Научная статья на тему 'Mechanisms of the staffing provision in the sphere of physical cultureand sports in higher education for the qualification of “bachelor”'

Mechanisms of the staffing provision in the sphere of physical cultureand sports in higher education for the qualification of “bachelor” Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Diehtiar Oleg Andriiovych, Vavreniuk Serhii Anatoliiovych

The analysis and synthesis of content, form, structure, training of specialists of physical culture and sport in the qualification of ”Bachelor” in the formation of complex professional and applied knowledge and skills that enable the implementation of guidelines, organizational, communication functions in the management of at the level of organizations, institutions, enterprises sports profile in similar positions of civil service staff are conducted.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Mechanisms of the staffing provision in the sphere of physical cultureand sports in higher education for the qualification of “bachelor”»

UDC: 351:378:796.011.3(477)

Diehtiar Oleg Andriiovych,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, associate professor of the Department of Management and Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 17, Marshal Ba-zhanov Street, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine, tel.: 0957721957, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298

Дегтяр Олег Андргйович,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент кафедри менеджменту та ад-мтстрування, Харкгвський нащональ-ний утверситет м1ського господарства ím. О. М. Бекетова, 61002, Украгна, м. Харкв, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: 095 7721957, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298

Дегтяр Олег Андреевич,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, Украина, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: 0957721957, e-mail: ODegtyar@i. ua ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298

Vavreniuk Serhii Anatoliiovych,

PhD in Public Administration, lecturer of the Department of pyrotechnic and special training, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, 61023, Ukraine, Kharkiv, st. Chernyshevskogo, 94, tel.: (057) 700 31 71, [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906

Вавренюк СергШ Анатолшович,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, викладач кафедри тротехтчног та спе-щальног подготовки, Нацональний утверситет цивильного захисту Украгни, 61023, Украгна, м. Хартв, вул. Чернишевська, 94, тел.: (057) 700 31 71, [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906

Вавренюк Сергей Анатольевич,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, преподаватель кафедры пиротехнической и специальной подготовки, Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины, 61023, Украина, г. Харьков, ул. Чернышевская, 94, тел.: (057) 700 31 71, [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906


iN the sphere of physical culture and sports in higher EDUCATioN for the qualification of "bachelor"

Abstract. The analysis and synthesis of content, form, structure, training of specialists of physical culture and sport in the qualification of "Bachelor" in the formation of complex professional and applied knowledge and skills that enable the implementation of guidelines, organizational, communication functions in the management of at the level of organizations, institutions, enterprises sports profile in similar positions of civil service staff are conducted.

Keywords: the role of physical education, physical fitness, education level, educational and professional program management cycle training courses.



Анотащя. Проведен аналiз та узагальнення змкту, форм, структури тд-готовки фахiвцiв фiзичноï культури i спорту за освiтньо-квалiфiкацiйним рiвнем "бакалавр" у частиш формування комплексу професшно-прикладних знань, умшь, навичок, яю забезпечують можливють здшснення керiвних, ор-ганiзаторських, комунiкативних функцiй у процес управлiнськоï дiяльностi на рiвнi оргашзацп, установи, пiдприeмства фiзкультурно-спортивного профилю, на вiдповiдних посадах апарату державно!" служби.

Ключовi слова: роль фiзичноï культури, фiзична пiдготовленiсть, освiтньо-квалiфiкацiйний рiвень, освiтньо-професiйна програма, навчальнi дисциплiни управлшського циклу.



Аннотация. Проведены анализ и обобщение содержания, форм, структуры подготовки специалистов физической культуры и спорта по образовательно-квалификационному уровню "бакалавр" в части формирования комплекса профессионально-прикладных знаний, умений, навыков, обеспечивающих возможность осуществления руководящих, организаторских, коммуникативных функций в процессе управленческой деятельности на уровне организации, учреждения, предприятия физкультурно-спортивно-го профиля, на соответствующих должностях аппарата государственной службы.

Ключевые слова: роль физической культуры, физическая подготовленность, образовательно-квалификационный уровень, образовательно-профессиональная программа, учебные дисциплины управленческого цикла.

