THE IMPORTANCE OF SPECIALIZATION IN WATER DEFICIENCY IN KARAKALPAKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
water scarcity / problems / agriculture / new technologies / water resources / gross regional product / scientific basis / feedback / efficiency / labor resources / employment / government program / innovative news. / дефицит воды / проблемы / сельское хозяйство / новые технологии / водные ресурсы / валовой региональный продукт / научная база / обратная связь / эффективность / трудовые ресурсы / занятость / государственная программа / инновационные новости.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Kdirbaeva, Gulan Utebayevna

The content of the article is aimed at providing a scientific basis for an in-depth analysis of the problems caused by water scarcity in the territory of Karakalpakstan. Given this water shortage, the aim is to create conditions that allow the region to reuse existing water resources without losing them through the introduction of new technologies in agriculture. Considerations will be made on a scientific basis to increase the share of agriculture in the gross regional product of the region. By increasing the efficiency of agriculture, we will be able to increase the gross regional product and provide employment for the country's labor force. Employment is a government program. The creation of innovative innovations in agriculture with new technologies is the main tool of the goal set forth in the article.

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Содержание статьи направлено на обеспечение научной основы для углубленного анализа проблем, вызванных дефицитом воды на территории Каракалпакстана. Учитывая эту нехватку воды, цель состоит в том, чтобы создать условия, которые позволят региону повторно использовать существующие водные ресурсы, не теряя их, за счет внедрения новых технологий в сельском хозяйстве. На научной основе будут рассмотрены возможности увеличения доли сельского хозяйства в валовом региональном продукте региона. Повышая эффективность сельского хозяйства, мы сможем увеличить валовой региональный продукт и обеспечить занятость рабочей силы страны. Занятость это государственная программа. Создание инновационных инноваций в сельском хозяйстве с использованием новых технологий главный инструмент поставленной в статье цели.


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Kdirbaeva Gulan Utebayevna

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Land Cadastre and Land Use Nukus branch of Tashkent State University

The content of the article is aimed at providing a scientific basis for an in-depth analysis of the problems caused by water scarcity in the territory of Karakalpakstan. Given this water shortage, the aim is to create conditions that allow the region to reuse existing water resources without losing them through the introduction of new technologies in agriculture. Considerations will be made on a scientific basis to increase the share of agriculture in the gross regional product of the region. By increasing the efficiency of agriculture, we will be able to increase the gross regional product and provide employment for the country's labor force. Employment is a government program.

The creation of innovative innovations in agriculture with new technologies is the main tool of the goal set forth in the article.

Keywords: water scarcity, problems, agriculture, new technologies, water resources, gross regional product, scientific basis, feedback, efficiency, labor resources, employment, government program, innovative news.

Содержание статьи направлено на обеспечение научной основы для углубленного анализа проблем, вызванных дефицитом воды на территории Каракалпакстана. Учитывая эту нехватку воды, цель состоит в том, чтобы создать условия, которые позволят региону повторно использовать существующие водные ресурсы, не теряя их, за счет внедрения новых технологий в сельском хозяйстве. На научной основе будут рассмотрены возможности увеличения доли сельского хозяйства в валовом региональном продукте региона. Повышая эффективность сельского хозяйства, мы сможем увеличить валовой региональный продукт и обеспечить занятость рабочей силы страны. Занятость - это государственная программа.

Создание инновационных инноваций в сельском хозяйстве с использованием новых технологий - главный инструмент поставленной в статье цели.



Ключевые слова: дефицит воды, проблемы, сельское хозяйство, новые технологии, водные ресурсы, валовой региональный продукт, научная база, обратная связь, эффективность, трудовые ресурсы, занятость, государственная программа, инновационные новости.


One of the most pressing issues of our time is the proper use of natural resources in the desert areas with poor ecological conditions in our country and the timely elimination of threats such as water scarcity and food security. Muynak State Forestry, in cooperation with international organizations, is implementing a number of international projects in the Kyzylkum Desert, such as increasing the number of modern greenhouses, planting new varieties of trees and crops in the experimental fields and creating market places. One such project is the Assessment of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services. This international project is part of the Central Asian Desert Initiative (CADI) with the financial support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Center for Agricultural Research in Drought Regions. (IKARDA). The main goal of the project is to solve problems related to the assessment of water resources and natural resources, as well as ecosystem services.

This scientific article is about the water shortages in the regions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, and one of its main objectives is to find a systematic solution to the problems arising from water scarcity by analyzing them. (Figure 1)

Figure 1 Geographical view of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.1


1 https://review.uz/post/klimaticheskiy-kontekst-strategicheskix-resheniy


If we analyze the geographical structure of this region, we can see that water shortages are relatively high in the Aral Sea region. This is because the negative appearance of the land as a result of the loss of previous water resources status creates socio-economic and demographic problems. This is mainly due to the demographic situation in the Muynak and Ustyurt regions. Land changes in the area will have a negative impact on agriculture, which will create difficulties for the people living in the area. (Figure 1)

Figure 2. Current situation of Ustyurt and Muynak districts.

