UCD: 378.1:378 DOI: 10.24412/1609-8692-2023-2-105-111
IRSTI: 76.01.11.
*B. Imanbek1, D. Kuat2
1LLP Kazakhstan's Medical University «KSPH», Almaty, Kazakhstan 2Higher medical college, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Currently, the quality of education is one of the most urgent and discussed problems in medical services. Among the key goals of healthcare development, providing medical organisations with qualified medical personnel plays a considerable role. The achievement of this goal largely depends on the quality of training of medical personnel. The quality of training of secondary medical workers is a critical problem in implementing healthcare reform and providing highly qualified medical care to the population. There is no doubt that the indicator of the quality of specialist training is adequate to the indicator of the quality of medical care provided to the patient. Students' dissatisfaction with the educational process negatively affects the quality of education and the health of students. Therefore, to train competitive, healthy healthcare professionals, it is necessary to organise the educational process properly. At the same time, we consider it essential to manage such projects as «Healthy Colleges» at the college level, which will promote students' health.
Key words: nursing, quality of education, educational process, self-assessment of knowledge and skills.
Introduction. Medical education is mainly intended to improve the health of the population. This thesis is the main one in the WFME World Standard for Improving the Quality of Medical Education, which defines scientific and ethical approaches to medical education and develops new teaching methods and methods of medical education management [1].
In most countries, nurses comprise the largest category of healthcare workers, steadily determining the level and quality of medical care [2]. Modern trends in the development of medical education are determined by the orientation of educational programs to the needs of the healthcare system [3].
Medical specialists' professional activity inevitably includes moral dominance, realizing a deep understanding by a medical
professional of their professional duty, in high professional and ethical responsibility for the quality of the process and the result of their activities [4].
Currently, the quality of education is one of the most urgent and discussed problems in medical services. Among the key goals of healthcare development, providing medical organizations with qualified medical personnel plays a considerable role. The achievement of this goal largely depends on the quality of training of medical personnel. The quality of training of secondary medical workers is a critical problem in implementing healthcare reform and providing highly qualified medical care to the population. There is no doubt that the indicator of the quality of specialist training is adequate to the indicator of the quality of medical care provided to the patient.
The quality assessment procedure itself is multifaceted. Some aspects of this procedure are covered quite fully and have been used for a long time in the education system (assessment of information resources, material and technical base, availability of human resources, etc.). But certain aspects are poorly represented in methodological developments, recommendations and other materials for assessing the quality of education. It is about involving students in the quality assessment. Students are direct consumers of educational services and, from the inside, are able to notice the shortcomings of an educational institution that are invisible to the external environment. If students systematically evaluate the organization of the educational process and the activities of teachers, then monitoring provides managerial influence.
The administration and teachers begin to adjust their activities according to the criteria by which they are evaluated. For the university management, the results of such studies can become the basis for developing a concept for the further development of the educational organization as a whole, as well as optimizing the quality management of education at each faculty. It is crucial to consider students' opinions in creating an effective mechanism for sustainable social development of the university staff, reflecting the interrelation and mutual influence of the student asset, the teaching staff and the university administration [5].
The available literature data on the quality of professional training of mid-level specialists in healthcare were analyzed. The data on the quality of knowledge of the students of the State-owned public enterprise with the rights of economic management at the High Medical College were also analyzed.
When analyzing the collected material on the study of the relationship between the satisfaction of medical college students with the organization of the educational process and the quality of education, he showed that in many studies, the proportion of students who are not entirely or partially dissatisfied with the quality of education is 2-4% of the total number of students surveyed. In 2014, domestic scientists conducted a study among
students of the High Medical College on student satisfaction with the quality of the educational process, where it was revealed that the proportion of fully satisfied students with the quality of lectures is 68% and practical classes 71.2%, 24.4% and 21.7% are mostly satisfied, 4.7% and 3.7% are not completely satisfied, both 3% and 2.7% are not satisfied. The knowledge assessment system (objectivity, completeness) is completely satisfied by 73.6%, primarily satisfied by 20% and completely dissatisfied by 6.4% of students. [6]. Also, when analyzing data on the quality of knowledge of students of the High Medical College, the quality of knowledge of college students for the 2019-2020 academic year was 80%, for the 2020-2021 academic year, this indicator was 86.1%, where you can see the positive dynamics of improving the quality of knowledge of students of this college. However, it should be noted that 86.1% is considered insufficient to train highly qualified and competitive healthcare professionals.
One of healthcare's main tasks is improving the quality of medical care. In its solution, the main role should be played by medical workers, including the most significant part of the — secondary medical personnel, who carry out 70% of the volume of all activities in the field of healthcare. As is known, the quality of the educational process is determined by the amount of knowledge and skills acquired by students, as well as the «survival» of this knowledge during professional activity [7]. Medical colleges face an important task today to form a new model of training middle-level medical personnel ready for independent practical work [8]. The traditional form of education - knowledge control assessment, should be replaced by practical consolidation of knowledge through independent activity and accumulation of personal experience [9, 10].
Secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as vocational education) has become increasingly in demand in recent years. It can be said that it shares with educational institutions of higher education a leading place in training personnel
for all sectors of the economy. To remain competitive in the market of educational services, educational organizations of secondary vocational education must train highly qualified personnel in working professions that meet the modern requirements of employers. Monitoring satisfaction with the quality of education is one of the essential tools for increasing the demand for educational services, as well as training highly qualified personnel [11].
The nursing profession in the world and the European region remains one of the most scarce and most in demand. More than 50% of nurses in Europe have advanced and university levels of nursing education [12].
