УДК 796.011.1-057.875 ББК 75.1
DOI 10.47475/2500-0365-2022-17316
L. Yu. Averina1, S. A. Yarushin2
1 Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia 2 Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
This article considers the current issue of the impact exerted by the values of physical culture on the healthy lifestyle of university students. It presents the results of a sociological survey among students of Kuban and Chelyabinsk State Universities, which involved 267 students (151 girls and 116 boys) from 1 to 3 years of study. The values of physical culture of students and their significance were analyzed. The main reasons why students do not lead a healthy lifestyle and actively participate in sports have been identified. Related recommendations are presented.
Keywords: physical culture, values of physical culture, healthy lifestyle, students.
Introduction. In the modern world, one of the primary and priority tasks of the government in the sphere of higher education is the full and comprehensive development of the individual's physical well-being. This issue is urgent nowadays, as there is a tendency of deterioration of physical development and health of students, resulting in improper functioning of organs and body systems, mental condition, which is manifested in violation of the operation of motivational, emotional and thinking components of personality. These problems and diseases have a significant impact on the future performance and functioning of the individual in the human society [2; 5; 6; 7; 8].
That is why, qualified teaching staff and the students themselves must pay special attention to the issues of physical education and the transformations of their motivational and axiological framework. Preventing the emergence and development of chronic diseases in the younger generation, the two subjects of the educational process should build a close contact and direct their efforts not only to the formation of general cultural and professional competencies of students, but also to the preservation and strengthening of their health, achieving a common goal by joint effort [1; 9].
Many scientists consider environmental pollution, low quality of water and soil, poor socio-economic living conditions, manifested in uncomfortable conditions of life, work and leisure time, heredity, low quality of medical care and delay in treatment as the main factors that affect health and normal functioning of human organs and systems [4; 9].
In addition to these factors, the intensive increase in academic load has a significant negative impact on health. It forces students stay in the same static posture for a long period of time, damaging the musculoskeletal system, muscle tone, circulatory and nervous system, and if work involves searching information on the Internet, the visual analyzer experiences additional strain, resulting in reduced vision in the younger generation, as well as violations of the daily routine and diet, in general, reduces the motor activity of students [4; 7; 9].
The factors of environmental pollution are global and geopolitical, and their resolution requires active participation of society as a whole, from the legislative level to concrete local initiatives. Following a healthy lifestyle is a powerful and far-reaching health factor that is manageable for everyone and achievable by the student.
In order to preserve and improve the health of students, as mentioned above, it is necessary that the two sides of the educational process: teachers and students were primarily interested and eager to achieve the final results, which in turn is a big problem in today's world. After all, many university students do not always treat their health carefully and properly and do not understand the consequences that may arise in the near future from their wrong lifestyle, addicted to alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, junk food, not respecting the necessity of sufficient movement and regime of work and rest, as well as leading a passive lifestyle.
Methods and organization of the study. The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes of students in an educational organization toward the values of physical culture and healthy lifestyles. We used the following research methods: questionnaire survey and method of mathematical statistics.
Based on the analysis of scientific literature [2; 4; 5; 7; 8] we formulated a questionnaire "Values of physical culture and healthy lifestyle of a student", which contained 10 questions, the first three of them are open, here the interviewee shad to provide information about themselves. The next 7 questions are multiple-choice questions, where studrntshad to choose one of several answers or number by priority the components of a healthy lifestyPeend the value op physical education. This questionnaire is a handout based on the way the researchar and the ireervlewers are treated, and a group survey based on the number of respondents.
Our study involved 267 students (151 girls and 116 boys) of 1-3 years of Kuban (KeU)add fhdfyabmsk (CSU) state universities. The age range of respondents was 17 to 22 years old. According to their health condition 156 students were classified in the training group for students with good health condition, 95 in the group for students with special medical condition and 16 students were temporarily exempted from physical training for health reasons.
The results of the questionnaire were processed using the methods of mathematical statistics and conclusions were made.
Research results and discussion. Analyzing the students" responses to the question, "Do you need to engage in physical activity and maintain a healthy lifestyle?", 97 % of respondents responded positively and held this point of view. Therest had difficulty answering.
The second question of our questionnaire is related to the values of physical culture. Here, respondents had to prioritize them. So students raiWeP gneP henl)h
first, emotional satisfaction second, good physical fitness third, recreation and entertainment fourth, personality building fifth, adaptation and socialization sixth, comfortable class conditions seventh, quality of sports equipment eighth, proportional physique ninth, and they conclude this list with benefits from society.
Students were also asked to prioritize the components of a healthy lifestyle. The most common response from interviewees was mental and emotional resilience, which students ranked highly. The second position was occupied by the absence of bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. The students gave the third place to physical activity and sports. On the fourth — the compliance with the regime of work and rest. The fifth was the diet and the adherence to the principles of healthy diet. The sixth position was taken by adequate sleep, and the seventh by personal hygiene and cold exposure training. And in the last eighth place, students ranked positive ecological behavior.
