Original article
Evaluation of the potential for the development of researches in nursing through information resources
Mereke Alaidarova1, Nurgul Ibysheva1, Madina Sholanova1, Ishenbay Moldotashev2,
Aleksey Popov3
1 Assistant of the Department of Nursing Medical University of Astana, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan 2 Director of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Center "Recard", Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan;
3 Director of the Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
The results of a survey of respondents selected according to certain criteria (work experience, specialty, ICT skills, etc.) showed a high degree of interest in creating professional online content for nursing teachers to develop research in nursing. The purpose of the study - To identify the need for the development of additional opportunities for professional competencies in the field of research for teachers of nursing.
Methods: Conducting an analysis based on AGREE survey data using the SurveyMonkey resource
Results. A survey on the AGREE methodology using the SurveyMonkey resource determined a high degree of expectation from the community of nursing teachers in terms of developing online awareness support and research training, identified the need to develop e-learning content on the basis of the e-platform, and determined the insufficient activity of the community of nursing teachers in the development and participation of research in nursing, which provides the basis for the development of research in this direction.
Conclusions. The results of the study show the need for the development of research in the field of nursing with the involvement of professional online resources for teachers of nursing. The results indicate the need to continue the
Keywords: nursing, online resources, research
Акпарат ресурстары бойынша гылыми зерттеулердi дамыту уш^ naHAÎ багалау
Алайдаров М.Е.1, Ыбышева Н.Т.1, Шоланова М.К.1, Молдоташев И.К.2, Попов А.В.3
1 Мей/'ргерл/'к ic кафедрасынын ассистентi, Астана медициналыи; yHueepcumemi,
Нур-Султан, Казахстан 2 «Рекард» кардиологиялыи; оналту орталыгынын директоры, Ышкек, Кыргызстан;
3 Кубань мемлекеттiк медицина универcитетiнiн директоры, Краснодар, Ресей Федерациясы
Белглi бiр критерийлер бойынша тандалган (жумыс тэжiрибеci, мамандыгы, АКТ дагдылары жэне т.б.) респонденттер арасында жYргiзiлген сауалнаманын нэтижелерi мей/'рбике id саласындагы зерттеулердi дамыту Yшiн мей/'рбике id саласындагы мугал/'мдер Yшiн кэаби онлайн-контент муруга жогары цызыгушылыцты керсеттi.
Зерттеу мацсаты - мей/'рбике id мугал/'мдерi Yшiн зерттеу саласындагы кэаби цузыреттм^н цосымша мYмкiндiктерiн дамыту н;ажеттiлiгiн аныцтау.
В&с-тэалдер: SurveyMonkey ресурсын цолдана отырып, AGREE зерттеу деректерi нег/'з/'нде талдау жYргiзу.
Нэтижелер SurveyMonkey ресурсын цолдана отырып, AGREE эдснамасы бойынша жYргiзiлген сауалнама ме^рбикелер мугал/'мдер/'н/'н цауымдастыгынан интернеттегi ацпараттандыруды цолдау жэне гылыми-зерттеу тренингтерiн дамыту тургысынан жогары куту денгейiн аныцтады, электронды платформа нег/'з/'нде электронды оцыту мазмунын дамыту ^ажеттiлiгiн аныцтады жэне мей/'рбике id мугал/'мдерi цауымдастыгынын жеткiлiкciз белсендл/'г/'н аныцтады. осы багыттагы зерттеулерд/'н дамуына не^з болатын мейiрбикелiк зерттеулерд/'н дамуы мен цатысуы.
Корытындылар Зерттеу нэтижелерi мей/'рбике ici саласындагы зерттеулердi мей/'рбике ici мугал/'мдерi
Yшiн кэаби онлайн-ресурстарды тарта отырып дамыту к,ажетт'1л'1г'1н кврсетедi. Нэтижелер зерттеудi жалгастыру цажетт1л1г1н кврсетедi.
Tyüi'h свздер: мей/'рбике id, интернет-ресурстар, зерттеу.