Our country has created a need to create a multi-layered system of management through the organization of water resources used in agriculture. Based on this, we will be able to solve this problem on the basis of various foreign experiences of agricultural irrigation. Increasing the factors that make up water resources is an


%D0%B9%D0%BB:Ustyurt Plateau.png https://sovminrk.gov.uz/uz/pages/show/638



important task for the government to create all the organizational and economic conditions for agricultural activities.3

The priority for further agricultural reform is, first and foremost, the rational use of land and water resources.

Land and water reforms in the agricultural sector focus on issues such as efficient use of land and water resources, improvement of land reclamation and increasing soil fertility.


On approval of the Concept of development of water resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030 by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev on systematic organization of water resources The Concept "Development of water resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030" was adopted on the basis of the Decree No. PF-6024 of July.4

The concept includes priorities and comprehensive measures for the development of water resources in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030.5

The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in the Aral Sea basin, the main sources of water are the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers, as well as inland rivers and streams and groundwater. The average long-term water flow from all sources in the Aral Sea basin is 116 billion cubic meters, of which 67.4% is formed in the Amudarya basin and 32.6% in the Syrdarya basin. In particular, the total groundwater reserves are 31.2 billion cubic meters, of which 47.2% are in the Amudarya basin and 52.8% in the Syrdarya basin.6

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3 People's Voice, in the March 2019 issue of the newspaper.

4 www.lex.uz Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev "On approval of the Concept of development of water resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030" dated July 10, 2020 No PF-6024

5 www.lex.uz The Concept of Water Resources Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030

6 https://lex.uz/docs/-4892953

According to the schemes of integrated use and protection of water resources of the Amudarya and Syrdarya basins, the average long-term water intake limit for the Republic of Uzbekistan is 64 billion cubic meters. At the same time, the annual water consumption of the republic in the 1980s was within the multi-year limit, and in recent years the average annual water consumption was 51-53 due to global climate change, as well as transboundary water use problems. billion cubic meters, including 97.2% from rivers and streams, 1.9% from collector networks, and 0.9% from underground, which is 20% less than the allocated water intake limit.7

In 2019, more than 731.9 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables worth 572.4 million tons of agricultural products will be produced in the country with the rational use of water resources. Exports in US dollars amounted to 58.0%.8

Today, these exports account for 6.1% of Uzbekistan's exports in value terms, which is 1.6 times more than Uzbekistan's long-standing main export, cotton.


Water scarcity will become one of the most pressing problems in Central Asia in the next 10 years. Not only irrigation, but also the shortage of drinking water is growing in Uzbekistan.

Glacier melting is accelerating in the region, and no mechanism for water conservation has been formed in agriculture. New technologies that provide savings require large sums of money and public attention.

There are two different views among experts on the causes of the drought that has been observed in recent years.9

7 www.lex.uz The Concept of Water Resources Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030

8 www.statistika.uz Based on data from the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2021.

9 www.wikipedia.com prepared by the author based on the data.


At first glance, the region is under the influence of global climate change. This is causing not only a severe drought in the region, but also severe environmental crises. It should be noted that various international reports have warned that drought and drought will lead to various conflicts in the region. Environmental crises are expected to be more pronounced from 2020 onwards.

According to the second group, which analyzes drought in the region, estimates of water scarcity are exaggerated, and in a hundred years the region will begin to enter a periodic phase of drought. Drought observed every 7-8 years indicates the onset of periodicity.

There should be special support from the state that monitors, implements, and supports experimental plots that scientists produce. Scientists themselves must be involved in the experimental fields so that there will be results. No new technology has been used in the last 30-40 years.

In America, for example, closed-loop irrigation is used. Fresh water can be reused several times depending on the type of plant. Irrigation of cotton by adding saline to 75% fresh water, from which it is possible to irrigate another plant. The main thing is to be able to save water. "10

One of the issues of concern to experts is not only agriculture, but also the reduction of clean drinking water, the deterioration of its quality.

According to Saidrasul Sanginov, deputy chairman of the executive committee of the recently formed social movement Ecologists of Uzbekistan, the deterioration of drinking water quality in the Aral Sea basin is spreading to other regions of the country.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev's Decree No. PF-5853 of October 23, 2019 "On the development of agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030" is the beginning of a planned strategy for agriculture in the coming years.11

The main goal of this strategy is to radically improve public policy to further deepen reforms aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the agricultural and food sectors, and includes the following priorities:

• ensuring food security of the population;

• creating a favorable agribusiness environment and value chain;

10 From the report of the head of the NGO "Ecoservice" Professor Rasul Razzakov "Use of water resources on the basis of new technologies."