Target setting. The model of the long-term training during study at the higher educational institution involves five stages. Taking into account the low level of physical fitness of graduates, the first obligatory stage is the general physical training. To understand the problem complexity, the creation of programs of professional and applied physical training should be approached from the position of consistency.

The graduate of the higher educational institution in the sphere of physical training and sports management should have the body of knowledge and skills that ensures the ability of the specialist to use the technique of business communication, public speaking, business administration; to implement the innovative technologies of management, marketing, advertising business under the market economy conditions; to manage the enterprise, organization of sports profile regardless of their form of ownership.

The teacher or head of any level in the sphere of physical culture and sports should have a wide range of knowledge that determines the specific features of teaching, coaching, instruction activities, on the one hand, and on the other hand to be competent in solution of issues and problems related to state control of the branch, economic, financial, legal, social and political aspects that stipulate the efficiency of the branch and direction of its development that is relevant for today.

Analysis of recent research and publications. V. H. Ariefiev, A. D. Dubo-hai, M. D. Zubalyi, T. YU. Krutsevych, A. S. Kuts, R. T. Raevskyi, S. M. Dom-brovska, S. M. Synhaevskyi, B. M. Shy-ian, etc. dedicated their researches to improvement and development of the national system of physical education of children, pupils and students.

However, the specified researches, obtained results and developed scientific and methodological recommendations by the defined directions can be used to solve vital modern problems of the branch management, namely, to increase the efficiency of state authorities in development of physical culture and sports. At the same time, the systematic analysis of available sources indicates their too general or restricted professional nature. In addition, the theoretical fundamentals of state control of physical culture and sports in the higher educational institutions for students are considered at random, without the integrated approach that results in lack of scientifically substantiated conclusions, recommendations and proposals, which should promote the qualitative solution of tasks on the branch development.

The purpose of the article is to analyze and predict the long-term model of training of specialists in physical culture and sports in the higher educational institution for qualification of "Bachelor".

The statement of basic materials. The purpose of course "Physical

education" in the higher educational institution of III-IV levels of accreditation:

• sequential formation of physical culture of the specialist personality of corresponding education level (bachelor, specialist, master);

• knowledge of fundamentals of professional and applied physical training and ability to use them practically.

In order the students to achieve the purpose of physical education, the complex solution of the following tasks is provided:

• formation of understanding of physical culture role in development of personality and training for professional activities;

• acquisition of motive abilities and skills for assurance of general, professional and applied physical fitness, determining the psychophysical readiness of graduates of the higher educational institution for life and chosen profession.

The efficiency of this training is stipulated by its structure. The fitness formation is a continuous process that takes place stage by stage.

The model of the long-term training during study at the higher educational institution involves five stages. Taking into account the low level of physical fitness of graduates, the first obligatory stage is the general physical training. To understand the problem complexity, the creation of programs of professional and applied physical training should be approached from the position of consistency. Taking into account the objectives of our research, we performed

the analysis and summation of content, forms, structure of training of physical culture and sports specialists for the qualification of "Bachelor" in terms of formation of complex of professional and applied knowledge and skills that make possible to exercise the supervising, organizational and communicative functions during the management activities at the level of organization, institution, organization of physical training and sports profile at the appropriate positions of state service machinery.

The analysis of educational and professional programs, as well as educational and qualification characteristics of bachelor training in the sphere of physical culture and sports in the directions "Human Health", "Sport", "Physical education" (training direction 0102) and "Theory and methods of secondary education. Physical culture" (training direction 010100) showed that the graduate of the higher educational institution in the sphere of physical culture and sports management should have the body of knowledge and skills that ensures the ability of the specialist to use the technique of business communication, public speaking, business administration; to implement the innovative technologies of management, marketing, advertising business under the market economy conditions; to manage the enterprise, organization of sports profile regardless of their form of ownership based on the profound mastering the fundamentals of branches of law (commercial, labor, business, financial, administrative and others), content of economic and financial courses, fundamentals of corporate management. In connection with the

above, the specialists of the qualification of "Bachelor" in the sphere of physical culture and sports can hold the following executive positions: director (head) of enterprise, institution, organization of physical training and sports profile, head of sports facilities, director (head) of small enterprise in the sphere of health, education, culture and others [1] (Table).