Оценка потенциала развития исследований в сестринском деле через информационные ресурсы
Алайдаров М.Е.1, Ыбышева Н.Т.1, Шоланова М.К.1, Молдоташев И.К.2, Попов А.В.3
1 Ассистент кафедры сестринского дела, Медицинский университет Астана, Нур-Султан,
2 Директор кардиореабилитационного центра «Рекард», Бишкек, Кыргызстан 3 Директор Кубанского государственного медицинского университета, Краснодар,
Российская Федерация
Результаты опроса респондентов, отобранных по определенным критериям (стаж работы, специальность, владение навыками ИКТ и т.д.) показали высокую степень заинтересованности в создании профессионального онлайн контента для преподавателей Сестринского дела для развития исследований в сестринском деле.
Цель исследования - выявить потребность в развитии дополнительных возможностей профессиональных компетенций в области исследований для преподавателей сестринского дела
Методы: Проведение анализа на основе данных опроса по методу AGREE с использованием ресурса SurveyMonkey
Результаты. Проведенный опрос по методологии AGREE с использованием ресурса SurveyMonkey определил высокую степень ожидания от сообщества преподавателей сестринского дела в плане развития онлайн поддержки информированности и обучения исследованиям, выявил необходимость развития е-learning контента на базе е-платформы и определил недостаточную активность сообщества преподавателей сестринского дела в развитии и участии исследований в сестринском деле, что дает основания для развития исследований в данном направлении.
Выводы. Результаты проведенного исследования показывают необходимость развития исследований в области сестринского дела с привлечением профессиональных онлайн ресурсов для преподавателей сестринского дела. Результаты указывают на необходимость продолжения исследования.
Ключевые слова: сестринское дело, онлайн ресурсы, исследование
Corresponding author: Nuregul Ibysheva, Assistant of the Department of Nursing Medical University of Astana, Nur-Sultan,
Postal code: 010000
Address: Nur-Sultan, Beybitshilik str., 49 а Phone: +7 (7172) 5778962 extension number: 243
J Health Dev 2019; 3(32): 20-39 UDC 614.253.52:616-039.75.007 Recieved: 04.09.2019 Accepted: 22.09.2019
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
eel CD
The priority task of modern health care is to achieve a high professional level of nursing teachers [1]. Among the key priorities in the field of active implementation and dissemination of new innovative methods and technologies, special attention is paid to such innovative approaches using information technologies as "smart medicine", distance prevention, "electronic medicine", and the introduction of E-platforms. The development of e-learning for teachers of «nursing» at the university is one of the priority tasks [2,3].
The study was conducted as part of the ProlnCa project. The implementation of this project is carried out by implementing two main areas of work:
1. Organization of trainings and training on the basis of leading universities;
2. Improving the skills of teachers of «nursing»;
3. Organization of language training for teachers in order to increase their language communicative competence. The relevance of this approach is due to the importance of developing international cooperation with leading foreign universities, the need to increase the number of publications in high-ranking scientific journals, including foreign ones.
4. Improving the professional competence of teachers of nursing at universities for the application of modern educational technologies. The relevance of this approach is due to the need for the effective development of the institution of supervision as one of the most important forms of effective organization of educational work in a modern university.
5. Improving the professional competence of nursing teachers in the use of modern educational and information and communication technologies. The relevance of introducing this approach is due to the need for the prompt implementation of new teaching technologies in the educational process of universities, as well as the effective use of the latest equipment in this process.
The implementation ofthe above areas ofwork, a preliminary analysis of its results allows us to talk about the relevance of the organization of additional professional education of nursing teachers, which in turn determined the authors of the research topic. Relevance: The priority task of modern health care is to achieve a high professional level of nursing teachers [1]. Among the key priorities in the field
Materials and methods
The object of the study is the process of teaching nursing using modern ICT technologies. A survey of teachers from medical colleges in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan was conducted. The
of active implementation and dissemination of new innovative methods and technologies, special attention is paid to such innovative approaches using information technologies as "smart medicine", distance prevention, "electronic medicine", and the introduction of E-platforms. The development of e-learning for teachers of «nursing» at the university is one of the priority tasks [2,3].
