, diagnostic: survey, questionnaire, interview (Diagnostic methods for determining the level of environmental knowledge development in preschool children according to the program by O. M. Solomennikova (Solomennikova, 2004) methods of mathematical and statistical experimental data processing, sign-symbolic description of the experimental results (tables, charts).

2.3. Base of research.

10 preschool children of the senior group from MBPEI number 56 "Zhuravushka" in Maikop took part in the pedagogical experiment, and they made up the experimental group. To check the effectiveness of classes conducted with preschool children of the experimental group, a control group was also selected from 10 preschool children of the senior group.

2.4. Stages of the Research.

The pedagogical experiment was conducted in three stages: ascertaining; formative and control. At ascertaining stage, the task was set to identify the levels of ecological knowledge and perceptions formation among senior preschool children about nature, its existing relationships and dependencies by use of diagnostic tools.

At the second, formative stage - to determine the pedagogical conditions of the effective modeling application in ecological education of senior preschool children, to develop and test training complex based on the modeling activities with the children of experimental group.

At control stage, we performed repeated diagnostics and data analysis to identify the levels of environmental knowledge and perceptions formation in children based on modeling.

2.5. Evaluation Criteria

Criteria of environmental knowledge and perceptions formation in preschool children using the methodology by O.M.Solomennikova (Solomennikova, 2004):

1) knowledge of the animals world;

2) knowledge of the plants world;

3) knowledge of inanimate nature;

4) knowledge of the seasons.

2.6. Course and Description of the Experiment.

To identify the general level of ecological knowledge formation in children at ascertaining stage of the experiment, we used diagnostics proposed by O.M. Solomennikova (Solomennikova, 2004).

Comparing the results of diagnostics of the experimental and control groups, we state:

1. Preschoolers of the experimental and control groups showed in general an average level of ecological knowledge and ecologically correct attitude to the natural world - 10.0 and 9.9 points, respectively.

2. The level of knowledge of preschool children in the experimental and control groups about the world of animals is the same - 9.5 points.

3. The levels of knowledge development about the plants world in preschool children of the experimental group are lower than in preschool children of the control group by 0.4 and 0.1 points respectively.

4. The level of knowledge about inanimate nature and seasons in preschool children of the experimental group is higher than in preschool children of the control group by 0.5 points.

In addition, comparing the distribution of the scores in percentage, we come to the conclusion that, in general, the indices of preschool children from the experimental group are more "scattered", they have more both high and low scores than preschoolers of the control group, which complicates the work with the group.

The data obtained at the stage of the ascertaining stage of the experiment indicate the need for a purposeful search for the optimization of the ecological education of older preschoolers. This served as the basis for developing a system of exercises using models and modeling activities in the experimental group in order to increase the levels of ecological knowledge development.

The purpose of the formative stage was the organization and carrying out experimental work on the development of ecological knowledge in preschool children on the basis of modeling method use in educational process, taking into account identified pedagogical conditions.

The modeling training was carried out in the following sequence:

Classes were organized taking into account visual-motor and visual-imaginative perception of the world by a child. A series of lessons was held, aimed at formation of ecological knowledge (knowledge about the world of animals; knowledge about the plant world; knowledge of inanimate nature and about the relations existing between the animate and inanimate nature; knowledge of the seasons) and ecologically correct attitude to natural phenomena and objects. The developed system works on the formation of environmental perceptions takes into account the general didactic principles: activity approach to personal development; orientation to the variety of implementation forms of the searching cognitive activity; ensuring a systematic approach to coordinating different areas of work, selection of program content, formulation of the searching cognitive tasks; direction of attention toward the use of knowledge means (manuals, diagrams, charts, equipment, intellectual content equipment) (Tseeva &Panesh,2014).

Great importance was attached to research activities of children - experiments, observations. In the teaching process were involved all the child's senses, not just sight

47 Modern European Researches No 5 / 2017 and hearing. To do this, children were given the opportunity to touch, sniff surrounding objects and even taste them if it was safe.