The comparative analysis by number and content of the management cycle training coursesin the above directions showed that the professional and applied training for management activities in the direction

"Human Health" is provided during mastering the content of training courses:

• "Fundamentals of administration and management of physical education and sports" in the amount of 54 academic hours and "Olympic and professional sports" in the amount of 81 academic hours;

• in the direction "Olympic and professional sports": "Fundamentals of administration and management of physical education and sports" — 81 hours, "Olympic sports" — 189 hours,

Training courses that provide training of future specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sports for management activities

Bachelor training direction Management cycle training courses (Number of academic hours) % to total time

Educational and professional training of bachelor "Human Health" (0102) Fundamentals of administration and management of physical education and sports — 54 acad. hours Olympic and professional sports — 81 acad. hours 1,56 %/ (8640 hours)

Educational and professional training of bachelor"Sport" (0102) Fundamentals of administration and management of physical education and sports-81 acad. hours Olympic sports- 189 acad. hours Professional sports — 108 acad. hours 4,36 %/ (8640 hours)

Educational and professional training of bachelor"Physical education" (0102) Characteristics of the sphere of physical education — 81 acad. hours Professional activities in the sphere of physical education — 81 acad. hours Olympic and professional sports — 108 acad. hours 3,13 %/ (8640 hours)

Educational and professional training of bachelor"Theory and methods of secondary education. Physical culture" (010100) Legal Studies- 81 acad. hours Economic Theory — 108 acad. hours Political Science -108 acad. hours Social Studies — 81,5 acad. hours Sports Facilities and Equipment — 54 acad. hours Management in the sphere of physical education- 54 acad. hours Organization and methods of recreational physical culture — 81 acad. hours 6,11 %/ (9288 hours)

"Professional sports" — 108 hours;

• in direction "Physical education": "Characteristics of the sphere of physical education" — 81 academic hours, "Professional activities in the sphere of physical education" — 81 academic hours, "Olympic and professional sports" — 108 academic hours;

• in the direction "Theory and methods of secondary education. Physical culture": "Legal Studies" — 81 hours, "Economic Theory" — 108 hours, "Political Science" — 108 hours, "Social Studies" — 81,5 hours, "Sports Facilities and Equipment"

54 hours, "Management in the sphere of physical education" — 54 hours, "Organization and methods of recreational physical culture" — 81 hours.

The state standards of specific directions of specialist training significantly differ both by number of training courses, and total time for their mastering, that, in turn, introduces significant corrections, when determining the number of hours for class and individual work of student, as well as selection of content modules, specific topics, scope of training material, forms of student work and forms of control of training activity results. The significant disadvantage of existing state standards, in our opinion, is a significant reduction of number of hours of social and economic training, which in terms of content and specific features provides the basis of professional readiness of specialist to management activities.

On the other hand, the variable part of educational and professional pro-

grams, which can provide the list of the management cycle courses chosen by the student or educational institution that creates the situation of disagreement from the point of view of the state requirements unity for the content of management training of future teachers, directors, government official in the sphere of physical culture and sports is specified. The state standard of Bachelor training in the direction "Theory and methods of secondary education. Physical culture" — 6,11 % of the total time provided in the educational and professional program is characterized by the largest specific share of number of hours for the management cycle courses, the smallest standard is in the direction "Human Health" — 1,56 %.

Another informative indicator is the comparison of the time given for mastering of the management cycle courses in the educational and professional programs with the estimated one according to existing methods [2, p. 196]. The comparative analysis showed that the estimated time for fulfilment of all academic tasks and achievement of the ultimate goal of education with qualitative mastering of education material for courses "Management and marketing of physical culture and sports", "Economy of physical culture and sports" must be in the range of 135-the inconsistency between the scope of future specialists' knowledge of the management cycle courses and the requirements specified in educational and qualification characteristics of the Bachelor training according to certain directions;

the insufficient formation of practical abilities and skills, general professional competence concerning the

management activities in the sphere of physical culture and sports;

the inability of graduates to perform the functions according to the occupied position in the sphere of management of physical culture and sports at the appropriate level.