The study was conducted as part of the ProlnCa project. The implementation of this project is carried out by implementing two main areas of work:
1. Organization of trainings and training on the basis of leading universities;
2. Improving the skills of teachers of «nursing»;
3. Organization of language training for teachers in order to increase their language communicative competence. The relevance of this approach is due to the importance of developing international cooperation with leading foreign universities, the need to increase the number of publications in high-ranking scientific journals, including foreign ones.
4. Improving the professional competence of teachers of nursing at universities for the application of modern educational technologies. The relevance of this approach is due to the need for the effective development of the institution of supervision as one of the most important forms of effective organization of educational work in a modern university.
5. Improving the professional competence of nursing teachers in the use of modern educational and information and communication technologies. The relevance of introducing this approach is due to the need for the prompt implementation of new teaching technologies in the educational process of universities, as well as the effective use of the latest equipment in this process.
The implementation of the above areas of work, a preliminary analysis of its results allows us to talk about the relevance of the organization of additional professional education of nursing teachers, which in turn determined the authors of the research topic.
The aim of the study is to assess the conditions for the use of electronic information technologies (ICT) to improve the teaching practice of teaching nursing based on the developed system of priorities and indicators.
survey involved 70 teachers from 17 colleges. The survey was conducted online through SurveyMonkey. the study began with a survey approved by the local ethics committee, the
questionnaire consists of 2 sections: passport and special. The survey was conducted in electronic form (using the SurveyMonkey mobile application https:// ru.surveymonkey.com ). The answer to the question in the questionnaire determines one of 3 possible answers: Yes, No, I don't know. The passport part of the questionnaire consisted of 6 questions. The special section consisted of 14 questions.
Given the special requirements for evaluating the work of nursing teachers, one of the objectives of the study was to determine the main criteria for assessing the quality of training of nurses [4]. The study used a method of collecting quantitative information based on a formal "hard" survey among 70 respondents. teachers answered questionnaires to determine the need for research in nursing. The questionnaire consists of 2 sections as an expert in the field of nursing, education, research. Criteria for inclusion in the study: teachers of the basics of nursing; teachers teaching clinical disciplines in the specialty of Nursing. Criteria for limiting the study: the presence of mental pathology that prevents participation in the study; refusal of teachers to participate in the study at
any stage until the processing of the received data is completed [5]. The subject of the study is the conditions and institutional prerequisites in the process of teaching nursing using ICT technologies. In developing the problem, various complementary methodological approaches were used, including a systematic approach in its subject-object and functional-structural aspects, normative, dialectic, and synergetic approaches; methods and tools of scientific research, such as methods of comparative, structural, coefficient analysis, generalization and grouping, situational and dynamic analysis, tabular and graphical interpretation of empirically-factual information [6,7]. The use of the methodological base and methodological tools allowed the author of the study to strengthen the apparatus of research problems for managing paramedical personnel integrated in the information space in a hospital environment and expand its capabilities. The targeted use of the functional and heuristic potential of individual methods, combined by a common methodology and research algorithm, in solving the significant tasks of the dissertation provided scientific accuracy and reliability of the final results and conclusions of the work.
There are various distance learning systems: Moodle, Claroline, Dokeos, ATutor, Ilias, Sakai, Blackboard, Lams, Olat, OpenACS and others [8,9,10]. Today, Moodle (modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment) is a modular object-
oriented dynamic learning environment (author and developer M. Dugimas) and is the most popular distance learning (S), as evidenced by the data of an online user survey (Fig. 1) [11].