However, despite the importance of modeling method, its versatility in comparison with other methods, modeling methodology is not elaborated. The researchers note that during the mastering of the modeling method children are moving from denoting simple objects to more complex ones; from coding of integer objects to designation of their characteristics; from coding of individual objects to designation of their sequences and systems.

1) It was suggested to children to describe new objects of nature with the help of a ready-made model;

2) the comparison of two objects was organized, signs of difference and similarity were identified, the models were consistently selected and laid out on the panel, replacing the features of the studied objects;

3) the number of objects to be compared was increased up to three or four, and we continued teaching modeling of essential attributes important for activity (e.g., selection and modeling of plant attributes that define a method for removing dust from the plants in the classroom);

4) the independent creation of elementary concepts models such as "fish", "birds", "domestic animals", "wild animals", "plants", "living", "lifeless", etc. was carried out.

The initial work with models was carried out during classes in middle group, where a ready-made model was introduced (usually the subject model) to supply new material. In senior group working with models deepened. Children compared two objects to each other detecting different and similar signs with the help of subject-diagrammatic and graphical models. In preparatory group the task was to teach children to model the basic generalized concepts independently, using models of different type.

In order to determine if the work with models contributed to better assimilation of environmental knowledge and concepts by children, we worked out control tasks in which children were asked to make descriptive stories about natural objects on the ready-made model at the final stage of training. Preschoolers were offered game-tasks on the cards that were composed according to model's principles and revealing the ability to identify essential features in a particular object, ability to compare and analyze the characteristics of natural objects.

Psychological and pedagogical literature highlights features of the work with models (Poddjakov,1997):

- modeling teaching is easier if the introduction begins with the application of ready-made models, and then preschoolers are acquainted with their construction.

- we must start with the formation of spatial relations modeling. In this case, the model matches the type of content displayed in it, and then we move on to modeling other types of relationships;

- it is advisable to model a single specific situation first, and later to organize work on the construction of a model that has a generalized meaning.

Taking into consideration that the reality for children is in the form of "clear" and "obscure" knowledge (Poddjakov,1997), and that contradictions arising between these two spheres stimulate their activity, to maintain it at a high level the conditions were created under which the growth of "obscure" knowledge outstrips the growth of "clear" one. Coming up with diverse models together with children, we must adhere to the following requirements: a model must reflect a generalized image and match the group of objects; reveal significant features of an object; the plan for creation of the model should be discussed with children so it was understandable. Models are multifunctional. They can be used in the classroom, in joint and independent activities. On the basis of models, you can create a variety of educational games.

Much attention was payed to the arrangement of a training area, a large number of materials and naturalists' contents was selected. Thus, there were a globe, geographic maps (world, Russia, city maps), sky map in the classroom.

Together with the children we made a calendar of nature, which was also a kind of model; models of natural zones: taiga, tundra, desert, jungle; model "Food chains"; model of the solar system. After studying the topic of life origin on the Earth and its development, we made the evolutionary ladder, on the basis of the program by S. N. Nikolaeva "Young ecologist" (Nykolaeva, 2003) and a thematic compilation about the life of dinosaurs.

We made such thematic compilations after studying of each topic. We believe that it helps children to understand material better, show its new sides, complete it. It can be noted that the use of models in composition of descriptive and comparative stories makes mastering connected speech for preschoolers much easier. The presence of the visual layout makes the narrative stories of children clear, complete, consistent and recognizable.

Throughout the year, consultations were given for making models. We developed a system that includes certain content, methods and forms of work and also creates conditions for continuous communication of children with natural objects:

- promoting ecological knowledge among parents and involving them in joint activities;

- conducting joint activities, to which parents showed particular interest;

- developing a leaflet, which briefly described the rules of behavior in nature. We organized a competition to design a leaflet "Protect the nature", where the contestants were parents;

- also, parents enjoyed taking part in the project activities, together with the children came up with the models (ant-hill, aquarium, pond, etc.).

