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Ключевые слова
ecological education / environment / health / social subject / ecological culture

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dilnoza Abdurashidovna Mutalova

At present, there is a deterioration of the ecological situation in the world due to the influence of techno genic factors, many of which have a detrimental effect on the environment. The negative aspects of the problem of human relations with the environment can be resolved only if the quality of the ecological education of the population, its ecological culture and upbringing, and the implementation of the principles of moral and sustainable development are improved. The process of realizing the need to change the life paradigm should take place as soon as possible, until nature has lost the ability to adapt to the consequences of the development of civilization, until natural resources have dried up and irreversible environmental disasters have not occurred. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the environmental education of the younger generation, which will subsequently have a great impact on the scientific knowledge of the environment, which ultimately will affect its improvement and transformation. It is at this age that a person's worldview is laid, his attitude to the world around him. The goal of environmental education in childhood is to develop in preschoolers a cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-active attitude to the environment and to their health based on sensory and emotional knowledge of the natural and social environment of a person

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Dilnoza Abdurashidovna Mutalova

Teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute


At present, there is a deterioration of the ecological situation in the world due to the influence of techno genic factors, many of which have a detrimental effect on the environment. The negative aspects of the problem of human relations with the environment can be resolved only if the quality of the ecological education of the population, its ecological culture and upbringing, and the implementation of the principles of moral and sustainable development are improved. The process of realizing the need to change the life paradigm should take place as soon as possible, until nature has lost the ability to adapt to the consequences of the development of civilization, until natural resources have dried up and irreversible environmental disasters have not occurred. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the environmental education of the younger generation, which will subsequently have a great impact on the scientific knowledge of the environment, which ultimately will affect its improvement and transformation. It is at this age that a person's worldview is laid, his attitude to the world around him. The goal of environmental education in childhood is to develop in preschoolers a cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-active attitude to the environment and to their health based on sensory and emotional knowledge of the natural and social environment of a person.

Keywords: ecological education, environment, health, social subject, ecological culture.


The most important factor in the formation of a human personality is the environment. All its aspects - the social objective component of nature - have a developing effect. One cannot but agree with A.I. Arnoldov, who asserts: "Today, with particular evidence, a full-fledged, diverse self-organizing cultural environment is essential for the normal existence of society. It is this environment that is the most important factor in the spiritual formation and improvement of the personality of its

physical objective environment, its influence on the mental state. Activity began abroad relatively recently in the second half of the past These issues are discussed mainly by artists-designers, architects, decorators.As a particularly significant factor stands out as the factor of landscaping the interiors of ideals, interests, needs.


As the analysis of pedagogical literature has shown, the solution to this problem has found a serious scientific justification in Soviet pedagogy. Gradually, more and more significant ways of knowing the world around were distinguished, the content and methods of natural history work were developed (A.Ya. Gerd, D.N. Kaigorodov, V.V. Polovtsev).

Gradually, a new area began to be developed in pedagogical theory - the theory and methodology of environmental education for preschoolers, which determines the content, principles, methods, forms of environmental education. The theoretical basis of the methodology of environmental education is a number of studies in the field of preschool pedagogy. A special contribution to the development of environmental programs and innovative forms and methods of environmental education for preschoolers was made by I.A. Khaidurova, S.N. Nikolaeva, E.F. Terentyeva, Z.P. Bad, N.N. Kondratyeva, A.M. Fedotova, L.S. Ignatkina, T.V. Khristovskaya, N.A. Ryzhova, M.K. Ibragimova, E.E. Barannikova, I. A. Komarova, T. G. Tabunashvili, N.E. Chernoivanova, A.N. Potapova and others.

Analysis of the literature of researchers in the field of theory and methodology of ecological education of preschoolers (I.D. Zverev, I.T. Suravegina, S.N. Nikolaeva, A.V. Mironov, L.V. Moiseeva, etc.) made it possible to formulate the basic ecological concepts ... Environmental education is a continuous process of teaching, upbringing and personal development, aimed at forming a system of scientific and practical knowledge, value orientations, behavior and activities that ensure a responsible attitude of a person to the surrounding social and natural environment. Environmental education is an impact on the consciousness of people in the process of the initial formation of a personality and in the subsequent time with the aim of developing social and psychological attitudes and an active civic position, a careful attitude to the totality of natural and social benefits.

Being an active being, the child transforms the environment in the process of open, dynamic and dialogical interaction. In the cultural and historical concept of

ontogenetic development of the psyche, the outstanding Russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky, considering the environment as a source of the development of higher mental functions, paid special attention to the child's attitude to the environment. As the main unit for studying this relationship, L.S. Vygotsky defined the "key experience" as "a knot in which the manifold influences of various external and internal circumstances are tied." Revealing the nature of the influence of the environment as a source of feelings and activities of the child presupposes studying it not in its "absolute indicators", but in relation to the child.