Fig. 1 - Demand for the most promising software SDEs: Moodle: 2981 deployment / 54% of the DL market; Blackboard + WebCT: 2500 deployments / 45% of the DL market; Sakai: 35 deployments / 0.63% of the DO market
During the survey, the degree of readiness for the use of online resources by teachers of nursing research during research was established. When analyzing the special part of the questionnaire, the following results were obtained:
When analyzing the prevalence of answers on participation in research, it was found that the highest degree of participation in research is found among teachers working in higher medical colleges - 31%. It should be noted that the negative answer prevails among all 3 comparison groups,
which indicates a low degree of development of the research environment among teachers (see Fig. 2).
Hight med.coll.
Med.coll 14%
Med.coll Hight med.coll. Med.uni
■ Yes 14% 31% 29%
■ No 84% 69% 71%
■ Do1! know 3% 0% 0%
Fig. 2 - Distribution of expert response to the degree of participation in research with reference
to their place of work
|n the progn°stic p|an the content of research nursing teachers in the professional environment. in nursing has uncertainty in terms of the demand for
Fig. 3 - Distribution of expert response to the degree of participation in research with reference
to their place of work
When analyzing the distribution of answers to the question "Have you had any experience in research in the field of nursing?" with reference to their educational level, low potential was established (Fig. 3.).
This is due directly to the lack of practical experience and the ability to operate with communication technologies. In view of the fact that higher medical colleges were recently established and medical universities introduced the discipline "Nursing" relatively recently, accordingly, the practical experience of experts in this category was close to the minimum acceptable (1 year), which, in turn, gave such a low rate.
These results showed the need to develop
educational e-courses for research in nursing.
Most of the expatriates who graduated from the Medical University have a certain potential for participating in research, as sufficient practical experience allows them to answer in the affirmative to this question (see fig. 4).
Fig. 4 - Distribution of answers of experts to the question "Have you had experience in participating in scientific research in medicine?" with reference to the place of work
Med.uni 41% 53 P-Q 1
Hi ght med.coll. 31% H 63% i
Med.coll 19% 73% '—8%
0% 20% 40 % 60% 80% 100%
Med.coll Hi ght med.coll. Med.uni
■ Yes 19% 31% 41%
■ No 73% 63% 53%
■ Do't know 8% 6% 6%
Accordingly, the presence of only a high degree of knowledge of information and communication technologies or only having extensive practical experience is not a decisive factor for high-quality
participation in research. Here we observe a direct dependence on their degree of interest in research (see Fig. 2).
Kght med.coll. 13% Med. coll
1 6%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Med.coll Hight med.coll. Med.uni
■ Yes 59% 13% 29%
■ No 41% 81% 65%
■ Do't know 0% 6% 6%
Fig.5 - Distribution of answers to the question "Do you often notice problems in teaching new technologies to nursing students?" with reference to the place of work
Fig. 6 - Distribution of answers to the question "Do you have difficulties in mastering new material on the taught subject for nursing students?" with reference to the place of work
Figure 5 shows the presence of an environment for the development of educational content based on Moodle to solve their professional problems, due to the development of practical skills.
A high percentage of positive answers among
respondents who graduated from a medical college indicates a difference in the inculcation of the ability to master skills in training specialists at a medical college when comparing at a higher medical college and a medical university.
Med. uni Hight med.coll. Med.coll
35°/ 47% i—i 18% H
81% -i 19% 0C
0% 20%
Med.coll I Yes 30%
I No 70%
Dot know 0%
40% 60%
Hight med.coll. 81% 19% 0%
80% 100%
Med.uni 35% 47% 18%
Fig. 7 - Distribution of answers to the question "Do you often use mobile applications to find information in the field of nursing?" with reference to the place of work
Based on this, it is necessary to develop educational content for students of a medical college and specialists who graduated from a medical university in a more selective and detailed way (Fig.6). Fig. 7 indicates the high potential for
using the mobile application of the e-platform, but, at the same time, there is a need to develop a guide for using the mobile application and measures to promote this option.