The modeling method penetrated all spheres of ecological education, and found full expression in the organization of subject-developing environment (Ryzhova,2003). Ongoing work in our kindergarten showed high efficiency of observations, experiments and modeling. Children's modeling allowed us to experience the vision of objects and phenomena, children improved attention, visual and auditory memory, increased cognitive activity, expanded vocabulary.

To determine the effectiveness of the work done, the control stage of the experiment was carried out, including diagnostics according to the method of ascertaining stage.

3. Results.

Modeling is a method of scientific cognition, based on the study of any objects or phenomena by means of models. Modeling as a cognitive technique is inseparable from the development of knowledge. In almost all the sciences construction and use of models is a powerful instrument of knowledge. Real objects and processes are so many-sided and complex that the best way to study them is often to build a model reflecting some side of reality, because it is many times simpler than this reality, and to study this model first (Nykolaeva, 2003).

In kindergarten you can make models of any familiar to children objects of animate and inanimate nature and to use any material - paper, cloth, clay etc. For the same purpose will serve pictures of objects cut from magazines and books and pasted on heavy paper. These models can be static and dynamic, planar and volumetric. The model can be cut into pieces and be proposed to children for assembling. Active (dynamic) object models are very useful. They refer to those crafts that are able to move in space, to function.

Modeling biological structures is not especially difficult too. Children easily create models of all natural biological structures (tundra, forest, steppe, pond), agricultural structures (park, field, garden, vegetable garden). Models of biological structures allow to see firsthand the natural areas which children have never seen in their life, and to understand the relationship of organisms forming these biological structures.

Modeling as a method of teaching makes obvious hidden from direct perception properties, object relationships, which are essential for the understanding of facts, phenomena, formation of knowledge, approaching by the content to the concepts. For example, introducing properties of water to preschoolers to, we can show them how ice turns into water and water into steam, and explain- it is because ice is melting in a warm room, and when heated on fire, the water starts to boil and produces steam. But we mention only the conditions of transformations, without explaining how this happens. Even if we explain that all objects consist of molecules and molecules of solids are most tightly located to each other, and the molecules of liquids are farther away, etc., preschool children are not able to understand this, because their abstract thinking is in the process of formation.

Modeling is a joint activity of a teacher and a preschooler, focused on creation and use of models. Modeling is based on the principle of substitution of real objects with things, schematic pictures, signs. The purpose of modeling is to ensure successful assimilation by children the knowledge about features of natural objects, their structure, connections and relations existing between them.

Models can represent material objects, or to be mathematical, graphical, acting, informational (visual-figurative, logical-symbolic), and the process of creating and using these models is the modeling activity. In the process of ecological education, a preschool child will learn a lot of information, and it is modeling that helps him in this. In the studies of many psychologists (Wenger & Proskura, 1985; Elkonin, 2007), they note accessibility of modeling to children of preschool age. It is determined by the fact that the basis of modeling is the principle of substitution - the real object may be substituted in the activities of children with different sign, thing, image. In the educational institution, we can use as substitution (model elements) symbols of different character: the constructions created by kids, applications, drawings, geometric shapes, symbolic images of objects (symbols, silhouettes, outlines, pictograms), plans etc.

The purpose of modeling in ecological education is to ensure successful assimilation by children the knowledge about features of natural objects, their structure, connections and relations existing between them.

3.1. The Progress and Results of the Experiment.

Diagnostics results analysis of senior preschool children ecological education in experimental and control groups during control experiment shows:

1. The level of ecological knowledge and perceptions formation increased in both groups, but the rate of increase in the experimental group is higher than in the control one for all five indicators, in levels of ecological knowledge formation and in level of ecological attitude to the natural world.

2. The level of ecological knowledge formation in preschool children of experimental group, who showed poor results during ascertaining experiment, significantly increased. They showed an average level of ecological knowledge formation during control experiment.

