Научная статья на тему 'The integration of the content of training future managers of physical culture and sport in formation of professional competence'

The integration of the content of training future managers of physical culture and sport in formation of professional competence Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kryshtanovych S., Prystupa E., Slobozhaninov P.

Improvement of the professional competence of the manager of physical culture and sport should take place, taking into account the content of education of the personal component, namely: strengthening the formation of professional orientation of this specialist; creation of a holistic system of his professional training (basic knowledge); formation of creative thinking (individual methods of activity). This can be done by reorienting the focus of this training through the integration of the content of the disciplines and the logical construction of curricula, the sequence of formation of all its components, which should form the professional competence of future managers of physical culture and sports.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The integration of the content of training future managers of physical culture and sport in formation of professional competence»


Криштанович С.В.

доцент кафедри економжи та менеджменту кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент, Львiвський державний утверситет фгзично'1' культури iмeнi 1вана Боберського

Приступа €.Н.

ректор Львiвського державного }miверситету ф1зично'1' культури iмeнi 1вана Боберського, доктор пeдагогiчних наук, професор, Львiвський державний утверситет фгзично '1' культури iмeнi 1вана Боберського

Слобожаншов П.А. викладач кафедри ф1зично'1' культури та основ здоров'я, Чертвецький нацiональний }miверситет iмeнi Юрiя Федьковича


Kryshtanovych S.

Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management PhD of Public Administration, Associate Professor, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky

Prystupa E.

Rector of Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky

Slobozhaninov P.

Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Health basics, Chernivtsi Yuriy Fedkovich National University


Удосконалення професшно! компетентносл менеджера фiзично! культури i спорту мае ввдбуватись, з урахування у змюп освгга особистюного складника, а саме: посилення формування професшного спря-мування цього фамвця; створення цшсно! системи його професшно! щдготовки (базових знань); формування креативного мислення (шдивщуальних методiв дiяльностi). Це можна здшснити переорiенту-вавши цшеспрямовашсть ще! шдготовки за допомогою штеграцп змюту навчальних дисциплш та у лопчнш побудовi навчальних програм, послвдовносп формування вах l! складников, яш мають формувати професшну компетентнiсть майбутнiх менеджерiв фiзично! культури i спорту.


Improvement of the professional competence of the manager of physical culture and sport should take place, taking into account the content of education of the personal component, namely: strengthening the formation of professional orientation of this specialist; creation of a holistic system of his professional training (basic knowledge); formation of creative thinking (individual methods of activity). This can be done by reorienting the focus of this training through the integration of the content of the disciplines and the logical construction of curricula, the sequence of formation of all its components, which should form the professional competence of future managers of physical culture and sports.

Ключов1 слова: штеграц1я, змют навчання, формування професшно! компетентности майбутнш менеджер, фiзична культура i спорт.

Keywords: integration, content of training, formation of professional competence, future manager, physical culture and sports.


From the review of long-term experience of Ukrainian higher education, experience of oversea countries, with the developed market economy, the necessary terms of forming of professional competence of future specialists is exactly integration of educational content.

A thesaurus of modern Ukrainian language defines integration (from Latin integratio - connection, restore from integer - whole, English - integration; German- integration) - as the process of knowing the identity and value of any parts of the system, narrow-

mindedness of the elements in the whole system, de facto specialized elements of the system, so that the process and result of the process are the same».

Encyclopedic dictionary defines integration as a concept, which means the state of combining certain differentiated parts and functions of the system into an integrated whole, as well as the process that leads to the state of mutual convergence of science, which passes simultaneously with the processes of their Differentiation.

Integrative learning attempts have a long history. In the 1920s, integration was carried out through the

implementation of a comprehensive approach to the construction of curricula and programs, expansion of inter-disciplinary relations. From the 60s, all countries of the world have been seeking ways to improve the content of education, appropriate to the objective requirements of scientific, technological and social progress, the integration becomes independent. The main task of researchers in this direction have intensified at the end of the 20th century and today they are the main requirement in the process of forming the professional competence of future specialists.

The content restructuring of education is an urgent challenge for specialists from different spheres and the main demand of modern society. The system of training and improving the quality of training of future specialists in the field of Physical Culture and Sport needs particular attention. Therefore the system of specialists training especially the future managers of physical culture and sports, is characterized by the formation of a long educational process, based on modern means, methods and forms of education and training, innovative technologies.

Reviews of recent publications.