11 www.lex.uz President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev's Decree No. PF-5853 of October 23, 2019 "On the development of agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030"

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• reduction of state participation in the management of the sector and increase of investment attractiveness;

• rational use of natural resources and protection of the environment;

• development of modern public administration systems;

• Gradual diversification of government spending to support the sector;

• development of a system of science, education, information and consulting services in agriculture;

• rural development;

• Development of a transparent system of network statistics.

The development of the value chain is an important factor in ensuring the competitiveness of agriculture. The high cost of transporting products from the field to the final consumer, i.e., collection, transportation, storage, processing, packaging, and certification, reduces the profits made by agricultural producers.

The low level of development of the food industry limits the ability to increase the production of high value-added products.

In order to attract investment in infrastructure development, it is necessary to take measures to develop developed financial markets, a favorable business environment, as well as to support producers and develop production and sales chains.

The limited processing and packaging capacity of farms, which produce most of the fruit and vegetables they export, has led to significant losses. Seasonal price fluctuations and volatile market conditions also have a negative impact on their performance.

In recent years, small producers have been investing in modern warehouses and processing equipment through a variety of financial sources, including loans from international financial institutions. Nevertheless, they remain isolated from processing enterprises and exporting organizations.

Due to the lack of effective mechanisms for uniting small agricultural producers, their activities remain fragmented. This hinders the achievement of high economic performance and limits the possibility of integration into value chains.12

In addition, the relationship between farmers and landowners, who account for more than 70 percent of gross agricultural output, and between processing, processing, and exporting enterprises is underdeveloped.13

12 https://lex.uz/ru/docs/-4567334

13 www.statistika.uz prepared on the basis of information from the site.


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The main goal of this priority is to increase the export potential of the agricultural sector, increase the volume of value-added products, the widespread introduction of product certification systems based on international standards and the development of cooperative relations.

Of the 20.2 million hectares of agricultural land, only 20.7 percent is irrigated. Over the past 15 years, per capita irrigated land has decreased by 24% (from 0.23 to 0.16).14

This is due to population growth, reduced water supply, and the transfer of agricultural land to other land holdings.

Irrigated land is projected to shrink by another 20-25 percent over the next 30 years.

Insufficient guarantees of land use rights hinder the efficiency of farm management and limit investment..

At present, there are no clear and transparent mechanisms for land allocation and protection of land users' rights.

Also, the lack of sublease of land plots prevents the transfer of agricultural land to relatively potential land users.

About 80% of the country's water resources are formed by transboundary water bodies. This highlights the importance of regional cooperation for sustainable water management in Central Asia, particularly in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Seventy percent of the country's irrigation networks do not have anti-filtration coatings, resulting in some water being lost during field delivery.

The existing irrigation infrastructure, most of the pumping stations, have been in use for more than 30-40 years and are in need of reconstruction or overhaul.

Currently, only 1.7% of irrigated land is irrigated.

According to the Institute of World Resources, by 2040 Uzbekistan will become one of the 33 countries with the highest water shortages. Decreased productivity has serious negative consequences for food security and balance of payments, which necessitates the sustainable management of water resources and the use of resource-saving technologies in crop production.15


Agriculture, which accounts for 32% of Uzbekistan's GDP and employs 27% of the working population, can be one of the key factors in the country's economic


www.statistika.uz Based on data from the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2021. www.worldbanking.com The site was analyzed by the author and statistics were developed.


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growth in the context of effective public policy. Effective implementation of this policy will increase the volume of agricultural exports and incomes of farmers and agricultural organizations, create thousands of new jobs in rural areas. Living standards will rise, a number of food items will become cheaper for the population, and the country will be able to provide reliable food security.

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The functions of government agencies in the agro-industrial complex are mainly focused on the management of production processes, and some of them can be transferred to the private sector.

In order to develop agriculture, it is necessary to reconsider the amount of budget funds allocated for government programs and services in the following areas and to improve the financing system:

- protection of the environment, increase of soil fertility and introduction of water-saving technologies;

- food safety, animal disease control, veterinary and phytosanitary services;

- support for various forms of associations (cooperatives, clusters, production associations);

- Improving the system of statistical data collection and monitoring of agricultural markets, development of market and transport and logistics infrastructure;


1. www.lex.uzwww.lex.uz President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev's Decree No. PF-5853 of October 23, 2019 "On the development of agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030."

2. www.statistika.uz Based on data from the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2021.

3. www.statistika.uz Data of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2019.

4. www.worldbanking.com The site was analyzed by the author and statistics were developed.

5. Alimdjanov 2020) Water sector of Uzbekistan: Environment and management issues - Economic review. № 10 (238). 2019.

6. Dehkanov S., Kudratov T., Agricultural statistics. Textbook. - T, 2003.

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