Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
Shakhlo Ulugbekovna Nuniyazova
1st year master's degree student Department of Foreign language and literature (English), CSPI
mite90 [email protected]
This article is devoted to the analysis of the role of innovative technologies applied in language teaching classes. The parameters of innovation in translation training are shown as well. It shows the importance of high-techs in language teaching system in modern society.
Keywords: modern, technology, foreign language, classroom, teachers, students, ability, quality, creative, activity.
The modern stage of development of higher education is associated with
improving the quality of specialist training. Today's teachers should be distinguished
not only by high professionalism, the ability to think pedagogically, the ability to
analyze their activities and correct them in the right direction in time, but also such
personal qualities of the teacher as erudition, non-standard thinking, the ability to
make adequate decisions in difficult situations, and creative activity. Many
researchers (N.V. Kuzmina, S.A. Slastenin) pay great attention in their research to the
problem of the formation of future specialists, to the formation of the quality of skills
that are most significant in their professional activities. Therefore, the main task is to
prepare students who think creatively, who are able to apply the acquired knowledge
and skills in practice, the ability to argue and defend their point of view. Modern
research in pedagogy and psychology puts the effectiveness of learning in direct
dependence on the motivation of learning. As many studies show, currently students
of non-linguistic specialties have low motivation to study a foreign language, because
a foreign language is a difficult subject that requires a lot of effort, time and
perseverance. The conviction that it is impossible to overcome these obstacles,
disbelief in one's own strength, and sometimes unwillingness to overcome certain
difficulties, leads to a decrease in interest in learning foreign language. Therefore, the
main task facing the teacher is to reveal the creative potential of students, to find such Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan
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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
didactic means that would awaken the mental activity of students and interest in a foreign language. In the content of teaching foreign languages, a problematic presentation of the material is necessary. It is important that the emphasis is not on communicating ready-made knowledge, but on encouraging students to reflect, to independently search for information, to make independent conclusions and generalizations. [1]
The difference between active teaching methods using modern technologies from traditional ones is that they contribute to the activation of students' thinking. Thus, according to A.A. Verbitsky, the concept of "active learning with innovation technologies" marks a transition from mainly regulatory, algorithmic, programmed forms and methods of organizing the didactic process in learning institutions to developing, problematic, research, search, providing the generation of cognitive motives, interest in future professional activity, conditions for creativity in learning. [2]
Technological innovations are having a significant impact on educational
systems at all levels. Online courses, teaching aids, educational software, social
networking tools, and other emerging technologies are disrupting the traditional
classroom environment. Understanding the effects that technological innovations
have on students, teachers, and schools is critical to developing strategies and
techniques to manage and use technology in education. Technology offers foreign
language teachers a chance to supplement their instruction by: Making learning
visible: Technology can bring another culture into the classroom. Using technology
tools that connect to foreign lands and display how others live allows students to see
and experience language in a whole new way. The effective use of digital learning
tools in classrooms can increase student engagement, help teachers improve their
lesson plans, and facilitate personalized learning. ... The promise of educational
technology lies in what educators do with it and how it is used to best support their
students' needs. Technology in language learning transforms students from passive
recipients to active learners and allows more profound and enriching linguistic
immersion. Students can study their English course using a variety of comprehensive
apps which are able to synchronize even without the internet. Technology has the
ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students. When teachers
effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan
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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
adviser, content expert, and coach. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.
Here are some advantages of technology in our lives:
• Ease of Access to Information. The World Wide Web, abbreviated as www has made the world a social village. ...
• Saves Time. ...
• Ease of Mobility. ...
• Better Communication Means. ...
• Cost Efficiency. ...
• Innovation In Many Fields. ...
• Improved Banking. ...
• Better Learning Techniques.
Below are 4 useful Tech-based tools that can be used for Foreign Language teaching.
• Music and videos. Audio listening exercises can be good for testing what learners can identify on their own. ...
• Educational Websites. ...
• Collaborative Tools. ...
• Smartphone and Tablets Apps.
There are 10 modern ways to use Technology in ESL Instruction
1. Film and Video. Using short and feature-length videos is an engaging way to work on skills like vocabulary and comprehension. ...
2. Apps. Learning English can be very difficult and frustrating at times. ...
3. Digital Field Trips. ...
4. Podcasts. ...
5. Pen Pals. ...
6. Web Quests. ...
7. Online Games. ...
8. Blogging.
Using translation on lessons plays an important role in teaching. Helps students to understand the connection between languages and explores the potential of both of them. Translation develops qualities necessary to all language studying: flexibility, accuracy, and clarity during searching for the most appropriate words to convey what is meant. The students can contribute their own thoughts while focusing on the text and feeling freedom in putting up their ideas. [6]
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While studies in translation have in many ways taken a quantum leap, translation as a discipline is still considered a priority of language majors, with nonmajors enrolled in non-linguistic faculties and universities still lacking adequate translation training, for with them it only comes down to checking basic reading skills at best. ESP students invariably face a number of problems having to do with translating procedures. To address these, the teacher will have to be on the lookout for potential difficulties and be able to apply appropriate coping echniques. First and foremost, it is crucial to consider and analyse specific translation ractices, define the skills that are of primary importance for ESP students, and make a practical distinction between bilingual and essential skills (Larson, 1984). Importantly, major roadblocks can be associated with a cross-language mismatch giving rise to issues such as lexical interference, which remains relatively unexplored in terms of the methodological aspects involved (Malyuga et al., 2017). [7]
Equally relevant to the issue are the questions of Machine Translation. Machine translation systems are not replacing human mediators. This is first because the prime use of MT is only to locate the texts and fragments requiring human translation. Second, if MT output is to be used professionally, it requires human revision. And third, the future development of quality MT output requires serious attention to controlling writing of the input, which is an area that some translators may want to move into. [8]
Foreign language teachers are taught either by foreign language teachers or by practice translators, although it is clear that neither the knowledge of the language nor the ability to translate mean yet the ability itself to successfully and professionally conduct translation lessons with students. For this we need a special methodological development, knowledge of the specifics of the language, principles and methods of organizing the educational process.
From all the above, it should be concluded that for the teacher today it is important to constantly improve their knowledge of foreign language teaching methods, introduce the latest educational concepts into their teaching practice, and keep up with the times. Thus, the use of a complex of innovative technologies and their elements can more effectively solve the problem of low motivation, low level of general language proficiency, more effectively form mental abilities and cognitive skills of students.
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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
1. N.V.Kuzmina, V.A.Slastenin. Pedagogik mahorat komponentlari.
2.Вербицкий А.А. Активное обучение в высшей школе.
3.Полат Е.С. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования.
4. Салихова С.М. Использование активных методов обучения иностранному языку: Xorijiy tillar va adabiyotlarini o'rganishda madaniyatlararo muloqot mavzusida xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi maqolalar to'plami (Toshkent sh., 27 may 2010 yil).
5. Richards J.C., & Farrell T.S.C. (2010). Professional development for language teachers. Cambridge: CUP.
6. Сапарова, Интизор. The role of translation in teaching foreign language.
7. Elena E. Aksenova and Svetlana N. Orlova. Some basic challenges and strategies in teaching translation to Chemistry majors.
8. OSÉ RAMÓN BIAU GIL & ANTHONY PYM. Technology and translation (a pedagogical overview).
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