The problem of integrative approaches to education have recently become widespread as a result of the search for modern ways of modernizing education among domestic and foreign scholars, namely: theoretical and methodological problems of integration of education (S. Honcharenko, YA. Kmit, V. Kremen, I. Lapychak, F. Muzyka, L. Sushchenko ta in.); improvement of teaching methods of sports and pedagogical disciplines in institutions of higher education of the sports direction (E. Vilchkovskyy, V. Papusha, V. Pla-tonov, B. Shyyan ta in.); solution of problems of intensification of training (YA. Bilokon, M. Vayntraub, M. Zaytseva, T. Krutsevych, I. Mosya, A. Romanova ta in.); use of computer technologies in the field of physical culture and sports (V. Bohdanov, V. Ponomarov, A. Solovyov ta in.); new approaches to the collaboration of teachers and students (C. Blair, S. Lindt, M. Nguyen, T. Rothman, M. Henderson Ta iH.)

The aim of the article to find out the integration of the content of training of future managers of physical culture and sports in the formation of their professional competence.

Material and methods: analysis, generalization and questionnaire of students of higher education institutions.

Recent findings

It should be noted that nowadays knowledge is regarded as the potential that experts must possess, the main thing is the effectiveness of their activities in real conditions, therefore one of the ways of modernizing education is the introduction and implementation of the integration content of training. The integration can balance the main contradictions in education, namely, the differences between overloaded knowledge and limited human resources. Historical experience shows that it is impossible for anyone to give the appropriate education based on a separate science isolated from other sciences, and the integration itself provides an organic combination of different educational subjects around

one topic. This is innovation that introduces new conditions for the cooperation of students and teachers, which will improve the effectiveness of students perception of educational material.

The scientist L.Sushchenko drew attention to the necessity to take together what is related to each other whenever and wherever [3]. She emphasizes the need for an integrated approach to the organization of the learning process, because all knowledge is interconnected, and therefore must be studied in connection [3].

According to V. Platonov, the main way to the modern content of education lies in the integration of disciplines that cross bridges between traditional specialities and thus serve as a kind of framework that unites the individual subjects into one [2]. Therefore, improving the system of training specialists in the field of physical education, physical education and sports will contribute their formation of professional competence.

Because the integrated education system is still not well understood, it is not always perceived by teachers. However, its theoretical substantiation and practical implementation is a matter of the future. According to foreign scholars S. Lindt, C. Blair [4], M. Nguyen [5], T. Rothman, M. Henderson [6] the integrated learning sets new standards for collaboration between teachers and students - it will be an active model of activating intellectual activity and learning techniques that helps students to disclose themselves as individuals with their own goals and needs. Integration requires the use of innovative forms of teaching aimed the effective students perception of the educational material, it helps all participants (teachers, students) to collaborate and interact, bringing them closer to the common goal. Consequently, it contributes to the use of various forms of learning, such as computer science, coaching, mentoring, facilitation, edutainment. Moreover, modern pedagogical science considers integration as one of the main didactic principles.

Noting the general nature of the integrative approach, exploring its essential basis, scientists I. Lapy-chak and F. Music point to the objectively existing mul-tifaceted unity of scientific disciplines. It is emphasized that new links between the subjects of scientific disciplines are not only opened in the process of their study, but also can be realized in the course of professional activity. These provisions allow future managers of physical culture and sports not only to study in depth the nature and content of professional disciplines, but also to apply an integrative approach as an effective mechanism for improving their professional competence [1].

In order to determine the factors that influence the formation of professional competence of future managers of physical culture and sports among masters of specialty Physical Culture and Sports, a survey of 89 masters of full-time education was conducted, among them 47 Masters of Lviv State University of Physical Education named after Ivan Bobersky, 25 Masters of National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine and 17 Masters of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Eighteen experts working in the field of physical education and sports were also interviewed.

The questionnaire included questions that determine the complexity/problem of training managers of physical culture and sports, namely: «Logistics», «Lack

of up-to-date training technologies», «Educational and methodological support» and «Your answer» (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Results of a survey of respondents on the complexity / problems of training of managers of

physical culture and sports.

The results of the survey of the respondents showed that the difficulty in training managers of the field of physical culture and sports is the lack of adequate logistics, with 36% of experts and 35% of masters agree with this. 13% of masters and 14% of experts consider insufficient level of educational and methodological support in higher education institutions.

The lack of state-of-the-art training technologies is influenced by the difficulty in training managers of physical culture and sports, and here we can observe a difference in the views of the respondents: students -47% and only 21% of experts.

Respondents were asked to give their comments on the problems in training managers of physical culture and sports. The following results were obtained: 5% of masters indicated their lack of motivation to study; 29% of experts called the lack of connection of higher education institutions with the organizations of the sports and sports direction and did not take into account the requests for qualification of specialists; lack of innovative educational programs; problems with financing higher education institutions; low level of reform of higher education, etc.

From the obtained results it follows that an important factor influencing the quality of training of managers of physical culture and sports is the organization of the educational process in higher education. In order to choose the qualitative content of education as a component of the system of requirements aimed at creating the professional competence of the future manager of physical culture and sports, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks related to the choice of content of integrated educational disciplines, which will in-

clude a cycle of general education disciplines and professionally oriented.