Med. uni Hight med.coll. Med.coll
35% H 47% i 18% H
44% H 31% i—i 25% i-
27% H 70% 1 3/b
0% 20%
Med.coll I Yes 27%
I No 70%
Dot know 3%
40% 60%
Hight med.coll. 44% 31% 25%
80% 100%
Med.uni 35% 47% 18%
Fig. 8 - Distribution of answers to the question "Are there any specialists in your educational institution who help in finding high-quality information on nursing?" with reference to the place of work
When analyzing the results, it was revealed that the vast majority of respondents do not have qualified support when searching for information on the specialty «Nursing» (see figure 8). However, the group of Higher Medical Colleges, which gave an uncertainty in the response (44% / 31% / 25%), is wary. Figure 9 shows the average distribution of answers to the question, "Do you read scientific medical articles in the field of nursing?" which indicates a low-developed scientific and journalistic
activity in nursing (538%). The presence of such a difference between negative (53%) and positive (46%) answers indicates an established tendency for a lack of skills in finding and using new information from research in nursing.
Fig. 9 - The average response structure for all employees on the question "Do you read scientific medical
articles in the field of nursing?"
In this regard, an integrated approach is needed to promote the methodology for the search for scientific information in nursing, the standards for formatting research results and the principles for
their presentation in the scientific and professional community. This content should be presented in the form of informational and educational content of the e-platform.
Fig. 10 - Distribution of answers to the question "Do you write articles for medical journals?"
On the diagram of the distribution of answers to the question «Do you write articles for medical journals?» with reference to the place of work (see fig. 10), a negative trend is observed. At the same time, a group of MK experts (81%) gave the largest percentage of negative answers when, as a group of experts from higher medical colleges and medical universities, they gave a lower rate of negative statements (69% and 59%, respectively), which indicates the degree of preparedness to provide research results for discussion in the scientific community of the professional community.
On the issue of the provision of scientific publications by respondents in nursing, a negative distribution is noted - 73% (see Figure 11).
The result of a survey of respondents on the use of the principles of evidence will show uniformity in all three groups, in which there is a negative trend: the highest in the group of medical universities - 53%; further in the group of higher medical colleges - 44% and the group of medical colleges - 41% completes.
Fig. 11 - The structure of the answer to the question "Do you write articles for medical journals?"
average for all employees
It should be noted the lack of orientation in the question in the group of higher medical colleges: "I don't know" - 31%. All this indicates the need to clarify the principles of evidence at a basic level
as information content on the e-platform and the development of training courses for teachers of nursing in educational content (Figure 12).
35% H 53% i— 12%
25% H 44% i—i 31%
49% H 41% i- 11% H
0% 20%
Med.coll I Yes 49%
I No 41%
IVI know 11%
40% 60%
Eight med.coll. 25% 44% 31%
80% 100%
35% 53% 12%
Fig. 12 - Distribution of answers on the question "Is it difficult for you to use the principles of evidence-based
medicine in your work?"
Fig. 13 - The structure of the answer to the question "Is it difficult for you to use the principles of evidence-h based medicine in your work?" average for all interviewed experts
The overall indicator shows 60% (44% none + 16% I don't know) of the non-involvement of nursing teachers in the principles of evidence (see fig. 13). This trend negatively affects the plasticity
of the process of perception of scientific information in the practice of teaching nursing, reduces the effectiveness of improving teaching nursing.
Med uni
Hi ght med.coll.
47% 41% i- 12%
44% H 25% 31%
19% 68% 14%
0% 20%
Med.coll I Yes 19%
I No 68%
Dot know 14%
40% 60%
Hi ght med.coll. 44% 25% 31%
Med.uni 47% 41% 12%
Fig. 14 - Distribution of answers to the question "Do you manage to use levels of evidence in evaluating
information during seminars?"
To change the situation, it is necessary to use of information and educational content of the develop measures for a better and more affordable e-platform in the field of evidence in nursing.
Fig. 15 - The structure of the answer to the question "Are you able to use levels of evidence in evaluating information during seminars?" on average for all respondents surveyed
The data presented in Fig. 14 confirm a low level of awareness of the principles of evidence among nursing teachers. In accordance with this, it is necessary to develop a special course in teaching materials for teachers of nursing on the practice of using the principles of evidence in educational materials for students of nursing.