Taking intoaccount the variety of tasks, specificsof the activities in the separate subsystems of the sphere of physical culture and sports, it is possible to eliminate the above mentioned negative consequences through intro-ductionof additional specialization in management activities to the system of specialist training using the hours of variable part of program, it will allow to direct a certain number of students to the future and furtheradvanced specialization in the management sphere of physical culture and sports, with subsequent retraining in certain specialty and postgraduate training with the goal of professional development. The system of continuous education of highly qualified managerial personnel for the sphere of physical culture and sports provides educational and professional postgraduate training [3, p. 10]. The law stipulates that the educational and professional postgraduate training is the implementation of educational and professional program, which en-suresprofessional development, retraining, internship and etc., on the basis of educational professional program of training of a qualified worker, junior specialist, Bachelor, Specialist or Master. The system of postgraduate education ensures permanent improvement of professional competence of specialists of the sphere subsystems based on the specifics of professional activity of different categories of workers in the

sphere of physical culture and sports: heads, civil officials, teachers of educational institutions, coaches in sports, recreational physical culture, sports doctors.

According to the analysis of the system of training and formation of organizational and managerial components of professional competences of future specialists of physical culture and sports, the important role in further professional development, increasing of efficiency of management activities of senior management of sphere is given to postgraduate education: retraining and advanced professional development of executives, managers, civil officials, physical culture and sports. Retraining, depending on the specifics of future activities, may include obtainment by the person of the second higher education in the sphere of physical culture and sports, or obtainment by the person of the second higher education (Bachelor, Specialist, Master) in other spheresrelated to the training of theexecutives, managers, civil officials, persons, who have basic or full higher education in the field of physical culture and sports [4].

In our opinion, a teacher or manager of any level in the sphere of physical culture and sports, regardless of ownership, must have a wide range of knowledge that define the specifics of teaching, coaching, instructor activities, on the one hand, and on the other hand -be competent in resolving issues and problems associated with state control of the branch andalso economic, financial, legal, social, and political aspects that determine the efficiency of the branch and the direction of its development.

The issue of implementation ofmain provisions of the Bologna Declaration in the normative documents regulating the process of training of highly qualified personnel in sphere of physical culture and sports remains extremely relevant for improvement of the training system for specialists of branch of physical culture and sports. The implementation of the provisions of the Bologna Declaration will allow to expand the sphere of employment of specialists trained at higher educational institutions of Ukraine on the labor markets of the European Unioncountries. The creation of the single European educational space provides the transition to uniform education standards thoug-hintroduction of a two-stage higher education system, the test creditsys-tem, standardized system of evaluating of the success of educational activity of future specialists. The processes of European integration in the sphere of higher physical education should be based on the principles of mobility, autonomy with responsibility, basing of higher education on scientific researches, education throughout life, diversity, quality education, compatible qualifications, attractiveness [5]. The implementation of the wholeassign-ment complex of improvement of the higher education quality in the branch should include:

• coordination and bringing to conformity of quantity of subjects, credits, total term of specialist training of the educational and professional programs to the standards of countries forming a single educational space;

• coordination and bringing to conformity of contents, credits,

forms of academic work, control, evaluation system of educational activities in specific academic subjects by deepening cooperation with universities of Europe;

• coordination of effective methods of research and quality evaluation of the higher physical education provided by the respective educational institutions;

• the creation of appropriate social and economic conditions for the participants of the educational process at the levels: education institution, student, teacher.

It should also be noted that under the concepts of "coordination" and "bringing to conformity" we mean the unification of educational communications at the level of principles and priorities in training of Bachelors and Masters, taking into account the recognized advantages of the national education system, ensuring of the peculiarities of formation, functioning and development of the national physical culture and sports in the content of training modules [6].

Conclusions. According to results of the conducted research concerning training the senior management in the sphere of physical culture and sports, we can make the following summation and conclusions:

• the system of training of highly-skilled specialists for the sphere of physical culture and sports requires legal regulation and improvement in terms of determination of economic, social and financial feasibility of provision of additional specialty in the sphere of physical culture

and sports to non-subject matter specialists.

• the educational and professional programs of the branch personnel training require structural optimization in terms of review of existing conceptual approaches to formation of the content, organizational and methodological, and procedural bases of specialist training for management activities;

• the processes of Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine require bringing to conformity with international standards of quality of the higher physical education, regulatory support for training of physical culture and sports specialists in compliance with initial positions of Bologna Declaration.


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