In the studies of psychologists of various directions, the dependence of human behavior on the characteristics of the environment has been revealed. Defined different types of environmental behavior, such as territoriality and personalization (T. Niit, A. V. Petrovsky, M. Heidmets, R. Barker, R. Gump, R. Sommer). Territoriality of behavior implies control over the environment, which acts as an object. Personal behavior in the environment means identification, continuation of oneself with its help, i.e. "Materialization of their individuality."

In general, in the history of science, it is possible to distinguish various approaches to understanding the essence of the process of interaction between the child and the environment, developed in the mainstream of experimental pedagogy, pedology, reformist pedagogy (M.Ya.Basov, P.P. Blonsky, S.S. Molozhavy, S. Bayr -Klimfinger, E. Meiman, M. Montessori, S. Hall, R. Steiner and others). In the biogenetic approach, the nature of the influence of the environment is determined by the innate characteristics of the child. The environment acts as a "key" for ordering the child's inner world, providing conditions for the deployment of the internal biogenetic program. In the sociogenetic approach, the main pedagogical role is assigned to environmental factors, which, having a positive or negative influence, determine the development and education of the child's personality. (M.I. Vasilieva).


The theory and practice of pedagogy has accumulated a significant potential of knowledge about the use of the possibilities of the environment as a means of upbringing, teaching and developing a child. At the same time, special attention is paid to the nature of structuring, organization of the environment, the pedagogical potential of which must be "launched". The principles of constructing a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution have been developed: distance,

activity, dynamism, complexation, emotionogenicity, openness - closeness, etc. (L.M. Klarina, V.A. Petrovsky, L.A. Smyvina, L. P. Strelkova). In the context of the environmental approach in the theory of educational systems, the main ways of realizing the educational potential of the environment are revealed: differentiation, integration, generation. decompensation (Yu.S. Manuilov).

Considering psychological and pedagogical research (L.S.Vygotsky, N.N. Poddyakov, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger, P.I.Zinchenko, etc.) about the peculiarities of perception of natural objects by children aged 5-7 years: mastering by children of cognitive actions of a certain type; development of visual-effective, visual-figurative, logical thinking; improving the needs of children for new knowledge. Psychologists distinguish three areas of ecological regularities available to the cognitive capabilities of preschool children: the regularity of the morphofunctional adaptation of plants and animals to their environment; external adaptive similarity of species of living beings living in the same conditions; various forms of adaptive relationship of living beings with the environment in the process of ontogenetic development.

The study of industrial and public premises performs a variety of functions, including the function of psychological impact on a person. Plants in the interior help to improve the sanitary and hygienic, psychophysiological environment, to solve the problems of planning, organizational and artistic and decorative nature.

In recent decades, the concept of the environment as a component of the educational system has appeared (L.I. Novikova and others). The environment began to be understood as everything that surrounds the child and affects him: material and ideal phenomena, constant and changing events, etc. At the same time, the concepts of "environment" and "environment" are divorced: not everything that surrounds has a subjective meaning for the individual, which means that not everything has an impact on his personal development. One cannot but agree with the position that "using the environment in organizing educational influences means turning it into a conductor of management teams and a regulator of relations."

According to A.S. Veretennikova, the environment is a combination of environmental factors (air, light, heat, water, food) that affect the spread of living organisms (Veretennikova A.S.).

The emergence of the "Concept for the upbringing of preschool children", which proclaimed a new, personality-oriented view of the child, creates the concept of a developing environment for a preschool institution.

A group of researchers headed by V.A. Petrovsky defines the main goal of organizing the environment as promoting the formation of the child's personality. The subject environment of a preschooler should provide him with psychological security, trust in the world, a sense of the joy of existence, it should facilitate full communication with adults who can understand him, take his point of view, not ignore his feelings and emotions.

The principles of creating a subject-developing environment for preschoolers, put forward by researchers, are principles that facilitate the personal interaction of the educator with children, ensure the active behavior of preschoolers, the manifestation of their creativity and independence.

These are the principles that create, on the one hand, the stability of the subject environment, and on the other, its mobility, dynamism, the possibility of transformation, modification. Flexible zoning of the entire space of the main room where children arrive can ensure the simultaneous implementation of activities of interest. The researchers argue that the subject environment should evoke positive emotions, a desire to act and interact with children and adults. It should be designed taking into account the age and gender differences of children.