The presence of a high percentage of negative answers (51%) indicates a negative tendency for teachers of nursing to reject the principles of evidence in general (Fig. 15). To change this situation, it is necessary to increase the awareness of teachers of nursing in the field
of evidence in nursing, to focus on the features of evidence in nursing.
Figure 16 shows the negative distribution of the expectation of answers from respondents from among teachers of nursing to the question of advanced training in the field of the methodology for conducting research in nursing. The largest percentage of negative answers was given by a group of medical colleges - 68%.
Fig. 16 - Distribution of answers to the question "Have you had any internships/advanced studies in research?"
According to the average distribution, the "Have you had any internships / advanced studies prevalence of negative answers to the question in scientific research?" (fig. 17).
Fig.17 - The structure of the answer to the question "Have you completed internships / advanced studies in scientific research?" average for respondents
Fig. 18 - Distribution of answers on the question "Do you participate in scientific conferences in the field of health?"
Therefore, a change in the policy regarding research in the field of nursing, an increase in the role of the professional community of teachers of nursing will make it possible to change this situation in a positive direction.
A positive trend was shown by experts from
higher medical colleges and medical colleges in relation to participation in scientific conferences in the field of health (see fig. 18). However, respondents from medical universities gave high uncertainty (41% vs 59%). This aspect indicates the presence of an environment for posting information on health events on the e-platform.
Fig. 19 - The structure of the answer to the question «Do you participate in scientific conferences in the field of
health?» average for respondents
The average distribution shows the lack of environment for the development of the process of discussing problematic issues in the field of nursing (practice, training, etc.) for teachers of nursing (60%). This fact indicates the need to
develop content on activities in the field of nursing (Figure 19). In order to strengthen the influence and consolidate the teaching of nursing in this aspect, the e-platform can have an impact.
Med.uni Hight med. coll. Med.coll
6%i 94% Hi '/o 4
38% 56°/ i—6%
14% | 86%
0 % 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Med.coll Hight med.coll. Med.uni
■ Yes 14% 38% 6%
■ No 86% 56% 94%
■ Dotknew 0% 6% 0%
Fig. 20 Distribution of answers on the question "Are you a member of any medical professional community
(trade union, etc.)"
The medical college and medical university groups showed the highest percentage of negative responses to membership in the professional community (86% and 94%, respectively). The same trend is observed in the group of higher medical colleges, but to a lesser extent - 56% (Fig. 20). This situation provides grounds for the provision of an e-platform as a consolidator of nursing teachers in
the professional community.81% of the negative responses to unionization (Fig. 20) confirms the need to expand the functionality of the e-platform for the consolidation of nursing teachers in the professional community (Fig. 21).
Fig. 21 Distribution of answers on the question "Are you a member of any medical professional community (trade union, etc.)" on average for respondents
When analyzing the 1st round of the survey, for the 2nd round of the study. The results of the 2nd a target questionnaire on the e-platform was formed round are presented below:
Fig. 22 Content structure on the e-platform
To the question "The E-platform should include the following contents ..." (Fig. 22), the majority of respondents answered positively to the presented content structure of the e-platform. It should be noted that the provision of information on the review of national and international institutions collaborating with the regulatory organization of the e-platform was marked as "desirable". The
controversial opinion was caused by the availability of information on the forum of nursing teachers (53% vs 47%), on the availability of links to websites on nursing manuals (53% vs 43%), on the review of stakeholders (50% vs 45%).
Fig. 23 - variations of the answers to the statement"The DSSS E-platform should contribute ..."
When determining the main target areas for the appointment of the e-platform, the majority of respondents answered in the affirmative to all the proposed options, but identified as the main direction the use of the information provided on the e-platform for practical use in nursing - 91.5% (Fig. 23).
