ORGANIZATION OF EFFICIENT USE OF LAND AND WATER RESOURCES IN AGRICULTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
agriculture / land and water resources / practical results / analysis / productivity indicators / modern irrigation methods / important sector / localization / GDP. / сельское хозяйство / земельные и водные ресурсы / практические результаты / анализ / показатели продуктивности / современные методы орошения / важная отрасль / локализация / ВВП

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Zabidullaeva, Rano

The content of the article is to cover the work in this area through an in-depth analysis of the practical results of the work being done in our country to save land and water resources through the effective organization of agriculture. We will also be able to improve the condition of land and water resources and increase productivity in agriculture. Given the limited water resources, the work required for the localization of modern irrigation methods based on the capabilities of our country is also presented. Agriculture is an important sector in our economy today, and I can tell by its share in GDP.

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Содержание статьи состоит в освещении работы в этой сфере через углубленный анализ практических результатов проводимой в нашей стране работы по экономии земельных и водных ресурсов за счет эффективной организации сельского хозяйства. Мы также сможем улучшить состояние земельных и водных ресурсов и повысить производительность в сельском хозяйстве. Учитывая ограниченные водные ресурсы, также представлены работы, необходимые для локализации современных методов орошения с учетом возможностей нашей страны. Сегодня сельское хозяйство является важной отраслью нашей экономики, и я могу сказать об этом по его доле в ВВП.



Zabidullaeva Rano

Assistant of the Department of Land Management and Land Use, Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University


The content of the article is to cover the work in this area through an in-depth analysis of the practical results of the work being done in our country to save land and water resources through the effective organization of agriculture. We will also be able to improve the condition of land and water resources and increase productivity in agriculture. Given the limited water resources, the work required for the localization of modern irrigation methods based on the capabilities of our country is also presented. Agriculture is an important sector in our economy today, and I can tell by its share in GDP.

Keywords: agriculture, land and water resources, practical results, analysis, productivity indicators, modern irrigation methods, important sector, localization, GDP.


Содержание статьи состоит в освещении работы в этой сфере через углубленный анализ практических результатов проводимой в нашей стране работы по экономии земельных и водных ресурсов за счет эффективной организации сельского хозяйства. Мы также сможем улучшить состояние земельных и водных ресурсов и повысить производительность в сельском хозяйстве. Учитывая ограниченные водные ресурсы, также представлены работы, необходимые для локализации современных методов орошения с учетом возможностей нашей страны. Сегодня сельское хозяйство является важной отраслью нашей экономики, и я могу сказать об этом по его доле в ВВП.

Ключевые слова: сельское хозяйство, земельные и водные ресурсы, практические результаты, анализ, показатели продуктивности, современные методы орошения, важная отрасль, локализация, ВВП.


Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures for the efficient use of land and water resources in agriculture" dated June 17, 2019 No PF-5742 and "Measures to further improve the water resources management system" In


order to ensure the implementation of the Resolution No. PQ-4486 of October 9, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

- Reimbursement of water supply costs by the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan by water consumers by gradually adding to the amount of tax rates for the use of water resources;

- The Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan has submitted a substantiated proposal on the new amount of tax rates for the use of water resources, taking into account the cost of water supply until June 15, 2020 "State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021" submitted to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan for consideration in the draft Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 310 of May 22, 2020 "On measures to increase the efficiency of water use in agriculture and cover the costs of water supply" is a proof. According to the regulations developed in accordance with this decision, the following are the main tasks.

/r Event name Source of funding Exec ution time Responsi ble ministries and agencies

I. Further improvement of regulatory documents in the field of water resources management, accounting and consumption

Develop, approve and deliver standard contracts for water use and consumption. No fees required 2020 July 15th Ministry of Water Resources, concerned ministries and agencies

Develop and approve the procedure for registration of water intakes. 2020 July 15th

Develop and approve the procedure for certification of hydro posts. 2020 July 15th

II. Improving the technical condition of water facilities

Analysis of the design capacity of reservoirs at the expense of organizations in the system of the Ministry of Water Budget allocations for water management 2021 - 2023 accor ding to the Ministry of Water Resources, concerned

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

/r Event name Source of funding Exec ution time Responsi ble ministries and agencies

Resources and re-determination of their current capacity using digital technologies. organizations, Fund for the Development of Water Resources schedule ministries and agencies

President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a decree on measures for efficient use of land and water resources in agriculture.:1

• The concept of efficient use of land and water resources in agriculture, the "road map" for the implementation of this concept, the forecast of measures to improve the efficiency of agricultural land use in 2020-2030. indicators were confirmed.

• The composition of the working group on cooperation with international financial institutions and the introduction of public-private partnership in the implementation of the concept of efficient use of land and water resources in agriculture was approved.

According to the forecast indicators of measures to increase the efficiency of agricultural land use in 2020-2030, the following procedure has been established and accordingly:

- Compensation payment for irrigated lands withdrawn for non-agricultural use, the amount required for the development of the same new lands, without the use of coefficients taking into account the location of the withdrawn lands 10 times, and 20 times the cost of radically improving the condition of dry lands and non-irrigated perennial forests, hayfields and pastures.