The introduction of integration into the educational process of future managers of physical culture and sports is relevant, because it helps:

- to combine similar material of various subj ects around one topic and eliminate duplication in the study of a number of disciplines;

- to optimize knowledge that will help to acquire knowledge with less time, but will generate equivalent theoretical and technological skills;

- to acquire students a significant amount of study material and to achieve the integrity of knowledge;

- motivate students to gain knowledge, self-development;

- to form personal growth mindset of the students, the disclosure of abilities, cognitive capabilities;

- to provide students with the practical application of acquired knowledge from different disciplines for future professional activities.


In our opinion, the implementation of the integration of the content of training future managers of physical culture and sports in the process of studying the professional disciplines should be aimed at mastering their conventional management methods and technology management in practical sports activities, which will facilitate their successful activities. The content of the training of these professionals should be built as a single target program focused on the end result, rather than as a spectrum of autonomous disciplines. Each individual discipline should be considered as a separate part of the integrated integral content of a versatile

training of a specialist to its activities.

Therefore, the improvement of the professional competence of the manager of physical culture and sports should take place, taking into account the content of education of the personal component, namely: strengthening the formation of the professional orientation of this specialist; creation of a holistic system of his professional training (basic knowledge); formation of creative thinking (individual methods of activity). This can be done by reorienting the focus of this training through the integration of the content of the disciplines and the logical construction of curricula, the sequence of formation of all its components, which should form the professional competence of future managers of physical culture and sports.

Prospects for the further research is the development of the modern concept of formation of professional competence of future managers of physical culture and sports


1. Lapychak I., Muzyka F. (2014) Aspekty inteh-ratsiyi profesiynykh znan i vmin pry pidhotovtsi fakhivtsiv z fizychnoho vykhovannya u vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh [Aspects of integration of professional knowledge and skills in the training of specialists in physical education in higher education institutions]: Fizychna kultura, sport ta zdorovya natsiyi : Vinnytsya: TOV «Planer», Vyp. 18, S.163-170.

2. Platonov V. N. (1990) Aktualnyye problemy vysshey shkoly i puti perestroyki fizkulturnogo obra-zovaniya [Actual problems of higher education and the ways of restructuring physical education] : Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury : №4, S. 5-10.

3. Sushchenko L. P. (2003) Profesiyna pidhotovka maybutnikh fakhivtsiv fizychnoho vykhovannya ta sportu (teoretyko-metodolohichnyy aspekt): monohrafiya [Professional training of future specialists in physical education and sports (theoretical and methodological aspect): monograph]: Za-porizhzhya: ZDU, 442 s.

4. Lindt S., Blair C. Making a difference with at-risk students: the benefits of a mentoring program in middle school. Electronic resource: https://www.amle.org/Browseby-Topic/WhatsNew/WNDet/TabId/270/ArtMID/888/Ar-ticleID/763/The-Benefits-of-a-Mentoring-Program-in-Middle-School.aspx

5. Nguyen, M. Duke University Research Brief January 7, 2013. Peer tutoring as a Strategy to Promote Academic Success Introduction. Electronic resource: https://childandfamilypolicy.duke.edu/pdfs/schoolre-search/2012_PolicyBriefs/Nguyen_Policy_Brief.pdf

6. Rothman, T., Henderson, M. (2011). Do school-based tutoring programs significantly improve student performance on standardized tests?. Volume 34. №6. pp.1-10.



Лшневська К. С.

студентка тституту комп 'ютерних наук та iнформацiйних технологш Нацюнальний утверситет «Львiвська полiтехнiка»



Lishnievska K.

student of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies

Lviv Polytechnic National University


Статтю присвячено дослщженню icTopiï виникнення та розвитку автоматизованого перекладу в умо-вах глобально! шформатизацп сустльства. У статп визначено: процес переходу ввд машинного до автоматизованого перекладу, причини виникнення автоматизованого перекладу, iсторiя виникнення перших систем автоматизованого перекладу, розвиток систем автоматизованого перекладу. Також проаналiзовано функцюнал сучасних систем автоматизованого перекладу.


The article is devoted to the research of the history of emerging and development of computer-aided translation in the conditions of global informatization of society. The article defines the process of transition from machine to computer-aided translation, the reasons for the emerging of computer-aided translation, the history of emerging of the first computer-aided translation systems, the development of computer-aided translation systems. The functionality of modern computer-aided translation systems has been also analyzed in this article.

Ключов1 слова: машинний переклад, автоматизований переклад, система автоматизованого перекладу, термшолопчна база, пам'ять перекладiв.

Keywords: machine translation, computer-aided translation, computer-aided translation system, terminology base, translation memory.

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