Научная статья на тему 'The importance of recycling in saving the nature'

The importance of recycling in saving the nature Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Maxmudova Dilora Ibragimovna, Atadjanova Mukhayyo Komilovna

With the help of thermal processing it is possible to recycle any components of the waste, since with this method no biologically active substances remain in the garbage, and the subsequent underground storage of waste does not harm the environment. Also with this method a lot of heat energy is generated, which can be used for various purposes. In this article we discuss present problems, associated with recycling process and its effect to the nature. Moreover, we try to give some examples of recycling process.

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С помощью термической обработки можно утилизировать любые компоненты отходов, так как при этом методе в мусоре не остаются биологически активные вещества, а последующее подземное хранение отходов не наносит вреда окружающей среде. Также с помощью этого метода генерируется много тепловой энергии, которая может быть использована для различных целей. В этой статье мы расскажем о существующих проблемах, связанных с процессом утилизации и его влиянием на природу. Более того, мы постараемся привести несколько примеров процесса утилизации.

Текст научной работы на тему «The importance of recycling in saving the nature»


1 2 Maxmudova D.I. , Atadjanova M.K.

Email: [email protected]


Abstract: with the help of thermal processing it is possible to recycle any components of the waste, since with this method no biologically active substances remain in the garbage, and the subsequent underground storage of waste does not harm the environment. Also with this method a lot of heat energy is generated, which can be used for various purposes. In this article we discuss present problems, associated with recycling process and its effect to the nature. Moreover, we try to give some examples of recycling process. Keywords: consumer, product, waste, technology.


12 Махмудова Д.И. , Атаджанова М.К.

1Махмудова Дилора Ибрагимовна - Ph.D, доцент;

2Атаджанова Мухайо Комиловна - студент, факультет естественных наук, отдел экологии и безопасности жизни, Ургенчский государственный университет, г. Ургенч, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: с помощью термической обработки можно утилизировать любые компоненты отходов, так как при этом методе в мусоре не остаются биологически активные вещества, а последующее подземное хранение отходов не наносит вреда окружающей среде. Также с помощью этого метода генерируется много тепловой энергии, которая может быть использована для различных целей. В этой статье мы расскажем о существующих проблемах, связанных с процессом утилизации и его влиянием на природу. Более того, мы постараемся привести несколько примеров процесса утилизации. Ключевые слова: потребитель, продукт, отходы, технология.

How to solve the problem of radioactive waste? This is due to the category, class of such waste - low-active, medium-active and highly active. The easiest is to recycle the first two classes. It is worth noting that, depending on their chemical composition, radioactive waste is divided into shortlived (with a short half-life) and long-lived (with a long half-life). In the first case, the simplest method would be temporary storage of radioactive materials at special sites in hermetic containers. After a certain period of time when hazardous substances disintegrate, the remaining materials are no longer dangerous and can be disposed of as normal garbage. This is exactly what is done with most technical and medical sources of radioactive radiation, which contain only short-lived isotopes with a half-life period of a maximum of several years. In this case, standard metal barrels with a volume of 200 liters are usually used as containers for temporary storage. At the same time, low and intermediate level waste is poured with cement or bitumen to prevent them from falling outside the limits of the tank.

The procedure for disposal of waste from nuclear power plants is much more complicated and requires increased attention. Therefore, this procedure is carried out only in special factories, which are very few in the world today. Here, with the help of special chemical processing technologies, most of the radioactive substances are extracted for their repeated use. The most modern methods using ion-exchange membranes allow re-use up to 95% of all radioactive materials. In this case, radioactive waste is significantly reduced in volume. However, it is not yet possible to completely

deactivate them. That is why at the next stage of disposal waste is prepared for long-term storage. And given that nuclear waste has a long half-life, practically such storage can be called eternal.

Long-term storage of radioactive waste requires conservation of the in-form form, which will not react and collapse for a long time. One of the ways to achieve this state is vitrification. Currently, in Sellafield (Great Britain), high-level radioactive waste (refined products of the first stage of the Purex process) are mixed with sugar and then calcined. Calcination involves the passage of waste through a heated rotary tube and aims at the evaporation of water and diazotisation of fission products, in order to increase the stability of the resulting steroid mass. The resulting material, which is in an induction furnace, constantly adds crushed glass. As a result, a new substance is obtained, in which, during solidification, the waste is bound to the glass by the matrix. In molten state, this substance is poured into alloy steel cylinders. When cooled, the liquid hardens, turning into glass, which is extremely resistant to water. According to the international technological society, it will take about a million years for 10% of such glass to dissolve in water. After filling the cylinder is brewed, then washed. After examination for external contamination, steel cylinders are sent to underground storage facilities. This state of waste remains unchanged for many thousands of years.

There are developments of reactors that consume radioactive waste as fuel, turning them into less hazardous waste, in particular, an integrated fast-neutron nuclear reactor that does not produce transuranium waste, but essentially consumes them. The project was frozen by the US government at the large-scale testing stage. Another proposal that is safer, but requires additional research, is the reprocessing of subcritical reactors of transuranic radioactive waste.

There are also theoretical studies on the use of thermonuclear reactors as "actinoid furnaces". In such a combined reactor, fast neutrons of a thermonuclear reaction divide heavy elements (with energy production) or are absorbed by long-lived isotopes to form short-lived ones. As a result of research recently conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it was found that only 23 thermonuclear reactors, similar in parameters to the international experimental thermonuclear reactor ITER, are able to process the amount of actinides produced by all light water nuclear reactors.

Specialists all over the world are looking for ways out of this critical situation. Environmentalists are violently in support of the complete elimination of all nuclear power plants and the prohibition of the use of atomic energy, doctors are alarmed to note the growing number of diseases and genetic changes in the human body due to the increasing exposure to radiation. And all of them can be understood, because not only our lives and our children, but also our lives depend on how responsibly and seriously the current Earth's inhabitants will react to protecting our planet from possible accidents, leaks, depressurization of buried nuclear waste.

References / Список литературы

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2. Вольфганг Нойман. «Утилизация Ядерных отходов в Европейском союзе: Рост объемов и никакого решения». Воронеж. 2011 г.

3. Кошелев Феликс, Каратаев Владимир. Радиация вокруг, Томск: ЗАО «Издательский дом «Томский вестник»«, 2008. В. 22 апреля.

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