- 90% of compensation for irrigated lands, 95% of compensation for dry lands and non-irrigated perennial forests, hayfields and pastures to the Republican budget and 10 and 5%, respectively, the Republic of Karakalpakstan , transferred to special accounts of regional and Tashkent city departments of land resources and state cadastre.

1 https://ygk.uz/uz/node/793

- Allocation of land from irrigated lands for horticulture, viticulture and other perennial plantations and greenhouses is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers;

- Land use is carried out using water-saving technologies (drip, rain, drip irrigation, etc.).


Today, the total land area of the republic is 44.9 million hectares. hectares, of which 20.2 million hectares (45%) are agricultural lands, of which 4.3 million hectares are agricultural lands. hectares or 9.5% of irrigated arable land, which is the "gold fund" of the republic. Most of the raw materials needed for food and other sectors of the economy come from these wetlands.2

Today, not only provides the base of food and basic industrial raw materials for the needs of the republic, but also large-scale exports to world markets. For this reason, irrigated lands in the country are protected.

Particular attention was paid to the principles of efficient use of land resources in the context of further reform of the agricultural sector after the independence of the Republic, changes in land ownership.3

First, in the early stages of independence, in order to further deepen economic reforms in agriculture, improve industrial relations in rural areas, introduce a market-based organizational structure of agricultural production management, the former collective and state farms were gradually abolished. class - farms were established. In the context of irrigated agriculture and the limited area of irrigated crops, a system of

2 www.worldbanking.com saytini ma'lumotlari asosida muallif tomonida tahlil qilinib statistikasi ishlab chiqildi.

3 Usmon Norkulov, Hamidulla Sheraliyev. Land Reclamation. Textbook. Tashkent "New Century Generation" 2010.


management based on leased forms of ownership and contractual relations was established.

Second, to further increase the efficiency of farms, ensure the rational use of land and water resources, the widespread introduction of modern innovative and resource-saving technologies to improve the ecological condition of land, increase production, improve the financial and economic situation of farms. In order to strengthen, the area of land plots owned by farms has been optimized.

Third, the Irrigated Land Reclamation Fund was established in 2007 to improve the reclamation of irrigated lands, increase their productivity, increase crop yields, and organize reclamation work. According to the state programs adopted annually, a total of 1.7 million rubles will be allocated from the state budget. more than 2.5 million hectares of irrigated land; improvement of the reclamation condition of hectares was achieved. In most areas, soil quality ratings have risen by 2-3 points.4

Fourth, in the last two years, a new system, the cluster system, has been introduced in agriculture. A cluster is a group of enterprises united in a single field and interconnected with each other. , seed and other important areas will be integrated. The main goal is to develop the regions, create additional jobs, increase local budget revenues, interact with business structures, increase the innovative activity of small businesses and private entrepreneurs and the innovative attractiveness of the regions, new opportunities to diversify the regional economy. Create.

Fifth, to reduce water loss through the gradual re-use of lands that have become obsolete as a result of the deterioration of irrigation and land reclamation in recent years, the efficient use of groundwater resources, the introduction of water-saving technologies and the reconstruction of domestic irrigation networks. In order to ensure the participation of potential investors in this work, the Decree No. 5742 of June 17, 2019 "On measures for the efficient use of land and water resources in agriculture" was adopted.5

The decree adopted the concept of efficient use of land and water resources in agriculture, as well as a program of measures to improve the efficiency of agricultural land use in 2020-2030. By 2030, a total of 1 million. It is planned to increase the efficiency of the use of 111,000 hectares of agricultural land, including the redevelopment of 298,000 hectares of irrigated land that has been decommissioned

4 www.statistika.uz Based on data from the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2021.

5 www.lex.uz Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 17, 2019 No 5742 "On measures for the efficient use of land and water resources in agriculture"

over the years, and increase the efficiency of use of 813,000 hectares of arable and pasture land.6 It is also stipulated that in order to provide special protection for irrigated agricultural lands and prevent the decline of arable lands, these lands should be allowed for various constructions only by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is known that until now, in accordance with the current legislation, irrigated lands were allocated by district and regional governors for non-agricultural needs.

It is also planned to lease irrigation and land reclamation networks on the basis of an investment agreement or public-private partnership for the rehabilitation, reconstruction, introduction of water-saving technologies and planting of drought-resistant crops.


It should be noted that all the reforms implemented in agriculture since the first days of independence are based on more efficient and targeted use of land resources, regulation of land relations, increasing the productivity of irrigated lands, conservation of arable lands, increasing incomes. The goal is to further increase and improve the lives of our people.


1. www.lex.uz Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 310 of May 22, 2020 "On measures to increase the efficiency of water use in agriculture and cover the costs of water supply."

2. www.lex.uz Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 17, 2019 No 5742 "On measures for the efficient use of land and water resources in agriculture."

3. www.statistika.uz Based on data from the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2021

4. www.worldbanking.com Based on the data of the site, the statistics were analyzed by the author.

5. Usmon Norkulov, Hamidulla Sheraliyev. Land Reclamation. Textbook. Tashkent "New Century Generation" 2010.

6. Mahmudova I.M., Salohiddinov A .T. Rural and pasture water supply. - T: 2002.

7. Altiev A.S. Economics of Land Use (textbook) Tashkent-2019

6 www.statistika.uz Based on data from the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2021.


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