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The children became more attentive during ecological classes. They listen with interest the stories about animals and plants and ask many additional questions, and a teacher answers them gladly. The knowledge gained in the classroom children "check" in the independent modelling activities based on the method of trial and error.

50 Modern European Researches No 5 / 2017 The result is: embodied in models knowledge about the relations, properties and qualities of natural objects become more deliberate and durable.

The results of the experimental study show that the use of modeling as a means of ecological knowledge development gives tangible benefits, namely:

- allows us to identify the hidden connections between phenomena and make them comprehensible to children;

- has a positive effect on language development, enrich vocabulary;

- improves understanding by kids the structure and relationship of the component parts of the object or phenomenon;

- increases the powers of observation of children, gives them the opportunity to notice features of the surrounding world;

- forms a holistic idea of the ecosystems and seasons.

Pedagogical conditions for successful application of modeling methods in ecological education are:

- considering age features of preschool age children;

- organizing and conducting lessons based on the modeling activity;

- in the process of modeling children learn ecological knowledge, i.e. knowledge about the features of animate and inanimate nature objects, their diversity, structure, relationships and the relations existing between them.

In addition, the attitude of the children to natural objects changed significantly. In the modeling process children get clear and accurate understanding of natural objects and phenomena, that everything is connected in nature, that separate things and events depend on each other, that an organism and environment are an inseparable unity, that any feature in the structure of plants, animal behavior obeys certain laws, that a man, as a part of nature possessing consciousness, exerts influence upon nature by his work. The knowledge gained during modelling children "check" in their independent experimental activity. The resulting in the process of modeling knowledge about the relations, properties and qualities of natural objects become more deliberate and durable.

4. Conclusion.

The developed complex of measures of ecological knowledge and perceptions formation in senior preschool children by modeling is effective enough.


Wenger, L.A., Proskura, E.B. (1985). Cognitive development of a preschool child. Publishing house "Radyans'ka school", Kiev

Halperin, P.Y. (1978). Actual problems of age psychology: materials for the course of lectures. Publishing house of MSU, Moscow

Zaporozhets, A. V. (1986). Selected psychological works: In 2vol. "Pedagogika" Publishing House, Moscow

Nikolaeva, S.N. (2003). Young Ecologist: the program and conditions for its implementation in a kindergarten. Publishing house "Mozaika-Sintez", Moscow

Poddyakov, N. N. (1997). Thinking of a preschooler. Publishing house "Pedagogika", Moscow

The development of social emotions in preschool children / Under edition of A.V. Zaporozhets, Y.Z. Neverovich. (1986). Publishing house "Pedagogika", Moscow

Ryzhova, N.A. (2003). Developing environment of preschool institutions: from the experience. Publishing house "LINKA- PRESS", Moscow

Solomennikova, O. A. (2004). Diagnostics of ecological knowledge in preschoolers // Preschool education, №7. - P.21-27.

Tseeva, L.H., Panesh, B.H. (2014). Formation of a future teacher readiness for project activities in preschool educational practice // Journal of Adygea State University. Ser. Common problems of pedagogy. Publishing house of ASU. Vol.3 (143) Maikop

Elkonin, D.B. (2007). Children Psychology: A Handbook for Higher School Students (4 th ed., Str.). Publishing Center "Academy", Moscow



The article, from the position of inclusive approach to education, substantiates the necessity to establish tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities in normally developing children of senior preschool age, presents the study of tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities establishment in children of this age. The author reveals the conditions of tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities establishment in senior preschool children from the event approach position and through the prism of the main type of activity.

The need to develop the scientifically based position on the identified issues determines the relevance of the problem study.

The purpose of the article is to justify the conditions determining the efficiency of tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities establishment during preschool years.

The materials of the article may be useful for teachers of pre-school educational organizations implementing inclusive practice.


establishment, tolerant attitude, children with disabilities, conditions, event approach


Elena I. Popova

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, The State Educational Establishment of Higher Education Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute. 1, Lenin str., Ishim, Tyumen Region, 627750, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]

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