The content of environmental education includes two aspects: the transfer of environmental knowledge and their transformation into attitude. Knowledge is an indispensable component of the process of forming the principles of ecological culture, and attitude is the final product. Environmental knowledge forms a conscious attitude and gives rise to environmental awareness. An attitude built outside the understanding of natural relationships in nature, socio-natural relationships of a person with the environment cannot be the core of ecological consciousness, because it ignores objectively existing processes and relies on a subjective factor (Nikolaeva S.N.).

The content of environmental education of preschool children is presented in modern programs of environmental education of preschoolers: "Our home is nature" (N.A. Ryzhova), "We are earthlings" (N.A. Veresov), "Semitsvetik" (V.I. Ashikov , SG Ashikova), "Young ecologist" (SN Nikolaeva), "The planet is our home" (IN Belavina, NG Naydenskaya) and others. These programs are aimed at educating preschool children age of ecological culture, humane, conscious attitude to the surrounding world. All programs offer a complicated version of the content of knowledge about nature,

which is necessary for the gradual assimilation of preschool children, pedagogical models of leadership of the ecological and pedagogical organization of the ecological environment in preschool educational institutions.

For many years, a consumerist, anthropocentric approach to the formulation and solution of problems, including in education, has prevailed in our society. The main feature of this approach: man is the measure of all things, the "lord and master" of nature, who has the right to change it for his needs (according to ID Zverev). For the first time, the question of the need to change the prevailing stereotypes in the environmental education of preschoolers was raised by ecologists in 1997.

Analysis of the methodological literature of the 50-80s (S.A. Veretennikova, P.G. Samorukova, M.M. Markovskaya, etc.) made it possible to consider the traditional approach, where:

objects of the surrounding nature are considered primarily from the point of view of danger or benefit to people. It is assumed that a person can change nature at his own discretion to create the most comfortable conditions for his life, without taking into account natural laws. A negative attitude is formed, first of all, towards predators (wolves attack sheep, foxes steal chickens, etc.), poisonous plants, mushrooms (edible and inedible, poisonous), insects (M.M. Markovskaya "A corner of nature in a kindergarten "). The author does not recommend catching and placing butterflies in cages, there are few of them left in the city. However, in order "for children to understand what harm the caterpillars - leaf beetles do to plants", the author suggests observing. As a result, children are clearly convinced, "... how caterpillars hit the leaves in a short time," and the teacher talks about the benefits of birds destroying such caterpillars. A contradictory situation develops: children at the same time receive information from the educator that butterflies are beautiful, need careful treatment, and the caterpillar (the stage of development of a butterfly!) Is harmful, they need to be destroyed;

- consumer approach to nature - nature (forest) gives us berries, mushrooms, wood, fuel, so we must protect it.

the emphasis on the cultivation of cultivated plants, plants and animals should be an interior decoration (P.G. Samorukova).

cutting branches, trapping wild animals for collections and observations in kindergarten (S.A. Veretennikova).

For the first time, the question of the need to change traditional approaches in the

environmental education of preschoolers was raised by N.A. Ryzhova in 1997.

She considers: -nature as a "home" for living beings, including man, as an intrinsic value of nature; a tree is a "home" for animals, its connection with other plants, its significance for air purification, aesthetic value, its role in human life; the role of fungi in the circulation of substances (in the closest examples - in a garden, park, in a forest) and in the life of other organisms, connection with trees; take into account the laws of nature, act within their framework, help, first of all, organisms that live in a changed environment, next to us; the role of each organism in nature, their place in food chains, intrinsic value; emphasis on communication with objects of natural nature, plants and animals serve as a means of learning; organization of observations of objects directly in nature, without harming organisms (N.A. Ryzhova does not recommend keeping wild animals in kindergarten).


Thus, in the course of the research, we identified the research problem, studied the pedagogical and psychological literature, analyzed the educational process of the preschool educational institution, developed general approaches to solving the problem, which made it possible to consider the pedagogical conditions for organizing the ecological environment in the preschool educational institution, substantiate the topic and research hypothesis.

The ecological environment in kindergarten is, first of all, specific individual animals and plants that have settled in the institution for a long time and are under the care of a team of adults and children. We have considered the pedagogical conditions for organizing the ecological environment in a preschool institution. It is necessary to improve and update the content of environmental education in preschool institutions through the introduction of innovative programs in the pedagogical process; introduction of joint forms of work with parents in the pedagogical process (environmental actions, expeditions, subbotniks, holidays, etc.); systematic professional development of teaching staff (mastering the methods of environmental education, improving environmental propaganda among parents); introduction of new forms and methods of ecological work with children.


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