Conclusion. The quality of nursing care is the most critical aspect of the quality of medical care to the population, characterising the activity of the industry as a system based on the results of the analysis of a set of various parameters that determine the organisation's capabilities from the standpoint of resource provision, the effectiveness of innovative management methods, functional properties, evaluation of performance [13, 14, 15]. One of the urgent problems for the domestic healthcare system is to provide the industry with personnel with the necessary level of professional competencies, which include, first of all, knowledge and skills in the medical care field and clinical thinking [16]. Currently, medical education and healthcare are being reformed in Kazakhstan. The goal is to improve the quality and effectiveness
of medical care to the population. One of the most critical roles in solving this problem belongs to the nursing staff [17]. Training a new type of nurse and ensuring the guarantee of providing the necessary support to achieve this goal is a priority task of professional medical education [18].
Nursing has not been given due attention for a long time in the country. This led to a significant lag in this area of healthcare from the development of modern science and medical technologies, was the reason for the retirement of qualified nursing staff from the profession, a widespread decrease in the provision of medical and preventive institutions with nursing staff, an increase in the imbalance in the ratio between doctors and nurses, and, as a consequence, deterioration in the quality of medical care [19].
Today, the preparatory stage of becoming a professional is of particular importance. Modern professional activity is highly complex, so the labour market needs highly qualified specialists who are well-versed in the latest technologies [20].
Students' dissatisfaction with the educational process negatively affects the quality of education and the health of students. Therefore, to train competitive, healthy healthcare professionals, it is necessary to organise the educational process properly. At the same time, we consider it essential to manage such projects as «Healthy Colleges» at the college level, which will promote students' health.
* Б. Иманбек1, Д. ^уат2
Чс^ДСЖМ» ^азакстанды; медициналы; университет ЖШС, Алматы, ^азакстан 2Жогары медицинальщ колледж, Алматы, ^азакстан
^аз1рп уакытта бшм беру сапасы медициналы; кызметтер саласындагы ец езекп жэне талкыланатын мэселелердщ 6ipi болып табылады. Денсаулы; сактауды дамытудыц непзп максаттарыныц шшде медициналы; уйымдарды бшкп медициналы; персоналмен камта-масыз ету Yлкен рел аткарады. Бул максатка жету кебше медициналы; кадрларды даярлау сапасына байланысты. Орта медицина кызметкерлерш даярлау сапасы денсаулы; сактауды
реформалауды жYзеге асыруда жэне халыкты жогары бiлiктi медициналык кемекпен камта-масыз етуде басты мэселе болып табылады. Маман даярлау сапасыныц керсеткiшi пациентке керсетшетш медициналык кемектщ сапасыныц керсетюшше барабар екендiгiне кYмэн жок. Студенттердщ оку процесiне канагаттанбауы оку сапасы мен студенттердщ денсау-лыгына керi эсерiн тигiзедi. Сондыктан Денсаулык сактау саласында бэсекеге кабiлеттi, деш сау мамандарды даярлау Yшiн оку процесш д^рыс уйымдастыру кажет. Сонымен катар, колледж децгешнде студенттердщ денсаулыгын ныгайтуга ыкпал ететiн «Салауатты колледждер»сиякты жобаларды уйымдастыру кажет деп санаймыз.
Tyrnndi свздер: мешргер ici, оцыту сапасы, б1л1м беру процес1, бтм мен дагдыларды вз1н-вз1 багалау.
*Б. Иманбек1, Д. ^уат2
:ТОО Казахстанский медицинский университет «ВШОЗ», г. Алматы, Казахстан 2Высший медицинский колледж, г. Алматы, Казахстан
В настоящее время качество образования является одной из наиболее актуальных и обсуждаемых проблем в сфере медицинских услуг. Среди ключевых целей развития здравоохранения огромную роль играет обеспечение медицинских организаций квалифицированным медицинским персоналом. Достижение этой цели в значительной степени зависит от качества подготовки медицинских кадров. Качество подготовки средних медицинских работников является ключевой проблемой в осуществлении реформирования здравоохранения и обеспечении населения высококвалифицированной медицинской помощью. Не вызывает сомнения, что показатель качества подготовки специалиста адекватен показателю качества медицинской помощи, оказываемой пациенту.
Неудовлетворенность студентов учебным процессом отрицательно сказывается на качество обучения и здоровье студентов. Поэтому для подготовки конкурентоспособных, здоровых специалистов в области здравоохранения необходимо правильно организовать учебный процесс. Вместе с тем, считаем необходимым организовать на уровне колледжа такие проекты, как «Здоровые колледжи»,которые будут способствовать укреплению здоровья студентов.
Ключевые слова: сестринское дело, качество обучения, образовательный процесс, самооценка знаний и навыков.
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Conflict of interest. All authors declare that there is no potential conflict of interest requiring disclosure in this article.
Contribution of the authors. All authors have made an equal contribution to the development of the concept, implementation,processing of results and writing of the article. We declare that this material has not been published before and is not under consideration by other publishers.
Financing. Absent.
Information about the authors
Corresponding author. Imanbek Bagymzhan Keneskyzy - 2nd year master's student, LLP Kazakhstan's Medical University «KSPH», Almaty, Kazakhstan, E-mail: [email protected], ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6236-1659.
Kuat Dana Esenbekkyzy - master of medical sciences, senior lecturer in the Higher medical college, Almaty, Kazakhstan, E-mail: [email protected], ORCID https://orcid.org/my-orci d?orcid=0000-0001-5516-2240.
Article submitted: 30.03.2023.
Accepted for publication:.03.06.2023.