By asking the question, "How many times a week do you practice physical activity and sports on your nwnh" we dohnK tKntdO% of Pa stshunts, ad she total number of those surveyed, exercise 1—2 times a -week, K 0 SP — 2—K tsmos k weed, 5 % of respondents dedicate time to sports activities 3—4 times a woak and 2d % of soreeyed ktudaats do nul lead an active lifestyle and do not exercise on their fwn. Thu Sm fid % of(heto)dl nionber of studenfn kho participated in the survey do not engage in physical ahtivrtmcompared wikh 7P % who aurpos efitliy and independently devote time to sports activities in kdhition to cwKpulsotyphjisical e ducgtion classes (Figure).
■ 1-2 times ■ 2-3 times ■ 3-4 times ■ no physical exercise
Distribution of students ' answers to the question "How many times a week do you do independently physical education and sports? "
We identified the main reasons why students are sot onaaged in physlcsl edocatisaarp sports. Momt
The impact ofphysical cultural values on the healthy lifestyle of a student
of the students (59 % of the total number who do not exercise by themselves) responded that they do not have free time, 31 % because "they have poor health". "No desire" — answered 2 % of students and 8 % of students found it difficult to answer the question: "For what reason do not exercise on your own?"
The next question of our questionnaire was to determine the purpose for which students engage in physical activity and sports. The most responses were in favor of the "for your health" option. It was voted for by 35 % of the total number of interviewees. The second most popular answer (28 %) was "for a good mood and energy for the whole day". The third most popular option was "to create and maintain a beautiful body shape" — 20 %. The fourth most popular option was "for a good night's sleep" (14 %) and the last option chosen by students was "it's trendy"
(3 %).
With the final question of the questionnaire we tried to find out how to build motivation in students to do physical education and sports more. In the survey, we found that 57 % of the total number of people surveyed believe that the creation of free physical exercise classes at the place of residence and place of study will increase the number of people involved in physical activity. The second most voted option was holding master classes with famous athletes (20 %). The third place was taken by the option — holding physical culture festivals with valuable prizes (13 %). And the last option chosen was to increase the number of physical education classes at the university (10 %) of the total number of interviewees.
Conclusions and recommendations. Thus, by analyzing the results of our study it should be noted that 97 % of the respondents consider it important to engage in physical activity and sports in addition to the compulsory physical education classes at the university, which indicates the effectiveness of state policy in the field of physical education and student sports. Moreover, 75 % of the total number of students who participated in the survey tend to lead a healthy lifestyle, devoting time to physical education and sports, in order to preserve and promote their health, which indicates the formation of internal motivation for a healthy lifestyle and such value as personal health. 25 % of students lead a passive lifestyle, not engaged in physical education and avoid active sports. This is attributed, in their opinion, to a lack of free time (59 %).
During the study we also came to the conclusion that for greater motivation of healthy lifestyles and physical activity of students it is necessary to create accessible sports facilities at the place of residence
(student dormitories) or study, so they were for students within walking distance and students did not waste time on the road, and had a convenient work schedule, as well as to hold more competitions with incentive prizes.
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Поступила в редакцию 10 марта 2022 г.
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Для цитирования: Averina, L. Yu. The impact of physical cultural values on the healthy lifestyle of a student / L. Yu. Averinal, S. A. Yarushin // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2022. — Т. 7, № 3. — С. 105—108.
Сведения об авторах
Аверина Лилия Юрьевна — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физического воспитания. Кубанский государственный университет. Кубань, Россия. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4469-5495. SPIN-код: 2633-8687, Author ID: 849180. E-mail: [email protected]
Ярушин Сергей Алексеевич — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой физического воспитания и спорта, Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия. ORCID ID: 0000-00015213-5298. Author ID: 490095. E-mail: [email protected]
2022, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 105—108.
Влияние ценностей физической культуры на здоровый образ жизни студента
Аверина Л. Ю.1, Ярушин С. А.2
1 Кубанский государственный университет, Краснодар, Россия. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4469-5495. SPIN-код: 2633-8687, Author ID: 849180. E-mail: [email protected]
2 Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5213-5298. Author ID: 490095. E-mail: [email protected]
В статье рассматривается актуальная на данный момент проблема влияния ценностей физической культуры на здоровый образ жизни студентов высших учебных заведений. Представлены результаты социологического опроса среди обучающихся Кубанского и Челябинского государственных университетов, в котором приняло участие 267 студентов (151 девушка и 116 юношей) 1-3 курсов. Проанализированы ценности физической культуры студентов и их значимость. Выявлены основные причины, мешающие студенту вести здоровый образ жизни и заниматься активно спортом. Представлены соответствующие рекомендации.
Ключевые слова: физическая культура, ценности физической культуры, здоровый образ жизни, студенты.
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