In the second round of the survey, the results of the 1st round of the survey were taken into account, and accordingly, when considering the answers on the content topics of the e-platform, a positive tendency was also noted for all the presented variants of topics (Fig. 24).
However, respondents noted the astonishing effectiveness of disclosing topics on covering the situation of nursing in the healthcare system (5.1% - not necessarily), as well as on topics on the basic points of functioning of a healthy body - on physiology - (3.4%).
To form research content on e-platforms (Fig. 25), respondents focused on the presence of basic research principles in nursing (80.7%), on the availability of information on the formation of skills in using information databases on nursing (80.4%) and on the use of the principles of evidence in nursing practice (81.8%). The availability of information on
a critical assessment of scientific results (51.8% vs 44.4%) and the types of processing of research results (58.2% vs 36.4%) caused uncertainty among the respondents. The availability of information on the rules for processing scientific publications aroused the least interest among respondents (47.3% / 43.6% / 9.1%, respectively).
Fig. 24 - Evaluation of the relevance of topics presented on the e-platform
Respondents equally responded to the presence of an inter-active component of the e-platform (Fig. 26), while highlighted as the leading component - online collaboration - 64.9%. Apparently, there are some barriers to the development of online
An increase in interest in info-communication technologies and networking among nursing teachers should be predicted. The need for informing the professional environment about the practical application of new healthcare technologies that are more or less associated with nursing has been identified. This aspect is mentioned in the work of Smith M.S., Casserley C. [14]. The demand for new scientific information for educational materials and recommendations on the process of introducing new scientific information into educational material is also expected, which corresponds to similar studies [11-14]. It is necessary to develop mechanisms for attracting and interest in the e-platform of nursing professionals. A positive demand for consultations on explaining the professional aspects of the functional of a nurse depending on the specifics of the medical organization in which she works is also expected [15-18]. Experts noted the presence of a certain degree of functional difficulty in providing
discussions and therefore there is some uncertainty (55.6% vs 42.6%) and the appearance in the answers of 1.85% of respondents of the position of the optional presence of online discussions on the e-platform.
medical services in medical organizations where they work. This fact creates an environment for the development of educational content based on Moodle to solve their professional problems, through the development of practical skills. Also relevant in this area will be the presence of a forum on the e-platform for consultation and communication with colleagues.
Fig. 25 - The structure of answers on the content of information on research in nursing on the e-platform
Fig. 26 Assessment of the validity of the inter-active component of the e-platform
In doing so, ethical aspects of information exchange should be observed. The need for evidence-based scientific information on nursing has been identified. It is necessary to develop a set of measures to attract the nursing profession to the use of evidence-based scientific information
in their practical activities (e-trainings, manuals, algorithms, training materials, evidence-based information, relevant publications, etc.). Given the characteristics of communications in Central Asia and based on the results of a survey of respondents, the need for developing an e-platform
mobile application was established [19-21]. At the same time, there is a positive response to posting links and some content of the e-platform through instant messengers (Instagram is the most popular among nursing teachers in the region). This aspect opens up great opportunities for the e-platform with its mobile application. In this case, it is necessary to develop a guide for using the mobile application and develop a PR campaign to promote this guide. In the professional environment of nursing teachers, the skills of using the Internet as a user are high. Awareness of the e-platform and basic skills of using aggregators will facilitate the process of organizing the delivery of content to the user [22]. When considering the perception of scientific information, the need for its placement in an adapted version to improve the perception of information in medical publications for nursing teachers with references to the source was identified [23, 24]. The presence of low research activity in the professional environment of nursing teachers. This fact indicates the relevance of the inclusion of educational content according to the methodology for conducting the design of research results in nursing as part of the e-platform. Also, this aspect needs to be reflected in the content of research in the field of nursing. Despite the prevailing tendency of lack of skills in presenting research results in nursing, there are opportunities for developing and disseminating an integrated approach to promoting the research methodology in nursing, the standards for formatting research results and the principles of their presentation in the scientific and professional community. This content should be presented in the form of informational and entertaining content of the e-platform [25-27]. Based on the data obtained and their analysis, the fact that it is necessary to systematically and intensively introduce the basic principles of evidence in nursing is revealed. On their basis, develop effective tools for using evidence in the practice of a nurse. Separate the Evidence of nursing on an e-platform in a separate section. Regarding the application of the principles of evidence in nursing, a relatively even distribution of priority is noted, which is natural for the period of implementation of these principles in nursing practice. The degree of participation in scientific research of nursing teachers indicates the insufficient development of the institute of research in nursing. In this regard, it is necessary to develop information content on research in nursing in order to involve teachers of nursing in the research process [28-30]. The low degree of participation in research and the lack of development of research in nursing negatively affects the plasticity of the process of perception of innovation in nursing practice, reduces the effectiveness of improving nursing practice in the field. To change the situation, it is necessary to develop measures for a better and more affordable use of information and educational content of the e-platform in the field of research in nursing. Research content is not one of the priorities
in medical organizations for nursing teachers. In this regard, it is necessary for the e-platform to develop the content of a collaboration network in the field of research in nursing. To change the situation for improving skills in the research environment and practice of nursing, it is necessary to raise the awareness of nursing teachers in medical research, to focus on the specifics of research in nursing, to develop a collaborative process in the field of research in nursing, to promote the principles of implementation of research results in practice, inform the professional community about effective innovations in biomedicine, and especially in nursing case / patient care [31]. To improve the awareness of the professional community of nursing teachers about current events, the e-platform is required to provide this information in an interactive form using messengers in an accessible form. In order to align and increase the positive response to the question of awareness and increase the participation of nurses in current events (conferences, trainings, congresses, etc.), it is necessary to develop an optimal design of information content about events of interest to the professional community of nursing teachers. Changing the policy in nursing, increasing the role of the professional community of teachers of nursing will make it possible to positively change the degree of participation in current events. Lack of activity in the professional community of teachers of nursing for each member or non-participation leads to the development of barriers to the development of collaboration and the promotion of innovative technologies in nursing, can also reduce awareness and interest in the e-platform as a user. The e-platform should develop in tandem with the professional community of nursing teachers in the region and comply with the styrategic directions of the development of nursing. In order to strengthen the influence and consolidation of nursing teachers, the e-platform can be tools for influencing the professional activity of nursing teachers in the professional environment and in society as a whole. The main trend in the survey on the appointment of the e-platform was highlighted by the ability to apply the information provided in practice in order to improve their professional skills. To form research content on e-platforms, respondents focused on the basic principles of research in diabetes, on the availability of information on the formation of skills in using information databases on diabetes and on the use of evidence in the practice of diabetes. The availability of information on a critical assessment of scientific results and the types of processing of research results caused mixed opinions among respondents. The availability of information on the rules for the design of scientific publications aroused the least interest among respondents. Respondents equally responded to the presence of an inter-active component of the e-platform, while highlighting the leading component - online collaboration. Apparently there are some barriers to the development of
online discussions. For the most part, the proposed characteristics of a typical distance learning course received a positive assessment. When analyzing the content of the educational part of the e-platform, respondents paid more attention to materials for online learning, and the least to content for offline learning. When analyzing e-platform
tools, respondents gave great importance to data protection and account management. With these, the uncertainty is noted in the presence of the function of tracking the qualitative criteria of the activity of the e-platform and methods for finding its improvement.
The basic principles of the design of the e-platform were highly appreciated by the respondents. It should be noted that the respondents admit that there are restrictions in terms of access to information, the provision of a special path for training and joint activities, and trilinous content. All the proposed options for the technical characteristics of the e-platform had a positive response among the respondents. At the same time, it should be
noted that the respondents admit restrictions on the round-the-clock, paid and regional technical support of the e-platform. The research conducted within the framework of the ProlnCa project (Erasmus + program) made it possible to assess the expectations of the professional environment in nursing from the electronic information and educational resource being developed for the development of nursing.
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